How do I configure how alerts display in JHipster? - angularjs

I'm using JHipster 2.19.0 and I like the new AlertService. However, I'd like to configure it so 1) alerts show up at the bottom of the screen and 2) they're full-width on mobile. Right now, alerts show up in the top left and they block access to most menu items. On mobile, they only take up 75% of the screen and sentences tend to wrap. I'd like to move alerts to the bottom right on desktop and have them take up 100% width on mobile.
I know this can probably be done with CSS, but I'm wondering if there's a different way. I've used Toastr in the past and it has the ability to configure the directive if you're using AngularJS-Toaster.


How to hide fancybox navigation arrows on mobile

I've spent most of the day on this and got nowhere. On a mobile handset the gallery is displayed with the nav arrows superimposed on the image. These are not necessary since swipe is enabled and spoil the look of the image.
I need to hide the arrows for mobile only, is there a recommended way to do this? It seems like a common thing one might want to do, but I can't find anything current on the web.
I've tried some js code to alter the options for the library to no avail, and can't figure out how to do it with a media query to modify the css.
There is an option arrows that you can use to toggle navigation arrows. You could set it by yourself for mobile devices or you can use handy mobile option, like this:
mobile : {
arrows: false

Black screen flashes at the start android app

The black screen is visible for a moment at the start of the app in android devices. I've tested in all of my recent apps and it is there. In some devices, the black screen appears a bit longer especially in oreo.
Have a look at the video here
How can I solve it?
This is triggered because your start method is taking too long to process the Form or the Form's rendering code is too slow. When that happens Android tries to draw your app but it takes too long and so it just shows what it has.
Remove the clutter from start and just show a Form that's a splash screen then transition to the actual app. Optimize your actual app UI by using profilers & the performance monitor tool.
In my opinion, showing a splash screen before the actual app (as suggested by Shai) is a good idea to be sure that all the splash screen images generated for iOS by the Codename One build servers are as you want them: in this way, the app startup look will be very similar on iOS and Android. Some popular app, like Facebook, use a splash screen that show their icon at the middle of the screen.
However, about your question, in my "new" Android 7 device, almost "all" the apps, even the ones preinstalled with Android, show a blank screen for a fraction of second at startup. So I suppose that it's normal. That blank screen is usually white, but is some app the color of the blank startup screen is different (for example, in ES File Manager is gray). Also my Codename One apps show a blank white screen at startup (before the splash screen in the apps in which I implemented it). Maybe the color of the startup blank screen depends on the styling of the app.

Best practice to handle extjs refresh page

I wrote an ExtJS application like this:
the sub menu is dynamic added by clicking the button on the left.
The question is :
as the sub panel is created dynamically, so if I refresh the whole page, the panel will go away.
What I expected is it could still display the same content before refresh pages.
So, my question is how to handle this in ExtJS?
Do I need to record the current panel information into Ext.App?
ExtJS is a framework to build Web Applications that run inside the browser.
With Web Applications, just like normal applications, you don't close the program and start it anew (like a browser refresh does) just because someone wants to switch to a different toolbar or look at different data. You work with multiple panels, switch between them, and/or open windows.
You could for instance generate multiple panels inside a container with card layout, and bring to front the panel that you want to show right now.
If you have a license that allows you to use Sencha Architect, there is a nice "navigation" sample available in Architect from where you can start and look at how it's done.

Media query issues when resizing to mobile and then back to Desktop

I have a site which uses a different menu for mobile devices than on the Desktop version using media queries. If I resize a desktop browser window to a mobile width and click the mobile navigation dropdown button and then resize the window back to desktop size, the mobile menu remains visible instead of changing back to display:none. Unfortunately this site is still in staging so I cannot show you a live example, but I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of getting that DIV to become hidden again once the window is resized back to full screen.
Also, I realize that the chances of this scenario playing out in the real world are slim, but the client would like for it to be addressed anyway.
I figured out that it was javascript that was showing the DIV in the first place, not a media query, so I just added display:none to the div for the Desktop media query and the issue has gone away. Thanks!

swiping pagination

There are a lot of jQuery image gallery plugins and swipe gesture ones for mobile website.
I want to combine two of them on my website. there's no problem using one but if I try to use two at a page. It doesn't seem to work well. Probably conflict.
I use wookmark which is great for thumbnail list on mobile. I want to apply finger swipe paging to this image list.
I could creat a list page with thumbnails...
Now I just want to swipe for next page for more images.
The similar sample is here:
