Error while running maven clean test command - allure

I am getting following error message while running TestNG test suite using maven clean test command:
Running TestSuite
Listener must be one o
f ITestListener, ISuiteListener, IReporter, IAnnotationTransformer, IMethodInterceptor or IInvokedMethodListener
Could any one of you help me resolve that.

I think you have a wrong import in
Check import is testng only.

The problem is that you are using Allure JUnit listener for your testNg tests. To fix the problem just remove listeners configuration from surefire-maven-plugin.
Check out the official testNg example


Observing error while running Gatling project 'object gatling is not a member of package io'

I m seeing the following error while running Engine.scala
object gatling is not a member of package io import
Below is the code that is used
import io.gatling.core.config.GatlingPropertiesBuilder
object Engine extends App {
val props = new GatlingPropertiesBuilder()
I tried changing the Gatling version in mvn file, but no luck. could someone please help
It means the Gatling jars are not properly imported in your classpath.
No idea how to help you though as you're not describing exactly what you're doing and how you're getting this error: when running maven from the command line? when running from IntelliJ? or another IDE?
Note: if you're struggling with properly setting up a development environment for Scala, you should probably consider using Gatling with Java instead, where the set up is way more simple.

Test Result Analyzer plugin not catching results

I want to use this plugin with Jenkins.
My project is in Maven(Java) with IntelliJ.
How to give path to test analyzer to produce reports by using TestNG result's report???
Please explain with all the steps
I was making mistake to give path for
/target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml This is correct
\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml This is wrong

Protractor Config : Error on calling Suties for testing non-Angularjs web

When I test using protractor testing on Non-Angullarjs website, I try to call one specific case, so I use --suite example_A, it will run example A test case,however, after example_A is completed, it will run example_B too.
My config for suite is like this :
suites: {
example_A : "../test_case/homepage/example_A.js",
example_B : "../test_case/homepage/example_B.js"
is it a bug or protractor just doesn't support non-angular website well?
While I can't reproduce this, I'm guessing that your default specs property in your config is set to run all tests? I.e. it's defaulting back to the config for which testes to run. If so, try removing that from your config and run again?
You should also be using the "=" when running your tests. Eg. --suite=example_A, but I tried this, but still couldn't reproduce the problem. Still...

Mocha timeout using selenium-driver

I am trying to launch my mocha tests using selenium-driver but I got this error :
My selenium-server is well started because I'm able to run a chrome session.
Here is the code I used to launch my mocha tests :
I tried to increase the timeout for mocha but it does not change anything.
selenium-webdriver/testing seems to have a hard time with mocha versions above 1.20. You can get this error to go away by changing the mocha dependency in your package.json to look like this:
mocha: "~1.20.1"

Unable to find the features file?

I am running Cucumber JVM for a POC with Selenium 2.37.
The folder structure of my project as follows
>> main
> test
When i run the test runner via Junit, i am getting the following error message.
No features found at [classpath:test/java/com/package]
I believe the folder structure has some issue.
Can anybody post me where the Cucumber-JVM is actually looking for story files by default ?
By default, when using classpath:, Cucumber starts looking in the root of you classpath.
If you configure Cucumber to search in "classpath:features", you can put your features in src/test/resources/features.
