Can I use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition for my sole employee LLC? [closed] - licensing

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to know whether or not I need to buy a license. I am the only person working on the software and I intend to keep it that way. I plan on producing a single Windows Store App and publishing it on the Windows App Store and sell it under my company's name.

You don't need to buy a licence so long as your corporation (and any affiliated entities) makes less than the equivalent of one million US dollars a year in revenue. As you're writing the software as employee of your corporation it's your corporation that needs to licence Visual Studio, not you as an individual. That means you need an "Organizational licence" which is granted under one of the following conditions from the Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Software Licence Terms:
Organization licenses. If you are an organization, your users may use the software as follows:
Any number of your users may use the software to develop and test your applications released under Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved open source software licenses.
Any number of your users may use the software to develop and test extensions to Visual Studio.
Any number of your users may use the software to develop and test your applications as part of online or in person classroom training and education, or for performing academic research.
If none of the above apply, and you are also not an enterprise (defined below), then up to 5 of your individual users can use the software concurrently to develop and test your applications.
If you are an enterprise, your employees and contractors may not use the software to develop or test your applications, except for open source and education purposes as permitted above. An “enterprise” is any organization and its affiliates who collectively have either (a) more than 250 PCs or users or (b) more than one million US dollars (or the equivalent in other currencies) in annual revenues, and “affiliates” means those entities that control (via majority ownership), are controlled by, or are under common control with an organization.
I assume that the first three bullet points don't apply to you, so only the fourth one will, which only applies if the fifth bullet point doesn't.

The license for Visual Studio Community 2015 is located here:
It indicates if you are an individual, you will be able to sell applications you create with the Community edition.
You will have to comply with the app submission rules of the Windows Store, which is not the same as the licensing of Visual Studio


How can I generate a Database diagram using Visual Studio Code automatically?

How do I generate a Database diagram in Visual Studio Code automatically without having to actually create the tables one by one?If that's not possible what other app can I use for this?I'm a Mac user, so it would be helpful for any recommendations for apps that can do it automatically.
I use DataGrip on daily basis and it has the functionality that you want.
Main issue is the license cost, but you have 30 days trial or you can apply for student license if you're gonna use for academic purposes. It does have Mac support
You can check their documentation for it.

Alternative for Access+SQL Server for enterprise projects

We're a small software company, developing projects for manufacturing facilities about analysis, traceability, reporting etc. We're using Access for front end, SQL Server for back end. We've quite big customers too and our company is growing. So far it is working fine but I wonder should we move to more influential technologies, such as web based solutions. What do you think about the future of Access?
Well, keep in mind that Access now has a web option. This option works with SharePoint and the new upcoming office 365. Here is a video of an Access application and note how at the half way point I switch to running the application 100% in a web browser. No ActiveX or Silverlight is required. I even tested and run the application on my iPad.
Video here:
And Access 2010 also has baked in support for the Azure (cloud) edition of SQL server.
So, we have web based options, cloud based options, and there been significant investments into Access for 2010.
You could have a look at these questions:
MS Access as Enterprise Software?
What are the appropriate uses for MS Access?
Here we have a central SQL Server database, with both an MS-Access and a Web client interface. MS-Access is history (we started it 5 years ago) and Web is trendy (less than one year old). I must admit that MS Access is still very very efficient and cheap, once you have resolved some MS access specific problems, to which you might find answers here:
Working with multiple programmers on MS Access
How do you use version control with Access development?
Best way to test a MS Access application?
MS-Access, VBA and error handling
You can always use VB.NET Express. It's free, and Microsoft's licensing should still allow you to sell apps created with it (they did with Express 2005).
UPDATE: Access 2013 has better support for web apps than previous versions, and the apps use SQL Server or SQL Azure under the hood by default. So be sure to thoroughly evaluate the latest version of Access before concluding that you need something else.
A very good alternative to Access with similar features is Lightswitch. Here's a quote from MSDN:
Visual Studio LightSwitch is a development environment designed to simplify and shorten the development of businesses applications and data services. LightSwitch makes it easy to create data-centric business applications that can consume a variety of data sources and create clients that can run on a variety of devices.
While Access now has a web option as #AlbertDKallal mentioned (and which is still worth considering as one option), creating an HTML 5 app is the whole focus of Lightswitch. (Note: the original version of Lightswitch required Silverlight, but the newer versions create HTML5 apps that don't require any plugins.) The app will also be more extensible, since it's a .NET app, and for things that require custom programming you can program in C# or Visual Basic rather than VBA.
I should mention at this point that I haven't actually tried Lightswitch yet (!) - I'm currently evaluating it and these are the features that look attractive to me compared to Access. If anyone reading this in the future is curious about what my experience with it was like, feel free to write a comment to remind me.
For some introductory info, see these links:
Showcase Video
Is Visual Studio LightSwitch the New Access?
(Note that this article is about a the original version of LightSwitch, not the latest version.)
And...for a completely different cloud-based option, check out:

licensing open source software [duplicate]

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How do you choose an open-source license? [closed]
(10 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
As a newbie, I am quite confused how open source software is can/be licensed. I know of licenses like GNU public, Apache, and others.
What is the procedure to license a open source software by developer? What considerations should be made? What choices do I have?
As the developer you are free to license your software (provided you aren't developing the software for someone else) in whatever way you wish. You have all the choice in the world and you should choose a license that meets your needs. Beyond that, any advice is rhetoric.
Technically most open source software aren't 'licenced'. You don't buy a licence to use it. You just use it. The "GNU General Public Licence" is not really a software licence that you accept or decline, it's a copyright licence
Books are copyrighted, you can't go photocopying a whole book, and sell it yourself. However you don't 'buy' book licences. Open Source software is like that.
There's no big scary procedure. :) All you have to do is drop a file named LICENSE with your license of choice inside of it into your project's root directory and make it obvious that that file is the license for the entire project, either through comments in the source code or a notice in the README.
Choose any license you want. A quick google search can get you on your way.
One of the most commonly used ones in open source is the GPL.

Are there any PDA or Outlook Synch Frameworks out there? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We have a web application that deals with some common sales entities (Contacts, Appointments, Addresses, Notes etc..). We need to keep our app, outlook, and potentially any devices that they might have synchronized.
Are there any frameworks that we can use that help us integrate with PDAs? Any thoughts or reccomendations are appreciated. Thanks.
I think that the SyncML article on Wikipedia would be a good start.
Funambol has clients for multiple platforms and the core project is free and open source. has customized a funambol Windows Mobile clients for their customers.
I would look at Microsoft Sync Framework. Whitch has many "providers" both some included, some open source, some 3rd part. A provider is a like a standardized "connection" to a datasource, like outlook mail, outlook contacts, file system, database or whatever you can imagine. Or as Microsoft says:
Microsoft Sync Framework is a
comprehensive synchronization platform
that enables collaboration and offline
access for applications, services and
devices. It features technologies and
tools that enable roaming, sharing,
and taking data offline. Using
Microsoft Sync Framework, developers
can build sync ecosystems that
integrate any application, with any
data from any store using any protocol
over any network.
A key aspect of the Microsoft Sync
Framework is the ability to create
custom synchronization providers. A
provider is a software component that
represents a replica for
synchronization. A replica is a
particular repository of information
to be synchronized, such as a file
system on a handheld device. When
representing a data source, a provider
enumerates changes from its replica.
When representing a destination, a
provider applies changes to its
replica. If the data at the source and
destination differ in type or schema,
each provider performs any necessary
mapping or transformation.
Microsoft Sync Framework home page:
Contact Synchronization Sample - Outlook Sync
This sample shows how custom providers can be created to synchronize content between disparate data sources. In this sample we will synchronize Contacts between Microsoft Outlook, Vista Contacts and VCard files. A key aspect of this demo is the data mapping capabilities which enables disparate data sources and data types to be mapped appropriately through the Sync Framework:
Microsoft Sync Framework v1.0 CTP1 - Devices
Managed (.NET Compact Framework) and unmanaged/native (ARM)
Supported platforms are Windows Mobile 5 and 6 (ARM processors only in CTP1)
I've done this with the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework and had excellent results. SQLCE can provide local storage on the PDA. Syncing can be performed either with custom code over web services or using something like SQL Server Replication.
Another strategy would be to design a second web portal with a UI that is specifically targeting mobile devices with small screens. Smart phone-based users could access the mobile portal with any web browser. This might be the most cost effecive solution.

Alternative to Esper? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I am really interested in Complex Event Processing and have been looking at Esper. However my company has an anti-GPL stance and I was wondering if there are non-GPL alternatives out there under a more business friendly license like Apache or BSD?
Quite late, but here you can find an overview, too. CEP vendor overview
FWIW, Esper has a non-GPL license if that's what you're after. Go to their website at - otherwise the community license is just GPL.
SiddhiCEP is an Apache License v2 software. You can use that as a library or even as a CEP Server. If you are going for production you can also get production support for SiddhiCEP from the open source product company called WSO2
Drools Fusion has an ASL-style license ( Pion is another open-source system with an AGPL license. If you prefer a normal commercial license there's Aleri, Streambase and ruleCore. Aleri and streambase are "normal" software and ruleCore is a CEP cloud.
There is book coming up on CEP; chapter 1 available here for free (no login required) lists a number of systems, but no license information:
You might want to take a look at OpenESB's Intelligent Event Processor. I have not looked at it in any detail, but I did find it difficult to determine exactly what the underlying API was. Rather, it talks a lot about a NetBeans IDE that allows you define an event processing work-flow, which is ok, but what I would like to understand better is what the real API is underlying the IDE. In contrast, Esper is all about the API and much lighter on the assistive tools.
I am also not sure what the license is, but I assume that as part of the Sun GlassFish initiative, it would be CDDL (correct acronym ?)
You can look at ERMA (Extremely Reusable Monitoring API). It was developed by Orbitz for internal use, and they have open sourced it a while ago. It uses the Apache License.
FYI Esper Enterprise Edition does not use the GPL. I.e. no copy left problem...
Can I freely use Esper in my application?
Esper is licensed under the
open source GPL GNU Public License v2.0 license. You may check this
license depending on your application and how you redistribute it.
Restrictions may apply. You should consider Esper Enterprise Edition
for any production use. Esper Enterprise Edition is not made available
under a viral copyleft license and combines Esper, EsperJMX, EsperJDBC
and Esper Studio in one single certified and supported package for
maximal productivity, interoperability and manageability.
The rulecore cep server has a non-gpl (closed) source code license. If you purchase a license from ruleCore, you are allowed to modify the source and distribute your own version without showing your modifies source code to anyone. Might be a good idea for a commercial project with all kinds of IP issues.
You can also check with Siddhi
