Fotorama - How to add inline style to the <div class="fotorama__stage__frame">? - fotorama

I would like to give there custom background for each image. Please let me know how to each div.fotorama__stage__frame? (must be inline, because every image will have different background)

I will do this, but I do not know if it is the right answer...
Binding the "fotorama:show" event you have a opportunity to change the "fotorama__stage" class
function (e, fotorama, extra) {
$('.fotorama__stage').css('background-image', 'your background here');
Hope this help,


how to set a text for a group in vis.js using groupTemplate

I have an application and using vis.js to build timeline events.
I'm using React.
I want to add an icon near each event, so I using groupTemplate and I want to render there a component with group text and icon.
in the options I add:
groupTemplate: (item, element) => {
if (!item) return;
ReactDOM.render(<TimelineGroupComp item={item}/>, element);
TimelineGroupComp component render function:
return (
<div className="primary-wrapper" key={this.props.item.content}>
<div style="background-image:url(../images/myIcon.svg);"/>
I get the correct Icon but the text is the instead item.content.
I try to add a span with the correct text in the TimelineGroupComp but it renders also the, not only the correct text.
Also I have another problem: when I collapse/expaned the group, I have an error in the console:
Warning: render(...): It looks like the React-rendered content of this
container was removed without using React. This is not supported and will
cause errors. Instead, call ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode to empty a
and the group is render normal, ignored my component.
I know this post is almost a year old, but I thought I'd post the answer to this question anyways for anyone who gets the same issue in the future. I've had the same issue and this is how I fixed it.
Starting with React 16, if you want to use React templates in Vis Timeline you'll have to use React.createPortal in the groupTemplate option, see
For the code above, the correct groupTemplate would be:
groupTemplate: (item, element) => {
if (!item) return;
ReactDOM.render(<TimelineGroupComp item={item}/>, element),

How can I wrap text of TextArea hint

How can I wrap the text of TextArea hint and also how can I align the hint to the top?
I tried subclassing of TextArea didn't help. I didn't find any relevant method of TextAre to achieve relevant result.
You can't. A hint is a label subclass and those are single line. Unfortunately we implemented it in a way that doesn't make this simple.
However, you can workaround it using code like this:
TextArea actualTa = ...;
TextArea hint = new TextArea("My long hint text");
Container textAreaWithHint = LayeredLayout.enclose(actualTa, hint);
if(actualTa.getText().getLength() > 0) {
// I'll leave that as an exercise for you...

Using angular to change class settings

There is a lot of information on how to use ng-class and ng-style on elements. But I was wondering if there is a way to use angular to change the "settings" of a class.
So for example, say that you had a css class that looked as follows:
.testclass {
color: red;
background-color: blue;
I want to use angular to change the color:red to color:black, without attaching angular to the HTML DOM object, but via the class instead.
OK, this isn't a very useful example. What I was really planning to use it for was to hide part of ck-editor (class cle_top) and I want to set the whole class to hidden when someone clicks a button (and visible if the click it again).
======== To make it clearer, this is the bit of HTML I want to hide =======
<span id="cke_1_top" class="cke_top cke_reset_all" role="presentation" style="height: auto; -webkit-user-select: none;"><span id="cke_8" class="cke_voice_label">
Editor toolbars</span><span id="cke_1_toolbox" class="cke_toolbox" role="group" aria-labelledby="cke_8" onmousedown="return false;">
<span id="cke_11" class="cke_toolbar" aria-labelledby="cke_11_label" role="toolbar"><span id="cke_11_label" class="cke_voice_label">
But I need to do it without being able to add angular hooks in the HTML code (like adding ng-class to the span, which would have been a simple solution)
Attached is a JSfiddle that shows my problem, and as you can see, the toolbar button does nothing.
Which kind of works now, it adds the class invisible to the span, however, it does not hide the span that it is looking at.
Use the same process on a test text and it works...
Don't know of anything that will edit the class itself, but that probably isn't want you want to do. Other options are:
1) Create a second class, that comes after the first one in your CSS file that adds / changes the properties you want. Ex:
.testclass {
color: red;
background-color: blue;
.newclass {
color: green; // change property in first CSS class
display: none; // or hide
Then apply the second class conditionally:
<div class="text-class" ng-class="{newclass: hideScopeFlag}">blah</div>
2) Simply use ng-if, ng-hide, or ng-show if all you are doing is hiding something. Ex:
<div class="text-class" ng-hide="hideScopeFlag">blah</div>
<div class="text-class" ng-show="!hideScopeFlag">blah</div>
Why not simply toggle the class off/on for that element when the user clicks the button? (Edit: You said you want to "set the whole class to hidden" - I am assuming you mean to remove the class?)
To answer your question though, you can do this with JavaScript using document.styleSheets.
See this Stack Overflow question and the blog post it references. It mentions that there may be some browser compatibility issues. I have not investigated this.
EDIT: This implementation of 'ng-toggle' will allow you to hide or show an element with a single button.
The simplest solution without messing with the stylesheets is to add a new rule like
.visibleOff .testclass {
color: black;
and then you just need to toggle the "visibleOff" class on a parent element (the wrapper or the body element) of the editor.
To hide certain elements in the DOM you can also use a $scope variable that acts as a boolean. You can set it to false by default and on button click toggle it to true and back.
$scope.hidden = false;
$scope.toggleHide = function(){
$scope.hidden = !$scope.hidden;
In your dom you can then wrap your element with an ng-hide="hidden" attribute like so:
<div ng-hide="hidden">...</div>
<button ng-click="toggleHide()">togglehide</button>
A plunker example can be found here:
If anyone wanted to know how to do this, potentially this could be useful for other things as well.
Created a function that uses document.querySelector to find the element, then just do a toggle to turn on or of, and that, as they say, is it folks.
$scope.toolBarVisible = function(){
console.log("Changing visibility");
var element = document.querySelector( '.cke_top' );
console.log("Just to do some debugging we check " + element);
var myEl = angular.element( element );
element = document.querySelector( '.cke_bottom' );
myEl = angular.element( element );
var myEl2 = angular.element( document.querySelector( '.test' ) );
And for those that are looking closely, yes, it hides the bottom as well, and all without changing ckeditor or the code.
Hope someone finds it helpful.

How to remove draggability from an element with Ext JS?

I have a div that I want to make draggable or not, depending on the state of some other stuff on my page. I seem to be able to easily make it draggable, but I can't seem to figure out how to best remove the draggability from the div.
I am making it draggable with:
var dd = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDProxy', mydiv, 'myDDGroup', { isTarget: false });
And I've tried to then remove the draggability by removing the only group it's a member of
and just destroying the dd object with
delete dd;
Neither of these seem to actually keep me from starting a drag on the element. I suspect I should be able to use the b4Drag override in some way to simply cancel a drag of my div before it even begins, rather than toggling the draggable state of the div at all, but I can't seem to find docs on how I might cancel the drag during the b4Drag call.
So, how can I make a div undraggable after I have already made it draggable?
Seems to be working for me.
Here is the JSFiddle
var dd = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDProxy', 'test123', 'myDDGroup', { isTarget: false });'btn123').on('click', function() {
Can you give me the sample code where it is not working. And what version of ExtJs are using?
You have to unreg. Not removeFromGroup.
It just removes from group. But events are not removed on that element.
When looking at something specific that needs to be dragged, you might consider that allowing dragging is something users expect, for general ease of use you might try the ondragstart="return, this could be appended to your images, or links like so:
<a ondragstart="return false" href="#link">link</a>.

How to programmatically open dojox mobile combobox

I'm using a dojox/mobile/ComboBox widget and would like to programmatically open it.
Tried to use require("dijit/registry").byId("").openDropDown();
but the source comment says... "To be called only when this.dropDown has been created and is ready to display (that is, its data is loaded).", which it doesn't seem to be :(
Calling the _onClick doesn't help either.
Any assistance would be highly appreciated.
I had the same issue as you.
The was causing the android keyboard to display.
My work around was to create the combobox programmatically like this:
var myCombo = new ComboBox({
store: registry.byId('your data list'),
value: ''
then in my index.html I had a field with the readonly set like this:
<input id="theDomInput" type="text" readonly/>
The startup function needs to be called before the click event of the combobox.
This works for me. Let me know if you come up with something better.
