Onsen UI Tutorial Page - onsen-ui

I'd like to do the above app Tutorial effect using Onsen UI.
However, in the Page Patterns of Onsen UI, I didn't see anything similar.
Could someone shed some light on this?
Much appreciated.

I think what you're looking for is a carousel. You can make one using the <ons-carousel> component.
In this case you want to have a swipeable fullscreen carousel so you can define it like this:
<ons-carousel swipeable overscrollable auto-scroll fullscreen>
Content #1
Content #2
Here is a simple example of a fullscreen carousel:
Please also take a look at the docs:
If you want bullets, you can use the carousel.getActiveCarouselItemIndex() in order to get the current active element.
<div class="bullets">
ng-repeat="idx in indices"
ng-class="{'active': idx === carousel.getActiveCarouselItemIndex()}">
You also need to trigger a digest event to make Angular understand that something changed.
This is the code:


Animate ng-click without jquery/js

Hi I have a ribbon with some div's in a row within. If it overlaps and you can not see everything, I show an arrow left from the ribbon and an arrow right of the ribbon. With this arrows I can scroll throught the ribbon infinite in the circle (direction left or right).
My codes lookes like this:
<div class="arrow" ng-click="list.push(list.shift())>←</div>
<div class="ribbon">
<div class="ribbonItem" ng-repeat="item in list">
{{ item.Name }}
<div class="arrow" ng-click="list.unshift(list.pop())>→</div>
This works, but it's without an animation and increased. It also needs much clicks to scroll throught. How can I implement an animation without using jquery or js and just do it with this ng-click. I tried it with a transition on the css-classes ng-enter/ng-leave of my ng-repeat, but it does'nt work: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngRepeat (look at "Animations").
Has someone an idea?
Similar question : how to use animation with ng-repeat in angularjs
Go through this link it might help you:

Dropdown menus do not act as expected using Angular UI Bootstrap Navbar & UI-Router

We have an Angular site using UI Bootstrap & UI-Router
When in collapsed mode, if you click any open with a drop down, the menu re-collapses before the user can see the dropdown options.
Here's a plunker:
.... Why is SO making me paste code if I have a plunkr link ??
See plunker link for code example.
What am I overlooking?
You must remove ng-click="navCollapsed = true" from your div.collapse.navbar-collapse
It should look like this:
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" ng-class="!navCollapsed && 'in'">
It will stop the wrong behavior.

Use an animated icon in Ionic tab

I am building an app using Ionic and am utilising the directive <ion-tabs></ion-tabs>
Each tab directive is as standard, eg:
<ion-tab title="Sync" icon-off="ion-android-sync" icon-on="ion-android-sync" href="#/tab/sync"><ion-nav-view name="tab-sync"></ion-nav-view></ion-tab>
When the app is busy syncing I'd like that static "ion-android-sync" to animate.
I see there is <ion-spinner></ion-spinner> to show spinners but I'm not sure of how to show an animated spinner icon inside a tab - anyone know how to do this?
I do not have a definitive solution for you and I am not sure whether this is the best way to do this, but in my opinion the best way to achieve this would be to dissect the <ion-tab> element, which would result in the following:
<a class="tab-item" href="#/tab/sync">
<i class="icon"><ion-spinner></ion-spinner></i>
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a spinner that looks like the ion-android-sync icon you used. And of course, more code would be necessary to make this switch between icons, but it is a start.

Angularjs horizontal view swiping menu

I need to implement an horizontal swipe menu like this:
<div class="categories">
The problem is that it is animated poorly and it doesnt' use angularjs
i search a solution similar to Example 2
but i need to implement it using angularjs
Have you any suggestions?

angular + bootstrap tab, not work well for radio

I've created a simple demo to describe my question, [link here][1]
I use angular ng-repeat to create radio, with the same ng-model, different values, the bootstrap tab works well, but the radio not display well, the point of the radio missing when i click other tab, could anyone help me ?
Thanks for Marcus's solution, problem has been solved, but I'm looking for if there has a better idea?
Maybe try to add more Angular to the mix:
<input type="radio" role="tab" ng-model="ajaxSettings.method" value='GET'/>GET
<div class="tab-pane" ng-class="{'active': ajaxSettings.method == 'GET'}" id="GET"></div>
