context does not liberty profile - websphere-portal

my portlets are using credential vault and context is looking at -->"portletservice/‌​tService" . I tried online how i can set this up in liberty profile , but no luck till now .... any suggestion on this would be really helpful .
Error :
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Intermediate context does not exist: portletservice/

Credential vault is service offered only by the full WebSphere Portal, there is no such service in the WebSphere Liberty as it only has simple portlet container.


Microsoft Graph API ERROR:unauthorized_client while integrate with WSO2 EI

I have registered APP in Azure Portal and successfully generated credentials in Microsoft Graph API. after outlookmail.init Operation in WSO2 EI, i am getting below ERROR.
{"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"AADSTS700016: Application with identifier 'a4935017-80e8-4413-a762-780b32d8f968' was not found in the directory 'e5e67d60-adf4-40b4-883c-351dc2feef4e'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.\r\nTrace ID: 4ecb19d5-e66b-40c1-9a15-7237a0d4c801\r\nCorrelation ID: 818ba54d-f5e5-43df-9201-96d71f598b1f\r\nTimestamp: 2021-07-08 10:14:35Z","error_codes":[700016],"timestamp":"2021-07-08 10:14:35Z","trace_id":"4ecb19d5-e66b-40c1-9a15-7237a0d4c801","correlation_id":"818ba54d-f5e5-43df-9201-96d71f598b1f","error_uri":""}
<log level="full"/>
Application in Azure Portal:
I have seen error code in this site which says like below.
This usually occurs when the client application isn't registered in Azure AD or isn't added to the user's Azure AD tenant. The application can prompt the user with instruction for installing the application and adding it to Azure AD
Can anyone please help me to resolve this?
Not sure if it helps, but I had a lot of similar problems with graph / wso2. Here a few things to check.
1.) check that the access/api is created by an administrator
2.) check that the api has "admin consent"
3.) i had to add a "access key" and use that one
4.) check that you use the ConfidentialClientApllication builder if you use JAVA SDK
Beside that there were a few pages that helped me to get it working.

Can't access anything on AWS despite being root

I was trying to create an Oracle Database instance in AWS using RDS , then I stumbled upon this error
Then I was trying to check my account information , and the same access denied is everywhere . I literally can't do anything . I am currently logged in as root user . I am very new to AWS . So any help is appreciated :)
your account doesnt have full access to all the resources. it has limited rights to create/remove/use resources in AWS. you need to speak to your admin to get the necessary grants. or if its sub account, then you need to switch the role from top right corner of console to proper role.

Error when creating experiment in watson studio

I cannot create an experiment within a project nor create a new project because apparently my watson studio doesn't have the right permissions to access/create/delete something in my Cloud object storage instance, knowing that the COS service was created from Watson studio itself.
In case this helps, here is service endpoints information:
Follow the instructions provided in Watson Studio FAQ -
Also,Looks like you don’t have proper IAM access permission. If you are the owner of the account, you can set the required permissions following the steps in this link. If you are not the owner ask the account owner for the permissions.
For best practices, refer this solution tutorial
Hope this helps
You need Operator/Editor role. Account owner would need to login into and goto "Manage Users" ->
Cloud Foundry Access -> Space Role -> Add Developer
Access Policies -> Assign access to all resources -> Assign platform access roles (Add Operator or above) and Assign service access roles (Add editor or above).
This is only one of the options of setting up user for the things your are trying to do. For more detailed user management, checkout the links that #vidyasagar-machupalli posted in his answer.

ASP.NET MVC 5 - web configuration tool

I am trying to access the security settings in the ASP.NET Web Configuration tool.
I read the MSDN tutorial at : MSDN
I also found how to make the tool run from this answer
I am getting the following error when I click the 'Security' link on the web config tool page:
There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store.
The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Unable to connect to SQL Server database.
I did find a similar question, but the message to diagnose the problem is different in my case.
Can someone please help ?
Didn't resolve the issue yet, but tried it on a different machine.
Before showing the ASP.NET Web Configuration tool page, it asks for username and password. I tried following this answer, but it still asks for username and password.
Which username and password is required here ?

Connecting to Prediction API from Google API Consol using service account

I am trying to use the Google Prediction API for the first time.
I am just following the steps given in the article
I am getting a strange problem while executing step 2.4 in the above mentioned article.
I have followed the steps as below.
1) I have an application created in say domain, and I have service account name of my application as "".
2) Then I went to "Team" tab on the Google API Console, and tried to add the service account name of my application, to the project in which I have activated Prediction API and Google Cloud Storage.
While adding the serivce account to the project it gives me an error saying that
"Only users in domain may be added to the project".
The same kind of message is also displayed on the bottom of the "Team" tab. is the domain in wich my application is deployed.
Could any one please help me understand why this kind of message is comming?
Are there any domain level admin settings required to add the service account to the Google Console API project?
Currently, if you created a project with your Apps account, you can only add members of that same domain.
What you'll have to do is create a new project from something like account (NOT your Apps domain account). You can then add both and
I think you can even remove later on, once you've added Even activate billing for, not, if you need to.
Take from
You can modify the ACL of the bucket manually:
An alternate way to grant app access to a bucket is manually edit and set the bucket ACL and the default object ACL, using the gsutil utility:
Get the ACL for the bucket and save it to a file for editing: gsutil getacl gs://mybucket > myAcl.txt
Add the following Entry to the ACL file you just retrieved:
<Scope type="UserByEmail">
If you are adding multiple apps to the ACL, repeat the above entry
for each app, changing only the email address to reflect each app's
service name.
Set the modified ACL on your bucket: gsutil setacl myAcl.txt gs://mybucket
