Memory profiling with automation testing? - white-framework

Currently adding some automation testing to our UI framework, and I was wondering if there was any way to perform some kind of memory profiling at the same time.
e.g. rather than having white start our application, have it start dotmemory (or another memory diagnostics tool) get a snapshot and then begin performing the automation tests.
I know this wouldn't track down memory leaks as such, but we could use it as an indicator if there's a spike in memory somewhere.
If anyone knows of a way to kick this off it would be very helpful, even if we had to use visual studios built in memory profiler rather than dot memory.

Not a perfect solution, but managed to find this while googling around.
Still getting to grips with making it work, but seems promising.


What HTML5 runtime environments (renderer shells) don't generate any background network I/O?

I need to put together a nice interface/UX that will run fullscreen as the primary shell/UI on purpose-configured hardware.
HTML5/CSS/JS will be the absolute easiest design path; I don't have anything that requires rock-solid 60fps framerates or similar high-performance requirements, so the live-reloadable nature of HTML easily makes it a winner for rapid development. (Plus, I'm using Linux, so I know my next (real) alternative is Qt, perhaps with Python. That won't be as fast to iterate with.)
Since this is going to be an embedded/appliance type setup, I don't need the "one-click run" packaged nature of Electron; indeed, I will far prefer the more traditional approach of a local application-/web server running in the background.
So, all I need is a basic headless browser to appear fullscreen for the duration the machine is turned on.
That could be Chrome, but here's the thing. The general Internet will be accessible from the devices in question, but only my own backend processes will use it. I'd prefer the renderer(s) not access the network directly.
I understand Chrom{e,ium} contacts Google for telemetry and metrics tracking, as well as to fetch safebrowsing lists and so forth - and that this behavior cannot be turned off, to ensure that some majority of web users don't end up with what are (in the context of "the whole internet") arguably-insane security defaults.
But for my use case, this behavior is pointless, because I'll only ever be accessing There's no point for me to waste my bandwidth on this I/O; the effort being made to update this data in the background is effectively wasted.
I'm currently wondering what renderer solution to deploy, and weighing up NW.js, QtWebEngine and Electron (in that order). I particularly like the following from
Auxiliary services that talk to Google platforms are stripped out
If I knew NW.js did the same thing, it would be a shoo-in and my choice would be made, but I'm not sure where to look.
Is it a good idea to make the effort to build a simple QtWebEngine kiosk shell, is NW.js resource efficient, or is there another option I haven't thought of?
I've tried CEF in the past; it seems somewhat clunky, or at least the demo shell does (I'm not up to recompiling it). Perhaps it's exactly what I'm looking for and don't realize?

In Xamarin, is there a limit to how much can be stored in Application.Current.Properties?

We have started to use the Application.Current.Properties more and more and we want to make sure we won't run into any issues. Does it have a limit of any sort?
I believe that Xamarin Forms just serializes that data to json/xml and saves it to the file system. So there is a danger of filling up the filesystem if you really overuse it (you would probably have memory issues before that happened) - but other than that I don't think I would be too concerned.

performance testing C application Ubuntu

We have an C application which is not written by me. We need to measure the performance in terms of CPU and memory usage.
I have never done the performance test, therefore I am not aware of tools which can be used to get the CPU and memory consumption details.
I tried to search SO and google but I am not sure what to use and how to do.
It would be of great help to me if I can get some guidance here.
I am not looking for profilers which I understand tells about the performance of code blocks. I just want to monitor the resources consumed by the application. We are not going to improve the code. This is just for comparison with other products.
It's something what task manager shows in windows about each process. Just that I want.
I found few tools like nmon, munin, collectd, collectl but still confused how to use them. Trying to understand but any help appreciated.

Stress testing with pycassa

I've been trying to write a stress tester for a rather large cassandra database. At first I was doing it from scratch, and then I found which allows you to stress test your cluster. However, like all benchmarks, the test data is unrepresentative of the loads this database will be seeing. Thus I decided to modify it to be more realistic to my usage pattern.
I'm using pycassa for most of this project. However uses the lower-level thrift interface directly, which I find rather cumbersome. Are there any projects out there which stress test cassandra using pycassa? Thanks!
I'm not aware of any existing general-purpose stress tests that make use of pycassa; I'd also love to hear about them if there are any.
In the past, I've modified to make use of pycassa. I believe I set it up to use one small ConnectionPool per process and I was pretty happy with the result; modifying the Operation class and get_client was the main chunk of work here.
It's hard to give more specific details about this without knowing what you want to do, so feel free to ask more detailed questions if you need to.

Can VS2010 help me find memory leaks?

I'm going through the pain right now of finding memory leaks in my application using WinDbg. Luckily, I've found a few good articles that give a very good step-by-step process of how to do it. Still, it is a fairly painful process. Does VS2010 have any built in features that can ease the burden of finding a memory leak in a Silverlight application? Of course, a memory leak in .NET sounds a bit like a misnomer, but what I intend to do is to find all objects that are still referencing an object that I believe should be garbage collected.
For those that may be interested, here are some good articles on how to get started using WinDbg to find memory leaks in Silverlight:
Finding Memory Leaks In Silverlight With WinDbg
Hunting down memory leaks in Silverlight
Where's your leak at? (Using WinDbg, SOS, and GCRoot to diagnose a .NET memory leak)
A Memory leak in .NET applications isn't a misnomer at all. I've had this problem in applications I've worked on, both Winforms and Webforms.
WinDbg + SOS.dll is painful compared to the ANTS Profiler. Normally I wouldn't tout a product, but if you're working for a company, they will save a lot of money by buying that product. It'll save you time having to look for memory leaks, and developer time is almost always more expensive than purchasing an application.
I don't thing VS 2010 has this; I remember Microsoft did have as a memory profiler for finding leaks, and there are other third party tools.
