one to many relationship vs. multiple records in a single table - database

I'm designing a payment system. Which of the following two designs is more practical, generally implemented and considered a good practice?
Design 1
Consider two entities — order and credit_card_details.
A credit card might be used for payment of several orders. So we have a 1:M relationship between credit_card_details and order. Keep in mind that each record in credit_card_details is unique with the attributes like card_holder_name, cvv, expiry_date, etc. These are filled in a form while making the payment. This design requires that whenever a payment is made, I would need to lookup the credit_card_details table to check whether a new/old credit card is being used. If the credit card is —
Old: The corresponding FK is added to the order table.
New: A new record is added in credit_card_details and then the corresponding FK is added to the order table
Design 2
This is relatively simpler. I use a single order table where all the attributes of credit_card_details from the previous design are merged to the former table. Whenever an order is placed, I need not check for the existence of the entered credit card details and I simply insert them in order table. However, it comes with the cost of possible duplicate credit card details.

Personally option one makes sense, option 2 does not give you 3NF, and the data is denormalized and hence you may have duplicated data. What if the customer returns the order and you want to make a reverse payment and the card has expired? These are just some common curveballs I am throwing up. It all depends on the given scenarios.
Also how imagine that you wanted a history of all the credit cards associated to a user and against the orders???, what would be a logical way to store these in the database? Surely a separate table right?
So a given user may have 0 to many cards.
A card can be associated to 1 or many orders
And an order is always associated to one card.
Consider possible searching options as well, and look up speed, better to have a unique foreign key in the order table.
A third option might be to have an Order table, Card table and OrderCard table although personally again it depends on your domain, although I think option three may be overkill?
Hope this helps in your design


Database design, an included attribute vs multiple joins? Confused

So I am taking a class in database design and management and am kind of confused from a design perspective. My example is an invoice system. I just made it up quick so it doesn't have a ton of complexity in it.
There are Customers, Orders, Invoices and Payments entities
Customer entity has a one to many relationship with Orders
Purchases entity has a one to many relationship with Invoices
Invoices Entity has a one to many relationship with Payments.
To get the results of a query to list all Payments made by a Customer the query would have to join Payments with the Invoice table, the Invoice table with the Orders table and the Orders table with the Customer table.
Is this the correct way to do it? One could also just put a custID in the payment entity which would then just require one join, but then there is unneeded information in the payment entity. Is this just a design thing or is it a performance issue?
Bonus question. Lets say there should be a report that says what the total customer balance is. Does there need to be a customer balance field in the database or can this be a calculated item that is produced by joining tables and adding up the amount billed vs amount paid?
Is this the correct way to do it?
Yes. Based on the information provided, it looks reasonable.
One could also just put a custID in the payment entity which would then just require one join, but then there is unneeded information in the payment entity. Is this just a design thing or is it a performance issue?
The question you're asking falls under "normal forms", often called normalization. Your target should be Boyce-Codd normal form (similar to 3NF), which should be described in your textbook. I will warn you that misinformation and misuderstanding of database design issues is very abundant on the interwebs, so beware of which answers you pay attention to.
The goal of normalization is to eliminate redundancy, and thus to eliminate "anomaliies", whereby two logically equivalent queries produce inconsistent results. If the same information is kept in two places, and is updated in only one, then two queries against the two different values will produce different -- i.e, inconsistent -- results.
In your example, if there is a Payments.CustID, should I believe that one, or the one derived from joining Payments to Orders? The same goes for total customer balance: do I believe the stored total, or the one I computed from the consituents?
If you are going to "denomalize for performance", as is so often alleged to be necessary, what are you going to do to ensure the redundant values are consistent?
Bonus question. Lets say there should be a report that says what the total customer balance is.
As a matter of fact, in practice balances are sort of a special case. It's often necessary to know the balance at points in time. While it's possible to compute, say, monthy account balances from inception based on transactions, as a practical matter applications usually "draw a line in the sand" and record the balance for future reference. Step are taken -- must be, for the sake of the business -- to ensure the historical information does not change or, if it does, that the recorded balance is updated to reflect the change. From that description alone, you can imagine that the work of enforcing consistency throughout the system is much more work than relying on the DBMS to enforce it. And that is why, insofar as is feasible, it's better to elimate all redundant data, and let the DBMS do the job it was designed to do.
In your analysis, seek Boyce-Codd normal form. Understand your data, eliminate the redundancies, and recognize the relations. Let the DBMS enforce referential integrity. Countless errors will be avoided, and time saved. Only when specific circumstances conspire to show that specific business requirements cannot be satisfied on a particular system with a given, correct design, does one begin the tedious and error-prone work of introducing redundant information and compensating for it with external controls.
"Is this the correct way to do it?" Of course, given your current design. But it's not the ONLY way. So you're studying DB "normalization" and seeing the pros and cons of the various "forms" of normalization. In the "real world" things can change on a dime, due to a management decision or whatever. I tend to use "compound primary keys" instead of simply one field for primary and others as FK. I handle my "FK" programmatically instead of relegating that responsibility to the DB.
I also create and utilize a number of "intermediate" tables, or sometimes "VIEWS", that I use more easily than a bunch of code with too many JOINs. (3rd Normal form addicts can hate, but my code runs faster than a scalded rabbit).
An Order means nothing without a Customer; an Invoice means nothing without an Order; a Payment is great, but means nothing without both an Order and Invoice. So lemme throw this out there -- what's wrong with having a "summary" type of entity that has Cust, Order, Invoice #, and Payment Id ?

When I should use one to one relationship?

Sorry for that noob question but is there any real needs to use one-to-one relationship with tables in your database? You can implement all necessary fields inside one table. Even if data becomes very large you can enumerate column names that you need in SELECT statement instead of using SELECT *. When do you really need this separation?
1 to 0..1
The "1 to 0..1" between super and sub-classes is used as a part of "all classes in separate tables" strategy for implementing inheritance.
A "1 to 0..1" can be represented in a single table with "0..1" portion covered by NULL-able fields. However, if the relationship is mostly "1 to 0" with only a few "1 to 1" rows, splitting-off the "0..1" portion into a separate table might save some storage (and cache performance) benefits. Some databases are thriftier at storing NULLs than others, so a "cut-off point" where this strategy becomes viable can vary considerably.
1 to 1
The real "1 to 1" vertically partitions the data, which may have implications for caching. Databases typically implement caches at the page level, not at the level of individual fields, so even if you select only a few fields from a row, typically the whole page that row belongs to will be cached. If a row is very wide and the selected fields relatively narrow, you'll end-up caching a lot of information you don't actually need. In a situation like that, it may be useful to vertically partition the data, so only the narrower, more frequently used portion or rows gets cached, so more of them can fit into the cache, making the cache effectively "larger".
Another use of vertical partitioning is to change the locking behavior: databases typically cannot lock at the level of individual fields, only the whole rows. By splitting the row, you are allowing a lock to take place on only one of its halfs.
Triggers are also typically table-specific. While you can theoretically have just one table and have the trigger ignore the "wrong half" of the row, some databases may impose additional limits on what a trigger can and cannot do that could make this impractical. For example, Oracle doesn't let you modify the mutating table - by having separate tables, only one of them may be mutating so you can still modify the other one from your trigger.
Separate tables may allow more granular security.
These considerations are irrelevant in most cases, so in most cases you should consider merging the "1 to 1" tables into a single table.
See also: Why use a 1-to-1 relationship in database design?
My 2 cents.
I work in a place where we all develop in a large application, and everything is a module. For example, we have a users table, and we have a module that adds facebook details for a user, another module that adds twitter details to a user. We could decide to unplug one of those modules and remove all its functionality from our application. In this case, every module adds their own table with 1:1 relationships to the global users table, like this:
create table users ( id int primary key, ...);
create table users_fbdata ( id int primary key, ..., constraint users foreign key ...)
create table users_twdata ( id int primary key, ..., constraint users foreign key ...)
If you place two one-to-one tables in one, its likely you'll have semantics issue. For example, if every device has one remote controller, it doesn't sound quite good to place the device and the remote controller with their bunch of characteristics in one table. You might even have to spend time figuring out if a certain attribute belongs to the device or the remote controller.
There might be cases, when half of your columns will stay empty for a long while, or will not ever be filled in. For example, a car could have one trailer with a bunch of characteristics, or might have none. So you'll have lots of unused attributes.
If your table has 20 attributes, and only 4 of them are used occasionally, it makes sense to break the table into 2 tables for performance issues.
In such cases it isn't good to have everything in one table. Besides, it isn't easy to deal with a table that has 45 columns!
If data in one table is related to, but does not 'belong' to the entity described by the other, then that's a candidate to keep it separate.
This could provide advantages in future, if the separate data needs to be related to some other entity, also.
The most sensible time to use this would be if there were two separate concepts that would only ever relate in this way. For example, a Car can only have one current Driver, and the Driver can only drive one car at a time - so the relationship between the concepts of Car and Driver would be 1 to 1. I accept that this is contrived example to demonstrate the point.
Another reason is that you want to specialize a concept in different ways. If you have a Person table and want to add the concept of different types of Person, such as Employee, Customer, Shareholder - each one of these would need different sets of data. The data that is similar between them would be on the Person table, the specialist information would be on the specific tables for Customer, Shareholder, Employee.
Some database engines struggle to efficiently add a new column to a very large table (many rows) and I have seen extension-tables used to contain the new column, rather than the new column being added to the original table. This is one of the more suspect uses of additional tables.
You may also decide to divide the data for a single concept between two different tables for performance or readability issues, but this is a reasonably special case if you are starting from scratch - these issues will show themselves later.
First, I think it is a question of modelling and defining what consist a separate entity. Suppose you have customers with one and only one single address. Of course you could implement everything in a single table customer, but if, in the future you allow him to have 2 or more addresses, then you will need to refactor that (not a problem, but take a conscious decision).
I can also think of an interesting case not mentioned in other answers where splitting the table could be useful:
Imagine, again, you have customers with a single address each, but this time it is optional to have an address. Of course you could implement that as a bunch of NULL-able columns such as ZIP,state,street. But suppose that given that you do have an address the state is not optional, but the ZIP is. How to model that in a single table? You could use a constraint on the customer table, but it is much easier to divide in another table and make the foreign_key NULLable. That way your model is much more explicit in saying that the entity address is optional, and that ZIP is an optional attribute of that entity.
not very often.
you may find some benefit if you need to implement some security - so some users can see some of the columns (table1) but not others (table2)..
of course some databases (Oracle) allow you to do this kind of security in the same table, but some others may not.
You are referring to database normalization. One example that I can think of in an application that I maintain is Items. The application allows the user to sell many different types of items (i.e. InventoryItems, NonInventoryItems, ServiceItems, etc...). While I could store all of the fields required by every item in one Items table, it is much easier to maintain to have a base Item table that contains fields common to all items and then separate tables for each item type (i.e. Inventory, NonInventory, etc..) which contain fields specific to only that item type. Then, the item table would have a foreign key to the specific item type that it represents. The relationship between the specific item tables and the base item table would be one-to-one.
Below, is an article on normalization.
As with all design questions the answer is "it depends."
There are few considerations:
how large will the table get (both in terms of fields and rows)? It can be inconvenient to house your users' name, password with other less commonly used data both from a maintenance and programming perspective
fields in the combined table which have constraints could become cumbersome to manage over time. for example, if a trigger needs to fire for a specific field, that's going to happen for every update to the table regardless of whether that field was affected.
how certain are you that the relationship will be 1:1? As This question points out, things get can complicated quickly.
Another use case can be the following: you might import data from some source and update it daily, e.g. information about books. Then, you add data yourself about some books. Then it makes sense to put the imported data in another table than your own data.
I normally encounter two general kinds of 1:1 relationship in practice:
IS-A relationships, also known as supertype/subtype relationships. This is when one kind of entity is actually a type of another entity (EntityA IS A EntityB). Examples:
Person entity, with separate entities for Accountant, Engineer, Salesperson, within the same company.
Item entity, with separate entities for Widget, RawMaterial, FinishedGood, etc.
Car entity, with separate entities for Truck, Sedan, etc.
In all these situations, the supertype entity (e.g. Person, Item or Car) would have the attributes common to all subtypes, and the subtype entities would have attributes unique to each subtype. The primary key of the subtype would be the same as that of the supertype.
"Boss" relationships. This is when a person is the unique boss or manager or supervisor of an organizational unit (department, company, etc.). When there is only one boss allowed for an organizational unit, then there is a 1:1 relationship between the person entity that represents the boss and the organizational unit entity.
The main time to use a one-to-one relationship is when inheritance is involved.
Below, a person can be a staff and/or a customer. The staff and customer inherit the person attributes. The advantage being if a person is a staff AND a customer their details are stored only once, in the generic person table. The child tables have details specific to staff and customers.
In my time of programming i encountered this only in one situation. Which is when there is a 1-to-many and an 1-to-1 relationship between the same 2 entities ("Entity A" and "Entity B").
When "Entity A" has multiple "Entity B" and "Entity B" has only 1 "Entity A"
"Entity A" has only 1 current "Entity B" and "Entity B" has only 1 "Entity A".
For example, a Car can only have one current Driver, and the Driver can only drive one car at a time - so the relationship between the concepts of Car and Driver would be 1 to 1. - I borrowed this example from #Steve Fenton's answer
Where a Driver can drive multiple Cars, just not at the same time. So the Car and Driver entities are 1-to-many or many-to-many. But if we need to know who the current driver is, then we also need the 1-to-1 relation.
Another use case might be if the maximum number of columns in the database table is exceeded. Then you could join another table using OneToOne

Database design - system default items and custom user items

This question applies to any database table design, where you would have system default items and custom user defaults of the same type (ie user can add his own custom items/settings).
Here is an example of invoicing and paymenttypes, By default an invoice can have payment terms of DueOnReceipt, NET10, NET15, NET30 (this is the default for all users!) therefore you would have two tables "INVOICE" and "PAYMENT_TERM"
PAYMENT_TERM (System default)
Now what is the best way to allow a user to store their own custom "PaymentTerms" and why? (ie user can use system default payment terms OR user's own custom payment terms that he created/added)
Option 1) Add UserId to PaymentTerm, set userid for the user that has added the custom item and system default userid set to null.
UserId (System Default, UserId=null)
Option 2) Add a flag to Invoice "IsPaymentTermCustom" and Create a custom table "PAYMENT_TERM_CUSTOM"
IsPaymentTermCustom (True for custom, otherwise false for system default)
Now check via SQL query if the user is using a custom payment term or not, if IsPaymentTermCustom=True, it means the user is using custom payment term otherwise its false.
Option 3) ????
As a general rule:
Prefer adding columns to adding tables
Prefer adding rows to adding columns
Generally speaking, the considerations are:
Effects of adding a table
Requires the most changes to the app: You're supporting a new kind of "thing"
Requires more complicated SQL: You'll have to join to it somehow
May require changes to other tables to add a foreign key column referencing the new table
Impacts performance because more I/O is needed to join to and read from the new table
Note that I am not saying "never add tables". Just know the costs.
Effects of adding a column
Can be expensive to add a column if the table is large (can take hours for the ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN to complete and during this time the table wil be locked, effectively bringing your site "down"), but this is a one-time thing
The cost to the project is low: Easy to code/maintain
Usually requires minimal changes to the app - it's a new aspect of a thing, rather than a new thing
Will perform with negligible performance difference. Will not be measurably worse, but may be a lot faster depending on the situation (if having the new column avoids joining or expensive calculations).
Effects of adding rows
Zero: If your data model can handle your new business idea by just adding more rows, that's the best option
(Pedants kindly refrain from making comments such as "there is no such thing as 'zero' impact", or "but there will still be more disk used for more rows" etc - I'm talking about material impact to the DB/project/code)
To answer the question: Option 1 is best (i.e. add a column to the payment option table).
The reasoning is based on the guidelines above and this situation is a good fit for those guidelines.
I would also store "standard" payment options in the same table, but with a NULL userid; that way you only have to add new payment options when you really have one, rather than for every customer even if they use a standard one.
It also means your invoice table does not need changing, which is a good thing - it means minimal impact to that part of your app.
It seems to me that there are merely "Payment Terms" and "Users". The decision of what are the "Default" payment terms is a business rule, and therefore would be best represented in the business layer of your application.
Assuming that you would like to have a set of pre-defined "default" payment terms present in your application from the start, these would already be present in the payment terms table. However, I would put a reference table in between USERS and PAYMENT TERMS:
Your business layer should offer up to the user (or more likely, the administrator) through a GUI the ability to:
Assign 0 to many payment term options to a particular user (some
users may not want one of the defaults to even be available, for
Add custom payment terms, which then become available for assignment to one or more users (but which avoids the creation of duplicate payment terms by different users)
Allows the definition of a custom payment term to be assigned to more than one user (say the user's company a unique payment process which requires all of their users to utilize a payment term other than one of the defaults? Create the custom term once, and assign to all users.
Your application business layer would establish rules governing access to payment terms, which could then be accessed by your user interface.
Your UI would then (again, likely through an administrator function) allow the set up of one or more payment terms in addition to the standards you describe, and then make them available to one or more users through something like a checked list box (for example).
Option 1 is definately better for the following reasons:-
You can implement a database constraint for uniqueness of the payment term name
You can implement a foreign key constraint from Invoice to PaymentTerm
Ease of Use
Conducting queries will be much simplier because you will always join from Invoice to PaymentTerm rather than requiring a more complex join. Most of the time when you select you will not care if it is an inbuilt or custom payment term. The optimizer will have an easier time with a normal join instead of one that depends on another column to decide which table to join.
Easier to display a list of PaymentTerms coming from one table
We use Option 1 in our data-model quite alot.
Part of the problem, as I see it, is that different payment terms lead to different calculations, too. If I were still in the welding supply business, I'd want to add "2% 10 NET 30", which would mean 2% discount if the payment is made in full within 10 days, otherwise, net 30."
Setting that issue aside, I think ownership of the payment terms makes sense. Assume that the table of users (not shown) includes the user "system" as, say, user_id 0.
create table payment_terms (
payment_term_id integer primary key,
payment_term_owner_id integer not null references users (user_id),
payment_term_desc varchar(30) not null unique,
insert into payment_terms values (1, 0, 'Net 10');
insert into payment_terms values (2, 0, 'Net 15');
insert into payment_terms values (5, 1, '2% 10, Net 30');
This keeps foreign keys simple, and it makes it easy to select payment terms at run time for presentation in the user interface.
Be very careful here. You probably want to store the description, not the ID number, with your invoices. (It's unique; you can set a foreign key reference to it.) If you store only the ID number, updating a user's custom description might subtly corrupt all the data that references it.
For example, let's say that the user created a custom payment term number 5, '2% 10, Net 30'. You store the ID number 5 in your table of invoices. Then the user decides that things will be different starting today, and updates that description to '2% 10, Net 20'. Now on all your past invoices, the arithmetic no longer matches the payment terms.
Your auditor will kill you. Twice.
You'll want to prevent ordinary users from deleting rows owned by the system user. There are several ways to do that.
Use a BEFORE DELETE trigger.
Add another table with foreign key references to the rows owned by the system user.
Restrict all access through stored procedures that prevent deleting system rows.
(And flags are almost never the best idea.)
Applying general rules of database design to the problem at hand:
one table for system payment terms
one table for user payment terms
a view of join of the two above
Now you can join invoice on the view of payment terms.
No flag columns
No nulls
You separate system defaults from user data
Things become straight forward for the db

DB Schema design, table with many columns

I'm designing a schema for a learner management system.
I currently have LearnerDetails table which stores below categories of information.
- login user account details
- contact details and home address
- learner's residency related information including nationality info, current visa details to remain in UK etc
- learner's current state benefit related information
- details about learner's current employment status
The problem that I have is, when all these information are represented in a single table, number of columns exceed 70 columns.
One thing that I can to do is, I can segregate information in to different tables representing the categories mentioned above and associate these tables to their parent table LearnerDetails as 1:1 relationships.
I'd like to know whether this is a recommended approach or not.
In my opinion 1:1 relationships would represent a database what is over normalized. But if I didn't do this, it would result in having a huge horizontal table as my LearnerDetails table.
Highly appreciate if you could let me know your opinions/suggestions.
There is nothing inherently wrong with many columns in a table, as long you have 5NF, or at least 3NF.
But, there are quite a few examples where vertical partitioning (1::1) makes sense -- take a look at a similar question.
How wide are the columns? If your record is wider than the page size then having one wide table is a performance propblem waiting to happen.
Address is generally NOT a 1-1 relationship with person. Yes most people only have one but that is not true of everyone. Students for instcne sometimes live part time with each of their divorced parents. I would suggest that address be separated out. If you store phone numbers, those two are generally not in a 1-1 relationship. You might have a cellophone a fa xnumber a business number and a home phone (landline) number. Anything that hasa good possibility of eventually needing to be in a one-many relationship should be separated out from the start.
If you do separate out the tables and want to enforce the one-to-one relationship, yuo can either use the id from the parent table as the PK inthe child table or have a differnt Pk for the table and set-up a unique index for the FK field. Do not set-up a one-to-one realtionship without a way to enforce it in the database.
There is no problem at all to have 70 or more columns, if that's what normalisation requires. You did not mention which rdbms you use, but most suport at least 255 fields.

What is the best way to represent a constrained many-to-many relationship within a relational database?

I would like to establish a many-to-many relationship with a constraint that only one or no entity from each side of the relationship can be linked at any one time.
A good analogy to the problem is cars and parking garage spaces. There are many cars and many spaces. A space can contain one car or be empty; a car can only be in one space at a time, or no space (not parked).
We have a Cars table and a Spaces table (and possibly a linking table). Each row in the cars table represents a unique instance of a car (with license, owner, model, etc.) and each row in the Spaces table represents a unique parking space (with address of garage floor level, row and number). What is the best way to link these tables in the database and enforce the constraint describe above?
(I am using C#, NHibernate and Oracle.)
If you're not worried about history - ie only worried about "now", do this:
create table parking (
car_id references car,
space_id references space,
unique car_id,
unique space_id
By making both car and space references unique, you restrict each side to a maximum of one link - ie a car can be parked in at most one space, and a space can has at most one car parked in it.
in any relational database, many to many relationships must have a join table to represent the combinations. As provided in the answer (but without much of the theoretical background), you cannot represent a many to many relationship without having a table in the middle to store all the combinations.
It was also mentioned in the solution that it only solves your problem if you don't need history. Trust me when I tell you that real world applications almost always need to represent historical data. There are many ways to do this, but a simple method might be to create what's called a ternary relationship with an additional table. You could, in theory, create a "time" table that also links its primary key (say a distinct timestamp) with the inherited keys of the other two source tables. this would enable you to prevent errors where two cars are located in the same parking spot during the same time. using a time table can allow you the ability to re-use the same time data for multiple parking spots using a simple integer id.
So, your data tables might look like so
table car
car_id (integers/numbers are fastest to index)
table parking-space
table timeslot
time_id integer
begin_datetime (don't use seconds unless you must!)
end_time (don't use seconds unless you must!)
now, here's where it gets fun. You add the middle table with a composite primary key that is made up of car.car_id + parking_space.space_id + time_id. There are other things you could add to optimize here, but you get the idea, I hope.
table reservation
car_id PK
parking_space_id PK
time_id PK (it's an integer - just try to keep it as highly granular as possible - 30 minute increments or something - if you allow this to include seconds / milliseconds /etc the advantages are cancelled out because you can't re-use the same value from the time table)
(this would also be the place to store variable rates, discounts, etc distinct to this particular account, reservation, etc).
now, you can reduce the amount of data because you aren't replicating the timestamp in the join table (reservation). By using an integer, you can re-use that timeslot for multiple parking spaces, but you could also apply a constraint preventing two cars from renting that given spot for the same "timeslot" for a given day / timeframe. This would also make it easier to store some history about the customers - who knows, you might want to see reports on customers who rent more often and offer them discounts or something.
By using the ternary relationship model, you are making each spot unique to a given timeslot (perhaps with some added validation rules), so the system can only store one car in one parking spot for one given time period.
By using integers as keys instead of timestamps, you are assured that the database won't need to do any heavy lifting to index the keys and sort / query against. This is a common practice in data warehousing / OLAP reporting when you have massive datasets and you need efficiency. I think it applies here as well.
create a third table.
for the constraint, i guess the problem with your situation is that you need to check a complex rule against the intersection table itself. if you try this in a trigger, it will report a mutation.
one way to avoid this would be to replicate the table, and query against this replication for the constraint.
