Semantic-ui checkbox in Meteor - checkbox

Do anyone know how to use Semantic-ui checkbox (toggle) in Meteor?
<div class="ui toggle checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="public">
<label>Subscribe to weekly newsletter</label>
The checkbox / slider is visible on the html page with a sliding effect but I cant understand how to code against the control. How to set checked / unchecked depending on a value and how to handel events.

This is how I do it:
Session.set('chosen', false);
Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function () {
var $elem = this.$('.checkbox');
// Use 'set unchecked' or 'set checked' instead of 'uncheck'/'check'
// to avoid triggering the callback.
// Set initial state here:
$elem.checkbox('set ' + (Session.get('chosen') ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'));
// Keep state synced with the session.
onChange: function () {
Session.set('chosen', !Session.get('chosen'));


How to target an element when navigating to another page (partial)

I have a checkbox that I'd like to set the indeterminate state to based on the states of other checkboxes. When I'm on the page that the checkboxes are all in, it updates as expected (i.e. the checkbox is found). But when I navigate to that from another page, my method does not find the checkbox (i.e. returns null).
When I debug in Chrome devtools, I notice
let checkBoxWithIndeterminateState;
let checkbox = false;
fireWhenCheckBoxChanged() {
// returns null when navigating from another page but not when on its own page
checkBoxWithIndeterminateState = document.getElementById('checkBoxWithIndeterminateState')
checkBoxWithIndeterminateState.indeterminate = true
<input type="checkbox" id="checkBoxWithIndeterminateState" data-ng-model="checkbox">
How do I wait until the new template has loaded before my method tries to find the checkbox? I've read some suggestions to use this._$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded'... but this doesn't work.
What about adding an ng-init directive to your target checkbox and do your logic in it, this way you are sure the element is there, here is a suggestion:
<input type="checkbox" ng-init="initTragetCheckbox()">
In your controller
$scope.initTragetCheckbox = function () {
// your code to execute for other checkboxes
var checkbox1 = document.getElementById("checkbox1");
var checkbox2 = document.getElementById("checkbox2");

Modal is closed when cursor is released outside the modal after Chrome update (angularjs and bootstrap-ui)

Sometimes when I want to quickly select the entire text of an input (within a modal), I begin selecting from the end of the text and move the mouse to the left until the entire text is selected and then I release.
Sometimes this release will occur outside the modal because the mouse movement is fast.
Picture describing the movement:
The problem is that the modal is closed when I release outside.
Question: how can I prevent the modal from closing when releasing outside?
I'm okay with the modal being closed with a click outside. But not okay with the release event.
I'm using:
angularjs 1.5.8
angular-bootstrap 2.5.0 (aka bootstrap-ui)
bootstrap 3.3.7 (only css!!! not js, because js is provided by the above)
I've created a plunkr and a GIF:
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">Foo</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" ng-model="foo">
<p>Do this: select the text from right to left and release the mouse outside the modal.</p>
Update 2
I have new information! This started happening after the last Goole Chrome update! I tried with another computer that had the previous version of Chrome and the modal doesn't close.
//prevent modal close when click starts in modal and ends on backdrop
$(document).on('mousedown', '.modal', function(e){
window.clickStartedInModal = $('.modal-dialog *');
$(document).on('mouseup', '.modal', function(e){
if(!$('.modal-dialog *') && window.clickStartedInModal) {
window.preventModalClose = true;
$("#modal").on("", function (e) {
window.preventModalClose = false;
return false;
The original repository has been archived and no contributions are accepted.
I forked a version and added my fixes for those who are interested:
The comparison below:
= // moved from template to fix issue #2280
- element.on('click', scope.close);
+ var ignoreClick = false;
+ element.on('mousedown', function(evt1) {
+'mouseup', function(evt2) {
+ if ( !==
+ ignoreClick = true;
+ });
+ });
+ element.on('click', function(){
+ if (ignoreClick) ignoreClick = false;
+ else scope.close.apply(this, arguments);
+ });
As mousedown and mouseup events trigger before click event, the code checks if mousedown and mouseup are on the same element. If on different elements, it sets ignoreClick=true for the click event to not trigger.
Maintains backward compatibility for click event for existing codes that calls programmatically.
Original problem:
Solution by me: (plkr, modal.js, line 103-114)
I updated only the code referring to "Modal.js" in bootstrap.js and bootstrap.min.js
Corrected version:
* Bootstrap: modal.js v3.4.1
bootstrap.js print
Yes, this started happening again after the last Goole Chrome update Version 74.0.3729.169, is this a bug with Chrome we can't fix and that we'll just have to wait for a Chrome update for it to be resolved?
or a bootstrap maintainer will update the code for fixing this?
Issue url:
This problem is not recent is already mentioned on github
the following solution works very well with small improvements if necessary.
$rootScope.$watch(() => document.querySelectorAll('.modal').length, val => {
//everytime the number of modals changes
for (let modal of document.querySelectorAll('.modal')) {
if ($uibModalStack.getTop().value.backdrop !== 'static') { // Testing if the
modal is supposed to be static before attaching the event
modal.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
if (e.which === 1) {
modal.querySelector('.modal-content').addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
if (val > 0) {
$uibModalStack.getTop().value.backdrop = 'static'
Another solution on the same principle that keeps the draggrable footer and header of the modal
$rootScope.$watch(function () {
return $document.find('.modal').length;
}, function (val) {
if( ) {
var modal = $document.find('.modal');
angular.forEach(modal, function(value) {
if ($modalStack.getTop().value.backdrop !== 'static') {
value.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
if (value === && e.which === 1 && {
if (val>0) {
$modalStack.getTop().value.backdrop = 'static';
I'm using Bootstrap v3.0.0 and ran into the same problem. In the end, I had to change a click event to a mousedown event.
In my bootstrap.js file, under the modal.js section, I changed this.$element.on('click.dismiss.modal', $.proxy(function (e) to this.$element.on('mousedown.dismiss.modal', $.proxy(function (e). and everything appears to be working. You may also have to change this in the bootstrap.min.js file.
Note, this will immediately close the modal on mouse down of backdrop so if for some reason you want a user to be able to click down on the backdrop, then drag the mouse and release on the modal, this will not work.
Have you tried using backdrop: 'static'. I think that should do the trick. It is present in the documentation here
Add css padding around modal window and resize it larger. Click outside still works but releasing mouse while dragging over the edge won't close it.
I had a similar situation with range slider. leaving click during slide outside the modal closes it. so I removed data-toggle="modal" and data-target="#mymodal" and added a click event with extra parameters
backdrop: 'static',
keyboard: false
backdrop to disable modal close on clicking outside
keyboard this is for my scenario, to disable keyboard entry for closing modal
I have figured out different way to solve the problem, idk if it will cause a problem later but anyway it works, so basically, I put modal-dialog to another <div> object (I call it modal-helper) and then put it to modal. The modal-helper element width and height are inherited (100%) as default but there is small space on top so you can use some margin and padding to close it.
<div class="modal fade" id="login-modal" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="loginModalLabel" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true">
<div id="modal-helper" style="pointer-events: auto;">
<div class="modal-dialog">
Then I have used some JS to hide modal when modal-helper (as backdrop) is clicked (by the 'clicked' I mean when pointerup event triggered after pointerdown event on modal-helper).
The code below sets the value of isPointerDownToModalHelper true when pointerdown event triggered on modal-helper, then when the pointerup event triggered on any object it hides the modal and sets the value of isPointerDownToModalHelper back to false:
var login_modal_helper = document.getElementById('modal-helper')
var isPointerDownToModalHelper = false;
addEventListener('pointerdown', (event) => {
var objectID = event['path']['0']['id'];
if (objectID === { // if pointer was over modal-helper
isPointerDownToModalHelper = true;
addEventListener('pointerup', (event) => {
if (isPointerDownToModalHelper === true) {
isPointerDownToModalHelper = false;
$('#login-modal').modal('hide'); // hide the modal
It seems to work fine for now, I hope it can help someone :).

Protractor isSelected giving false reading after re-enabling checkboxes

I have a list of checkboxes and at the top a all checkbox. When toggling the all checkbox, all checkboxes will get deselected or selected.
By default/initially, all checkbox is enabled with all checkboxes checked. So, I will deselect the all checkbox and all the checkboxes will uncheck. This passes no with no issues in protractor:
it('all checkbox is deselected', function() {;
it('all models should be deselected', function() {
ppvPercentages.modelChoices().then(function(modelChoices) {
modelChoices.forEach(function(modelChoice) {
this.modelChoices = function(rowNumber) {
return element.all(by.repeater('model in vehicleCheckboxes.models'));
Then I re-enable the all checkbox. I visually can see, in the browser, the all checkbox being checked in all the checkboxes successfully being checked/selected. Hoewever, in the test to assert they are all selected fails:
it('all button is re-enabled', function() {;
// give time for all models to set
it('all models are selected', function() {
ppvPercentages.modelChoices().then(function(modelChoices) {
modelChoices.forEach(function(modelChoice) {
<div class="overflow-container">
<!-- all checkbox -->
<input type="checkbox"
ng-change="toggleAllModels(vehicleAllCheckbox, vehicleCheckboxes.models, vehicleCheckboxes.year)">All
<div ng-repeat="model in vehicleCheckboxes.models | orderBy: 'description' track by model.description">
<!-- the rest of the checkboxes -->
<input type="checkbox"
ng-model="model.checked" >
I see all the checkboxes are checked in the browser viusally. Why is modelChoice.isSelected() giving false instead of true up re-enabling the all checkbox?
The problem is in the way you are locating the checkboxes. Currently, you are targeting the parent div elements since you are using the by.repeater() locator:
<div ng-repeat="model in vehicleCheckboxes.models | orderBy: 'description' track by model.description">
Instead, point modelChoices to input elements (your checkboxes):
this.modelChoices = function(rowNumber) {
return element.all(by.repeater('model in vehicleCheckboxes.models')).all(by.model('model.checked'));
As a side note, I think you can improve the way you are expecting the checkboxes to be selected, by either using .each():
ppvPercentages.modelChoices().each(function (modelChoice) {
Or, by using .reduce():
var allSelected = ppvPercentages.modelChoices().reduce(function (acc, modelChoice) {
return modelChoice.isSelected().then(function (isSelected) {
return acc && isSelected;
}, true);
Or, there are other ways as well.

add conditionally an Angular Bootstrap popover inside an ng-repeat

I'm using AngularJS with Angular UI Bootstrap.
In my template i need to show a table, i create it with an ng-repeat, I need to add a popover on click only for certain cells.
I made something like this example:
popover example inside ng-repeat in plunker
How is the better way to have the popover conditionally only in certain cells?
Check the working demo: Plunker. Only the cell with value > 5.0 will show popover (in green background color).
Define a function on the $scope:
$scope.filterCells = function (v) {
return v > 5.0 ? 'mouseenter' : 'none';
And the td HTML:
<td data-ng-repeat="v in getRowData(row)" class="zscore"
ng-class="{'show-popup': filterCells(v)}" popover="{{zscores[row][$index]}}"
popover-trigger="{{ filterCells(v) }}"
popover-append-to-body="true" popover-title="zScore">
{{ v | number:1 }}
Angular 8.2.0 + ng-bootstrap and the Ngb Popover directive
I came across this question while trying to fix my issue, so I'm including my solution here.
I had an issue using the triggers property to conditionally show/hide popovers. It turns out that the triggers value is consumed by the popover in ngOnInit, so it does not show/hide the popover after the component is already initialized.
I found that ngbPopover has a property called disablePopover that accomplishes what I need instead of using triggers.
ngbPopover="Hello, World!"
private readonly TRIGGERS_ENABLED = 'mouseenter:mouseleave';
private readonly TRIGGERS_DISABLED = 'none';
public triggers = TRIGGERS_DISABLED;
someEvent() {
if (someConditional) {
this.triggers = TRIGGERS_DISABLED;
} else {
this.triggers = TRIGGERS_ENABLED;
ngbPopover="Hello, World!"
public disablePopover = true;
someEvent() {
if (someConditional) {
this.disablePopover = false;
} else {
this.disablePopover = true;

how to stop bind in angularjs

I hava a checkbox ,the model status.useJoin also bind the div.
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="status.useJoin" ng-click="toggleJoin($event);" >
<div ng-if="status.useJoin"> show area</div>
when status.useJoin is true ,will show div.
My question is ,when I want to prevent the default action of the checkbox. I will write function toggleJoin like this.
$scope.toggleJoin = function (dimension,$event) {
if (status.useJoin) {
the checkbox action is stopped ,but status.useJoin is still modified. How can I stop the bind?
You can use ng-disabled directive
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="status.useJoin" ng-disabled="onYourDisableCondition();" >
$scope. onYourDisableCondition = function () {
if (status.useJoin) { //Add your additional conditions
return true;
