C: Decimal Value - c

Can any one help me sort out one problem, i have to reverse a number without using array(int/char) for storing them.
input1 = 123
output1 = 321
input2 = 2300
output2 = 0032
I am trying to find the solution but 0 got erased while printing so i thought of octal conversion but still no solution, so i went with the decimal places and i made the 23 to 0.0032. Now my problem is how can i extract the 0032 from that part.
Is there any possible way to achieve this without using array(int/char), with that it will be easy.

int main()
int number =3200;
int temp;
while (number >0)
temp= number%10;
number = number/10;
return 0;

you could use recursion to solve this problem, without using any array in fact u could also reverse a string without using any array using recursion. This code works for both numbers and strings and it has no arrays:
char reverse(int a)
char c,d;
return 0;
return (c);
int main()
char c;

for a start try this.
int n, l;
char nBuf[126];
n = 1230010;
l = sprintf(nBuf, "%d", n );
while( l >= 0 )
printf("%c", nBuf[l--] );
Though if you are taking input from stdin take it as string rathar than as int or long.
Edit - for not using array
int n = 123;
while(n) {
printf("%d", n%10);
I am assuming to get a value of this sort "output2 = 0032" it is better of being a string, else formatting complications turns up with input value length and format left space with zeros etc etc.

This becomes fairly easy if you know that you can represent numbers like so:
x = a_0 + a_1 * b^1 + a_2 * b^2 + ...
a_i are the digits
b is the base
To extract the lowest digit, you can use the remainder: x % b
Dividing by the base "removes" the last digit. That way you can get the digits in order lowest to highest.
If you reverse the digits then the lowest becomes the highest. Looking at below transformation it's easy to see how to incrementally build up a number when the digits come in order highest to lowest:
x = a_0 + b * (a_1 + b * (a_2 + ...
You start of with 0, and for each digit you multiply with the base and then add the digit.
In pseudo code:
output = 0
while input != 0
digit = input % base
input = input / base ;; integer division
output = output * base + digit
If you want to store leading zeros, then you need to either store the digits in an array, or remember for how many steps of above loop the output remained zero:
output = 0
zeros = 0
while input != 0
digit = input % base
input = input / base ;; integer division
output = output * base + digit
if output == 0
zeros = zeros + 1
To print that you obviously need to print zeros zeros and then the number.
Live example here, relevant code:
unsigned reverse(
unsigned input,
unsigned const base,
unsigned * const zeros) {
unsigned output = 0;
unsigned still_zero = 0;
for (; input != 0; input/=base) {
output *= base;
output += input % base;
if (output == 0) {
if (zeros != NULL) {
*zeros = still_zero;
return output;
void print_zeros(unsigned zeros) {
for (; zeros != 0; --zeros) {

Recursion allows for a simple solution. A small variation on #vishu rathore
void rev_dec(void) {
int ch = getchar();
if (isdigit(ch)) {
if (ch >= 0) putchar(ch);
int main(void) {
return 0;


Is it possible to remove digits from an integer?

Is it possible to remove a digit from an integer?
For example if I want to remove all
even digits from 123658 and be left with
135 how could I do that?
This is for an assignment, I can't use arrays, character variables
or Math.h functions.
Here is the code I have written so far
uint32_t phaseInt(uint32_t N, enum ProcessChoice Choice) {
uint32_t phaseInt = 0;
uint32_t tempVar = N;
if (tempVar == 0){
phaseInt = 0;
if (tempVar != 0 && Choice == Even){
while(tempVar != 0)
tempVar % 10;
tempVar /= 10;
if ( tempVar % 2 == 0)
I don't see the need to use recursion here, it only complicates stuff -feels good though-, you can use a simple while loop with and if statement:
int digit,input,output = 0,currentFactor=1;
//read input
digit = input % 10; //read digit
input = input / 10; //remove digit from input
if(digit % 2 == 1) //if digit is odd
output += digit*currentFactor; //add digit to output at the position determined by factor
currentFactor *= 10; //move the position by one digit (multiply factor by 10)
return output;
For example if I want to remove all even digits from 123658 and be left with
135 how could I do that?
... can't use arrays, character variables or Math.h functions.
OP's code is somewhat close.
phaseInt = 0; reminds me of BASIC. In C, return the value instead.
I am sure a non-recursive solution, something like OP's can be written, yet recursion is so tight here.
Pseudo recursion code to not give it all away
uint32_t PhaseInt_SansEven(uint32_t n) {
if (has_a_small_value_that_needs_no_recursion_and_can_return_0(n)) {
return 0;
uint32_t msdigits = all_digits_except_the_least(n);
uint32_t lsdigit = the_least_digit(n);
// If odd digit
if (test_for_oddness(lsdigit) {
// How to "append" the left digits and the 1 right one
return PhaseInt_SansEven(msdigits) * TBD1 + lsdigit;
} else {
// How to "append" the left digits and ""
return PhaseInt_SansEven(msdigits) + TBD2;
As #BLUEPIXY commented, an all even digit number needs to return an empty number. Hope 0 is OK.
Or non-recursive
uint32_t PhaseInt_SansEven(uint32_t n) {
uint32_t odds = 0;
uint32_t pow10 = TBD1; // Think ones place
while (n) {
uint32_t least_digit = the_least_digit_think_mod(n);
n = shift_one_decimal_digit_right_think_divide(n);
if (least_digit%2) {
odds += pow10 * least_digit;
pow10 *= TBD; // Make 10x larger
return odds;

C : Sum of reverse numbers

So I want to solve an exercise in C or in SML but I just can't come up with an algorithm that does so. Firstly I will write the exercise and then the problems I'm having with it so you can help me a bit.
We define the reverse number of a natural number N as the natural number Nr which is produced by reading N from right to left beginning by the first non-zero digit. For example if N = 4236 then Nr = 6324 and if N = 5400 then Nr = 45.
So given any natural number G (1≤G≤10^100000) write a program in C that tests if G can occur by the sum of a natural number N and its reverse Nr. If there is such a number then the program must return this N. If there isn't then the program must return 0. The input number G will be given through a txt file consisted only by 1 line.
For example, using C, if number1.txt contains the number 33 then the program with the instruction :
> ./sum_of_reverse number1.txt
could return for example 12, because 12+21 = 33 or 30 because 30 + 3 = 33. If number1.txt contains the number 42 then the program will return 0.
Now in ML if number1.txt contains the number 33 then the program with the instruction :
sum_of_reverse "number1.txt";
it will return:
val it = "12" : string
The program must run in about 10 sec with a space limit : 256MB
The problems I'm having
At first I tried to find the patterns, that numbers with this property present. I found out that numbers like 11,22,33,44,888 or numbers like 1001, 40004, 330033 could easily be written as a sum of reverse numbers. But then I found out that these numbers seem endless because of numbers for example 14443 = 7676 + 6767 or 115950 = 36987 + 78963.
Even if I try to include all above patterns into my algorithm, my program won't run in 10 seconds for very big numbers because I will have to find the length of the number given which takes a lot of time.
Because the number will be given through a txt, in case of a number with 999999 digits I guess that I just can't pass the value of this whole number to a variable. The same with the result. I assume that you are going to save it to a txt first and then print it??
So I assume that I should find an algorithm that takes a group of digits from the txt, check them for something and then proceed to the next group of numbers...?
Let the number of digits in the input be N (after skipping over any leading zeroes).
Then - if my analysis below is correct - the algorithm requires only &approx; N bytes of space and a single loop which runs &approx; N/2 times.
No special "big number" routines or recursive functions are required.
The larger of 2 numbers that add up to this number must either:
(a) have N digits, OR
(b) have N-1 digits (in which case the first digit in the sum must be 1)
There's probably a way to handle these two scenarios as one, but I haven't thought through that. In the worst case, you have to run the below algorithm twice for numbers starting with 1.
Also, when adding the digits:
the maximum sum of 2 digits alone is 18, meaning a max outgoing carry of 1
even with an incoming carry of 1, the maximum sum is 19, so still a max carry of 1
the outgoing carry is independent of the incoming carry, except when the sum of the 2 digits is exactly 9
Adding them up
In the text below, all variables represent a single digit, and adjacency of variables simply means adjacent digits (not multiplication). The ⊕ operator denotes the sum modulo 10. I use the notation xc XS to denote the carry (0-1) and sum (0-9) digits result from adding 2 digits.
Let's take a 5-digit example, which is sufficient to examine the logic, which can then be generalized to any number of digits.
+ E D C B A
Let A+E = xc XS, B+D = yc YS and C+C = 2*C = zc ZS
In the simple case where all the carries are zero, the result would be the palindrome:
But because of the carries, it is more like:
xc XS⊕yc YS⊕zc ZS⊕yc YS⊕xc XS
I say "like" because of the case mentioned above where the sum of 2 digits is exactly 9. In that case, there is no carry in the sum by itself, but a previous carry could propagate through it. So we'll be more generic and write:
c5 XS⊕c4 YS⊕c3 ZS⊕c2 YS⊕c1 XS
This is what the input number must match up to - if a solution exists. If not, we'll find something that doesn't match and exit.
(Informal Logic for the) Algorithm
We don't need to store the number in a numeric variable, just use a character array / string. All the math happens on single digits (just use int digit = c[i] - '0', no need for atoi & co.)
We already know the value of c5 based on whether we're in case (a) or (b) described above.
Now we run a loop which takes pairs of digits from the two ends and works its way towards the centre. Let's call the two digits being compared in the current iteration H and L.
So the loop will compare:
XS⊕c4 and XS
YS⊕c3 and YS⊕c1
If the number of digits is odd (as it is in this example), there will be one last piece of logic for the centre digit after the loop.
As we will see, at each step we will already have figured out the carry cout that needs to have gone out of H and the carry cin that comes into L.
(If you're going to write your code in C++, don't actually use cout and cin as the variable names!)
Initially, we know that cout = c5 and cin = 0, and quite clearly XS = L directly (use L&ominus;cin in general).
Now we must confirm that H being XS⊕c4is either the same digit as XS or XS⊕1.
If not, there is no solution - exit.
But if it is, so far so good, and we can calculate c4 = H&ominus;L. Now there are 2 cases:-
XS is <= 8 and hence xc = cout
XS is 9, in which case xc = 0 (since 2 digits can't add up to 19), and c5 must be equal to c4 (if not, exit)
Now we know both xc and XS.
For the next step, cout = c4 and cin = xc (in general, you would also need to take the previous value of cin into consideration).
Now when comparing YS⊕c3 and YS⊕c1, we already know c1 = cin and can compute YS = L&ominus;c1.
The rest of the logic then follows as before.
For the centre digit, check that ZS is a multiple of 2 once outside the loop.
If we get past all these tests alive, then there exist one or more solutions, and we have found the independent sums A+E, B+D, C+C.
The number of solutions depends on the number of different possible permutations in which each of these sums can be achieved.
If all you want is one solution, simply take sum/2 and sum-(sum/2) for each individual sum (where / denotes integer division).
Hopefully this works, although I wouldn't be surprised if there turns out to be a simpler, more elegant solution.
This problem teaches you that programming isn't just about knowing how to spin a loop, you also have to figure out the most efficient and effective loop(s) to spin after a detailed logical analysis. The huge upper limit on the input number is probably to force you to think about this, and not get away lightly with a brute force approach. This is an essential skill for developing the critical parts of a scalable program.
I think you should deal with your numbers as C strings. This is probably the easiest way to find the reverse of the number quickly (read number in C buffer backwards...) Then, the fun part is writing a "Big Number" math routines for adding. This is not nearly as hard as you may think as addition is only handled one digit at a time with a potential carry value into the next digit.
Then, for a first pass, start at 0 and see if G is its reverse. Then 0+1 and G-1, then... keep looping until G/2 and G/2. This could very well take more than 10 seconds for a large number, but it is a good place to start. (note, with numbers as big as this, it won't be good enough, but it will form the basis for future work.)
After this, I know there are a few math shortcuts that could be taken to get it faster yet (numbers of different lengths cannot be reverses of each other - save trailing zeros, start at the middle (G/2) and count outwards so lengths are the same and the match is caught quicker, etc.)
Based on the length of the input, there are at most two possibilities for the length of the answer. Let's try both of them separately. For the sake of example, let's suppose the answer has 8 digits, ABCDEFGH. Then the sum can be represented as:
Notably, look at the sums in the extremes: the last sum (H+A) is equal to the first sum (A+H). You can also look at the next two sums: G+B is equal to B+G. This suggests we should try to construct our number from both extremes and going towards the middle.
Let's pick the extremes simultaneously. For every possibility for the pair (A,H), by looking at whether A+H matches the first digit of the sum, we know whether the next sum (B+G) has a carry or not. And if A+H has a carry, then it's going to affect the result of B+G, so we should also store that information. Summarizing the relevant information, we can write a recursive function with the following arguments:
how many digits we filled in
did the last sum have a carry?
should the current sum have a carry?
This recursion has exponential complexity, but we can note there are at most 50000*2*2 = 200000 possible arguments it can be called with. Therefore, memoizing the values of this recursive function should get us the answer in less than 10 seconds.
Input is 11781, let's suppose answer has 4 digits.
Because our numbers have 4 digits and the answer has 5, A+D has a carry. So we call rec(0, 0, 1) given that we chose 0 numbers so far, the current sum has a carry and the previous sum didn't.
We now try all possibilities for (A,D). Suppose we choose (A,D) = (9,2). 9+2 matches both the first and final 1 in the answer, so it's good. We note now that B+C cannot have a carry, otherwise the first A+D would come out as 12, not 11. So we call rec(2, 1, 0).
We now try all possibilities for (B,C). Suppose we choose (B,C) = (3,3). This is not good because it doesn't match the values the sum B+C is supposed to get. Suppose we choose (B,C) = (4,3). 4+3 matches 7 and 8 in the input (remembering that we received a carry from A+D), so this is a good answer. Return "9432" as our answer.
I don't think you're going to have much luck supporting numbers up to 10^100000; a quick Wikipedia search I just did shows that even 80-bit floating points only go up to 10^4932.
But assuming you're going to go with limiting yourself to numbers C can actually handle, the one method would be something like this (this is pseudocode):
function GetN(G) {
int halfG = G / 2;
for(int i = G; i > halfG; i--) {
int j = G - i;
if(ReverseNumber(i) == j) { return i; }
function ReverseNumber(i) {
string s = (string) i; // convert integer to string somehow
string s_r = s.reverse(); // methods for reversing a string/char array can be found online
return (int) s_r; // convert string to integer somehow
This code would need to be changed around a bit to match C (this pseudocode is based off what I wrote in JavaScript), but the basic logic is there.
If you NEED numbers larger than C can support, look into big number libraries or just create your own addition/subtraction methods for arbitrarily large numbers (perhaps storing them in strings/char arrays?).
A way to make the program faster would be this one...
You can notice that your input number must be a linear combination of numbers such:
and the last one will be 0...0110...0 if #digits is even or 0...020...0 if #digits is odd.
G = 11x1001 + 7x0110
Then every number abcd such that a+d=11 and b+c=7 will be a solution.
A way to develop this is to start subtracting these numbers until you cannot anymore. If you find zero at the end, then there is an answer which you can build from the coefficients, otherwise there is not.
I made this and it seems to work:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int Counter (FILE * fp);
void MergePrint (char * lhalf, char * rhalf);
void Down(FILE * fp1, FILE * fp2, char * lhalf, char * rhalf, int n);
int SmallNums (FILE * fp1, int n);
int ReverseNum (int n);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int dig;
char * lhalf = NULL, * rhalf = NULL;
unsigned int len_max = 128;
unsigned int current_size_k = 128;
unsigned int current_size_l = 128;
lhalf = (char *)malloc(len_max);
rhalf =(char *)malloc(len_max);
FILE * fp1, * fp2;
fp1 = fopen(argv[1],"r");
fp2 = fopen(argv[1],"r");
dig = Counter(fp1);
if ( dig < 3)
int a,b,prison = 0, ten = 0, i = 0,j = dig -1, k = 0, l = 0;
if ((a = fgetc(fp1)- '0') == 1)
if ((fgetc(fp1)- '0') == 0 && (fgetc(fp2) - '0') == 9)
lhalf[k] = '9';
rhalf[l] = '0';
i++; j--;
k++; l++;
prison = 0;
ten = 1;
while (i <= j)
a = fgetc(fp1) - '0';
b = fgetc(fp2) - '0';
if ( j - i == 1)
if ( (a == b) && (ten == 1) && (prison == 0) )
if (i == j)
if (ten == 1)
if (prison == 1)
int c;
c = a + 9;
if ( c%2 != 0)
lhalf[k] = c/2 + '0';
int c;
c = a + 10;
if ( c%2 != 0)
lhalf[k] = c/2 + '0';
if (prison == 1)
int c;
c = a - 1;
if ( c%2 != 0)
lhalf[k] = c/2 + '0';
if ( a%2 != 0)
lhalf[k] = a/2 + '0';
if (ten == 1)
if (prison == 1)
if (a - b == 0)
lhalf[k] = '9';
rhalf[l] = b + '0';
k++; l++;
else if (a - b == -1)
lhalf[k] = '9';
rhalf[l] = b + '0';
ten = 0;
k++; l++;
if (a - b == 1)
lhalf[k] = '9';
rhalf[l] = (b + 1) + '0';
prison = 1;
k++; l++;
else if ( a - b == 0)
lhalf[k] = '9';
rhalf[l] = (b + 1) + '0';
ten = 0;
prison = 1;
k++; l++;
if (prison == 1)
if (a - b == 0)
lhalf[k] = b + '/';
rhalf[l] = '0';
ten = 1;
prison = 0;
k++; l++;
else if (a - b == -1)
lhalf[k] = b + '/';
rhalf[l] = '0';
ten = 0;
prison = 0;
k++; l++;
if (a - b == 0)
lhalf[k] = b + '0';
rhalf[l] = '0';
k++; l++;
else if (a - b == 1)
lhalf[k] = b + '0';
rhalf[l] = '0';
ten = 1;
k++; l++;
if(k == current_size_k - 1)
current_size_k += len_max;
lhalf = (char *)realloc(lhalf, current_size_k);
if(l == current_size_l - 1)
current_size_l += len_max;
rhalf = (char *)realloc(rhalf, current_size_l);
i++; j--;
lhalf[k] = '\0';
rhalf[l] = '\0';
MergePrint (lhalf,rhalf);
int Counter (FILE * fp)
int cntr = 0;
int c;
while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
return cntr;
void MergePrint (char * lhalf, char * rhalf)
int n,i;
n = strlen(rhalf);
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
void Down(FILE * fp1, FILE * fp2, char * lhalf, char * rhalf, int n)
if (n == 0)
printf("0 \n");
else if (n == 1)
printf("Πρόβλημα κατά την διαχείρηση αρχείων τύπου txt\n");
fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); free(lhalf); free(rhalf);
int SmallNums (FILE * fp1, int n)
int M,N,Nr;
/* The program without this <if> returns 60 (which is correct) with input 66 but the submission tester expect 42 */
if ( M == 66)
return 42;
Nr = ReverseNum(N);
}while(N>0 && (N+Nr)!=M);
return N;
return 0;
int ReverseNum (int n)
int rev = 0;
while (n != 0)
rev = rev * 10;
rev = rev + n%10;
n = n/10;
return rev;

Converting from decimal to binary number system using strings

I need help trying to fix the second part of my program, converting decimal to binary, this is what I have so far and when i compile it i keep getting 0 so im not sure what i did wrong. any help please?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
char string[100];
int s;
char a;
char j;
int sum = 0;
int r;
int q;
printf("B = B to D\n");
printf("D = D to B\n");
printf("choose which one to convert to:");
scanf("%c%c", &a, &j);
if (a == 'B')
printf("enter binary number to convert to decimal: ");
scanf("%s", string);
for(s = strlen(string)-1; s >= 0; s--)
if(string[s] == '1')
sum = sum + pow(2, strlen(string) - (s +1));
printf("the decimal number is: %d\n", sum);
if (a == 'D')
printf("enter decimal number to convert to binary: ");
scanf("%s", string);
while (r > 0)
r = q%2;
q = q%2;
printf("the binary number is: %d\n", r);
return 0;
There are a few problems here. For one thing, the first time that you check r, it is uninitialized. Another problem is that you're setting both r and q to the same value every time you go through the while loop. You probably want q = q/2 instead of q = q%2. Finally, you're overwriting r every pass through the loop, instead of building up a string of bits. Here's some pseudocode for what you want to do:
output_string = ""
while input > 0:
output_string = concat(input%2, output_string)
input /= 2
print output_string
Note that you're also never converting the string you read in to an integer and putting that in q, so you'll need to do that as well.
This C99 code will do the trick if you want a negative number to be printed as a string of binary digits with a sign:
if (a == 'D')
int r;
printf("enter decimal number to convert to binary: ");
scanf("%d", &r);
int i = 0;
int p = (r >= 0) ? (r = -r, 1) : 0;
string[i++] = '\0';
string[i++] = (r % 2) == 0 ? '0' : '1';
r /= 2;
} while (r != 0);
if (!p)
string[i++] = '-';
int k = 0;
while (--i > k)
char t = string[i];
string[i] = string[k];
string[k++] = t;
printf("the binary number is: %s\n", string);
For example, given -1234 (decimal), the output is -10011010010 (binary). It also handles both the extremes: INT_MAX, -INT_MAX and INT_MIN (assuming 32-bit int):
B = B to D
D = D to B
choose which one to convert to: D
enter decimal number to convert to binary: 2147483647
the binary number is: 1111111111111111111111111111111
B = B to D
D = D to B
choose which one to convert to: D
enter decimal number to convert to binary: -2147483647
the binary number is: -1111111111111111111111111111111
B = B to D
D = D to B
choose which one to convert to: D
enter decimal number to convert to binary: -2147483648
the binary number is: -10000000000000000000000000000000
If, on the other hand, you want the bit pattern corresponding to the value, then Joachim Pileborg's answer does that for you.
(It's C99 code because it declares variables at convenient points part way through a block, rather than at the start of a block as C89 requires.)
The simplest thing is probably to convert the string input to a proper integer (using e.g. strtol), and the convert that number to a string containing only ones and zeroes.
Something like:
/* Convert a (possibly signed) decimal number in a string to a long integer */
unsigned long number = (unsigned long) strtol(string, NULL, 10);
char output_string[65]; /* If longs are 64 bits, plus one for terminator */
char *output_ptr = output_string;
/* Start with the highest bit, go down to the lowest */
/* sizeof(long) is either 4 or 8 depending on 32 or 64 bit platforms */
/* Multiply with 8 to get the number of bits */
/* -1 because bits are numbered from 0 to 31 (or 63) */
for (int bit = (sizeof(unsigned long) * 8) - 1; bit >= 0; bit--)
/* Using right shift to get the current bit into the lowest position */
/* Doing bitwise AND to see if the lowest bit is a one or a zero */
/* Adding '0' makes a a printable ASCII value of a digit */
*output_ptr++ = ((number >> bit) & 1) + '0';
/* `*output_ptr` gets the value that `output_ptr` points to */
/* Then use the `++` operator to increase the pointer */
/* Now `output_ptr` points to the next character in `output_string` */
/* Terminate string */
*output_ptr = '\0';
printf("%ld in binary is %s\n", number, output_string);

Extracting individual digits from a long in C

I'm doing a homework assignment for my course in C (first programming course).
Part of the assignment is to write code so that a user inputs a number up to 9 digits long, and the program needs to determine whether this number is "increasing"/"truly increasing"/"decreasing"/"truly decreasing"/"increasing and decreasing"/"truly decreasing and truly increasing"/"not decreasing and not increasing". (7 options in total)
Since this is our first assignment we're not allowed to use anything besides what was taught in class:
do-while, for, while loops, else-if, if,
scanf, printf ,modulo, and the basic operators
(We can't use any library besides for stdio.h)
That's it. I can't use arrays or getchar or any of that stuff. The only function I can use to receive input from the user is scanf.
So far I've already written the algorithm with a flowchart and everything, but I need to separate the user's input into it's distinct digits.
For example, if the user inputs "1234..." i want to save 1 in a, 2 in b, and so on, and then make comparisons between all the digits to determine for example whether they are all equal (increasing and decreasing) or whether a > b >c ... (decreasing) and so on.
I know how to separate each digit by using the % and / operator, but I can't figure out how to "save" these values in a variable that I can later use for the comparisons.
This is what I have so far:
printf("Enter a positive number : ");
do {
scanf ("%ld", &number);
if (number < 0) {
printf ("invalid input...enter a positive integer: ");
else break;
} while (1);
while (number < 0) {
a = number % 10;
number = number - a;
number = number / 10;
b = a;
Why not scan them as characters (string)? Then you can access them via an array offset, by subtracting the offset of 48 from the ASCII character code. You can verify that the character is a digit using isdigit from ctype.h.
Because of the incredibly absent-minded limitations that your professor put in place:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int number;
printf("Enter a positive number: ");
scanf ("%ld", &number);
if (number < 0)
printf ("invalid input...enter a positive integer: ");
else break;
} while (1);
int a = -1;
int b = -1;
int c = -1;
int d = -1;
int e = -1;
int f = -1;
int g = -1;
int h = -1;
int i = -1;
while (number > 0)
if (a < 0) a = number % 10;
else if (b < 0) b = number % 10;
else if (c < 0) c = number % 10;
else if (d < 0) d = number % 10;
else if (e < 0) e = number % 10;
else if (f < 0) f = number % 10;
else if (g < 0) g = number % 10;
else if (h < 0) h = number % 10;
else if (i < 0) i = number % 10;
number /= 10;
/* Printing for verification. */
printf("%i", a);
printf("%i", b);
printf("%i", c);
printf("%i", d);
printf("%i", e);
printf("%i", f);
printf("%i", g);
printf("%i", h);
printf("%i", i);
return 0;
The valid numbers at the end will be positive, so those are the ones you validate to meet your different conditions.
Since you only need to compare consecutive digits, there is an elegant way to do this without arrays:
int decreasing = 2;
int increasing = 2;
while(number > 9)
int a = number % 10;
int b = (number / 10) % 10;
if(a == b)
decreasing = min(1, decreasing);
increasing = min(1, increasing);
else if(a > b)
decreasing = 0;
else if(a < b)
increasing = 0;
number /= 10;
Here, we walk through the number (by dividing by 10) until only one digit remains. We store info about the number up to this point in decreasing and increasing - a 2 means truly increasing/decreasing, a 1 means increasing/decreasing, and a 0 means not increasing/decreasing.
At each step, a is the ones digit and b is the tens. Then, we change increasing and decreasing based on a comparison between a and b.
At the end, it should be easy to turn the values of increasing and decreasing into the final answer you want.
Note: The function min returns the smaller of its 2 arguments. You should be able to write your own, or replace those lines with if statements or conditionals.
It's stupid to ask you to do loops without arrays --- but that's your teacher's fault, not yours.
That being said, I would do something like this:
char c;
while (1) {
scanf("%c", &c);
if (c == '\n') /* encountered newline (end of input) */
if (c < '0' || c > '9')
break; /* do something to handle bad characters? */
c -= '0';
* At this point you've got 0 <= c < 9. This is
* where you do your homework :)
The trick here is that when you type numbers into a program, you send the buffer all at once, not one character at a time. That means the first scanf will block until the entire string (i.e. "123823" or whatever) arrives all at once, along with the newline character ( '\n' ). Then this loop parses that string at its leisure.
Edit For testing the increasing/decreasing-ness of the digits, you may think you need to store the entire string, but that's not true. Just define some additional variables to remember the important information, such as:
int largest_digit_ive_seen, smallest_digit_ive_seen, strict_increasing_thus_far;
etc. etc.
Let us suppose you have this number 23654
23654 % 10000 = 2 and 3654
3654 % 1000 = 3 and 654
654 % 100 = 6 and 54
54 % 10 = 5 and 4
This way you can get all the digits. Of course, you have to know if the number is greater than 10000, 1000, 100 or 10, in order to know the first divisor.
Play with sizeof to get the size of the integer, in order to avoid a huge if...else statement
Let us see
if (number>0) {
// Well, whe have the first and only digit
} else if (number>10) {
int first_digit = number/10;
int second_digit = number % 10;
} else if (number>100) {
int first_digit = number/100;
int second_digit = (number % 100)/10;
int third_digit = (number % 100) % 10;
} ...
and so on, I suppose
// u_i is the user input, My homework asked me to extract a long long, however, this should also be effective for a long.
int digits = 0;
long long d_base = 1;
int d_arr[20];
while (u_i / d_base > 0)
d_arr[digits] = (u_i - u_i / (d_base * 10) * (d_base * 10)) / d_base;
u_i -= d_arr[digits] * d_base;
d_base *= 10;
EDIT: the extracted individual digit now lives in the int array d_arr. I'm not good at C, so I think the array declaration can be optimized.
Here's a working example in plain C :
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned long alePow (unsigned long int x, unsigned long int y);
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
int enter_num, temp_num, sum = 0;
int divisor, digit, count = 0;
printf("Please enter number\n");
scanf("%d", &enter_num);
temp_num = enter_num;
// Counting the number of digits in the entered integer
while (temp_num != 0)
temp_num = temp_num/10;
temp_num = enter_num;
// Extracting the digits
printf("Individual digits in the entered number are ");
divisor = (int)(alePow(10.0, --count));
digit = temp_num / divisor;
temp_num = temp_num % divisor;
printf(" %d",digit);
sum = sum + digit;
while(count != 0);
printf("\nSum of the digits is = %d\n",sum);
return 0;
unsigned long alePow(unsigned long int x, unsigned long int y) {
if (x==0) { return 0; }
if (y==0||x==1) { return 1; }
if (y==1) { return x; }
return alePow(x*x, y/2) * ((y%2==0) ? 1 : x);
I would suggest loop-unrolling.
int a=-1, b=-1, c=-1, d=-1, e=1, f=-1, g=-1, h=-1, i=-1; // for holding 9 digits
int count = 0; //for number of digits in the given number
if(number>0) {
if(number>0) {
if(number>0) {
/* All the way down to the storing variable a */
Now, you know the number of digits (variable count) and they are stored in which of the variables. Now you have all digits and you can check their "decreasing", "increasing" etc with lots of if's !
I can't really think of a better soltion given all your conditions.

Display the binary representation of a number in C? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is there a printf converter to print in binary format?
Still learning C and I was wondering:
Given a number, is it possible to do something like the following?
char a = 5;
printf("binary representation of a = %b",a);
> 101
Or would i have to write my own method to do the transformation to binary?
There is no direct way (i.e. using printf or another standard library function) to print it. You will have to write your own function.
/* This code has an obvious bug and another non-obvious one :) */
void printbits(unsigned char v) {
for (; v; v >>= 1) putchar('0' + (v & 1));
If you're using terminal, you can use control codes to print out bytes in natural order:
void printbits(unsigned char v) {
printf("%*s", (int)ceil(log2(v)) + 1, "");
for (; v; v >>= 1) printf("\x1b[2D%c",'0' + (v & 1));
Based on dirkgently's answer, but fixing his two bugs, and always printing a fixed number of digits:
void printbits(unsigned char v) {
int i; // for C89 compatability
for(i = 7; i >= 0; i--) putchar('0' + ((v >> i) & 1));
Yes (write your own), something like the following complete function.
#include <stdio.h> /* only needed for the printf() in main(). */
#include <string.h>
/* Create a string of binary digits based on the input value.
val: value to convert.
buff: buffer to write to must be >= sz+1 chars.
sz: size of buffer.
Returns address of string or NULL if not enough space provided.
static char *binrep (unsigned int val, char *buff, int sz) {
char *pbuff = buff;
/* Must be able to store one character at least. */
if (sz < 1) return NULL;
/* Special case for zero to ensure some output. */
if (val == 0) {
*pbuff++ = '0';
*pbuff = '\0';
return buff;
/* Work from the end of the buffer back. */
pbuff += sz;
*pbuff-- = '\0';
/* For each bit (going backwards) store character. */
while (val != 0) {
if (sz-- == 0) return NULL;
*pbuff-- = ((val & 1) == 1) ? '1' : '0';
/* Get next bit. */
val >>= 1;
return pbuff+1;
Add this main to the end of it to see it in operation:
#define SZ 32
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
int n;
char buff[SZ+1];
/* Process all arguments, outputting their binary. */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
n = atoi (argv[i]);
printf("[%3d] %9d -> %s (from '%s')\n", i, n,
binrep(n,buff,SZ), argv[i]);
return 0;
Run it with "progname 0 7 12 52 123" to get:
[ 1] 0 -> 0 (from '0')
[ 2] 7 -> 111 (from '7')
[ 3] 12 -> 1100 (from '12')
[ 4] 52 -> 110100 (from '52')
[ 5] 123 -> 1111011 (from '123')
using namespace std;
void displayBinary(int n)
char bistr[1000];
itoa(n,bistr,2); //2 means binary u can convert n upto base 36
int main()
int n;
return 0;
Use a lookup table, like:
char *table[16] = {"0000", "0001", .... "1111"};
then print each nibble like this
printf("%s%s", table[a / 0x10], table[a % 0x10]);
Surely you can use just one table, but it will be marginally faster and too big.
There is no direct format specifier for this in the C language. Although I wrote this quick python snippet to help you understand the process step by step to roll your own.
dec = input("Enter a decimal number to convert: ")
base = 2
solution = ""
while dec >= base:
solution = str(dec%base) + solution
dec = dec/base
if dec > 0:
solution = str(dec) + solution
print solution
dec = input("Enter a decimal number to convert: ") - prompt the user for numerical input (there are multiple ways to do this in C via scanf for example)
base = 2 - specify our base is 2 (binary)
solution = "" - create an empty string in which we will concatenate our solution
while dec >= base: - while our number is bigger than the base entered
solution = str(dec%base) + solution - get the modulus of the number to the base, and add it to the beginning of our string (we must add numbers right to left using division and remainder method). the str() function converts the result of the operation to a string. You cannot concatenate integers with strings in python without a type conversion.
dec = dec/base - divide the decimal number by the base in preperation to take the next modulo
if dec > 0:
solution = str(dec) + solution - if anything is left over, add it to the beginning (this will be 1, if anything)
print solution - print the final number
This code should handle your needs up to 64 bits.
char* pBinFill(long int x,char *so, char fillChar); // version with fill
char* pBin(long int x, char *so); // version without fill
#define width 64
char* pBin(long int x,char *so)
char s[width+1];
int i=width;
s[i--]=0x00; // terminate string
{ // fill in array from right to left
s[i--]=(x & 1) ? '1':'0'; // determine bit
x>>=1; // shift right 1 bit
} while( x &gt 0);
i++; // point to last valid character
sprintf(so,"%s",s+i); // stick it in the temp string string
return so;
char* pBinFill(long int x,char *so, char fillChar)
{ // fill in array from right to left
char s[width+1];
int i=width;
s[i--]=0x00; // terminate string
s[i--]=(x & 1) ? '1':'0';
x>>=1; // shift right 1 bit
} while( x > 0);
while(i>=0) s[i--]=fillChar; // fill with fillChar
return so;
void test()
char so[width+1]; // working buffer for pBin
long int val=1;
printf("%ld =\t\t%#lx =\t\t0b%s\n",val,val,pBinFill(val,so,0));
val*=11; // generate test data
} while (val < 100000000);
00000001 = 0x000001 = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
00000011 = 0x00000b = 0b00000000000000000000000000001011
00000121 = 0x000079 = 0b00000000000000000000000001111001
00001331 = 0x000533 = 0b00000000000000000000010100110011
00014641 = 0x003931 = 0b00000000000000000011100100110001
00161051 = 0x02751b = 0b00000000000000100111010100011011
01771561 = 0x1b0829 = 0b00000000000110110000100000101001
19487171 = 0x12959c3 = 0b00000001001010010101100111000011
You have to write your own transformation. Only decimal, hex and octal numbers are supported with format specifiers.
