Continue batch file from previous point - batch-file

I am playing a alpha game which when crashes corrupts the saved game, so i created a batch file to back up my saved game.
#echo off
REM deletes old backup
RMDIR /S /Q "backup location 1"
REM creates back up
xcopy "game location" "backup location 1" /e /i /q /r /y
REM adds time out for 300 seconds
timeout /t 300
REM deletes old backup
RMDIR /S /Q "backup location 2"
REM creates back up
xcopy "game location" "backup location 2" /e /i /q /r /y
REM adds time out for 300 seconds
timeout /t 300
REM Repeats
Goto A
This works just fine but it always stars on the first back up.
What I want to do is have it continue from the previous point of backing up.
I created the following test file
#echo off
set point=a
echo The variable is "%point%"
if %point%==c (goto :a)
if %point%==a (goto :b)
if %point%==b (goto :c)
Echo A
set point=a
echo The variable is now "%point%"
Echo B
set point=b
echo The variable is now "%point%"
Echo C
set point=c
echo The variable is now "%point%"
When the file is restarted the point variable is the same.
Is it possible to have the set point= save the variable to the file for the next time it is run?
Can you please explain any code suggested, I can use google to research it myself and probably will to get a better understanding. But if it is too complicated I may not know what I am looking at to google it.
Thank you for any help

In some versions of DOS you can use the /p argument on the set command to load contents of a file into the variable.
set /p point=<a.txt
Where a.txt contains the value you want to set the "point" variable to.

best way to "survive" for data is a file.
you can write a variable to a file with:
echo %variable%>filename.txt
and read it back with
set /p variable=<filename.txt
This works fine with a single line (for example one variable). This method can be extended for a few more lines. If you want to save many (or an unknown number of) lines, there are better methods.

Thank you for the replies. I have not looked at the /p but will do for a future script I have planned.
For the requirement of this script thank you indiv. For some reason having them in a time stamped folder eluded (even thou I have used them before).
To have the desired effect with just one file I changed
xcopy "game location" "backup location 1" /e /i /q /r /y
xcopy "game location" "backup location %date:/=-% %time::=-%\" /e /i /q /r /y
and had the one command repeat itself.
On a side not if using this method there will be an unlimited number of folders. is there a way to limit folders to a z amount and delete older ones?
I am happy deleting older backups, I am just curious for future projects


How to properly use rename (ren) in Batch

I am trying to rename every image in a directory to add the date that each file was created, however, I keep either getting "invalid syntax" or "A duplicate file name exists, or the file cannot be found"
I am running Windows 10, and accessing the images off a flash drive (hence the short file path). I tried having all the code in one for-loop, when that didn't work I tried using batch functions, no dice. I did see someone mention on another thread to use delayed expansion, I would be up for using this if someone could give a better explanation than the /? command.
#echo off
REM batch file is placed in top of F drive, same as "images 2017+"
cd "F:\images 2017+"
FOR /R "F:\images 2017+" %%F in (*.jpg) do call :renER "%%~nF" "%%~tF"
goto :eof
cd "F:\images 2017+"
echo %1
echo %2
rename %1.jpg %1_%2.jpg
goto :eof
For every .jpg file in "images 2017+", the date which that file was created would be stuck onto the end after a space.
thisIsMyFile.jpg made at 5-13-2017, would become thisIsMyFile 5-13-2017.jpg
Current output
I am CDing into the same directory as the images are, then using the passed variables to locate the correct image (The date is one of the passed variables, and shows up in the echo command).
I notice that you only want the date, not the time so you can do that as follows using your existing Call to a label, There is also no need to use FOR /R in this case so I'll use a normal for loop:
#echo off
FOR %%A IN ("F:\images 2017+\*.jpg") DO (
CALL :RenER "%%~fA" %%~tA
GOTO :eof
SET "_tmp=%~2"
SET "_tmp=%tmp:/=-"
REN "%~1" "%~n1_%_tmp%%~x1"
GOTO :eof
Notice how above we are dropping the Time off immediately by not wrapping it in quotes since you don't want that to be part of the file name.
You can also forgo the call to a label entirely without needing delayed expansion by using a second loop, as a matter of preference I think this is quite a bit cleaner!
#echo off
FOR %%A IN ("F:\images 2017+\*.jpg") DO (
FOR /F "Tokens=1-3 Delims=/ " %%a IN ('echo.%%~tA') DO (
REN "%%~fA" "%%~nA_%%a-%%b-%%c%%~xA"
this is nice and clean and with a minor edit we can paste it directly into the CMD Prompt which is nicer still This is because we are not using DelayedExpansion, Calling a Label, or using Temp variables so by changing the %%s to %s, we can then Paste this directly into the CMD Line which is often more convenient when doing these sorts of operations:
This Multi-line will do just fine to be pasted into CMD directly:
FOR %%A IN ("F:\images 2017+\*.jpg") DO (
FOR /F "Tokens=1-3 Delims=/ " %a IN ('echo.%~tA') DO #(
REN "%~fA" "%~nA_%a-%b-%c%~xA"
or, as a single line to paste into CMD if you prefer:
FOR %A IN ("F:\images 2017+\*.jpg") DO #( FOR /F "Tokens=1-3 Delims=/ " %a IN ('echo.%~tA') DO #( PAUSE& ECHO.%~fA& ECHO.%~tA& REN "%~fA" "%~nA_%a-%b-%c%~xA"& PAUSE ) )
no need to cd anywhere. ren takes a full path/filename for source - just the destination must be a filename only. So ... do call :renER "%%~fF" "%%~tF" is fine (no need to snip the extension and add it again later). In the subroutine reformat the time to a valid string and reassemble the destination file name:
#echo off
FOR /R "F:\images 2017+" %%F in (*.jpg) do call :renER "%%~fF" "%%~tF"
goto :eof
echo %1
echo %2
set "string=%~2"
set "string=%string::=-%"
set "string=%string:/=-"
ECHO rename "%~1" "%~n1_%string%%~x1"
goto :eof
NOTE: I disarmed the rename command. Remove the ECHO after troubleshooting, if it works as intended.
#Stephan's answer is probably the best approach. But if you want to change directories ...
The windows shell has a working drive/volume, and on each drive/volume a current working folder. cd changes the working folder on a disk; to change the working folder on a drive (which is not the working drive) and to make that drive the working drive, you need to use cd /d, in this case cd /d "F:\images 2017+".
(A plain cd in this instance changes the working folder on F:\, but if your working folder is on C: -- as I'm guessing is the case -- it will not be changed.)
Assuming command extensions are enabled, you should also be able to use pushd and popd. pushd behaves like cd /d but also saves your previous location; popd returns you to that previous location. (And IIRC pushd will accept UNC paths.)
So at the beginning of your script, pushd "F:\images 2017+", and at the end popd.
I tend to favor pushd/popd over cd because invocations can be nested. So you can do things like
(assume working directory is C:\Users\IoCalisto):
pushd "F:\images 2017+"
(working directory is now F:\images 2017+)
pushd "Z:\images 2015-2016"
(working directory is now Z:\images 2015-2016)
(working directory is now F:\images 2017+)
(working directory is now C:\Users\IoCalisto)
... with this approach, your scripts will have fewer "side effects" and be more modular, or at least modularizable.

Loop works for first file then fails

I am a complete novice when it comes to scripting, but am attempting to write a batch script which runs a command to output a png file to a printer. The script I have works fine for one file, but when there are multiple files it does not.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
#echo off
REM ___Change Directory to where Label Is Stored___
pushd C:\AFP\to
REM ___Create Variable to capture filename of any png file___
for /F %%a in ('dir /b *.png') do set FileName=%%~na.png
REM ___Now we have the filename as a variable, send it to printer using Zebra SSDAL___
\\\nDrive\Prime_DPD_Label_Print\ssdal.exe /p "TSC DA200" send %FileName% >> C:\AFP\Log\Label_Printing_Log.txt
REM ___Copy PNG File to Backup Folder___
XCOPY /y /q /c C:\AFP\to\*.png C:\AFP\backup\
REM ___Delete PNF File from To Folder___
DEL C:\AFP\to\*.png
When the script runs, the first file prints fine. The subsequent files then do not print, I get "File does not exist" back from the ssdal.exe command. Why would the first one work but not the subsequent prints? I would have expected the for to loop through.
REM ___Change Directory to where Label Is Stored___
pushd C:\AFP\to
REM ___Process all png files___
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b *.png') do (
REM ___Now we have the filename as "%%a", send it to printer using Zebra SSDAL___
\\\nDrive\Prime_DPD_Label_Print\ssdal.exe /p "TSC DA200" send "%%a" >> C:\AFP\Log\Label_Printing_Log.txt
CALL ECHO SSDAL returned ERRORLEVEL %%errorlevel%% FOR "%%a"
) ELSE (
REM ___Move PNG File to Backup Folder___
IF EXIST "c:\afp\backup\%%a" (
ECHO MOVE "%%a" to backup skipped as file already exists IN backup
) ELSE (
MOVE "%%a" C:\AFP\backup\
REM Two-second delay
TIMEOUT /t 2 >nul 2>nul
Ah! using Zebra printers. Sensible lad!
This replacement script should do what you want.
The setlocal command is used to ensure that any variation made by this batch to the cmd environment is discarded when the batch ends.
The delims= sets "no delimiters" so for/f will set %%a to the entire filename, even if it contains spaces or other delimiters. Quoting %%a ensures such filenames are kept together as a single unit, not interpreted as separate tokens.
I'm assuming that ssdal acts responsibly and returns errorlevel non-zero in the case of errors. The if errorlevel 1 means if the errorlevel is currently 1 or greater than 1 and in that case, the error message is generated. We need to call echo ... %%varname%% ... in order to display the current value of the variable, if we're not using delayed expansion (many SO articles explain this)
Otherwise, if ssdal was successful, check for the existence of the filename in the backup directory, and either move it there or report that it already exists.
Of course, there are many ways in which this could be manipulated if features I've added are not desired. I'm happy to adjust this script to comply.
timeout is a standard utility to wait for a keypress. The redirection takes care of its prompting (it will provide a countdown unless gagged).

How to print only number of files copied as a variable, while logging all the actions?

I'm writing a script on a BAT file to use when necessary, to backup a folder of an application on several computers.
This script works on Windows 7: will it also work on Windows 10?
:: Backup script with logging
#echo off
net use \\SERVER\Shared_Folder userPassword /USER:userName
set PATH=c:\WINDOWS\system32;
set SRC="C:\Program Files (x86)\ApplicationName\TargetFolder"
set DST=\\SERVER\Shared_Folder\Backups
set LOG=%DST%\Backup_LogFile.log
echo Backup from computer %COMPUTERNAME% >>%LOG%
echo Starts -- %DATE% %TIME% >>%LOG%
echo Wait please: backup is running...
xcopy %SRC% %DST%\%COMPUTERNAME%\ /A /D /E /J /Y /Z>>%LOG%
echo Ends -- %DATE% %TIME% >>%LOG%
My script works fine but I want a better response on terminal for the user than execute it.
The script adds correctly the actions on a log file, but I want the user can see only the number of file copied not the list of all files copied.
Here is one way to accomplish what you ask. There are other ways too. The secret here is using "for /F" and sending each result to another function. The other function will log each line to a file. It will then look for xcopy's "File(s) copied" line and pipe that to the user if it sees it.
Also... note the "goto :EOF" statements. These tell the batch interpreter to return to the caller much like any other programming language.
I hope this does what you are asking. :)
:: Backup script with logging
#echo off
net use \\SERVER\Shared_Folder userPassword /USER:userName
set SRC="C:\Program Files (x86)\ApplicationName\TargetFolder"
set DST=\\SERVER\Shared_Folder\Backups
set LOG=%DST%\Backup_LogFile.log
echo Backup from computer %COMPUTERNAME% >>%LOG%
echo Starts -- %DATE% %TIME% >>%LOG%
echo Wait please: backup is running...
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('xcopy %SRC% %DST%\%COMPUTERNAME%\ /A /D /E /J /Y /Z') do call :log_items "%%f"
echo Ends -- %DATE% %TIME% >>%LOG%
goto :EOF
Set InputLine=%~1
:: Log everything
echo %InputLine%>>%LOG%
:: Check if the line coming in contains "File(s) copied" if it doesn't, return
if "%InputLine:File(s) copied=%"=="%InputLine%" goto :EOF
:: If it does, show it to the user and return
echo %InputLine%
goto :EOF
The comparison done for the files copied looks like this:
For a line with your file name: (here they match so it returns)
C:\git\ps>if "test\targetver.h" == "test\targetver.h" goto :EOF
For a line with your number of files: (here they dont match do it doesn't return)
C:\git\ps>if "205 " == "205 File(s) copied" goto :EOF

Is there a way to create a persistent variable in batch file by writing to itself?

I have written a batch file that I use for file management. The batch file parses an .XML database to get a list of base filenames, then allows the user to move/copy those specific files into a new directory. The program prompts the user for a source directory and the name of the .XML file. I would like the program to default the variables to the last used entry, even if the previous CMD session has closed. My solution has been to ask the user for each variable at the beginning of the program, then write those variables to a separate batch file called param.bat at the end like this:
#echo off
if exist param.bat call param.bat
set /p SOURCEDIR=The current source directory is %SOURCEDIR%. Please input new directory or press [Enter] for no change.
set /p XMLFILE=The current XML database is %XMLFILE%. Please input new database or press [Enter] for no change.
REM {Rest of program goes here}
echo #echo off>param.bat
echo set SOURCEDIR=%SOURCEDIR%>>param.bat
echo set XMLFILE=%XMLFILE%>>param.bat
I was hoping for a more elegant solution that does not require a separate batch file and allows me to store the variable data within the primary batch file itself. Any thoughts?
#echo off
dir /r "%~f0" | findstr /c:" %~nx0:settings" 2>nul >nul && (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%~f0:settings") do set %%A
if defined SOURCEDIR echo The current source directory is %SOURCEDIR%.
set /p "SOURCEDIR= Please input new directory or press [Enter] for no change. "
if defined XMLFILE echo The current XML database is %XMLFILE%.
set /p "XMLFILE=Please input new database or press [Enter] for no change. "
) > "%~f0:settings"
This uses the Alternate Data Stream (ADS) of the batchfile to
save the settings.
NTFS file system is required. The ADS stream is lost if the
batchfile is copied to a file system other than NTFS.
The dir piped to findstr is to determine if the
stream does exist before trying to read from it.
This helps to avoid an error message from the for
loop if the ADS does not exist.
The for loop sets the variable names and values read from the ADS.
Finally, the variables are saved to the ADS.
%~f0 is full path to the batchfile.
See for /? about all modifiers available.
%~f0:settings is the batchfile with ADS named settings.
dir /r displays files and those with ADS.
Any idea involving writing to the batchfile could result
in file corruption so would certainly advise a backup of
the batchfile.
There is one way to save variables itself on the bat file, but, you need replace :END to :EOF
:EOF have a good explained in this link .:|:. see Where does GOTO :EOF return to?
Also, this work in fat32/ntfs file system!
You can write the variables in your bat file, and read when needs:
Obs.: Sorry my limited English
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "bat_file="%temp%\new_bat_with_new_var.tmp"" & type nul >!bat_file! & set "nop=ot Se"
for /f %%a in ('forfiles /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo 0x40"') do set "delim=%%a"
type "%~f0"| findstr "!delim!"| find /v /i "echo" >nul || for %%s in (SOURCEDIR XMLFILE) do set "%%s=N!nop!t"
if defined SOURCEDIR echo/!SOURCEDIR!%delim%!XMLFILE!%delim%>>"%~f0"
for /f "delims=%delim% tokens=1,2" %%a in ('type "%~f0"^| findstr /l "!delim!"^| find /v /i "echo"') do (
set /p "SOURCEDIR=The current source directory is %%~a. Please input new directory or press [Enter] for no change: "
set /p "XMLFILE=The current XML database is %%~b. Please input new database or press [Enter] for no change: "
if /i "!old_string!" neq "!SOURCEDIR!!delim!!XMLFILE!!delim!" (
type "%~f0"| findstr /vic:"%%~a!delim!%%~b!delim!">>!bat_file!"
copy /y !bat_file! "%~f0" >nul
goto :_continue_:
rem :| Rest of program goes here | replace/change last command [goto :END] to [goto :EOF]
goto :EOF
rem :| Left 2 line blank above, because your variable will be save/read in next line above here |:

Moving folder to different location but only looking at first five characters

I need to move a particualar folder to a differnet location. Example C:\Test\Test2\ABCDEFGHI. I can only look at the first five characters i.e ABCDE of the folder name as the rest of the name changes daily. Any ideas how I could do this?
assuming you have some foldername...
#echo off
set foldername=C:\Test\Test2\ABCDEFGHI
call :GetFolderName5 "%foldername%"
goto :eof
set folder5chr=%~n1
set folder5chr=%~dp1%folder5chr:~0,5%
goto :eof
Thats great, thanks for your reply. What I now need to do is incorporate this into more code.
When I find this folder beginning with ABCDE, then I need to copy it to another location. Here is what I have been doing already but using a specific folder name i.e. (ECU). In the first part I am also zipping any folder with the name "Logfile".
So to recap, instead of moving everything inside C:\ECU, I instead need to move everything inside the folder starting with ABCDE. Apologies for being so long winded!
#echo off
for /d /r "c:\ecu" %%a in (Logfile*) do (
if /i "%%~nxa"=="Logfile" (
pushd "%%a"
REM zip all files in the backup directory
FOR %%A IN (.TXT .cpi) DO "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -r "" "%%A"
FOR %%A IN (*.TXT *.cpi) DO DEL "%%A"
#echo All logfiles zipped. Press Enter to move Project to backup?
pause > nul
xcopy /s "C:\ECU" "C:\Complete"
rename "C:\Complete" %Date:~-10,2%%Date:~-7,2%%Date:~-4,4%
