Coded UI accessing checkbox in a Grid - checkbox

I am using codedUI to test a windows application. In one of the screen there is third party grid (code Jock control). I am able to retrieve the Grid as WinTable. I am able to traverse through all the rows and cells inside Grid. I am able to retrieve the text in cell inside the Grid.
Issue : For one particular grid there is 3 Columns out of which 1 Contains Check Boxes entirely and remaining 2 Columns Filled with text. I am not able to select that chekbox inside the Grid with coded UI.
I have tried with checked, TryGetClickablePoint properties but not working.


Material Table - is it possible to move row selection text from toolbar to the bottom of page

I'm using Material Table at the moment and am having difficulty customizing the position of the selection text (presented when one or more rows are selected via the checkbox).
Looking at the documents, I can see that the toolbar is overridable (, however the examples show simpler changes e.g. how to change the background color. I wonder if it's possible to separate the selection text from the toolbar and render it in a different location, like the below picture demonstrates.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
In the end, I turned off the row selection text in the toolbar by using showTextRowsSelected: false
I then made a custom footer using the row data presented by the onSelectionChange handler.

How to display too many columns in angular ui grid

In the angular ui grid i have too many columns to display.
Want to display extra columns as expand collapse under each row.
Which means expand/collapse button will be provided for each row and while exanding a particular row the extra columns headertemplate will b displayed along wil b displayed along with column values.
Is it poasible with angular ui grid
As far as , there is no an option for that.
You can use the following to make things work as you wish:
remove default row headers by setting to false enableExpandableRowHeader
adding a custom row header by calling $scope.gridApi.core.addRowHeaderColumn
For reference :

ExtJS grid-like custom control

I need to implement grid like control that utilizes some complex custom widgets for viewing and displaying rows. Just like this one:
The key point here is that controls in the right column depend on the value selected in the combobox from the left column.
Does anyone know what is the best way to implement it using ExtJS 5.0 components? Should I create my own widgets to display row data that will serve as both custom renderers and editors?
I would use a beforeedit function which changes the editor of the right column (setEditor) to the required widget type depending on what is set in the left column. If you use Editing (RowEdit) plugin instead of CellEditing, you would also have to setEditor in the left column's change or select event.
This is the easiest way, but it won't show all editors at once, of course.
To have all editors displayed at once, I would make a new field containing multiple fields. You can add multiple instances of these fields to a fieldset, container, panel or form at runtime.

Subgrid in ng-grid

I have just started with angularjs. Just wanted to know that if it is possible to create a sub grid inside another ng-grid. There would be some links in a column of the grid and when I click a particular link a grid corresponding to that link should be formed inside the already existing grid.The original grid would be having say 5 columns while the new grid will have say 4 columns. So something on the lines of colspan or something similar is what I look for.
If you are open for writing Angular Directive then you can use any grid ,other than ng-grid which has subgrid feature.
I know like Kendo Grid has subgrid feature and jqgrid has subgrid feature. I wrote a Grid using Google Closure library , this also has subgrid feature.
If I understand your question, you need something like master/details inside grid, it not part of base functionality. nggrid has fixed row height, for virtual scrolling purpose. On our project we have created custom grid plugin base on nggrid
Solution that we used is:
write custom sort function, which populate duplicated rows always below main
when we click expand button we duplicate current row n-times depend on subgrid height
in main row we create css overlay container which hides duplicated rows
load overlay container content via ajax
When we click hide button, we hide overlay, and remove duplicated rows.

Extjs, filtering grid dynamically

I'm developping with extjs4.
I have two grids as shown in the image, I want when I click on the line of Grid Panel 1 that contanis Number 1, the Grid Panel 2 will show only lines that contains Number 1.
That is pretty much straightforward; subscribe to the select event of the first grid and within that handler filter the store of the second grid. That's it.
grid1.on('select', function(grid,record) {; // see!/api/'Number', record.get('Number');
