build website 'online help' with angularjs - angularjs

Starting with a website build with AngularJS as frontend and a ReST API set as backend. I would like to append an online help content.
Does exist a project or a framework to do that quickly (using angularjs powerfull) ?
I have no special mandatory requirements. I think that two concept could be important:
help section representation as a tree,
quick link between webapplication and online help.

JHipser may be the one you need.

I finally decided to build it without additional framework:
a flat json file that describe the structure and contents of my online help,
a controller with $http.get(...) embedded to get back the content
a dedicated help page : I re-use the bootstrap help menu and I use the ng-repeat directive to show the active content.
(Anyway Thanks #Shaojiang Cai for your suggest).


Workflow for Website based on Angular js

I am building an E-commerce website, something like I am inspired with services and directives provided by Angular Material. But i am new to Web technologies and know enough Angular js to make a substantial working one-page website. Can someone please tell me how should I structure a multi-page website like amazon?
By this i mean how should go about making a proper directory tree so that all js, css, html and php files are in their proper places.
Shall I build website in modules having a page's js, css ,html and php files in one folder and similarly build other pages by keeping their files in separate folders?
I am thinking of having a front-end of my Website to look like Angular material's. Site will have a side-nav containing many sections, subsections and filters.
Please pour in your suggestions and the way a proper multi-page website's workflow and structure should look like.
Dude amazon is not something anyone can build, no offence, do u have any idea how big is amazon, i mean structure wise, it is very diffiult to answer this question in one post but u can follow john papas guide on how to structure ur angular application. This could be the starting point for ur project.

How to structure and architect an angularjs application

I am trying to develop an angularjs based web app but I am a little bit confused on how should I structure my app. For example I am used on using JSP pages when it come to the front end so for example every different component is a different jsp page let's say a home page, contact page etc. My question is what is the suggested way to do so in angularjs since the angularjs should be a single page web app should I create my content in directives and depending on the flow hide or show other directives or what ?
Any direction or suggestions for reading will be more than appreciated !
I highly recommend to you reading about Angular Style Guide made by John Papa.
View Angular Style Guide here
It's a very helpful guide which provides Angular best practices to deliver a testable, scalable and extensible app.

Is there any advantage of using angular js with magento?

Angular js is new in market so is there any advantage of using angular js with magento ?
If yes then anyone knows how can we use both in a single project ?
Angular is not new in the market, it´s pretty old already. Anyway, the benefit of using Angular (or another client framework) is that your shop can be a lot faster - instead of a page refresh for every click, you can load data/templates with Angular. For example, with a REST API. Meaning: you only load what you need and the server can handle more users.
There are many resources about this topic already, here´s a small list:
Read through all those links and you will know why it´s good and how it can be done.

How to integrate AngularJS with Lithium?

I need to add new features to an already existing application. The application is built using Lithium and jQuery. The features that needs to be included have a complex view which allow users to analyze data and perform CRUD functionality. I won't go into details about the features here, but after working on a few simple Angular tutorials and side projects, I know that using AngularJS to create this view will make my life a lot more easier than creating the view using jQuery.
Over the course of the next few months we may convert the entire app to AngularJS.
I am uncertain about where I should place the Angular files and how to setup routing. How can I integrate AngularJS to Lithium so that part of the Lithium routing works and part of it is handled by AngularJS.
I also found this answer on stackoverflow but it doesn't mention folder structures or how to integrate Angular with Lithium. I think this link mentioned in the answers is supposed to have what I am looking for but it doesn't seem to exist anymore.
The link is down, but you can clone the source repository and run it yourself here:
Regarding organization, the simplest way would be to place the directory structure for your Angular components inside of /webroot. The more advanced (and in my opinion better) way would be to make them two separate applications: an AngularJS UI app, and a backend API in Li3 that it talks to.

Angular js and snapshot pages

Have read up on angular and generating snapshots for the crawlers
Just want to know if the snapshot needs to have CSS or just plain and img tags for Facebook and Google etc. to work.
Any good examples of how to implement the framework with expression engine or Wordpress.
As I understand it you would actually create two versions of every page. Is that correctly understood ?
Cheers looking forward on trying it out .
As I understand it it's enough to modify the htaccess file to show the snapshots instead of the angular once when the request is coming from Facebook or Google etc.
