Angular Azure Mobile Service Client API Key Usage - angularjs

I'm looking at using the Angular Azure Mobile Service Client for a project, I saw this sample code:
angular.module('your-module-name').constant('AzureMobileServiceClient', {
API_URL : 'https://<your-api-url>',
API_KEY : '<your-api-key>',
Is it safe to use the API Key in an AngularJS app like this (or any JavaScript based client)? I'm unsure what someone could potentially do if they had this key?

Found this in the Azure Mobile Services documentation:
With default permissions, anyone with the app key may call the custom
API. However, the application key is not considered a secure
credential because it may not be distributed or stored securely.
Consider restricting access to only authenticated users for additional

It is'Safe' depending on what you are trying to do. Javascript and any keys in it can be read by everyone. This is key is not meant to be used as a password to access important information. Instead it is made to prevent malevolent abuse of your application.
For example if someone is trying to log in 1,000 times per second with every possible password/username combination, they are submitting this key with each request. So you could throttle, or block anyone using this key. Then you would issue a new key to your apps. If you have a system for issuing those keys you might even identify the person that was doing it.
It can stop DDOS, Bruteforce, and some other abuses


Logic App how to read secret info for use within a workflow from app settings/some other secure place?

Currently, I'm trying to access Graph API from within a (Standard) Logic App to search for Sharepoint documents. To do so, I try using the following flow (I need delegated permissions, application permissions cannot use search endpoint):
As one can see in the blog post above, there is a step where the following string gets passed into the body of the first request to get an access token for a delegated user:
Now the client secret and service account password are two things which I absolutely don't want to have visible in the Logic App code and/or designer screen. Is there a way to securely read these from for instance the 'app settings' (in which I could reference them from a KeyVault)? I really can't find a good way on how to achieve this and I think it's a must to not be able to read these secrets/passwords from the Designer/code view.
Definitely use a KeyVault and make sure that for all steps involved, secure the inputs/outputs where ever that secret information may be visible.
The below example is the call to get the secret and therefore, I only want the outputs to be secured.
With your HTTP call, it's likely that you'll only want the inputs to be secured.
Be sure to use a managed identity on your LogicApp and then assign that managed identity to the KeyVault Secrets User role on the KV itself.
There's plenty of documentation on this topic ...

Hiding ApiKeys in a React-Next JS project [Not in Env. Variables] [duplicate]

The Firebase Web-App guide states I should put the given apiKey in my Html to initialize Firebase:
// TODO: Replace with your project's customized code snippet
<script src=""></script>
// Initialize Firebase
var config = {
apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
authDomain: '<your-auth-domain>',
databaseURL: '<your-database-url>',
storageBucket: '<your-storage-bucket>'
By doing so, the apiKey is exposed to every visitor.
What is the purpose of that key and is it really meant to be public?
The apiKey in this configuration snippet just identifies your Firebase project on the Google servers. It is not a security risk for someone to know it. In fact, it is necessary for them to know it, in order for them to interact with your Firebase project. This same configuration data is also included in every iOS and Android app that uses Firebase as its backend.
In that sense it is very similar to the database URL that identifies the back-end database associated with your project in the same snippet: https://<app-id> See this question on why this is not a security risk: How to restrict Firebase data modification?, including the use of Firebase's server side security rules to ensure only authorized users can access the backend services.
If you want to learn how to secure all data access to your Firebase backend services is authorized, read up on the documentation on Firebase security rules. These rules control access to file storage and database access, and are enforced on the Firebase servers. So no matter if it's your code, or somebody else's code that uses you configuration data, it can only do what the security rules allow it to do.
For another explanation of what Firebase uses these values for, and for which of them you can set quotas, see the Firebase documentation on using and managing API keys.
If you'd like to reduce the risk of committing this configuration data to version control, consider using the SDK auto-configuration of Firebase Hosting. While the keys will still end up in the browser in the same format, they won't be hard-coded into your code anymore with that.
Update (May 2021): Thanks to the new feature called Firebase App Check, it is now actually possible to limit access to the backend services in your Firebase project to only those coming from iOS, Android and Web apps that are registered in that specific project.
You'll typically want to combine this with the user authentication based security described above, so that you have another shield against abusive users that do use your app.
By combining App Check with security rules you have both broad protection against abuse, and fine gained control over what data each user can access, while still allowing direct access to the database from your client-side application code.
Building on the answers of prufrofro and Frank van Puffelen here, I put together this setup that doesn't prevent scraping, but can make it slightly harder to use your API key.
Warning: To get your data, even with this method, one can for example simply open the JS console in Chrome and type:
firebase.database().ref("/get/all/the/data").once("value", function (data) {
Only the database security rules can protect your data.
Nevertheless, I restricted my production API key use to my domain name like this:
Select your Firebase project
Under API keys, pick your Browser key. It should look like this: "Browser key (auto created by Google Service)"
In "Accept requests from these
HTTP referrers (web sites)", add the URL of your app (exemple:* )
Now the app will only work on this specific domain name. So I created another API Key that will be private for localhost developement.
Click Create credentials > API Key
By default, as mentioned by Emmanuel Campos, Firebase only whitelists localhost and your Firebase hosting domain.
In order to make sure I don't publish the wrong API key by mistake, I use one of the following methods to automatically use the more restricted one in production.
Setup for Create-React-App
In /env.development:
In /env.production:
In /src/index.js
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY,
// ...
I am not convinced to expose security/config keys to client. I would not call it secure, not because some one can steal all private information from first day, because someone can make excessive request, and drain your quota and make you owe to Google a lot of money.
You need to think about many concepts from restricting people not to access where they are not supposed to be, DOS attacks etc.
I would more prefer the client first will hit to your web server, there you put what ever first hand firewall, captcha , cloudflare, custom security in between the client and server, or between server and firebase and you are good to go. At least you can first stop suspect activity before it reaches to firebase. You will have much more flexibility.
I only see one good usage scenario for using client based config for internal usages. For example, you have internal domain, and you are pretty sure outsiders cannot access there, so you can setup environment like browser -> firebase type.
The API key exposure creates a vulnerability when user/password sign up is enabled. There is an open API endpoint that takes the API key and allows anyone to create a new user account. They then can use this new account to log in to your Firebase Auth protected app or use the SDK to auth with user/pass and run queries.
I've reported this to Google but they say it's working as intended.
If you can't disable user/password accounts you should do the following:
Create a cloud function to auto disable new users onCreate and create a new DB entry to manage their access.
Ex: MyUsers/{userId}/Access: 0
exports.addUser = functions.auth.user().onCreate(onAddUser);
exports.deleteUser = functions.auth.user().onDelete(onDeleteUser);
Update your rules to only allow reads for users with access > 1.
On the off chance the listener function doesn't disable the account fast enough then the read rules will prevent them from reading any data.
I believe once database rules are written accurately, it will be enough to protect your data. Moreover, there are guidelines that one can follow to structure your database accordingly. For example, making a UID node under users, and putting all under information under it. After that, you will need to implement a simple database rule as below
"rules": {
"users": {
"$uid": {
".read": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid",
".write": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid"
No other user will be able to read other users' data, moreover, domain policy will restrict requests coming from other domains.
One can read more about it on
Firebase Security rules
While the original question was answered (that the api key can be exposed - the protection of the data must be set from the DB rulles), I was also looking for a solution to restrict the access to specific parts of the DB.
So after reading this and some personal research about the possibilities, I came up with a slightly different approach to restrict data usage for unauthorised users:
I save my users in my DB too, under the same uid (and save the profile data in there). So i just set the db rules like this:
".read": "auth != null && root.child('/userdata/'+auth.uid+'/userRole').exists()",
".write": "auth != null && root.child('/userdata/'+auth.uid+'/userRole').exists()"
This way only a previous saved user can add new users in the DB so there is no way anyone without an account can do operations on DB.
Also adding new users is posible only if the user has a special role and edit only by admin or by that user itself (something like this):
"userdata": {
"$userId": {
".write": "$userId === auth.uid || root.child('/userdata/'+auth.uid+'/userRole').val() === 'superadmin'",
Open api keys leads to attacks that can use a lot resources at firebase that will definitely cost your hard money.
You can always restrict you firebase project keys to domains / IP's.
select your project Id and key and restrict it to Your Android/iOs/web App.
It is oky to include them, and special care is required only for Firebase ML or when using Firebase Authentication
API keys for Firebase are different from typical API keys:
Unlike how API keys are typically used, API keys for Firebase services are not used to control access to backend resources; that can only be done with Firebase Security Rules. Usually, you need to fastidiously guard API keys (for example, by using a vault service or setting the keys as environment variables); however, API keys for Firebase services are ok to include in code or checked-in config files.
Although API keys for Firebase services are safe to include in code, there are a few specific cases when you should enforce limits for your API key; for example, if you're using Firebase ML or using Firebase Authentication with the email/password sign-in method. Learn more about these cases later on this page.
For more informations, check the offical docs
I am making a blog website on github pages. I got an idea to embbed comments in the end of every blog page. I understand how firebase get and gives you data.
I have tested many times with project and even using console. I am totally disagree the saying vlit is vulnerable.
Believe me there is no issue of showing your api key publically if you have followed privacy steps recommend by firebase.
Go to
and perfrom a security steup.
You should not expose this info. in public, specially api keys.
It may lead to a privacy leak.
Before making the website public you should hide it. You can do it in 2 or more ways
Complex coding/hiding
Simply put firebase SDK codes at bottom of your website or app thus firebase automatically does all works. you don't need to put API keys anywhere

Hosting project using firebase [duplicate]

The Firebase Web-App guide states I should put the given apiKey in my Html to initialize Firebase:
// TODO: Replace with your project's customized code snippet
<script src=""></script>
// Initialize Firebase
var config = {
apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
authDomain: '<your-auth-domain>',
databaseURL: '<your-database-url>',
storageBucket: '<your-storage-bucket>'
By doing so, the apiKey is exposed to every visitor.
What is the purpose of that key and is it really meant to be public?
The apiKey in this configuration snippet just identifies your Firebase project on the Google servers. It is not a security risk for someone to know it. In fact, it is necessary for them to know it, in order for them to interact with your Firebase project. This same configuration data is also included in every iOS and Android app that uses Firebase as its backend.
In that sense it is very similar to the database URL that identifies the back-end database associated with your project in the same snippet: https://<app-id> See this question on why this is not a security risk: How to restrict Firebase data modification?, including the use of Firebase's server side security rules to ensure only authorized users can access the backend services.
If you want to learn how to secure all data access to your Firebase backend services is authorized, read up on the documentation on Firebase security rules. These rules control access to file storage and database access, and are enforced on the Firebase servers. So no matter if it's your code, or somebody else's code that uses you configuration data, it can only do what the security rules allow it to do.
For another explanation of what Firebase uses these values for, and for which of them you can set quotas, see the Firebase documentation on using and managing API keys.
If you'd like to reduce the risk of committing this configuration data to version control, consider using the SDK auto-configuration of Firebase Hosting. While the keys will still end up in the browser in the same format, they won't be hard-coded into your code anymore with that.
Update (May 2021): Thanks to the new feature called Firebase App Check, it is now actually possible to limit access to the backend services in your Firebase project to only those coming from iOS, Android and Web apps that are registered in that specific project.
You'll typically want to combine this with the user authentication based security described above, so that you have another shield against abusive users that do use your app.
By combining App Check with security rules you have both broad protection against abuse, and fine gained control over what data each user can access, while still allowing direct access to the database from your client-side application code.
Building on the answers of prufrofro and Frank van Puffelen here, I put together this setup that doesn't prevent scraping, but can make it slightly harder to use your API key.
Warning: To get your data, even with this method, one can for example simply open the JS console in Chrome and type:
firebase.database().ref("/get/all/the/data").once("value", function (data) {
Only the database security rules can protect your data.
Nevertheless, I restricted my production API key use to my domain name like this:
Select your Firebase project
Under API keys, pick your Browser key. It should look like this: "Browser key (auto created by Google Service)"
In "Accept requests from these
HTTP referrers (web sites)", add the URL of your app (exemple:* )
Now the app will only work on this specific domain name. So I created another API Key that will be private for localhost developement.
Click Create credentials > API Key
By default, as mentioned by Emmanuel Campos, Firebase only whitelists localhost and your Firebase hosting domain.
In order to make sure I don't publish the wrong API key by mistake, I use one of the following methods to automatically use the more restricted one in production.
Setup for Create-React-App
In /env.development:
In /env.production:
In /src/index.js
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY,
// ...
I am not convinced to expose security/config keys to client. I would not call it secure, not because some one can steal all private information from first day, because someone can make excessive request, and drain your quota and make you owe to Google a lot of money.
You need to think about many concepts from restricting people not to access where they are not supposed to be, DOS attacks etc.
I would more prefer the client first will hit to your web server, there you put what ever first hand firewall, captcha , cloudflare, custom security in between the client and server, or between server and firebase and you are good to go. At least you can first stop suspect activity before it reaches to firebase. You will have much more flexibility.
I only see one good usage scenario for using client based config for internal usages. For example, you have internal domain, and you are pretty sure outsiders cannot access there, so you can setup environment like browser -> firebase type.
The API key exposure creates a vulnerability when user/password sign up is enabled. There is an open API endpoint that takes the API key and allows anyone to create a new user account. They then can use this new account to log in to your Firebase Auth protected app or use the SDK to auth with user/pass and run queries.
I've reported this to Google but they say it's working as intended.
If you can't disable user/password accounts you should do the following:
Create a cloud function to auto disable new users onCreate and create a new DB entry to manage their access.
Ex: MyUsers/{userId}/Access: 0
exports.addUser = functions.auth.user().onCreate(onAddUser);
exports.deleteUser = functions.auth.user().onDelete(onDeleteUser);
Update your rules to only allow reads for users with access > 1.
On the off chance the listener function doesn't disable the account fast enough then the read rules will prevent them from reading any data.
I believe once database rules are written accurately, it will be enough to protect your data. Moreover, there are guidelines that one can follow to structure your database accordingly. For example, making a UID node under users, and putting all under information under it. After that, you will need to implement a simple database rule as below
"rules": {
"users": {
"$uid": {
".read": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid",
".write": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid"
No other user will be able to read other users' data, moreover, domain policy will restrict requests coming from other domains.
One can read more about it on
Firebase Security rules
While the original question was answered (that the api key can be exposed - the protection of the data must be set from the DB rulles), I was also looking for a solution to restrict the access to specific parts of the DB.
So after reading this and some personal research about the possibilities, I came up with a slightly different approach to restrict data usage for unauthorised users:
I save my users in my DB too, under the same uid (and save the profile data in there). So i just set the db rules like this:
".read": "auth != null && root.child('/userdata/'+auth.uid+'/userRole').exists()",
".write": "auth != null && root.child('/userdata/'+auth.uid+'/userRole').exists()"
This way only a previous saved user can add new users in the DB so there is no way anyone without an account can do operations on DB.
Also adding new users is posible only if the user has a special role and edit only by admin or by that user itself (something like this):
"userdata": {
"$userId": {
".write": "$userId === auth.uid || root.child('/userdata/'+auth.uid+'/userRole').val() === 'superadmin'",
Open api keys leads to attacks that can use a lot resources at firebase that will definitely cost your hard money.
You can always restrict you firebase project keys to domains / IP's.
select your project Id and key and restrict it to Your Android/iOs/web App.
It is oky to include them, and special care is required only for Firebase ML or when using Firebase Authentication
API keys for Firebase are different from typical API keys:
Unlike how API keys are typically used, API keys for Firebase services are not used to control access to backend resources; that can only be done with Firebase Security Rules. Usually, you need to fastidiously guard API keys (for example, by using a vault service or setting the keys as environment variables); however, API keys for Firebase services are ok to include in code or checked-in config files.
Although API keys for Firebase services are safe to include in code, there are a few specific cases when you should enforce limits for your API key; for example, if you're using Firebase ML or using Firebase Authentication with the email/password sign-in method. Learn more about these cases later on this page.
For more informations, check the offical docs
I am making a blog website on github pages. I got an idea to embbed comments in the end of every blog page. I understand how firebase get and gives you data.
I have tested many times with project and even using console. I am totally disagree the saying vlit is vulnerable.
Believe me there is no issue of showing your api key publically if you have followed privacy steps recommend by firebase.
Go to
and perfrom a security steup.
You should not expose this info. in public, specially api keys.
It may lead to a privacy leak.
Before making the website public you should hide it. You can do it in 2 or more ways
Complex coding/hiding
Simply put firebase SDK codes at bottom of your website or app thus firebase automatically does all works. you don't need to put API keys anywhere

Secure / Authenticated interaction from a WP7 app

I am working on a WP7 application. This WP7 application will interact with some web services that I have created. I do not want other applications interacting with these web services. The reason why is because I do not want them stealing my data. With that in mind, here is what I'm currently doing:
Connecting to web services via HTTPS
Making my users initially login to the application
Passing the users username / password with each web service interaction
At this time, I don't see what is stopping a malicious developer from creating a username / password combo and using that account in their application to interact with my web services. How do I really lock this thing down?
As a start towards a more secure system you should stop storing the password and sending it over the wire with each request (even if you're using SSL).
If you must pass it with each request, store a salted hash of the password and use that instead.
I'm using a multi layered approach to this problem. I recommend thinking creatively and using a variety of methods to validate that requests are coming from devices you expect requests to come from.
Alternatively, if there is any merit in your scenario, open up your api to 3rd party developers and make this work toward your objectives.
If you do decide to store a key in your app, don't store RAW text but instead declare a byte array of the UTF8 values, this won't be as easy to read.
You can then handshake with your service using a salted hash of the key the first time the app is run, the service hands out another key for the device to actually use day-to-day.
The phone should have an almost accurate time, so you can recalculate the key each day or hour. You can also revoke the key at the server end for just that device.
This API will be useful in ensuring you can blacklist a device permanently.
I've not looked into symmetric encryption by you might even be able to use the above unique ID as a private key.
I think the key to success is that first hand-shake, and ensuring that is not snooped. If it's a really important system, then don't use any of these ideas since rolling your own encryption is always flimsy to anyone with serious intent - use well-known methods and read up.
You could introduce an "Authorized Application ID" feature where the application sends its name or identifier within each HTTP request body. Then on the server side you can verify the application's identity (e.g. store the authorized app ID's in a table). The application ID would be encrypted within the HTTP(S) body.
This would also give you the option of pushing out new application ID's in updated versions of the WP7 application if you wanted to get rid of an older application ID. You'd also be able support new applications on difference devices or platforms in the future.
You may want to look at this

Google apps applications talk to each other

I am looking for a way for two Google Apps applications to talk to each other and share data between each other. I have the following scenario:
Application A logs user in using Google Apps login
Application B logs user in using Google Apps login
then these applications need to communicate directly to each other (server-to-server) using some APIs
The question is: how do these applications verify that the other one is logged in with the same user to Google? I would imagine something like:
- Application A gets some 'token' from Google and sends it to Application B
- Application B verifies that this token is valid for the same Google account as it is logged in with
Is there a way to accomplish that via Google Federated Login? I am talking about Hybrid protocol here.
Here's a simple way to do it:
You keep everything keyed to the user's Google userid on both applications.
You share the data using HTTP requests that contain the userid.
To prevent leaking of the userids (forbidden by the account API) and to verify the messages really come from the other application, you encrypt the requests with a symmetric cipher such as AES or Blowfish or whatever you like. Both applications have the same key embedded.
You could public key cryptography. With just two applications, it's not worth it in my opinion. If you start having more apps, public key makes sense.
The fine print: encryption does not guarantee integrity or origin without additional measures. You need to take precautions against playback, for example by incorporating a time-stamp or sequence number. You need to take precautions against tampering, e.g. with a checksum. Make sure to use CBC and good initialization vectors. Keep the key secret.
user.user_id() is always the same across all the apps for the same user. So you can simply compare values returned by user.user_id(). Is this what you are looking for?
Note: Every user has the same user ID
for all App Engine applications. If
your app uses the user ID in public
data, such as by including it in a URL
parameter, you should use a hash
algorithm with a "salt" value added to
obscure the ID. Exposing raw IDs could
allow someone to associate a user's
activity in one app with that in
another, or get the user's email
address by coercing the user to sign
in to another app.
From docs
