angular + bootstrap tab, not work well for radio - angularjs

I've created a simple demo to describe my question, [link here][1]
I use angular ng-repeat to create radio, with the same ng-model, different values, the bootstrap tab works well, but the radio not display well, the point of the radio missing when i click other tab, could anyone help me ?
Thanks for Marcus's solution, problem has been solved, but I'm looking for if there has a better idea?

Maybe try to add more Angular to the mix:
<input type="radio" role="tab" ng-model="ajaxSettings.method" value='GET'/>GET
<div class="tab-pane" ng-class="{'active': ajaxSettings.method == 'GET'}" id="GET"></div>


Angular Translate Href _blank doesnt work

I've implemented angular translate and it's working well so far.
I do have one problem with the following code though:
REGISTER_RULES_ACCEPT : ' I have read the Rules and hereby accept them.<span class="registration-important">*</span>',
Html Implementation:
<input id="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="rules"><a translate="REGISTER_RULES_ACCEPT"></a></input>
It displays correctly and everything, when going over the link with my mouse it shows the link in the bar. However when I click it, nothing happens. I can right mouse or mid mouse click it and open it in another tab, but left clicking it does nothing. Any idea whats the problem here?
You already have anchor a tag in translation then just bind it in span or paragraph element in view code. So, your template code can be:
<input id="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="rules" />
<span translate="REGISTER_RULES_ACCEPT"></span>
Plunker Example

Dropdown menus do not act as expected using Angular UI Bootstrap Navbar & UI-Router

We have an Angular site using UI Bootstrap & UI-Router
When in collapsed mode, if you click any open with a drop down, the menu re-collapses before the user can see the dropdown options.
Here's a plunker:
.... Why is SO making me paste code if I have a plunkr link ??
See plunker link for code example.
What am I overlooking?
You must remove ng-click="navCollapsed = true" from your div.collapse.navbar-collapse
It should look like this:
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" ng-class="!navCollapsed && 'in'">
It will stop the wrong behavior.

ui-grid cannot rendered correctly when using ng-show/ng-hide, if you press F12 on the keyboard, it can do it correctly

My code is as below:
<div class="gridStyle" ng-grid="gridOptions" ng-show="flag"></div>
when i set the flag to true, the grid cannot render correctly, if you press F12 on the keyboard, it can show correctly!
i also find a solution: use ng-if instead of ng-show/ng-hide, like this:
<div class="gridStyle" ng-grid="gridOptions" ng-if="flag"></div>
Using ng-if also fiexed it for me!
While I realize this question has aged, none of the solutions worked for me as of today. However, using the ui-grid-auto-resize attribute on my element worked like a charm.
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-auto-resize></div>
ng-grid and ui-grid don't automatically update the table when hidden or shown. By calling gridApi.core.refresh(); (for ui-grid) and gridOptions.ngGrid.buildColumns(); (for ng-grid) you force the library to rebuild the table according to the current DOM situation

Onsen UI Tutorial Page

I'd like to do the above app Tutorial effect using Onsen UI.
However, in the Page Patterns of Onsen UI, I didn't see anything similar.
Could someone shed some light on this?
Much appreciated.
I think what you're looking for is a carousel. You can make one using the <ons-carousel> component.
In this case you want to have a swipeable fullscreen carousel so you can define it like this:
<ons-carousel swipeable overscrollable auto-scroll fullscreen>
Content #1
Content #2
Here is a simple example of a fullscreen carousel:
Please also take a look at the docs:
If you want bullets, you can use the carousel.getActiveCarouselItemIndex() in order to get the current active element.
<div class="bullets">
ng-repeat="idx in indices"
ng-class="{'active': idx === carousel.getActiveCarouselItemIndex()}">
You also need to trigger a digest event to make Angular understand that something changed.
This is the code:

why cant i check my checkbox by clicking on he label in my phonegap android app?

i use a checkbox in my phonegap android app like this:
<div style="margin-top: 35px;" class="" id="divSaveUserDataCheckbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="saveUserDataCheckbox" > </input>
<label id="labelForSaveUserData" for="saveUserDataCheckbox" style="font-size:100%;padding-top: 25px">save login</label>
i want to check my checkbox by clicking on the label but this doesnt work, why? Shouldnt this work out o the box?
ok, I found my problem. I was using FastClick, to disable the waiting time between "tap" and "doubletap". But this blocked partially somehow the checkbox clicks. I'm not creating a webapp, just a website, so it's not so important for me, but if you find some workaround, please write a comment :)
