Whta if I don't use app/webroot/index.php - cakephp-2.0

I know that the index.php requires many files like core,dispatch,bootstrap and so on.This time in my project,I directly use a html inseide which has a ,and
the href is "topath/app/houses/init"(created by myself).The question is that,how about the index.php and the files it requires?Should they be required actually?
Thank you very much.

yes index.php required those files to load cake api, and dispatcher api's.
if you need a plain html then you can use following structure
topath/app/index.html which contain anchor tag to redirect on your
specified app
topath/app/houses is an cakephp app that contains all your houses app
if you have multiple cakephp app then you can seperate cake api
keep cake api out side from app
mainapp/cake/ include all cakephp api lib
mainapp/houses/ include all houses app code
update mainapp/houses/app/webroot/index.php to load cake api from
and so on......
hope it will help you


MEAN app with unauthenticated and authenticated index.html

I am developing an app using the MEAN stack.
I have a public side to the site and private and using Angularjs there is one index.html which includes all the js file includes which i dont want them showing if on the unauthenticated part of the site.
So was wondering is it possible to have two files i.e. index.html and indexpub.html which i can use and include the relevant files.
Thanks in advance

Loading an arbitrary file in the Play Framework 2 (Scala)

I'm trying to serve an AngularJS application using the Play 2 Framework for Scala and I think I understand, in general, how the routes and the templates work.
In order to serve the angularJS files (which should NOT be available for users publicly), I'm currently placing them under /public and then creating routes for them.
I would like to have a little more flexibility over where my angular js files are. I'm aware of the assets.at() method that creates an action for this purpose but I cannot serve files that live anywhere other than /public, no matter what I do. I will need to intercept the call and only serve the javascript file if the user has the correct permissions.
So I think my question is whether this is the right approach for what I have in mind (selective serving of angular JS files - depending upon permissions and so on ) and whether I'm stuck with having to place my angularJS app under /public - is it not possible to serve files from anywhere else?
You can wrap the built-in Assets controller. Instead of using the router to invoke it directly, as is the default, invoke your own Action, and use Action composition to wrap it with your authorization logic.
I'd like to see what is not working for you. You should be allowed to have assets served from multiple paths
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
GET /secure/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/secure", file)
Then in your templates.
<script src="#routes.Assets.at("/public", "test.js")"></script>
<script src="#routes.Assets.at("/secure", "test.js")"></script>

Change Angularjs existing backend to Play 2

I have a fully developed Angularjs frontend app (with the routes and everything set up) and would like to change the current backend to a Play 2 Java. What is the best approach to display the existing html files from Angular in Play? I have found a few examples of how to connect the routes, but I would rater not create an index.scala.html file as I would like to have the two frameworks separated as much as possible and having Play only working as backend.
If you don't want to dynamically generate views from Play using Twirl and you just want to serve your HTML static files publishing them as assets is the way to go. By default assets are designed to provide resource like CSS or JS files but nothing prevents you from serving ordinary HTML views as well.
Simply put your index.html in the public directory and modify the conf/routes files so it can handle all requests:
GET /*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
This way your index.html will be accessible at www.yourdomain.com/index.html. Remember to put this line as the last mapping in the file as it matches all possible URLs. Other services should be declared above it.

Laravel and AngularJS views structure

I recently started to digg in to angularjs, and would help me a lot with my new project, but im stucked with the view structure part.
So what i dont really understand is, how to build it up.
Is it okay if i create html angular partials and not creating laravel views, so laravel would only handle the database instert fecth edit delete, and the angular partial views would handle the result show, and forms.
So my buold up would look like this.
My assets folder
And creating restful controllers for them what handlets listed above
Or if someone could show my a basic exaple about this, just the controller and view part, how to build up a singple page with showing result, and one with grabing by id i would really be grateful.
Thank you
When starting a Laravel & AngularJS project you are in charge of the backend and frontend. Basically you have 3 options.
Keep the entire app in the same folder, and the angularjs stuff in the public folder.
Keep the entire app in the same folder and AngularJS views in the laravel view folder.
Separate your backend and frontend completely.
The first & second option are the simplest, and its OK if you have a small/medium sized application. In this case just keep all the AngularJS files in the public folder, or if you choose to mix them with laravel views just drop the .blade extension (or change the laravel blade/angularjs template syntax)
I see its best to keep the backend as restful as possible when doing a SPA app, the point is to push the logic to the browser, this means your app can become a mess if you mix php with js too much.
The folder structure is totally up to you, and it does not matter what option you choose. But a good start is separating you app into a logical parts.
You can also check this for a good angularjs styleguide.
The above is a basic folder structure, just customize it as you see best. If you have a small app, you could drop the folders and just have a controllers.js directives.js and services.js (etc)and keep all your javascript in the same file. This is totally up to you. Separate when the application grows, and always refactor.
If you choose the third option you will have to customize the backend a bit. This might be the hardest option, but it also gives you great flexibility. Basically you could drop laravel all together, and build the backend in node.js, or use laravel as a backend for another SPA app written in Ember.js without making any changes in the code. Note if you are choosing this option you cannot make use of some laravel stuff, like the blade templating. You will also have to setup your laravel app for CORS, and note, there can be some more coding when it comes to security, like CSRF tokens and such.
When going to production with you app you can use a build tool to min & concat you frontend app into one file. Checkout ng-min for minification.
This is one of the project I am working on. You can see the way how I have partial views in angular js. As suggested above, there is no need putting your view files in public folder.

cakephp for multiple static sites

I have successfully created a static website using cakephp to create the static html files using the console.
However, what I want to do now is have a console script that can create multiple websites from the same shared data, with each website using data that is unique to it, but sharing the db as a source.
So, how do I set up the app folder in relation to each website? Do I need a separate installation of cakephp for each site? Or can I have a shared App folder in cgi-bin or something like that?
You can share the CakePHP core between multiple apps, however you will need a separate 'app' folder for each website (with the appropriate structure). See this question for more details. Essentially you will need to modify the index.php file in each app/webroot folder to point to the CakePHP core. I use this technique and it's much easier to maintain with only one core as opposed to a whole separate installation of Cake for each site.
