Test Result Analyzer plugin not catching results - jenkins-plugins

I want to use this plugin with Jenkins.
My project is in Maven(Java) with IntelliJ.
How to give path to test analyzer to produce reports by using TestNG result's report???
Please explain with all the steps

I was making mistake to give path for
/target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml This is correct
\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml This is wrong


First qpython jnius example not working?

I am trying to test pyjnius in the qpython console on Android.
My first line:
from jnius import autoclass
fails in console with SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
Any suggestions or am I missing something?
(I tested this on two devices with a fresh qpython install.)
Maybe you found a solution, but I had a similar experience with QPython and Plyer the otherday. Seems you can not (yet) use Plyer or Pyjnius in the console with QPython. Running the script as a Kivy app makes imports of Plyer or Pyjnius work. Try adding the following lines:
on top of your script

Integrating Android .aar lib

I'm trying to integrate the cwac-cam2 library with codenameone. The lib is in .aar format but when I build it fails whith the following error:
org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/home/ec2-user/android-sdk/build-tools/23.0.1/aapt'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
I can not find out what is wrong. Can you help me please?
Lib reference: https://github.com/commonsguy/cwac-cam2
Its a bit difficult for me to say what exactly wrong is, but you can try some general steps that I would follow like
1) Check your .aar lib is residing at appropriate location. Normally for Android it will be at ..\YourProject\native\android\YourLib.aar
(also do 'Refresh cn1lib files' once, because I did so.. lol)
2) check build hint and make sure you have
android.enableProguard = false
3) If you are using any activity from that .aar lib then make sure you have added those activity/ies in build hint as android.xapplication = <activity android:name="com.XX.YY.MyActivity" />
I would further suggest you look at Chen's post on ARR integration here: http://www.codenameone.com/blog/integrating-android-3rd-party-libraries-jni.html
Also notice that gradle builds are often harder to work with in terms of result readability. I would suggest trying to disable gradle first and getting it to work without it then re-enabling it so you can test with android studio if necessary. You can disable gradle with the build hint android.gradle=false.

What kind of output does the "protractor-ng-hint-plugin" generates?

I'm currently researching on "protractor-ng-hint-plugin" on how its used and what output it generates to see if it would be beneficial for my project. But, there is very little to none documentation on this plugin.
Only meaningful doc out there is https://github.com/angular/protractor-ng-hint-plugin .
I've added
plugins: [
package: 'protractor-ng-hint-plugin'
and I've verified that the plugin is loaded during the test by using --troubleshoot flag.
Has anyone used this plugin? If yes, what output does it generates?
If your app has the angular-hint.js loaded and ng-hint activated, the protractor-ng-hint-plugin would report Angular best practices violations on the command-line. Try to run tests against these sample applications and see warnings on the console:

Chutzpah Code Coverage "EnableCodeCoverage": "true" not generating html file

I am able to generate the code coverage using the context menu. I would like to generate the coverage file whenever I run the unit test. It tried setting this JSON property "EnableCodeCoverage": "true" but it is not working.
Is that possible?
You found a bug in Chutzpah! I just committed a fix and will include this when I make the next release (probably 3.2.5)

ext-all-debug.js vs ext-all-dev.js

What is the main difference between ext-all-debug.js and ext-all-dev.js?
"ext-all-debug.js" is mainly used for development & debugging.
Using "ext-all-dev.js" will have any advantage?
Please clarify.
ext-all.js: minified, no docs/comments
ext-all-debug.js: non-minified, no docs/comments
ext-all-debug-w-comments.js: non-minified, with docs/comments
ext-all-dev.js: non-minified, with docs/comments, with console warnings, e.g. if you're using deprecated functions/configs or there are configuration problems. The additional console output in ext-all-dev.js can be really helpful, so I'd recommend it for development.
ext-all-debug.js: (or ext-all-debug-w-comments.js) is functionally the same as ext-all.js, allows better debugging since it's not minified. I'd recommend it for testing purposes.
ext-all.js: obviously is what you want to use in production, since the file is much smaller than the other files.
ext-all-debug.js is not minified, has documentation, but no console output.
ext-all-dev.js is not minified, has documentation and console output.
ext-all.js is minified, has no documenation and no console output.
the debug version of Ext is not compressed and is a lot easier to read/step through in a debugger. You might also consider using ext-all-debug-w-comments.js.
