I have a WPF application.It has a iron python script editor using AvalonEdit. We were able to validate and run the iron python scripts using this application.
But we need to integrate an iron python debugger in to this application.
Can anyone suggest better solution for this?
You could take a look at pdb and dbd. This are some very useful modules. You could go through the code and integrate it in your application.
I developed a sencha app and ported it to IOS and Android successfully.I need to build a desktop application from the same.I used sencha's packager and it was a success.Unfortunately it was a trial version.
I used Tide SDK but the sencha list UI is not perfect on scrolling.And store data is not getting sometime.
Can anyone suggest other opensource packagers to make my sencha app to desktop application.
Pls help me.I was looking this for long time.
Thanks in advance.
you can try intel's node-webkit, it is one of the other tools that people are switching to. it's open source.
Absolutely, try out Brackets shell. We use that to create desktop apps on Mac and Windows. The wiki explains how to build your apps nice and simple
have fun
I am looking for a way by which I can automate my application build on Silverlight.
I need to use Selenium as required, can anyone tell a process or any good tutorial by which I can achieve what I require.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at:
Silverlight testing: Watin vs Selenium comparison
Also bear in mind that Silverlight's future looks uncertain:
http://www.hightechnewstoday.com/apr-2011-high-tech-news-archives/74-apr-13-2011-high-tech-news.shtml and http://www.electronista.com/articles/11/11/09/microosft.may.axe.silverlight.after.major.release/
etc. etc.
So you may prefer to consider HTML5 for future projects after completing your current Silverlight project, as HTML5 has a brighter future because of its cross browser support and efficiency compared with proprietary technologies like Flash and Silverlight.
I suggest Sikulix which a desktop automation tool using which you can automate almost everything. which uses text interpretation of image so that us can locate your component.
If you are using python selenium i suggest to use pyautogui which is nice python package to automate silverlight web pages.
I can understand how UI automation can help retrieve information from text boxes within windows forms applications. How can I retrieve information however from command prompt tools and web browsers? I have a telnet session that I would like to read data from as well as a simple web based tool with plain html. Any ideas?
I could be wrong, but I don't think there's an easy way to interact with console programs using the UIA API, and web browsers, while possible, would be time-consuming to deal with. But other libraries can help.
Are you using C#? If so, for console applications, you can probably use the Process class if your automated test are simple - here's an old post about the same topic:
Command line automation – expect equivalent
I'm actually still searching for a free Expect-like C# library. Haven't spent too much time looking yet, though.
For web automation, I suggest using the Selenium C# client driver - as far as I know, it should do what you need:
i recently started working on DNN, i configured DNN at my machine with starter kit and other things
require. I received a vb module from my client to work up on.
It's simple VB module, not dynamic module. I imported the module and i started working on it,
but i am more of c# coder, so i feel a bit uncomfortable working with this.
Could some body tell me how can i convert his module to c#, of is there any way that further coding i
do in c#, i mean all my user control further i want to make in c# on that module.
Please guide me on it, or provide me some resources.
There are several tools out there for converting VB to C# - http://www.bing.com/search?setmkt=en-GB&q=convert+VB+to+c%23
However, if you want to work in C# and if it is a simple module, then you might be better off:
install the DNN starter kit
run the "new C# module" wizard
using your VB module as a reference, recreate the functionality in the C# module
enjoy coding forwards
For tutorials about working with DNN, there are lots of tutorials out there - and I particularly recommend Michael Washington's materials which he generally provides in both C# and VB - http://www.adefwebserver.com/DotNetNukeHELP/
How can I build a Stand Alone Application with Silverlight 2.
1.I know that Silverlight 3 has the Out of Browser Functionality to build such Applications. But it is in beta and I cannot wait for it.
2. I also had a look at
Desklighter(http://www.blendables.com/labs/Desklighter/Default.aspx) which helps to build a executable from a xap file. But it needs .Net Framework to run, which beats the purpose.
just build a winform app and host iexplore ocx ,
point the ocx to an html page that contains the silverlight app.
there is a dotnet example on tamir khasons blog http://khason.net/blog/stand-alone-multiplatform-silverlight-application/
but it can be achived in any language
well! if you want to go for that particular purpose i agree with daniel's solution..
now regarding #James, yep it will defeat the purpose instead try developing the host in c++ then...