i have a data extention in exacttarget which contains campaign field values. And i want to use them in our exacttarget email templete . how to insert data extention value in templete in exacttarget
you can insert using this %%[Firstname]%%
You can use personalization string. For ex - %%dataextensionfieldname%%
You can put this string anywhere in your email template and it will pull the data from Data Extension.
iam trying to pass a default value for partner_ids field on mail.compose.message wizard. The wizard is generated from purchase.order, by the send by email function. I have created a new many2many field on purchase order and it holds the res.partner ids that i want to set as the default value of partner_ids on the mail wizard, I basically want to set the ids from the many2many field as the recipients of the mail. I have already tried putting it into context like this, but to no success:
can you please help me?
'recipient_ids = self.recipient_ids.ids
''default_partner_ids': recipient_ids,')}
Can you tell me how to retrieve email config values (as set up in Config/email.php)? The documentation appears to tell me how to load or set values when creating the CakeEmail object, but I just want to display to the user default values like the "from" address BEFORE they override them or send the email.
You've got a couple of options. You can either get all the email config and extract the bits you need from that using CakeEmail::config() or extract just the bit you need, for example the from email using CakeEmail::from():-
$Email = new CakeEmail('default');
// Get all the email config
$config = $Email->config();
// Get just the 'from' email config
$from = $Email->from();
OK - I think I have stumbled on the answer; CakeEmail has a (public) "from()" method which returns the (protected) "from" property - this is covered in the "API" documentation, but not in the "book" documentation.
I'm creating an AngularJS HTML app using Domino in the back-end. The communication is 100% rest-based via DDS
When I send date values they don't get converted to date items on the Domino document. The values are always stored as strings
I have tried various formats on the date string with no luck
Does anyone know is this is even possible with the Domino Data Services ?
I'm using Angulars $http service with the PATCH method to update changed values only
It is possible to store/ update a data in a document using Domino Data Services.
To get it to work you need to send the date as a string in ISO 8601 Extended format. That's the format that the toISOString() function returns in JavaScript for a Date object. On the form that you're trying to create or update, you'll need to have that field added as a Date/Time field. Adding the computewithform parameter to the request isn't required.
Here's a sample JSON object that, when send as a POST or PATCH request to DDS, will create/ update the LastVisit field as a DateTime field (assuming that field is on the form).
"LastVisit" : "2013-12-21T12:18:18Z"
The field name in the json string must be EXACTLY as on the form.
I had the similar problem where I had a field called 'TTL' on the form but my json generated by API using a class the field was named 'ttl'.
This resulted in a String as value for the date field, not a date.
This works :-)
I have extended the sample that I used in my presentation in the following way:
Added a field "WakeupTime" on the form. Set it to Date/Time, and select to display date and time. The sample output is 08-01-2016 16:11:42.
So reading the sample data using this url:
I get something like this back:
"#href": "/demo/json.nsf/api/data/documents/unid/33735D0BCE799E01C1257CC3007A7221",
"#unid": "33735D0BCE799E01C1257CC3007A7221",
"#noteid": "902",
"#created": "2014-04-23T22:17:26Z",
"#modified": "2016-01-08T15:09:57Z",
"#authors": [
"CN=John Dalsgaard/O=D-D"
"#form": "Person",
"Unid": "33735D0BCE799E01C1257CC3007A7221",
"Key": "33735D0BCE799E01C1257CC3007A7221",
"Name": "Peter Hansen",
"Email": "ph#mail.dk",
"YearBorn": 1955,
"WakeupTime": "2016-08-01T05:33:10Z"
Important! - this gives me the exact format that I need to use for the WakeupTime field!
So if I then post a PATCH back with select fields:
... and re-read the data then the fields are updated. And if I check in the Notes client I can see that the field is a date/time field :-)
Same happens if I create a new entry/document - the field is still the right type.
You have to be very aware of how you handle timezones though! The data are transferred as GMT :-)
I have add custom field to Account with picklist(multiple) in Salesforce. But the values of picklist should be dynamically generated from other object. If not, is it possible to push values in picklist from native app(which is written in ruby)?
I dont think the standard controller supports dynamically adding the possible picklist (select list) values.
What you could do is add a text field instead of a picklist and create a custom page with visualforce. Use the standard controller with an extension for your code.
Create a new custom object for holding picklist values for a field (could be reused for other fields). Populate it with the possible picklist values.
In the page controller, load the values for that field.
In visualforce, display a picklist for the custom field and load the values from the controller.
Add an extra input field for manual insertion if desired.
On save, insert the value of the picklist (or input box) into the custom field.
A more detailed guide can be found here
Why dont't you use a normal SelectOption List in Apex?
public List<SelectOption> getMyPicklist()
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
List<Account> acc = [ Select Id, Name From Account Limit 10 ];
for(Account a : acc){
options.add(new SelectOption(a.Id,a.Name));
return options;
I had to update picklist with values from my database (and not from some visualforce page). So I authenticated account using Databasedotcom gem and it provides nice Api to iteract with Salesforce Objects (both Standard and Custom).
client.authenticate :token => "my-oauth-token", :instance_url => "http://na1.salesforce.com" #=> "my-oauth-token"
account = client.materialize("Account")
account_to_be_updated = account.find(account_id) # here account is same as Instance of Activerecord
account_to_be_updated.my_picklist = [value1; value2; value3; value4]
i have to send an email to a user in salesforce using email template.this template contain merge field type of custom object.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.saveAsActivity = false;
i read in documentation
If you specify a contact for the targetObjectId field, you can specify a whatId as well. This helps to further ensure that merge fields in the template contain the correct data. The value must be one of the following types:
but if we are sending email to a user not to contact then how to assign a custom object for merge field type in custom objects as in the above code
This is a GIGANTIC whole in their email methods, and one that has annoyed me for years. Particularly given workflow email alerts seem to have no problem sending an email template for a user. Alas, you can't use setWhatId() if your target is a user. But you can vote for them to add that functionality,
I've worked around this I typically create a contact with the same name and email as the user, use it to send the email, and then delete it. This works well, although dealing with validation rules on the contact object can be a challenge. See their dev boards for a full discussion.
You can get the template and replace the merge fields as follows:
EmailTemplate template = [SELECT Id, Subject, HtmlValue, Body FROM EmailTemplate WHERE Name = 'Case Update'];
Case modifiedCase = [SELECT Account.Id, Account.Name, Owner.FirstName, Owner.LastName, CaseNumber, Subject, LastModifiedBy.FirstName, LastModifiedBy.LastName from Case where Id=:modifiedCaseId];
String subject = template.Subject;
subject = subject.replace('{!Case.Account}', modifiedCase.Account.Name);
subject = subject.replace('{!Case.CaseNumber}', modifiedCase.CaseNumber);
subject = subject.replace('{!Case.Subject}', modifiedCase.Subject);
String htmlBody = template.HtmlValue;
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Case.Account}', modifiedCase.Account.Name);
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Case.OwnerFullName}', ownerFullName);
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email});
As far as no new fields are added in the template this will work fine. The admin can mess with the format of the email without the need for code changes.
Not sure this is possible to do, but it depends on the relationship between your custom object and your users that will be receiving the merged emails. Do you have a 1-to-1 relationship between User and CustomObject? If so, perhaps adding a reference to the single custom object instance that each user object references and then adding custom formula fields on your user object with CustomObject__r.CustomField__c would do the trick.
In a custom formula field on your User object:
Then your template could be changed into a User template and the merge fields would be the formula fields that actually pointed to your custom object instance. But if you have some other relationship like 1-to-many or many-to-many between User and CustomObject__c, I think you're out of luck.