Solr - multiple facet.field in query - solr

I would like to add multiple facet.field (and also facet.count and other properties) to my Map to be used in SolrParams in a query but it only let you add one value per key (Java Map).
Can this be done?
Something like:
Map params = new Map();
params.put("facet.field", "title");
params.put("facet.field", "tags");
query(new SolrParams(params));

try this way
Check the link for your reference Solr-using-Solr4J-in-Java.


Adding data to nested collection firebase cloud firestore

Right now my firebase cloud firestore looks like this:
const db = fire.firestore();
db.collection("groupFavs/"+groupID+ "/"+currentUserUID).add({favs: likedData})
The code above creates a collection called groupFavs, a document called groupID and another collection with the current users id. In the image I have above, it keeps creating documents for the users likes when i just want the currentuser id to only have one list in it which will be all their liked data. But instead it just keeps making multiple of them and I think its because of .add
I've tried using set but that wont work. Where am I going wrong?
favs: likedData
I basically want to do something like this above but my logic is off in regards to the nested collection because what im calling above does not work
You can circumvent the string concatenation as well as the nested .collection .doc chain by using string interpolation as follows:
const collectionRef = db.collection(`groupFavs/${groupID}/${currentUserUID}`)
collectionRef.add({favs: likedData})
In regards to the multiple documents, you are adding a new document under the sub collection (matching the users id). Ideally this would look something like this:
Group Favs
1st UserId
Like 1 doc
Like 2 doc
2st UserId
Like 1 doc
Like 2 doc
Where the like doc can contain information related to the like such as image or liked boolean property.
If instead what you would like to do is keep a list of the users likes under their doc you can do it as follows:
const docRef= db.doc(`groupFavs/${groupID}/${currentUserUID}`)
const newLikeData = {
likes: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(<your_like_information>)
docRef.set({favs: likedData}, {merge:true})
arrayUnion will append whatever data is in <your_like_information>.
Alternatively, you could query for the current likes list under the users doc, manually append the information and pass the entire object to a update or setDoc with merge: true.

How to apply a condition to a specific table in every request on Entity Framework?

I have a many-to-many structure mapped to entity framework. This is a sample of what it looks like:
User UserTag Tag
------- -------- -------
IdUser(PK) IdUserTag(PK) IdTag(PK)
Name IdUser(FK) TagName
Desc IdTag(FK) Active
Now, I needed to exclude from any request of any method the viewing of Tags that were Active=false.
First, I tried doing it manually in every method, like:
public User GetById(int id)
var item = UserRepository.GetById(id); //This is just a repository that calls the EF context
//EF automatically maps it to the *UserTags* property
foreach(var tag in item.UserTags)
if(tag.Tag.Active == false)
But it throws the following exception:
The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable
So, I wanted to know if there's a way to conditionaly filter every request made to a specific table, whether it is select or a join request.
Try this in your GetById method:
var user.UserTags = dbContext.Entry(user)
.Collection(u => u.UserTags)
.Where(ut => ut.Active == true)
The supplied code fails because it is attempting to remove items from the data entities not the list. If you want to pass the data entity around instead of the data model, you need to not use Remove. Something like the below (untested should work).
tags = item.UserTags.Where((ut) => ut.Active).ToList();
This line will get you a list of data entities that are active. However, you should really map all of this into a data model (see AutoMapper) and then you would not be removing items from the database.

How to upload pdf and update field within one request in solr

I am new to solr and solrj. What I want to do right now is uploading pdf file to solr and set customized field such as last_modified field at same time.
But I keep encounter the error such as " multiple values encountered for non multiValued field last_modified", I use solrj to upload pdf and set the last_modified field like
ContentStreamUpdateRequest up = new ContentStreamUpdateRequest("/update/extract");
up.setParam("literal.last_modified", "2011-05-19T09:00:00Z");
I guess the error is due to when solr extract the pdf, it uses some meta data as last_modified field value as well so that my custmized last_modified value leads to a multivalue error, but I wonder how to replace the meta data with my custmized data?
/update/extract is defined in solrconfig.xml for your core. You can see the configuration there and modify it to match it to your particular scenario. The Reference Guide lists the options.
In your particular scenario, something look strange. The parameter that seems to be relevant is literalsOverride but it is true by default. Perhaps, you are setting it to false somewhere.
You can also try explicitly map Tika's last update field to some different name.
I would enable catch-all (dynamicField *) as store=true and see what is being captured. Then you can play with the parameters until you are happy. You don't have to restart Solr, just reload the core from the Admin UI.
I have faced similar issue, where I need to fetch one dynamic field value and do some operation then update it. I use below code to achieve this.
First check for that field is it exist or not. Try using below code may be it will help you.
Map<String, String> partialUpdate = new HashMap<String, String>();
partialUpdate.put("set", value);
partialUpdate.put("add", value);
doc.addField("projectId", projectId); // unique id for solrdoc
doc.addField(keys[0], partialUpdate);

How to create complex query parameters in Restangular

I need to create a fairly complex query string in Restangular.,displayName,name,cn
How do I do this?
So far I am OK getting as far as ?anr=Smith using this:
return Restangular.all('/people').getList({anr:searchTerm});
The last part attrs=x,y,x lets me control which attributes I want back in the search and could change per request I make.
Any advice appreciated.
You should be able to simply add another query parameter where the value is your comma separated list of attributes.
var attributes = ['givenName' , 'displayName']; // attributes you require for the request
var attributesAsString = attributes.join();
return Restangular.all('/people').getList({
anr : searchTerm,
attrs: attributesAsString

Access a Backbone model from a collection.where

I'm using the method where on my Backbone collection like so:
var quote = app.Collections.quotes.where({Id: parseInt(id, 10)});
However, to access the only result/Model (as it's by ID, there's only going to be one) - how can I get the actual Model without resorting to using this:
var onlyModel = quote[0] ?
Is there a better way?
A better way is to use get on the collection.
var quote = app.Collection.quotes.get(parseInt(id, 10));
Backbone proxies Underscore functions on collections and notably findWhere that will return the first match found.
findWhere _.findWhere(list, properties)
Looks through the list and returns the first value that matches all of the key-value pairs listed in properties.
Your query can be written as
var quote = app.Collections.quotes.findWhere({Id: parseInt(id, 10)});
But in your case, if you are indeed looking for the model with a given id, you can directly use the get method
get collection.get(id)
Get a model from a collection, specified by an id, a cid, or by passing in a model.
var quote = app.Collection.quotes.get(id);
