Incorrect bitstream to long conversion in C - c

What I am doing:
I am trying to read Byte-By-Byte from a .wav file and trying to show some information about the header present in the file. (For my project work).
My Code (A small Part) :-
void main()
char a[4],temp[4],i,j;
int test;
long value=0;
FILE *file;
//4 bytes - chunkID # "RIFF"
printf("ChunkID is: %s\n", a);
//4 bytes - ChunkSize
for (i=0;i<4;i++) value=value+((long)a[i]<<(8*i));
printf("ChunkSize is: %ld bits \n", value);
printf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3] );
My Problems:-
Now as the ChunkSize is of size 4 bytes and in little endian format, I am converting it into long value to print the correct value.
The printf statement with hex output shows: ffffffb4:4f:02:00 but I have specified the format as %02x so it should show hex at most of 2 value, which is good for part 4f:02:00 but the first part ffffffb4 is not so. Why?
Let's assume the 4 Byte read is b4:4f:02:00 in little endian, thats 0x00024FB4 in big endian, its 151476 but in the code, the 2nd last printf prints the following: ChunkSize is: 151220 bits , why?
Thank You.

but I have specified the format as %02x so it should show hex at most of 2 value
It does not mean that, it means it shows at least 2 digits padded with 0 if necessary. Cast the argument to unsigned char to get rid of the f digits.


C structure with bits printing in hexadecimal

I have defined a structure as below
struct {
UCHAR DSatasetMGMT : 1;
UCHAR AtriburDeallocate : 1;
UCHAR Reserved6 : 6;
UCHAR Reserved7 : 7;
UCHAR DSatasetMGMTComply : 1;
It is a 2 byte structure represented in bits. How should I print the whole 2 bytes of structure in hexadecimal. I tried
"DatasetMGMTCMDSupport : 0x%04X\n"
But not getting expected result.
I am getting 0x3DC18003 with 0x%04X\n while the correct data is 0x8003 "
I am using 64 bit windows system.
I need to know how to print 2 byte structure in hexadecimal.
Try using 0x%04hx\n. This tells printf to print out only the two bytes. You can read more about it here:
In contrast, the I64 in 0x%04I64X\n tells printf to print out a 64 bit integer, which is 8 bytes, and 0x%04X\n tells it to print out a default-size integer, which might be 4 bytes on your system.
The width 04 specifies a minimum width. Since the value needs more digits, they are printed.
From a C Standard point of view, you cannot rely on a particular layout of bit fields. Hence, any solution will at best have implementation-defined behaviour.
That being said, your expected output can be obtained. The structure fits in 2 bytes and if you print sizeof(DatasetMGMTCMDSupport) it should give the result 2.
The byte representation of DatasetMGMTCMDSupport can be printed and that is what you were attempting, but since your system has integer size 4, two additional bytes are included. To fix this, the following can be done:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint16_t a;
memcpy(&a, &DatasetMGMTCMDSupport, sizeof(a));
printf("0x%04X", (unsigned)a);
This copies the 2 bytes of DatasetMGMTCMDSupport into a 2-byte integer variable and prints the hexadecimal representation of those 2 bytes only. If you are on a little-endian system, you should see 0x8003.
A more general approach would be to directly print the bytes of DatasetMGMTCMDSupport:
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(DatasetMGMTCMDSupport); i++)
printf("%02X", (unsigned)((unsigned char *)&DatasetMGMTCMDSupport)[i]);
This will most likely print 0380 (notice the byte order: first byte printed first).
To reverse the byte order is straightforward:
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(DatasetMGMTCMDSupport); i++)
printf("%02X", (unsigned)((unsigned char *)&DatasetMGMTCMDSupport)[sizeof(DatasetMGMTCMDSupport)-1-i]);
which should give 8003.

Usage of uint_8, uint_16 and uint_32

Please explain each case in detail, what is happening under the hood and why I am getting 55551 and -520103681 specifically.
typedef uint_8 BYTE;
BYTE arr[512];
fread(arr, 512, 1, infile);
printf("%i", arr[0]);
typedef uint_16 BYTE;
BYTE arr[512];
fread(arr, 512, 1, infile);
printf("%i", arr[0]);
OUTPUT :55551
typedef uint_32 BYTE;
BYTE arr[512];
fread(arr, 512, 1, infile);
printf("%i", arr[0]);
OUTPUT :-520103681
I am reading from a file having first four bytes as 255 216 255 244.
In your 3 cases, before the printf statement, the 4 first bytes of the arr array (in hexadecimal format) are: FF D8 FF E0, which corresponds to 255 216 255 224.
Here are explanations of each case:
arr[0] has uint8_t type, so its 1-byte value is 0xFF, so printf("%i", arr[0]); prints 255, which corresponds to 0xFF in signed decimal integer format required by %i, integer size being 4 bytes.
arr[0] has uint16_t type, so its 2-bytes value is 0xFFD8, so printf("%i", arr[0]); prints 55551, which corresponds to 0xFFD8 in signed decimal integer format required by %i, integer size being 4 bytes. Note that 0xFFD8 is interpreted with little-endianness (the byte 0xD8 is the MSB).
arr[0] has uint32_t type, so its 4-bytes value is 0xFFD8FFE0, so printf("%i", arr[0]); prints -520103681, which corresponds to 0xFFD8FFE0 in signed decimal integer format required by %i, integer size being 4 bytes. Note that 0xFFD8FFE0 is interpreted with little-endianness (the byte 0xE0 is the MSB).
Note: I voluntarily changed "255 216 255 244" from your post into "255 216 255 224". I think you made a typo.
You seem to mixup a lot of misunderstandings. Three out of four lines in your examples are questionable. So let's disect them.
typedef uint_8 BYTE; why do you have this typedef and where is uint_8 coming from I suggest you just use uint8_t from stdint.h and for a minimal example you could skip your typedef to byte completly.
The documentation of fread tells us that:
the second parameter is the size of each element to be read
the third parameter is the number of elements to be read
There are other ways to get the values into memory and to make the program reproducable by copy and paste we can just enter the corresponding values to memory. If you have problems with fread that would be a different question.
So it would be one of those lines (your last value has to be 224 not 244 to get -520103681)
uint8_t arr[512] ={0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE0}; //{255, 216, 255, 224}
uint16_t arr[512] = {0xD8FF, 0xF4FF };//{255<<8 + 216, 255<<8 + 224} reversed because of the endianess
uint32_t arr[512] = {0xE0FFD8FF}; //{255<<24 + 216<<16 + 255<<8 + 224}
Now you can see that the arrays are of different size and 16/32 bit hardly qualify as a BYTE
In the last line you use printf() wrong. If you look up the output and length specifiers for printf() you can see that i is used for int (which probably is 32bit).
Basically you tell it read arr[0] (of whatever type) as signed int.
This results in the values you see above. The (nearly) correct specifiers would be %hhu for unsigned char, %hu for unsigned short and %u for unsigned int.
But as you use size defined variables it would be better to use inttypes.h and the specifiers :
PRIu8, PRIu16 and PRIu32 accordingly like this
putting them all together yields:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
int main(void)
uint32_t arr[512] = {0xE0FFD8FF};
return 0;
If you make eleminate all the problems in the code we get closer to the problem.
Problem 1 might have been that you forgot about endianess so you might expect the bytes in a different order.
Also if you use the signed specifier for printf and the MSB is 1 you get a negative value, that won't happen if you use the correct specifier for unsigned values.

32-bits as hex number in C with simple function call

I would like to know if I could get away with using printf to print 32 bits of incoming binary data from a microcontroller as a hexadecimal number. I already have collected the bits into an large integer variable and I'm trying "%x" option in printf but all I seem to get are 8-bit values, although I can't tell if that's a limitation with printf or my microcontroller is actually returning that value.
Here's my code to receive data from the microcontroller:
unsigned int n=0,b=0;
unsigned long lnum=0;
b=iolpt(1); //call to tell micro we want to read 32 bits
for (n=0;n<32;n++){
b=iolpt(1); //read bit one at a time
printf("Bit %d of 32 = %d\n",n,b);
lnum<<1; //shift bits in our big number left by 1 position
lnum+=b; //and add new value
printf("\n Data returned: %x\n",lnum); //always returns 8-bits
The iolpt() function always returns the bit read from the microcontroller and the value returned is a 0 or 1.
Is my idea of using %x acceptable for a 32-bit hexadecimal number or should I attempt something like "%lx" instead of "%x" to try to represent long hex even though its documented nowhere or is printf the wrong function for 32-bit hex? If its the wrong function then is there a function I can use that works, or am I forced to break up my long number into four 8-bit numbers first?
iolpt(1); // Tell micro we want to read 32 bits.
/* Is this correct? It looks pretty simple to be
initiating a read. It is the same as the calls
below, iolpt(1), so what makes it different?
Just because it is first?
unsigned long lnum = 0;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < 32; n++)
unsigned b = iolpt(1); // Read bits one at a time.
printf("Bit %u of 32 = %u.\n", n, b);
lnum <<= 1; // Shift bits in our big number left by 1 position.
// Note this was changed to "lnum <<= 1" from "lnum << 1".
lnum += b; // And add new value.
printf("\n Data returned: %08lx\n", lnum);
/* Use:
0 to request leading zeros (instead of the default spaces).
8 to request a field width of 8.
l to specify long.
x to specify unsigned and hexadecimal.
lnum<<1; to lnum <<= 1;.
%x in final printf to %08lx.
%d in printf in loop to %u, in two places.
Also, cleaned up:
Removed b= in initial b=iolpt(1); since it is unused.
Moved definition of b inside loop to limit its scope.
Moved definition of n into for to limit its scope.
Used proper capitalization and punctuation in comments to improve clarity and aesthetics.
Would something like that work for you?
unsigned int n=0,b=0;
unsigned long lnum=0;
b=iolpt(1); //call to tell micro we want to read 32 bits
for (n=0;n<32;n++){
b=iolpt(1); //read bit one at a time
printf("Bit %d of 32 = %d\n",n,b);
lnum<<1; //shift bits in our big number left by 1 position
lnum+=b; //and add new value
printf("\n Data returned: %#010lx\n",lnum); //now returns 32-bit

Reading from a text file in C

I am having trouble reading a specific integer from a file and I am not sure why. First I read through the entire file to find out how big it is, and then I reset the pointer to the beginning. I then read 3 16-byte blocks of data. Then 1 20-byte block and then I would like to read 1 byte at the end as an integer. However, I had to write into the file as a character but I do not think that should be a problem. My issue is that when I read it out of the file instead of being the integer value of 15 it is 49. I checked in the ACII table and it is not the hex or octal value of 1 or 5. I am thoroughly confused because my read statement is read(inF, pad, 1) which I believe is right. I do know that an integer variable is 4 bytes however, there is only one byte of data left in the file so I read in only the last byte.
My code is reproduced the function(it seems like a lot but it don't think it is)
the code is
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char x;
int y;
int bytes = 0;
int num = 0;
int count = 0;
num = open ("a_file", O_RDONLY);
bytes = read(num, y, 1);
printf("y %d\n", y);
return 0;
To sum up my question, how come when I read the byte that stores 15 from the text file, I can't view it as 15 from the integer representation?
Any help would be very appreciated.
You're reading a first byte of int (4 bytes), and then print it as a whole. If you want to read by one byte, you need also to use it as one byte, like this:
char temp; // one-byte signed integer
read(fd, &temp, 1); // read the integer from file
printf("%hhd\n", temp); // print one-byte signed integer
Or, you can use regular int:
int temp; // four byte signed integer
read(fd, &temp, 4); // read it from file
printf("%d\n", temp); // print four-byte signed integer
Note that this will work only on platforms with 32-bit integers, and also depends on platform's byte order.
What you're doing is:
int temp; // four byte signed integer
read(fd, &temp, 1); // read one byte from file into the integer
// now first byte of four is from the file,
// and the other three contain undefined garbage
printf("%d\n", temp); // print contents of mostly uninitialized memory
The read function system call has a declaration like:
ssize_t read(int fd, void* buf, size_t count);
So, you should pass address of the int variable in which you want to read the stuff.
i.e use
bytes = read(num, &y, 1);
You can see all the details of file I/O in C from that link
Based on the read function, I believe it is reading the first byte in the first byte of the 4 bytes of the integer, and that byte is not placed in the lowest byte. This means whatever is in pad for the other 3 bytes will still be there, even if you initialized it to zero (then it will have zeros in the other bytes). I would read in one byte and then cast it to an integer (if you need a 4 byte integer for some reason), as shown below:
/* declare at the top of the program */
char temp;
/* Note line to replace read(inF,pad,1) */
/* Added to cast the value read in to an integer high order bit may be propagated to make a negative number */
pad = (int) temp;
/* Mask off the high order bits */
pad &= 0x000000FF;
Otherwise, you could change your declaration to be an unsigned char which would take care of the other 3 bytes.

Decoding Binary via fget / buffer string (Trying to get mp3 header)

I'm writing some quick code to try and extract data from an mp3 file header.
The objective is to extract information from the header such as the bitrate and other vital information so that I can appropriately stream the file to a mp3decoder with the necessary arguments.
Here is a wikipedia image showing the mp3header information:
My question is, am I attacking this correctly? Printing the data received is worthless -- I just get a bunch of random characters. I need to get to the binary so that I can decode it and determine vital information.
Here is my baseline code:
// mp3 Header File IO.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
// Main function
int main (void)
// Declare variables
FILE *mp3file;
char *mp3syncword; // we will need to allocate memory to this!!
char requestedFile[255] = "";
unsigned long fileLength;
// Counters
int i;
// Memory allocation with malloc
mp3syncword=(char *)malloc(2000);
// Let's get the name of the requested file (hard-coded for now)
// Open the file with mode read, binary
mp3file = fopen(requestedFile, "rb");
if (!mp3file){
// If we can't find the file, notify the user of the problem
printf("Not found!");
// Let's get some header data from the file
// For debug purposes, lets print the received data
for(i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
printf("%c", ((char *)mp3syncword)[i]);
enter code here
return 0;
Help appreciated.
You are printing the bytes out using %c as the format specifier. You need to use an unsigned numeric format specifier (e.g. %u for a decimal number or %x or %X for hexadecimal) to print the byte values.
You should also declare your byte arrays as unsigned char as they are signed by default on Windows.
You might also want to print out a space (or other separator) after each byte value to make the output clearer.
The standard printf does not provide a binary representation type specifier. Some implementations do have this but the version supplied with Visual Studio does not. In order to output this you will need to perform bit operations on the number to extract the individual bits and print each of them in turn for each byte. For example:
unsigned char byte = // Read from file
unsigned char mask = 1; // Bit mask
unsigned char bits[8];
// Extract the bits
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// Mask each bit in the byte and store it
bits[i] = (byte & (mask << i)) >> i;
// The bits array now contains eight 1 or 0 values
// bits[0] contains the least significant bit
// bits[7] contains the most significant bit
C does not have a printf() specifier to print in binary. Most people print in hex instead, which will give you (typically) eight bits at a time:
printf("the first eight bits are %02x\n", (unsigned char) mp3syncword[0]);
You will need to interpret this manually to figure out the values of individual bits. The cast to unsigned char on the argument is to avoid surprises if it's negative.
To test bits, you can use use the & operator together with the bitwise left shift operator, <<:
if(mp3syncword[2] & (1 << 2))
/* The third bit from the right of the third byte was set. */
If you want to be able to use "big" (larger than 7) indexes for bits, i.e. treat the data as a 32-bit word, it might be good to read it into e.g. an unsigned int, and then inspect that. Be careful with endian-ness when you do this reading, however.
Warning: there are probably errors with memory layout and/or endianess with this approach. It is not guaranteed that the struct members match the same bits from computer to computer.
In short: don't rely on this (I'll leave the answer, it might be useful for something else)
You can define a struct with bit fields:
struct MP3Header {
unsigned SyncWord : 12;
unsigned Version : 1;
unsigned Layer : 2;
unsigned ErrorProtection : 1;
unsigned BitRate : 4;
unsigned Frequency : 2;
unsigned PadBit : 1;
unsigned PrivBit : 1;
unsigned Mode : 2;
unsigned ModeExtension : 2;
unsigned Copy : 1;
unsigned Original : 1;
unsigned Emphasis : 2;
and then use each member as an isolated value:
struct MP3Header h;
/* ... */
fread(&h, sizeof h, 1, mp3file); /* error check!! */
printf("Frequency: %u\n", h.Frequency);
