How to get DateSeparator in C - c

I wish to get the date separator accordingly to the system's format's settings.
In Delphi I'm using System.SysUtils.TFormatSettings.DateSeparator, is there something like this in C?

The C language and standard library do not provide any such information. This information can be obtained from whatever system you are targeting. How you do that is dependent on which system you target.

While it is true as stated by the other answers that the C standard does not provide this information, posix does. So on any posix compliant system you can use the nl_langinfo api to get locale information.
You will not get the date separator though, but the date format that can be used by strftime to display the correctly formatted date for the locale. You can always parse this to get the date separator if that's what you really need, but for most uses the actual date format will probably be more useful.
Posix support for Windows is flakey, so you probably have to treat it differently, but for pretty much any other platform this should help you.

The C language and standard library do not provide any such
information. This information can be obtained from whatever system you
are targeting.
Thanks for clarification, targets could be both linux and windows. In those cases, how to do what I asked?
You need different functions for different OS.
#ifdef _WIN32
Here goes implementation for Windows
May be more preprocessor commands and implementations for Linux/Mac
Not sure if I understood everything correctly.
For Windows you can parse values found in HKCU\Control Panel\International. For Linux this link might be helpful.


Cross-platform way to determine if file has been edited?

I am writing a cross-platform (big 3 - Linux, MAC, Windows) backup program, so I need to know if a file has been edited since last time. My plan is to save the last save time in a file and check the real situation of a folder against the data in the file to determine which files need to be backed up or updated.
I would like to avoid methods that require a lot of processing power (like diff, or counting bytes).
In this similar post, people suggested to use fstat(), but that solution would be a last resort for me because I was hoping for a cross-platform solution that can be solved with pure C. As far as I know, fstat is a (2), and in my man page it appears as (1), which (to my understanding) means that it is a system function in Linux and isn't a part of the standard C library. I have searched for fstat on windows, but could only find some android version.
Is there some other way to access file metadata? Is there some other solution to this? I am open to any suggestions and am ok if it sometimes false-flags, as long as it backs up data correctly and doesn't waste resources on backing up everything all the time.
Please help!
Thank you!
fstat is still the way to do this, but on Windows it's called _fstat. You can check for the _MSC_VER macro which will be defined if you're building with MSVC, and if so create a macro alias for fstat.
You can do the same for struct stat which MSVC calls struct _stat:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define fstat(fd,buf) _fstat(fd,buf)
typedef struct _stat stat_struct;
typedef struct stat stat_struct;
Then you can use fstat and pass it an argument of type stat_struct for the second argument.
I have a decently sized cross platform open source application that uses this technique.
My plan is to save the last save time in a file and check the real situation of a folder against the data in the file to determine which files need to be backed up or updated.
I was hoping for a cross-platform solution that can be solved with pure C.
If by "pure C" you mean relying on only language features and library functions defined by the C language specification, then I'm afraid you're out of luck. Pure C (in that sense) has no concept of persistent file metadata such as modification timestamps. All functions and data structures dealing with such things are extensions or third-party libraries.
You can rely on standard POSIX facilities (such as fstat()) for both Linux and Mac, but Windows does not provide that. At least, Windows does not provide it exactly. The Microsoft C library does provide some POSIX compatibility functions, but it somewhat maddeningly uses modified names for them. In particular, it offers several flavors of _fstat() (note leading underscore). With a little bit of macro glue, it should not be too hard to make your program use POSIX fstat() on Linux and Mac, and use one of the _fstat() flavors on Windows.

How are locale files initially read by the C library

I am writing my own Posix C library from scratch and I have hit a stumbling block when it comes to internationalization and ctype's. I see in the POSIX standard several functions for the end user programs to set and access locales in the locale.h header but not how to initially store the locale information from the locale file for the libraries use.
Is this just some nonstandard library internal custom to each implimentation?
POSIX specifies the optional localedef utility and a locale source format it can read and convert to whatever data format your implementation uses internally. If you opt to support localedef, then the source structure for locales is data in the localedef format, but you can design whatever intermediary format you like for easy/efficient/whatever access at runtime.
Otherwise, if you're not supporting localedef, how you implement locale is completely up to you. POSIX specifies how various interfaces behave, but not how you achieve those features, nor what degrees of freedom locales might vary by. It's possible for a conforming implementation to have nothing but the C/POSIX locale.

How to deal with Unicode paths in a cross-platfrom C library?

I'm contributing to a C library. It has a function that takes a char* parameter for a file path name. The authors are mostly UNIX developers, and this works fine on unixes where char* mostly means UTF-8. (At least in GCC, the character set is configurable and UTF-8 is the default.)
However, char* means ANSI on Windows, which implies that it is currently impossible to use Unicode path names with this library on Windows, where wchar_t* should be used and only UTF-16 is supported. (A quick search on StackOverflow reveals that the ANSI Windows API functions can not be used with UTF-8.)
The question is, what is the right way to deal with this? We've come up with various ways to do it, but neither of us are Windows experts, so we can't really decide how to do it properly. Our goal is that the users of the library should be able to write cross-platform code that would work on unixes as well as windows.
Under the hood, the library has #ifdefs in place to differentiate between operating systems so that it can use POSIX functions on UNIXes and Win32 APIs on Windows.
So far, we've come up with the following possibilities:
Offer a separate windows-only function that accepts a wchar_t*.
Require UTF-16 on Windows and #ifdef the library header in such a way that the function would accept wchar_t* on Windows.
Add a flag that would tell the function to cast the given char* to wchar_t* and call the widechar Windows APIs.
Create a variant of the function that takes a file descriptor (or file handle on Windows) instead of a file path.
Always require UTF-8 (even on Windows), and then inside the function, convert UTF-8 to UTF-16 and call the widechar Windows APIs.
The problem with options 1-4 is that they would require the user to consciously take care of portability themselves. Option 5 sounds good, but I'm not sure if this is the right way to go.
I'm also open to other suggestions or ideas that can solve this. :)
Since portability is an important goal for you, I think it is imperative for your function semantics to be precisely defined. Among other things, that means that the arguments' types and meanings don't vary across platforms. So, if you have a function that accepts regular char based paths then it should accept such paths on all systems, and the encoding expected of those paths should be well-defined (which does not necessarily mean "the same"). That rules out options (2) and (3).
Moreover, portability requires the same functions to be usable across all platforms; that rules out (1). Option (4) could be ok if a stream- and/or file descriptor-based approach were the only one provided by your library, but it yields portability only with respect to those functions, not with respect to the path-based ones. (And note that stream (FILE *) APIs are defined by C, whereas file descriptors are a POSIX concept, not native to C. In principle, therefore, streams are more portable than file descriptors.)
(5) could work, but it places stronger constraints than you actually need. It is not essential for the function to define the encoding expected (though it can); it suffices for it to define how that encoding is determined.
Additionally, you could add wchar_t-based functions that work everywhere (as opposed to Windows-only). Those might be more convenient for Windows users. Similar to alternative (4), however, that provides portability only with respect to those functions. Supposing that you don't want to drop the char-based ones, you would need to pair this alternative with some variation on (5).

Using parse_datetime from gnu c

I am developing a program for analyzing time series under gnu/linux. To analyze a time window, I want to be able to specify start/end times on the command line. Parsing dates using strptime is simple enough, however I would like to use the flexible 'natural language' format as it is used by the unix ''date'' command. There, this is done using the parse_datetime function.
I have the source of the coreutils, but would like to avoid copying over the code and all attached header files.
My question is: is there a standard library under Unix/Linux which gives access to the full power of parse_datetime().
The function you refer to is not part of any standard, nor any stock utility library. However, it is available as a semi-standalone component as part of gnulib, namely the parse-datetime module. You will need to take it and incorporate it into your program; the gnulib distribution has tools for that. Be aware that if you do this you have to GPL your entire program (this is not a big deal if the program is only for your personal use -- the GPL's requirements only kick in when you start giving the compiled program to other people).
A possible alternative is g_date_set_parse from GLib, but I can't speak to how clever it is.

what is the easiest way to lookup function names of a c binary in a cross-platform manner?

I want to write a small utility to call arbitrary functions from a C shared library. User should be able to list all the exported functions similar to what objdump or nm does. I checked these utilities' source but they are intimidating. Couldn't find enough information on google, if dl library has this functionality either.
(Clarification edit: I don't want to just call a function which is known beforehand. I will appreciate an example fragment along your answer.)
This might be near to what you're looking for:
Well, I'll speak a little bit about Windows. The C functions exported from DLLs do not contain information about the types, names, or number of arguments -- nor do I believe you can determine what the calling convention is for a given function.
For comparison, take a look at National Instrument's LabVIEW programming environment. You can import functions from DLLs, but you have to manually type in the type and names of the arguments before you use a given function. If this limitation is OK, please edit your question to reflect that.
I don't know what is possible with *nix environments.
EDIT: Regarding your clarification. If you don't know what the function is ahead of time, you're pretty screwed on Windows because in general you won't be able to determine what the number and types of arguments the functions take.
You could try ParaDyn's SymtabAPI. It lets you grab all the symbols in a shared library (or executable) and look at their types, offset, etc. It's all wrapped up in a reasonably nice C++ interface and runs on a lot of platforms. It also provides support for binary rewriting, which you could potentially use to do what you're talking about at runtime.
Webpage is here:
Documentation is here:
A standard-ish API is the dlopen/dlsym API; AFAIK it's implemented by GNU libc on Linux and Mac OS X's standard C library (libSystem), and it might be implemented on Windows by MinGW or other compatibility packages.
Only sensible solution (without reinventing the wheel) seems to use libbfd. Downsides are its documentation is scarce and it is a bit bloated for my purposes.
The source code for nm and objdump are available. If you want to start from specification then ELF is what you want to look into.
I've written something like this in Perl. On Win32 it runs dumpbin /exports, on POSIX it runs nm -gP. Then, since it's Perl, the results are interpreted using regular expressions: / _(\S+)#\d+/ for Win32 (stdcall functions) and /^(\S+) T/ for POSIX.
Eek! You've touched on one of the very platform-dependent topics of programming. On windows, you have DLLs, on linux, you have,, and mac os x's dyld.
