Google Analytics how to stop spam events when using Mobile Analytics? - mobile

My question is very similar to this one: Google Analytics Spam on Mobile - App Not Released I'm using mobile iOS analytics client, so all of my events are coming from mobile devices.
What filter setting would make Google Analytics reject all events and sessions that don't originate from a mobile client?
I've looked at articles like this one: how to stop referrer spam, and solutions don't seem to apply to me, since none of my analytics events should be coming from websites.
Analytics spam registers calls from all kinds of countries, devices, etc. Specifically there are events with category "to use this feature visit: EVENT-TRACKING.COM"
id<GAITracker> tracker = [[GAI sharedInstance] defaultTracker];
[tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createEventWithCategory:tUIAction


is Google Calendar suitable as backend for a large application

I'm researching an excellent calendar service to host the events to a specific platform; the idea is to use a quick calendar service to host and manage our events.
Since our platform has a frontend, the customer doesn't have direct access to this calendar, instead, he'll use a frontend logic to create and manage events and our backend will link that business logic with a calendar service like Google Calendar service.
Our business logic will separate and organize many customers and different calendars (multi-tenant), allowing multiple customers to have a good experience with scheduling events and each one accessing his own list of events.
Is Google Calendar suitable as a calendar service backend for a large application like that?
After some research, I found that it is possible to use Google Calendar as a backend for my app. You can leverage that using Google Server-To-Server API or "Two-legged OAuth".
A Google API must be created in Google API panel
You must take care because Google API has a quota to limit your requests
If you want more allowance, you can request by contact Google office
More details in:
I'll go with my service from scratch. Also, I found a satisfying service.
- (worth a try)

Does bluemix have an API to fetch application monitoring/metrics results?

I see that bluemix has a service called Monitoring and Analytics. All I see from that service are dashboards. I am looking for the information the dashboards are providing in the form of an API. For example, if I want to be notified that my application is down or it is slow running, etc .. Is there a way for me to either receive such alerts or for an API that I can poll periodically?
thank you
The Monitoring & Analytics service does not offer an API to retrieve its collected metrics. We realize that supporting a programmatic interface would be helpful and it's in our backlog to add that capability.
However, M&A does support the other part of your question regarding alerts. There should be an Events tab in your dashboard. In the upper right corner, there's a dropdown to "Configure events policy". If you select it, you can enable Availability alerts ("Is my app down?") and/or Performance Monitoring alerts which are geared to the app's run-time type (Liberty, Node.js, etc.). In that same dropdown you can also "Configure notification". If you specify your email address in the notification dialog, you will start receiving alerts when your Bluemix application is down or running slowly.

What vendors offer mobile geolocation targeting and analytics SDKs?

I'm conducting a vendor analysis for an enterprise level organization. I'm looking for a SDK I can integrate with an iOS/Android application that does the following well:
Location Analytics
Geo-fencing around locations specified by the organization
Push Notifications (specific to geo-fences, time zones, and customer segmentation)
Easy to use console
Doesn't noticeably drain the battery
They also need to be advanced in their field--ideally they'd have some sort of beaconing
capability in their product or planned down the line to support indoor location awareness
Some examples I'm looking at are Geoloqi, Xtify and Urban Airship. Do you have any experiences with those or similar vendors?
It sounds like the API is exactly what you are looking for. Here is a quote from the API documentation page: is a platform for delivering relevant messages to your
application users. Messages that are delivered based on real-time
location, topics of interest, and geo-triggers. Messages can be
delivered to a device via Push, or can be routed to a software system
through an API (Web Events).
I have seen Xtify do most of these. With Push Notification it has support for tags which can help in sending message to subset of users. It has a location API. The console can use used to upload basic credentials, test sending messages and some basic analytic view.
Looks like Leantegra has all you need: there is back end solution; appropriate hardware and mobile SDKs for Android and iOS.

Google Analytics is not showing all tracking of order

I am running a website and registered for Google Analytics. Got code embedded into my site.
My site in On Drupal and using Ubercart for Online shopping. There is only one payment mode BY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD.
The issue is that Analytics in not tracking my all orders that have been made, some of them is missing.
I have checked that the code has no issues in it, not problem of Sync as well because i have waited a long and orders that are missing are of the date say for example 5-9-2013 and i do have orders tracked of date 6-9-2013.
Anyone have any idea how to resolve it?
User can opt out of the Google Analytics Tracking, they may have not javascript, they may cancel page load before the tag has fired, they may sit an office where the company firewall filters out calls to the google server etc. Javascript-based tracking is never especially accurate (Google themselves warns that Analytics show Trends, not exact numbers).
So I don't think there's a way to resolve differences between GA and backend systems.

Why does it always display "No Insights Available" for my apps?

We have launched several Facebook apps. They are intended to run on Facebook Pages as tab-based iframe apps. These apps have been installed on dozens of pages, have thousands of daily users. Users who view these tabs do not need to authorize the apps, we don't require any permissions. When users share through these apps, we use the Facebook JS dialogs library.
With the exception of one, all of these apps display "No Insights Available" when I try to view the insights data. The only analytics we get from Facebook is the Insights summary page which includes some basic user, sharing and performance data - but no details are available.
As I mentioned, one app does have Insights. It was the first app we launched on Facebook. It was originally a canvas iframe app but now runs exclusively from profile pages. This seems to be the only difference from our more recent apps.
So I guess my question is this: is Insights availability triggered by having users access your canvas app? Or is there some other reason that we can not get Insights for all of our apps except the one original application? As I mentioned, users are sharing from these apps and we would love to know more about the reaction those stories are getting.
(I filed a bug with Facebook but after an initial request for app ids and a promise to look into it, they have since stopped responding to my requests for an update.)
In the end, it turns out this was a Facebook bug that they have now fixed. We weren't doing anything wrong. The fact that one app had canvas page views and the other did not was purely coincidental.
On Wednesday, Facebook has deployed an updated version of Insights that integrates with their application page directly - and miraculously, we're able to see Insights data for all of our applications again, including historical data that Facebook previously listed as "No insights available."
If anyone is interested, here's their blog posting on the upgraded Insights application.
