How to get modified data from a file in linux? - c

I am designing a logger plugin for my tool.I have a busybox syslog on a target board, and i want to get syslog data from it so i can forward to my host(not via remote port forwarding of syslog) via my own communication framework.Initially i had made use of syslog's ability to forward messages it receives to a named pipe but this only works via a patch addition which is not feasible in my case.So now my idea is to write a configuration file in syslog to forward all log messages it receives to a file and track the file to get my data.I can use tail function to monitor my file changes but my busybox tail does not support "--follow" option since syslog performs logrotate which causes "tail -f" to fail.And also i am not sure if this is a good method to do it.So what i wanted to ask is there another way in which i can get modified data from a file.I can use inotify, but that can only be used to track file changes.So is there a way to do this?

You could try the "diff" utility (or git-diff, which has more facilities).

You may write a script/program which can receive an inotify event. And the script reopens the file and starts to read till EOF, from the previously saved last read file position.


Write data to FUSE named pipe

I've created a virtual filesystem that presents its outputs as read-only named pipes (i.e., S_IFIFO).
As far as getattr is concerned, my host is showing that the permission mode is set correctly. However, when I attempt to open the pipe (e.g., cat my_fuse_mount/my_pipe), it apparently does so but no data flows.
I was expecting the open-read-release sequence to do the necessary to open and push data into a named pipe, but apparently not. When I run in debugging mode, FUSE's log doesn't seem to indicate that it's trying to do anything.
What FUSE operation/s is/are used to push data into a named pipe?
FUSE can create special files such as named pipes, but its read and write operations are only operational for normal files. If you want to implement a pipe, you would need something like CUSE.

Minifilter driver: how to replace file content on open?

I have a top-level minifilter driver and a user-mode service, which is similar to the Scanner MSDN example.
I want my user-mode service to replace the A.txt file contents, when it's opened in the Notepad.
So, in the IRP_MJ_CREATE post-operation callback I'm sending notification to the service and waiting for it to write a new data to the file.
But service cannot open the A.txt, because it's already locked by notepad.
How to allow my service to write the data without using the kernel FltWriteFile?
What is the best way of doing this?
Maybe cancel file open, letting service write data and reopen it with the same parameters without leaving the post-operation callback?
Maybe I should overwrite the desired access in the pre-op?
Any info will be appreciated. If you think this question lacks of details, please, let me know.
Instead of notifying to your service in on PostOperation, do that in PreOperation callback. By the time you do that in PostOperation file will be already opened for Notepad.exe, which is why open in your service is failing.
Also, if you are not doing already, you would have to wait in PreOperation while your service writes new data to the file.
I don't really agreee with Rogan's answer, as the file could very well be locked by any other process before notepad.
That is not the issue here or at least not how you should look at this problem.
If you want to notepad to have a certain view of A.txt, simply use notepad's FILE_OBJECT and do the writing yourself from the kernel. Just remember to use ObReferenceObjectByPointer and ask for the WRITE access. Since access mode will be kernel mode you will be allowed.
Alternatively if you really want it to be done by your service, open the file yourself, from the driver and provide a handle to your service. Opening the file from kernel mode could supress share modes and so on, you will need to read the documentation for FltCreateFileEx2 to make sure you have all the necessary parameters.
Use ObOpenObjectByPointer on the FileObject you have just opened and access mode UserMode. Make sure you will be attached to your user-mode's process address space via KeStackAttachProcess.
Order of operations in PostCreate:
FltCreateFileEx2(the_file, ignore_share_access, etcc )
ObOpenObjectByPointer(UserMode=access_mode) -> now your um process has a handle to the file
Send the HANDLE pointer to the user-mode process as now it is able to use it.
Wait for the user mode service to write the data and also close the handle
Dereference the FileObject obtained as well as close the handle from FltCreateFileEx2.
Let the Create go for Notepad
Good luck.
PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Data //Note: you get this in preOperation as argument so dont need to defined explicitly
PFLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION nameInfo=NULL;//must be declared
NTSTATUS status;
if(KeCurrentIrql()==PASSIVE_LEVEL)// file operation should be performed in IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL
status = FltParseFileNameInformation(nameInfo);
//Now you have Inforamtion of files in nameInfo Structure.
//you can get files inforamtion like that read documentions of above used structures will help you more about them. Specially PFLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION .

Check if another program has a file open

After doing tons of research and nor being able to find a solution to my problem i decided to post here on stackoverflow.
Well my problem is kind of unusual so I guess that's why I wasn't able to find any answer:
I have a program that is recording stuff to a file. Then I have another one that is responsible for transferring that file. Finally I have a third one that gets the file and processes it.
My problem is:
The file transfer program needs to send the file while it's still being recorded. The problem is that when the file transfer program reaches end of file on the file doesn't mean that the file actually is complete as it is still being recorded.
It would be nice to have something to check if the recorder has that file still open or if it already closed it to be able to judge if the end of file actually is a real end of file or if there simply aren't further data to be read yet.
Hope you can help me out with this one. Maybe you have another idea on how to solve this problem.
Thank you in advance.
Simply put - you can't without using filesystem notification mechanisms, windows, linux and osx all have flavors of this. I forget how Windows does it off the top of my head, but linux has 'inotify' and osx has 'knotify'.
The easy way to handle this is, record to a tmp file, when the recording is done then move the file into the 'ready-to-transfer-the-file' directory, if you do this so that the files are on the same filesystem when you do the move it will be atomic and instant ensuring that any time your transfer utility 'sees' a new file, it'll be wholly formed and ready to go.
Or, just have your tmp files have no extension, then when it's done rename the file to an extension that the transfer agent is polling for.
Have you considered using stream interface between the recorder program and the one that grabs the recorded data/file? If you have access to a stream interface (say an OS/stack service) which also provides a reliable end of stream signal/primitive you could consider that to replace the file interface.
There is no functions/libraries available in C to do this. But a simple alternative is to rename the file once an activity is over. For example, recorder can open the file with name - file.record and once done with recording, it can rename the file.record to file.transfer and the transfer program should look for file.transfer to transfer and once the transfer is done, it can rename the file to and the reader can read that and finally rename it to file.done!
you can check if file is open or not as following
FILE_OPEN=`lsof | grep $FILE_NAME`
// if [ -z $FILE_NAME ] ;then
// "File NOT open"
// else
// "File Open"
I think an advisory lock will help. Since if one using the file which another program is working on it, the one will get blocked or get an error. but if you access it in force,the action is Okey, but the result is unpredictable, In order to maintain the consistency, all of the processes who want to access the file should obey the advisory lock rule. I think that will work.
When the file is closed then the lock is freed too.Other processes can try to hold the file.

Why doesn't inotify update?

I'm writing an inotify watcher in C for a Minecraft server. Basically, it watches server.log, gets the latest line, parses it, and if it matches a regex; performs some actions.
The program works fine normally through "echo string matching the regex >> server.log", it parses and does what it should. However, when the string is written to the file automatically via Minecraft server, it doesn't work until I shut down the server or (sometimes) log out.
I would post code, but I'm wondering if it doesn't have something to do with ext4 flushing data to disk or something along those lines; a filesystem problem. It would be odd if that were the case though, because "tail -f server.log" updates whenever the file does.
Solved my own problem. It turned out the server was writing to the log file faster than the watcher could read from it; so the watcher was getting out of sync.
I fixed it by adding a check after it processes the event saying "if the number of lines currently in the log file is more than the recorded length of the log, reprocess the file until the two are equal."
Thanks for your help!
Presumably that is because you are watching for IN_CLOSE events, which may not occur until the server shuts down (and closes the log file handle). See man inotify(7) for valid mask parameters for the inotify_add_watch() call. I expect you'll want to use IN_WRITE.
Your theory is more than likely correct, the log file is being buffered by the OS, and the log writer has no flushing of that buffer, so everything will remain in the buffer till the file is closed or the buffer is full. A fast way to test is to start up the log to the point where you know it would have written events to the log, then forcibly close it so it cannot close the handle, if the log is empty is definitly the buffer. If you can get hold of the file handle/descriptor, you can use setbuf to remove buffering, at the cost of performance.

Following multiple log files efficiently

I'm intending to create a programme that can permanently follow a large dynamic set of log files to copy their entries over to a database for easier near-realtime statistics. The log files are written by diverse daemons and applications, but the format of them is known so they can be parsed. Some of the daemons write logs into one file per day, like Apache's cronolog that creates files like access.20100928. Those files appear with each new day and may disappear when they're gzipped away the next day.
The target platform is an Ubuntu Server, 64 bit.
What would be the best approach to efficiently reading those log files?
I could think of scripting languages like PHP that either open the files theirselves and read new data or use system tools like tail -f to follow the logs, or other runtimes like Mono. Bash shell scripts probably aren't so well suited for parsing the log lines and inserting them to a database server (MySQL), not to mention an easy configuration of my app.
If my programme will read the log files, I'd think it should stat() the file once in a second or so to get its size and open the file when it's grown. After reading the file (which should hopefully only return complete lines) it could call tell() to get the current position and next time directly seek() to the saved position to continue reading. (These are C function names, but actually I wouldn't want to do that in C. And Mono/.NET or PHP offer similar functions as well.)
Is that constant stat()ing of the files and subsequent opening and closing a problem? How would tail -f do that? Can I keep the files open and be notified about new data with something like select()? Or does it always return at the end of the file?
In case I'm blocked in some kind of select() or external tail, I'd need to interrupt that every 1, 2 minutes to scan for new or deleted files that shall (no longer) be followed. Resuming with tail -f then is probably not very reliable. That should work better with my own saved file positions.
Could I use some kind of inotify (file system notification) for that?
If you want to know how tail -f works, why not look at the source? In a nutshell, you don't need to periodically interrupt or constantly stat() to scan for changes to files or directories. That's what inotify does.
