Secure / Authenticated interaction from a WP7 app - silverlight

I am working on a WP7 application. This WP7 application will interact with some web services that I have created. I do not want other applications interacting with these web services. The reason why is because I do not want them stealing my data. With that in mind, here is what I'm currently doing:
Connecting to web services via HTTPS
Making my users initially login to the application
Passing the users username / password with each web service interaction
At this time, I don't see what is stopping a malicious developer from creating a username / password combo and using that account in their application to interact with my web services. How do I really lock this thing down?

As a start towards a more secure system you should stop storing the password and sending it over the wire with each request (even if you're using SSL).
If you must pass it with each request, store a salted hash of the password and use that instead.

I'm using a multi layered approach to this problem. I recommend thinking creatively and using a variety of methods to validate that requests are coming from devices you expect requests to come from.
Alternatively, if there is any merit in your scenario, open up your api to 3rd party developers and make this work toward your objectives.

If you do decide to store a key in your app, don't store RAW text but instead declare a byte array of the UTF8 values, this won't be as easy to read.
You can then handshake with your service using a salted hash of the key the first time the app is run, the service hands out another key for the device to actually use day-to-day.
The phone should have an almost accurate time, so you can recalculate the key each day or hour. You can also revoke the key at the server end for just that device.
This API will be useful in ensuring you can blacklist a device permanently.
I've not looked into symmetric encryption by you might even be able to use the above unique ID as a private key.
I think the key to success is that first hand-shake, and ensuring that is not snooped. If it's a really important system, then don't use any of these ideas since rolling your own encryption is always flimsy to anyone with serious intent - use well-known methods and read up.

You could introduce an "Authorized Application ID" feature where the application sends its name or identifier within each HTTP request body. Then on the server side you can verify the application's identity (e.g. store the authorized app ID's in a table). The application ID would be encrypted within the HTTP(S) body.
This would also give you the option of pushing out new application ID's in updated versions of the WP7 application if you wanted to get rid of an older application ID. You'd also be able support new applications on difference devices or platforms in the future.

You may want to look at this


Angular Azure Mobile Service Client API Key Usage

I'm looking at using the Angular Azure Mobile Service Client for a project, I saw this sample code:
angular.module('your-module-name').constant('AzureMobileServiceClient', {
API_URL : 'https://<your-api-url>',
API_KEY : '<your-api-key>',
Is it safe to use the API Key in an AngularJS app like this (or any JavaScript based client)? I'm unsure what someone could potentially do if they had this key?
Found this in the Azure Mobile Services documentation:
With default permissions, anyone with the app key may call the custom
API. However, the application key is not considered a secure
credential because it may not be distributed or stored securely.
Consider restricting access to only authenticated users for additional
It is'Safe' depending on what you are trying to do. Javascript and any keys in it can be read by everyone. This is key is not meant to be used as a password to access important information. Instead it is made to prevent malevolent abuse of your application.
For example if someone is trying to log in 1,000 times per second with every possible password/username combination, they are submitting this key with each request. So you could throttle, or block anyone using this key. Then you would issue a new key to your apps. If you have a system for issuing those keys you might even identify the person that was doing it.
It can stop DDOS, Bruteforce, and some other abuses

Google App Engine Login vs Application Login

I have an application deployed on GAE. It allows users to register for an account, and I use the google user id as the primary key to link to their account.
I have a registration link that should be visible if either the user has not been authenticated by google and/or they do not have an account on my site.
What I am trying to figure out is what is the best way to figure out if the user has an account on my site as they go from page to page. I have an authentication filter that is triggered on every page, and the filter looks at their google id (if they are logged in), goes off and determines if the user has an account on my site, and sets a request parameter, that I use in the jsp to determine whether or not to show the registration link.
It seems wasteful to do that every time, so I refactored it and had the authentication filter store the Key object tied to their user account on my site in a Session. If the key attribute is not null, I take that to mean that the user is registered on my site.
Does that seem logical, or are there better approaches? The complexity to me comes from the fact that the user may be logged in with google, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have an account on my site.
My question
When it comes to storing authentication data, you have two options :
Store the data in session
Store the data on client side, in a cookie typically
Storing the data in session is a perfectly valid mechanism, and that's actually the most common.
However, managing a session is costly (you need to store it). In App Engine's case the sessions are stored in the Datastore, with probably some caching. So it's still a call to the datastore.
That should be totally acceptable, however if it turns out managing a session really decreases you app's performance, you can always store the data in an encrypted cookie. That way the information is provided by the browser every time it sends an HTTP request. Note that it means you must get encryption right and that HTTP requests will be slightly bigger (the size of the encrypted data).
So in the end it's a tradeoff. I would recommend sticking to sessions unless you experience performance issues. The advantage of sessions (compared to your fist approach) is that if you ever want to store additional data, you will have less code to add.

Securing OAuth clientId/clientSecret in AngularJS application

I know this is probably an age-old question, but...are there any best practices for securing client secrets for performing OAuth2 authentication in AngularJS applications? I've been racking my brain trying to think of a solution to providing truly secure access to an API from modern style web applications (they need not necessarily be AngularJS.) In my experience, adding layers of abstraction and obfuscation really don't do anything to improve security...they just make cracking the security egg more difficult for any prospective hackers (however many of them prefer a good challenge, so all your really doing is just making the hack more fun.)
Aside from the obvious ineffective solutions such as obfuscation and convolution of code and things like that, are there any best practices for securing client secrets in modern day web applications? I know these questions arose with desktop client apps, and I don't believe there was ever a solution beyond "Might as well obfuscate, that'll slow hackers down". Are we in the same boat with web apps? Is there no real solution to this problem?
If there is not a there even really any point in securing REST APIs with OAuth?
Remember that OAuth is less about protecting against impersonation and more about protecting credentials. 3rd parties authenticated a user's identity for you without exposing the user's credentials. Since Tokens are not credentials, the amount of harm a hacker can do and his window to act are limited.
But OAuth is not inherently more secure for your application than regular username/pwd authentication. And on client-side apps, all your code is available for the world to see! As
you mentioned, client-side encryption is a questionable strategy.
While there aren't established best practices for protecting client interactions, here are some approaches to minimize your exposure:
1) SSL: Silver bullet? Maybe. The more you can use SSL in your site and your requests, the safer your users' requests will be. I honestly believe all privileged requests should be made by encrypted requests.
2) Short Token Life-Span: The shorter the life-span of your Token, the less incentive/advantage of sniffing it.
OAuth 2.0 creates a constant chatter out of authentication by exchanging Authentication Tokens for Refresh Tokens for Authentication Tokens. You, as the developer are now developing a chatty app that does a lot of "what's your token, here's another token, ask me for a token, here's your new token... so what do you want?" ... "oops, time's up, where's your Refresh Token?"
If that sounds like a pain, it kind of is. OAuth 2.0 is designed to make the process easier for you the developer. But the important point is, the shorter the life span of your tokens, the harder for a hacker to maintain a fraudulent identity.
Refresh Token reference
3) Enforce your Domain: Want to give sniffers less chance of abusing the chinks in your armor? Don't allow Cross Domain Requests!
Sure, we often have distributed environments. But if your Facade is on the Client's Domain, your exposure is lessened (word choice questionable).
Force the hacker to use your domain, limit their creativity.
4) Use 3rd party API's for maintaining you access as often as possible: Google and Facebook API's and Services have been unit tested, battle tested, and evolved. The more you can lean on them to maintain your user's Identity, the less work you will do and fewer chances you take.
5) Check IP addresses: Almost anything can be faked, but the hacker must know that IP Address is part of your validation. This is the least assured of all practices, but combined with 1,2, or more, the gaps for hackers to exploit get smaller and the payoffs for effort fade.
6) Use a "Secret" or 2nd parameter: You can pass your users more than tokens. You can pass your own Alter-Token.
Pretend it's an ID data being passed back and forth. Name the param in a non-obvious way. Make it a number (e.g. age, height, address). The important point is, your hacker knows little or nothing of what's being asked for on the other side!
You can throw a serious monkey-wrench by having 3 params that act as security.
7) Don't give error messages to inform the hacker they've been caught. Give timeout msgs rather than "Got You!" If the invaders don't realize the fraud was caught they don't adapt as well.
I can't say it enough -- SSL saves a lot of trouble.
Note: All client Providers I have seen allow access to their API's without exposing Secret. Secret should never be exposed on client.
Any data exposed on client can be gleamed
Any encryption algorithm you use, will be exposed on the client.
I came here looking for the answer to this very question - how to handle the secret/id in an SPA. I came up with my own solution that hides the secret in the server but I wanted to confirm what I was doing was best practice. So since answers avoid this I will explain my flow in hopes that it will help anyone out there.
Our architecture - we have a ruby server as the api server and an express server serving up the Angular app.
Normally all communication is simply done RESTfully thru the api so the node server is just serving static files and not really doing a whole lot.
Since we were at the point of implementing the login/signup flows I came across the - what was new to me - OAuth 2.0 flow of how to handle things.
Before we can make any requests to the server and the server will take us seriously we need to get ourselves the Bearer token. I chose to implement it as a node endpoint thus to hide the client secret inside the node server itself.
So our customer has entered all their juicy data and are redy to become a user in our app they hit the submit button.
The app fires the request to the node server to get ourselves a yummy token that we can use as the Bearer. I chose to pass the client id as a GET request query parameter. First off I had both client id and secret in the node server but it felt like the id could/should be on the, well, client. So I went with this way.
The node server receives the client id thru the GET request and then proceeds to fire the POST to the host(ruby api). Constructing the url + grant type + client id + client secret. Thus hiding the implementation from the world.
The ruby server return a token for us to use which we then return to the client that initialized the signup request.
The SPA now has a Bearer token which we can use in the header of the signup request.
Thus completing our flow and having a hidden cient secret from the world.
Since we have a token with a certain lifespan we also have a request error interceptor that will catch tokens that have expired and thus make a new token request and then refire the failed call.
I have chosen to use on the Angular side of things this lib for users flow.
Its a super handy lib that gets all the boring boilerplate code that has to be written every time we want an app to have authentication thru email/password and also thru oauth....very handy.
So since this is my own interpretation of how to do such things - feedback is kindly requested.

Evernote users in the application database

What's the best practice or the common way of keeping (or not keeping) Evernote users in your application's database?
Should I create my own membership system and create a connection to Evernote accounts?
Should I store Evernote user data (or only part of it) in my own app and let the user log in only with Evernote?
Summary: you must protect their data but how you protect it is up to you. Use the integer edam_userId to identify data.
I think the API License agreement covers protection in the terms:
you agree that when using the API you will not, directly or indirectly, take or enable another to take any of the following actions:...
1.8.4 circumvent or modify any Keys or other security mechanism employed by Evernote or the API;
If you cache people's data and your server-based app lacks security to prevent people looking at other's data, then I think you're pretty clearly violating that clause. I think it's quite elegantly written!
Couple that with the responsibility clause 1.2
You are fully responsible for all activities that occur using your Keys, regardless of whether such activities are undertaken by you or a third party.
So if you don't protect someone's cached data and another user is able to get at it, you're explicitly liable.
Having cleared up the question of your obligations to (as you'd expect) protect people's data, the question is how do you store it?
Clause 4.3 covers identifiers pretty directly although it's a bit out of date now that we are all forced to use oAuth - there are no passwords ever entered into anything other a web view. However, mobile or desktop client apps must provide a mechanism for the user to log out, which must completely remove the username and password from your application and its persistent storage.
For a web app, you can't even save the username: If your Application runs as an Internet service on a multi-user server, you must not ask for, view, store or cache the sign-in name or password of Evernote user accounts.
The good news is that you can rely on the edam_userId value which comes back to you in the oAuth token credentials response, as discussed here.
When you look at the Data Model, you can see the unique id under the User and going into the User struct, see the reassuring definition The unique numeric identifier for the account, which will not change for the lifetime of the account.
Thinking about the consequences, as you can't get the user id until you have logged into the service, if you want to provide a local login for people you will have to link your local credentials to the user id. That may irk some people if they have to enter a username twice but can't be helped.
You can allow users to log-in via OAuth. Here's a guide on how that process works.
But you'll probably also want to store a minimal amount of user data, at least a unique identifier, in your database so you can do things like create relationships between the user and their notebooks and tags. Refer to the Evernote data model for those relationships. If you're using rails, this will also help you take advantage of rails conventions.

Google apps applications talk to each other

I am looking for a way for two Google Apps applications to talk to each other and share data between each other. I have the following scenario:
Application A logs user in using Google Apps login
Application B logs user in using Google Apps login
then these applications need to communicate directly to each other (server-to-server) using some APIs
The question is: how do these applications verify that the other one is logged in with the same user to Google? I would imagine something like:
- Application A gets some 'token' from Google and sends it to Application B
- Application B verifies that this token is valid for the same Google account as it is logged in with
Is there a way to accomplish that via Google Federated Login? I am talking about Hybrid protocol here.
Here's a simple way to do it:
You keep everything keyed to the user's Google userid on both applications.
You share the data using HTTP requests that contain the userid.
To prevent leaking of the userids (forbidden by the account API) and to verify the messages really come from the other application, you encrypt the requests with a symmetric cipher such as AES or Blowfish or whatever you like. Both applications have the same key embedded.
You could public key cryptography. With just two applications, it's not worth it in my opinion. If you start having more apps, public key makes sense.
The fine print: encryption does not guarantee integrity or origin without additional measures. You need to take precautions against playback, for example by incorporating a time-stamp or sequence number. You need to take precautions against tampering, e.g. with a checksum. Make sure to use CBC and good initialization vectors. Keep the key secret.
user.user_id() is always the same across all the apps for the same user. So you can simply compare values returned by user.user_id(). Is this what you are looking for?
Note: Every user has the same user ID
for all App Engine applications. If
your app uses the user ID in public
data, such as by including it in a URL
parameter, you should use a hash
algorithm with a "salt" value added to
obscure the ID. Exposing raw IDs could
allow someone to associate a user's
activity in one app with that in
another, or get the user's email
address by coercing the user to sign
in to another app.
From docs
