Is there a software to read local .hist files saved by Lync? - file

I'm using Lynch at my work place. But none of us was able to save the convo history in outlook as expected.
Basically when I close the conversation window, all history is lost.
After some search, I found that the convo history is actually stored in local files under:
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\sip_user#domain\History Spooler
and there's a bunch of files with .hist extension, containing a "weird" header and the conversation in HTML format.
Is there any software to read/access those files in a "clean" way?
That said, I found Lync SDK but it's to be used server side.
I don't have access to the server, nor any network resources. Just local .hist files.
Till now, I was able to open those files in a browser, by renaming them to .html(with some garbage at top of page due to the "weird" header).
Next step was to write some code, in order to parse those files, as asked here: How can I read a Lync conversation file containing HTML?
but not much came out of it.

This is temporary solution to view lync history under you mentioned path
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\sip_user#domain\History Spooler.
You need to change .hist to .HTML format. After double click the .html file. Now you are able to see the proper chat data.


Looking for Editor that can handle .doc or .docx files

i am writing a web application with React, where users can write protocolls for their appointments. The current system is: the web application saves the word file in the local file system, the user edits it and uploads it via a macro in word.
That seems a bit clunky to me and i am not so sure about the security issues of letting the browser directly access the local file system.
So i wanted to let the users edit the files directly via the browser, with an editor similar to GoogleDocs.
Problem is:
Documents have to remain on premis
Converting doc files to a format that can be displayed in a browser and back seems to have some formating issues.
The user must be able to download the file and edit it, in case they have an appointment without internet access and upload it later. So it has to be at least convertable to a document that can be easily edited in Word.
There are so many richtext editor, but from what ive seen none is designed for that use-case. So my question is: Is what i want to do even possible, and if so does anyone know a good editor or library for doing so?

Best way to transfer database to new website without access to previous one

I has old website, which I miss dashbored login info, so I didn't has access to its database
Now I implement new one, what the best way to extract previous data (mp3 files, articals, mp4 files) to use it in new one.
I hope there is a way to extract its not manually
I'd suggest in future all extraneous matter, images, mp3s etc. be held in a separate folder on your server, and hyperlinked to where they appear on a page.
That folder can be downloaded for safe-keeping.
In this case, I can only suggest that if the website is still up ( since you've simply lost the keys ), as an ordinary user you could download the whole website [ which wouldn't include the database ] with something like wget or Httrack to your computer, and from that extract what items are possible to your computer [ filtering by extensions if need be ].
At the very least you should get an idea of which items were present, even if they don't download.
As for articles, either the website online, or the downloaded website should display them in a browser, and you could copy the text.
None of this applies if the website is no longer online; but I wish you well whatever the outcome.

Can one ever access a file stored in Heroku's ephemeral file system via the browser?

I've been writing an app to deploy on Heroku. So far everything has been working great. However, there's one last step that I haven't been able to solve: I need to generate a CSV file on-the-fly from the DB and let the user download the file.
On my local machine I can simply write the file to a folder under the web app root, e.g. /output, and then redirect my browser to http://localhost:4000/output/1.csv to get the file.
However, the same code fails again and again on Heroku no matter how I try to modify it. It either complains about not being able to write the file or not being able to redirect the browser to the correct path.
Even if I manually use heroku run bash and create an /output folder in the project root and create a file there, when I try to direct my browser there (e.g., it simply says "Page not found".
Is it simply impossible to perform such an action on Heroku after all? I thought since we are free to create files on the ephemeral file system we should be able to access it from the browser as well, but things seem to be more complicated than that.
I'm using Phoenix framework and I already added
plug Plug.Static,
at: "/output", from: Path.expand("output/"), gzip: false
to my endpoint.ex. Apparently it works on localhost but not on Heroku?
I'll turn to Amazon S3 if indeed what I'm trying to do is impossible. However, I want to avoid using S3 as much as possible since this should be a really simple task and I don't want to add another set of credentials/extra complexity to manage. Or is there any other way to achieve what I'm trying to do without having to write the file to the file system first and then redirecting the user to it?
I know it doesn't strictly answer your question, but if you don't mind generating the CSV every time it is requested, you can use Controller.send_download/3 and serve arbitrary payload as a download (in your case the contents of the CSV).
Naturally you could store the generated CSVs somewhere (like the database or even ets) and generate them "lazily".

Read content of folder without AIR in AS3 (no flash.filesystem)

I'm working on a project and I need to dynamically check what is in onhe of my folder. The idea is that I have the id of a quest, and there is a folder name after that id. My code needs to check if this folder exist AND if there is something in it. After that, it show all the picture inside that folder. The goal is that I will just have to add picture in a folder to have them appear in my game.
I tried to find a way to check the content of my folder, but everyone say that I need flash.filesystem, BUT it means that I need to use AIR. AIR does NOT work in FireFox or any other browser.
Here is the website that make me understood that:
How can I explore the content of my folders then?
There is absolutely no way to explore the local file system without user interaction in Flash. If you want to do it, you must make an AIR application, which is not browser-based. This is a security feature that is imposed by each browser (you can't do it in JS either) and implemented identically by Adobe.
You can use FileReference to allow a user to select file(s) for Flash to have access to or save a file, but that is the most interaction with the filesystem that will be possible without opening AIR (which is also not limitless. Even with AIR, you won't have full access to the file system and will be locked out of certain directories and prevented from doing certain things)
If the folders are on your server you'll need to rely on a server side script to do the job and pass the result to your app.
If you mean folders on client side computer it's not gonna be possible for security reason.

How to get the directory tree from the client

I'm trying to make a website where a user can choose a directory from his/her pc. Then i want to get a full directory tree from that point. So that i can process the filenames. It's not necessary to upload anything. Just the filenames are enough.
The closest thing i have seen is the upload procedure on
When you plug in your gps and click on upload. The site gives you a full list of files that can be uploaded from your gps and whether or not you have already uploaded it.
How can this be done? PHP, javascript or a plugin in python?
it looks like there are a few people that had the same question that you did, here is a Link to a blog that I found on another Question on SO
HTML5 Upload Blog
here is the SO Question I found it on
Html 5 File upload
there is a lot of information on that blog that is very useful and I think that you will find everything that you are asking there.
Most of the File Browsing is done by the clients Web Browser so you won't have to worry about coding the actual pop up window. you just have to give the browser the type of files that you are looking for.
