Write data to FUSE named pipe - c

I've created a virtual filesystem that presents its outputs as read-only named pipes (i.e., S_IFIFO).
As far as getattr is concerned, my host is showing that the permission mode is set correctly. However, when I attempt to open the pipe (e.g., cat my_fuse_mount/my_pipe), it apparently does so but no data flows.
I was expecting the open-read-release sequence to do the necessary to open and push data into a named pipe, but apparently not. When I run in debugging mode, FUSE's log doesn't seem to indicate that it's trying to do anything.
What FUSE operation/s is/are used to push data into a named pipe?

FUSE can create special files such as named pipes, but its read and write operations are only operational for normal files. If you want to implement a pipe, you would need something like CUSE.


How to create an attachable CLI (terminal) for daemon?

I would like to program an attachable command line interface for my daemon.
I developped a daemon running 24/7 on Linux Openwrt:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start_service() {
procd_set_param command "/myProgram"
procd_set_param respawn
I would like to add a debug user interfaces for test. So we could live tune some parameters/actions and print log. Something like the screen package.
Hence i want to create a command line interface for this daemon.
Ideally i would like to write directly to the stdin of the daemon and read the stdout.
Duplicate stdin to a file.
Duplicate stoud to a file.
A launched C program by the tester.
It would relay stdin to stdinfile of daemon and stdoutfile of daemon to stdout.
That would be maybe the simplest way and I could read stdout.
I couldn't find any exemples, it makes me think i'm overlooking something.
Theres a risk I fill the flash by writing endlessly to the stdoutfile.
The creation of 2 named pipe can be possible.
The daemon would create a named input pipe and poll the pipe by making non blocking read.
A second output pipe is necessary to write the return of the command received.
A launched C program by the tester.
It would relay stdin to input pipe and output pipe to stdout.
I don't know if I can properly redirect the stdout of the daemon to output pipe. Which means I wont be able to print the stdout logs but only specific cli coded response.
Same issues as pipe.
Seems rather complex for a simple application.
Shared Memory
The paradigm does not seems appropriate.
Maybe something can be done with pseudo terminals but I don't understand them even after reading explanations: attach a terminal to a process running as a daemon (to run an ncurses UI)
I don't have screen or tmux in my repository.
What is the proper way to create a CLI for a daemon ? Where could I find an exemple ?
I would use a Unix domain stream socket, with the CLI thread in a blocking accept() until a connection is obtained.
These sockets are bidirectional, and you can write a trivial CLI application to read from standard input to the connected socket, and from the connected socket to standard output. (That same trivial CLI program could be used to redirect the output over e.g. SSH to ones local computer with much more storage, running the CLI program remotely using something like ssh -l username openwrt-device.name-or-address cli-program | tee local-logfile. OpenWrt devices often don't have suitable storage for log files, so this can be very useful.)
Use vdprintf() to implement your own printf() that writes to the connected CLI.
Because sockets are bidirectional, if you want to use locking –– for example, to avoid mixing logging output and CLI responses ––, use a mutex for writing; the read side does not need to take the mutex at all.
You cannot really use <stdio.h> FILE * stream handles for this, because its internal buffering can yield unexpected results.
Assuming your service daemon uses sockets or files, it can be very useful to reserve the file descriptor used for the bidirectional CLI connection, by initially opening /dev/null read-write (O_RDWR). Then, when the connection is accept()ed, use dup2() to move the accepted connection descriptor to the reserved one. When the connection is to be closed, use shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR) first, then open /dev/null, and dup that descriptor over the connection to be closed. This causes the connection to be closed and the descriptor to be reopened to /dev/null, in an atomic manner: the descriptor is never "unused" in between. (If it is ever close()d in a normal manner, another thread opening a file or socket or accepting a new connection may reuse that descriptor, causing all sorts of odd effects.)
Finally, consider using an internal (cyclic) buffer to store the most recent output messages. You do not need to use a human-readable format, you can use e.g. the first character (codes 1 to 254) to encode the severity or log level, keeping NUL (0) as the end-of-string mark, and 255 as the "CLI response" mark, so that your CLI program can use e.g. ANSI colors to color the output if output is a terminal. (For example, "\033[1;31m" changes output to bright red, and "\033[0m" returns the output back to normal/default. The \033 refers to a single character, code 27, ASCII ESC.) This can be very useful to efficiently indicate the priority/severity of each separate output chunk to the human user. The Linux kernel uses a very similar method in its kernel logging facility.

How to get modified data from a file in linux?

I am designing a logger plugin for my tool.I have a busybox syslog on a target board, and i want to get syslog data from it so i can forward to my host(not via remote port forwarding of syslog) via my own communication framework.Initially i had made use of syslog's ability to forward messages it receives to a named pipe but this only works via a patch addition which is not feasible in my case.So now my idea is to write a configuration file in syslog to forward all log messages it receives to a file and track the file to get my data.I can use tail function to monitor my file changes but my busybox tail does not support "--follow" option since syslog performs logrotate which causes "tail -f" to fail.And also i am not sure if this is a good method to do it.So what i wanted to ask is there another way in which i can get modified data from a file.I can use inotify, but that can only be used to track file changes.So is there a way to do this?
You could try the "diff" utility (or git-diff, which has more facilities).
You may write a script/program which can receive an inotify event. And the script reopens the file and starts to read till EOF, from the previously saved last read file position.

popen vs. KornShell security

I am writing a C program using some external binaries to achieve a planned goal. I need to run one command which gives me an output, which in turn I need to process, then feed into another program as input. I am using popen, but wonder if that is the same as using a KornShell (ksh) temporary file instead.
For example:
touch myfile && chmod 700
cat myfile > /tmp/tempfile
process_file < /tmp/tempfile && rm /tmp/tempfile
Since that creates a temporary file which can be readable by root, would it be the same if one used popen in C, knowing that pipes are also files? Or is it safe to assume that the Operating System (OS) will not allow any other process to read your pipe?
You say "that creates a temporary file which can be readable by root", which implies that you are attempting to transfer the data in a way in which the root user cannot read it. That's impossible; in general, the root user has total control of the system, and can thus read any data that is on the system, whether it's in a temporary file or not. Even within a single process, the root user can read the memory of that process.
If you use popen(), there will not be an entry for the file on a filesystem; it creates a pipe, which acts like a file, but doesn't actually write that data to disk, instead it just passes it between two programs.
There will be a file descriptor for it; depending on the system, it may be easier or harder to intercept that data, but it will always be possible to do so. For instance, on Linux, you can just look in /proc/<pid>/fd/ to find all of the open file descriptors and manipulate them (read from or write to them).

Fake directory containing png informations

As we all know we can have /dev/video0 as a directory for receiving the output of a webcam.
Is it possible to create a fake /dev/something directory through a C program and continuously output there the contents of some created png files in order to create a fake webcam for example?
I will then read the live stream for an other application.
If all you need is a place in the filesystem where some application can read some specific data, use mkfifo to create it.
Then you can write a producer that writes whatever you need at whatever bitrate to it and have a consumer reading from it. If you output what the consumer expects, you might be able to get something that resembles a "live stream" of faked data.

Check if another program has a file open

After doing tons of research and nor being able to find a solution to my problem i decided to post here on stackoverflow.
Well my problem is kind of unusual so I guess that's why I wasn't able to find any answer:
I have a program that is recording stuff to a file. Then I have another one that is responsible for transferring that file. Finally I have a third one that gets the file and processes it.
My problem is:
The file transfer program needs to send the file while it's still being recorded. The problem is that when the file transfer program reaches end of file on the file doesn't mean that the file actually is complete as it is still being recorded.
It would be nice to have something to check if the recorder has that file still open or if it already closed it to be able to judge if the end of file actually is a real end of file or if there simply aren't further data to be read yet.
Hope you can help me out with this one. Maybe you have another idea on how to solve this problem.
Thank you in advance.
Simply put - you can't without using filesystem notification mechanisms, windows, linux and osx all have flavors of this. I forget how Windows does it off the top of my head, but linux has 'inotify' and osx has 'knotify'.
The easy way to handle this is, record to a tmp file, when the recording is done then move the file into the 'ready-to-transfer-the-file' directory, if you do this so that the files are on the same filesystem when you do the move it will be atomic and instant ensuring that any time your transfer utility 'sees' a new file, it'll be wholly formed and ready to go.
Or, just have your tmp files have no extension, then when it's done rename the file to an extension that the transfer agent is polling for.
Have you considered using stream interface between the recorder program and the one that grabs the recorded data/file? If you have access to a stream interface (say an OS/stack service) which also provides a reliable end of stream signal/primitive you could consider that to replace the file interface.
There is no functions/libraries available in C to do this. But a simple alternative is to rename the file once an activity is over. For example, recorder can open the file with name - file.record and once done with recording, it can rename the file.record to file.transfer and the transfer program should look for file.transfer to transfer and once the transfer is done, it can rename the file to file.read and the reader can read that and finally rename it to file.done!
you can check if file is open or not as following
FILE_OPEN=`lsof | grep $FILE_NAME`
// if [ -z $FILE_NAME ] ;then
// "File NOT open"
// else
// "File Open"
refer http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl8_lsof.htm
I think an advisory lock will help. Since if one using the file which another program is working on it, the one will get blocked or get an error. but if you access it in force,the action is Okey, but the result is unpredictable, In order to maintain the consistency, all of the processes who want to access the file should obey the advisory lock rule. I think that will work.
When the file is closed then the lock is freed too.Other processes can try to hold the file.
