Cannot login to Oracle Enterprise Manager Express - database

I have downloaded Oracle Developer Days Database 12c virtualbox image. I can boot it and access the desktop. When I try to log in to Enterprise Manager (EM) Express using the URL I am asked to install Adobe Flash. I install it and get to the login screen.
If I try to login as SYSTEM I get the following error:
But when I try to log in as user SYS I get a strange error: Security token does not match. You must login again..
To me it looks like the credentials for SYS are OK, but there is something wrong with the user in the database. Is this correct and if so how can I fix it? Or is EM Express just not setup on the image?

This document from Oracles Metalink solves it. The solution contains 3 steps:
Make sure that XDB_WALLET is recreated successfully.
Make sure XDB is installed successfully and the appropriate roles, EM_EXPRESS_BASIC/ALL is applied.
Use IE 11.0.9600.16476 with compatibility view.
Mark Stewart's answer covers step 2.
The first two steps are not strictly necessary. It looks like they have already been applied to the image in my case. All I had to do was use a different browser. Opera, Chrome, and IE all worked, but Firefox didn't.
The fact that Oracle installs a browser that doesn't work with EM Express and that Adobe Flash is not installed when it's required is very strange.

Set up a personal user ID, grant DBA to it, and try granting EM_EXPRESS_ALL role to your user ID.

After making sure that a desired account has EM_EXPRESS_ALL granted I just accessed Enterprise Manager using New Private Window in Firefox.

In Microsoft Edge, no problem accessing Oracle 12c EM
In Microsoft IE 11, no problem accessing Oracle 12c EM
In Firefox : Security Token does not match
Found a solution for Firefox on Is there a way to make Firefox ignore invalid ssl-certificates?
Go to Tools > Options > Advanced "Tab"(?) > Encryption Tab
Click the "Validation" button, and uncheck the checkbox for checking validity
Be advised though that this is pretty unsecure as it leaves you wide open to accept any invalid certificate. I'd only do this if using the browser on an Intranet where the validity of the cert isn't a concern to you, or you aren't concerned in general.

I faced this because of the cookie data stored by Adobe Flash. Browsing on Private mode or Incognito did not help. Here are the steps to remove the stored data and start using EM on Chrome:
Go to Settings>Advanced>Content Settings>Cookies
Coose See all cookies and site data
In the cookies search box, key in the hostname used to access EM. I run EM on my localhost and hence filtered by localhost:
You can see Flash data being listed
Click on the item to expand and delete the item related to EM:

The same error still exists in 2019 on EM with Chrome Version 76.0.3809.87. My solution is to add EM URL to the "Allow" section in the Cookies section.

Use internet explorer to login to EM .
The other browser are not compatible with enterprise manager


How can I access the Planon app from my (personal) laptop?

I cannot access anymore the planon application using the link provided in Tellit (
I get this error message in my browser:
enter image description here
Tried restarting VPN (Palo Alto), different browsers, incognito mode, restarting laptop, ...
Found out the problem is the app has been migrated to a server which is not accessible through VPN.
You need to access it through Remote Desktop.
One possible way to achieve this is go to this link :
then yo can use the provided Edge browser to browse to the Planon app.
However in order to do so, you need to request one additional TIM right:
(A) AVD - AG - PRD - Digital Solutions (Groups Azure Virtual Desktop)
I had also asked this one PA_Planon (Groups SSL VPN), but suppose it was not useful anymore as VPN access is not allowed.

Why can't I re-authenticate (MFA with mssql extension for VS Code)?

Here's an example of a connection configuration that has stopped working (it's for connecting to an Azure managed database):
"server": "",
"database": "sqldb01",
"authenticationType": "AzureMFA",
"profileName": "sqldb01",
"azureAccountToken": "",
"expiresOn": 1648022420,
"email": "",
"accountId": "aaaaaaaa-0000-bbbb-1111-cccccc222222"
When I try to connect, VS Code displays a dialog saying mssql: Credential Error: Account credentials have expired. Please re-authenticate. and another saying mssql: undefined:
After clicking the refresh credentials button, the linked page fails to resolve in my browser, showing ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED:
When I reinstall the plugin, remove my connection definitions from settings.json and attempt to create a new connection, the browser page resolves correctly and allows me to authenticate, but it has no effect in VS Code.
I'm able use the same connection details in Azure Data Studio to connect successfully.
I had the same/similar problem and found 2 possible issues in my case. I went into Windows Credential Manager and Removed the aad-iv and aad-key credentials, as well as all the others that did not say Modified: Today (presumably overkill).
When I then tried again in VSCode, I received an error but was able to proceed by it giving me a chance to enter credentials. In my case, it then failed to connect with an option to automatically add a firewall rule... and then everything worked.
I'm not sure if it wasn't smart enough to figure out how to refresh credentials OR if it was trying to but something with the firewall rule came into the picture and disrupted it.
After this, I noticed Windows Credential Manager had aad-iv and aad-key credentials added back. So... I would try removing just those 2 and see what happens.
I resolved this by deleting the contents of this folder (Mac): ~/Library/Application Support/vscode-mssql/AAD.
I believe the equivalent on Windows would be something like C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\vscode-mssql\Azure Accounts.
I did the same as benmcf. However, I also deleted the AAD folder:
After it, I uninstalled the MSSQL extension and installed again. Then it worked.

power view with Sharepoint 2016

I am trying to publish sharepoint2016 website including Power View reports which created by SQL server services service (SSRS). there is top level site and bi center as sub-site; both are working fine but problem is that when I try to view the report it said the error:
"the web application at [url] could not be found. verify that you have typed the url correctly. if the url should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request url mapping to the intended application."I search about the error but It does not reach my target.
note that the whole site is working fine in domain.
Please help...
Sorry for late guys...
i found that Power shell of SP cannot execute any command related to SSRS
it just need to reinstall SSRS service compatible with SP2016. then every thing is fine.

Sharepoint 2013 - 404 Not Found while accessing site collection from outside

This question may be a dublicate, but no recent post leads to a working answer for my case.
I have a Sharepoint 2013 running on a Windows Server 2012. Following issue appeared:
I made a new Site-Collection as wiki. Everything (links,...) works fine on the server but when I want to access the wiki from outside (not localhost) the server runs in a 404 Not found error.
http://localhost/sites/wiki/Pages/Home.aspx - works fine(localhost) - doesn't work.
I checked the IIS settings, all servers are up and running. The log file has no errors in it.
Does anyone know, how to solve this problem?
The most common cause for this is that you don't have the IIS host header configured correctly. The 404 will appear because you are hitting a different IIS web site and not the one you intended to.
If you go into IIS Manager and click on "Sites" in the right hand pane there will be a column called bindings and a column called ID.
IIS will check in the order of ID for the first site that matches. Make sure the default site is stopped. If you see bindings that look like the following:
ID 1: Bindings: *:80
ID 2: Bindings: will match ID 1. Any other site that doesn't specify a port or https: will be directed to ID 2. You need to ensure that the site you are trying to access matches your bindings. The "" is added to the site via "New Web Application" in SharePoint. There is a field called Host: in Central Administration. This should match what you are typing from inside and outside the server. If you need the site to respond to multiple names, you need to extend the web application.
Assuming you used the default of claims authentication, here are the instructions for that:
I am not sure if this is still required in Server 2012, but disabling the loopback check might also help, although this usually results in a 401, and repeated attempts to log in. Here are the instructions for that.
Сheck the alternate access mapping in SharePoint administrator.
It should be something like this:
http://yourservername default internet
http:// so on ..

Problem facing to run ruport from other machine

I am using SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services and set mode remotely. All is going fine and reports running on my machine. I am not using report viewer control, but switch to browser.
Problem is that when I access the report from any other system in browser by providing required url. I m getting the following premission error:
Server Error in /ReportServer Application. Access is denied:
Description: An error is occured while
accessing the resources required to
serve for this request. You might have
not premission to view the requested
resources. Error message: 401.3 : You
dont have the premission to view this
directory or page using the
creditinals you supplied.
I have go through all step of this article "" and set remotly premession but after all changes no success and getting same error.
Please some one can tell me or provide step list, that how can I set the premession? that the report can run from other machine. Quick and detail response will
This link should give you some more steps to follow to set up the permissions as this sounds like a permissions error.
Also .... does it prompt for a username and password when you visit the site from another machine? if not you may need to add the required authentication methods into IIS (just an idea)
Then create a local (or domain) account for people to use to browse reports and use the properties tab on the report server home page to add them as 'Browser' type members.
When you visit the reports site from another PC it should prompt for sign in details (may not on a domain - not sure), if it errors before showing the home page then it is a security config issue, once you get in you may have a bit more tinkering to do to get the reports to run, but you tend to get slightly more verbose descriptions then so its not too hard to figure out and it normally database security permissions related.
Best of luck.
