performance testing C application Ubuntu - c

We have an C application which is not written by me. We need to measure the performance in terms of CPU and memory usage.
I have never done the performance test, therefore I am not aware of tools which can be used to get the CPU and memory consumption details.
I tried to search SO and google but I am not sure what to use and how to do.
It would be of great help to me if I can get some guidance here.
I am not looking for profilers which I understand tells about the performance of code blocks. I just want to monitor the resources consumed by the application. We are not going to improve the code. This is just for comparison with other products.
It's something what task manager shows in windows about each process. Just that I want.
I found few tools like nmon, munin, collectd, collectl but still confused how to use them. Trying to understand but any help appreciated.


Memory profiling with automation testing?

Currently adding some automation testing to our UI framework, and I was wondering if there was any way to perform some kind of memory profiling at the same time.
e.g. rather than having white start our application, have it start dotmemory (or another memory diagnostics tool) get a snapshot and then begin performing the automation tests.
I know this wouldn't track down memory leaks as such, but we could use it as an indicator if there's a spike in memory somewhere.
If anyone knows of a way to kick this off it would be very helpful, even if we had to use visual studios built in memory profiler rather than dot memory.
Not a perfect solution, but managed to find this while googling around.
Still getting to grips with making it work, but seems promising.

MEAN.JS, high latence / ways to find bottlenecks in web-development

I recently came across MEAN.JS. I'm still a beginner in webdevelopment but all worked really fine so far. Up to one thing.
Unfortunately, all requests seem to take a huge amount of time - 300 - 4000(!) ms for a single call (have a look at the screenshot). I'm developing locally on a state of the art computer and wonder where the bottleneck might be. Does anyone have the same issues? Could you give me a hint how to attack this problem?
I've had a look at this and similar posts, but couldn't find a way to tackle it.
What are the ways to find bottlenecks in a web application?
The framework uses MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.js. Could you give me a hint how to track down the source of those latencies in a Javascript-based application? (Maybe a tool, plugin or best practice approach in development?) Have you experienced similar issues?
It's hard to guess what's wrong as that latency can be originated from many sources, however if we put aside computer and network problems/configurations, and taking into account that you don't have any other processes running that can affect your app performance, the first thing I would check is the express configuration, i.e, the order in which the middleware is loaded. A misplaced middleware can indeed influence the app's performance.

How to prevent an applications DLL to be decompiled?

As I know there are some applications that decompile DLLs to get source codes from application files.
Not only I don't want others to have the sources but also I don't want others to use them, I mean the DLL files. so how should i lock the DLLs and how safe they are ?
Before I get into anything else, I will state that it is impossible to protect your application entirely.
That being said, you can still make things more difficult. There are many obfuscators out there that will help you make it more difficult for someone to decompile your application and understand it.
.NET obfuscation tools/strategy
That's truly the best you can hope for.
Personally, I really wouldn't bother going too deep, if at all. You'll find that you are either spending too much money or time (or both) trying to protect your application from no-gooders. These are the same people who, no matter what barriers you throw up at them, will continue to try and given the nature of managed languages, they will most likely succeed. In fact, most obfuscators can be deobfuscated with simple tools... In the meantime, you've let other important features and bug fixes slip by because you spent more time and effort on security measures.
Obfuscation is one way to protect your code. Again, the solution is relative as per your needs. If you have a super secretive program, then you would want to explore more expensive and in-dept strategies.
However, if you are developing a business application or such thing which would not be worth a lot of any hacker's time to reverse engineer, minimal to normal obfuscation strategies are good enough. As the main answer suggests, look at those links.
Recently, I came upon ConfuseEx, a free open-source obfuscator that does the job for WPF apps and more. It seems to be very powerful, effective and customizable.
ConfuseEx on Github
For DLLs there is almost nothing we can do , confusing the files is the best way , but public member will remain in the way they were before , but if you pack them in your exe file , and confuse them , no one can use them easily .
I used ConfuserEX and it was very easy to use and effective .

Stress testing with pycassa

I've been trying to write a stress tester for a rather large cassandra database. At first I was doing it from scratch, and then I found which allows you to stress test your cluster. However, like all benchmarks, the test data is unrepresentative of the loads this database will be seeing. Thus I decided to modify it to be more realistic to my usage pattern.
I'm using pycassa for most of this project. However uses the lower-level thrift interface directly, which I find rather cumbersome. Are there any projects out there which stress test cassandra using pycassa? Thanks!
I'm not aware of any existing general-purpose stress tests that make use of pycassa; I'd also love to hear about them if there are any.
In the past, I've modified to make use of pycassa. I believe I set it up to use one small ConnectionPool per process and I was pretty happy with the result; modifying the Operation class and get_client was the main chunk of work here.
It's hard to give more specific details about this without knowing what you want to do, so feel free to ask more detailed questions if you need to.

possible to write webapplication using ANSI - C scripting?

I want to develop a web application using ANSI C. Since, I want have to have the application to be fast enough than others and also it should support the all kind of operations as the normal scripting php, python or any scripting language provides. Even if you have idea for fastest access with database rather than C, please recommend anything better
If anyone have idea please share the tutorials to start.
I'm not aware of any C web application frameworks, and so if you did wish to write your application in C you will need to handle all communication between your application / framework and the web server through a web server interface - the easiest starting point for understanding this is probably to read up on CGI, however once you understand how CGI works you will want to move onto understanding FastCGI instead, as although FastCGI is more complex, CGI is notoriously slow.
However I strongly recommend that you don't bother unless you are attempting this for academic purposes!:
The path you are suggesting involves low level stuff - its interesting, but a lot of work to achieve things that can be done incredibly easily in any half-decent web application framework.
With web applications is that the thing that matters is throughput (number of requests you can handle in a given time period), not speed (the time it takes to process a single request) - it might seem that a web site written in C would be much faster, however in reality the execution speed of C counts for incredibly little vs (for example) Caching and other optimisations.
Other frameworks already exist that are proven and lightning fast!
The end result is that anything that you come up with will almost certainly be more work and slower than using "slow" scripting languages.
Any kind of 'scripting' won't give you the 'raw speed' it seems you might be looking for.
I would generally strongly discourage this whole train of thought, though. There are plenty of web frameworks out there where you produce code that runs very efficiently. Even 'scripted' web frameworks often cache the scripts and reduce much of the initial slowdown involved in parsing and executing.
And frameworks that use compiled bytecode/IL can be quite fast once loaded/JIT'ed.
If you plan to write your own HTTP engine in C, though; I doubt you would be able to get something remotely close to as fast as anything else out there until you were very familiar with what's already out there; how they all work, all the variations in the protocols involved, etc, etc...
I've heard a lot of good things about FastCGI. Maybe you should try that?
You should checkout g-wan by trustleap. It allows you to write servlets in
ansi-c, taking care of all the nitty gritty regarding the http protocol.
