How to develop app using codename one without GUI builder? - codenameone

Using GUI Builder is helpful
but the limitation is there.
so I want to develop application using Java programming only.

Just select the hand coded application in the new project wizard. With the recent version of the plugin this is now the default.


automate react application using robot framework

Does Robot Framework support automating a web application built completely on react or not? I was trying to look for the answer in internet but unfortunately could not find one.
We have been using ROBOT framework from past 2.5 years and through this amazing tool have already automated more than 2000 scenarios but our Client's application is going to be build on React so need to have answer before selecting any other tool.
We have restricted environment where we can't open any other application so can't do POC with any open application already built on React.

Robot Framework IDE Automate WPF

I'm trying to automate an application I developed in C# (WPF) using Robot Framework.
I already explored a bunch of alternatives:
White Library
Doesn't seem to be working.
Doesn't work for WPF C# applications - Doesn't detect components
Image detection doesn't work very well in WPF C# applications.
Has anyone been able to automate WPF C# applications using Robot Framework IDE?
We just released first stable version of WhiteLibrary. It should do the job.
pip install --upgrade robotframework-whitelibrary
Unfortunately, WhiteLibrary is build on the White automation framework which has been deprecated since December 11, 2019. While WhiteLibrary itself is not officially deprecated, the last release is also from 2019.
There appears to be a newer framework called FlaUI, which is wrapped by RobotFramework-FlaUI. This project is still under active development currently and likely a more future-proof choice than WhiteLibrary.

How to develop OSX application using Visual studio for Mac preview

I have .Net Winform project(c#) working in windows.Now,i want to do same project, to work as OSX App in Mac. As per my understanding Microsoft recently launched Visual studio for Mac preview and also it support OSX app development using Xamarin.Mac and also it support .Netcore .
Instead of creating Osx app from scratch,i need to reuse the code which is available in .net winform project.
can i develop UI application using .netcore project? I think .netframework and .netcore more or less same.can i port .netframework to .netcore project and create osx app ?
can i use xamarin.mac and reuse the .netframework c# code to create osx app?
I am new to this,so kindly suggest the best way to create OSX app using Visual studio for Mac preview. (Basically i need Tabel view,form controls and graph(there i use zedgraph).Is these view are available here.
In general, the "standard" way of developing cross platform applications is to separate as much of your logic as possible into shared libraries of some type and create "thin" UIs specific to each platform.
Depending on your need, you could easily make that shared code netstandard/PCL/etc compatible and share between platforms or just recompile the project in each solution.
NSTableView will likely solve your needs, but expect it to be significantly more primitive that what you are used to on Windows. Graph controls don't come built in, so you'll need to find a vendor that ships Cocoa controls or draw them yourself.
Here is the quickstart documentation.
Xamarin.Forms support for macOS is coming in the future, currently earmarked for Q2 this year.

Porting an app developed with Android SDK to codenameone

How would one go about porting an app built with Android SDK to Codenameone? The objective is to port to multiple OS.
I suggest checking out the Android trail in the Codename One website generally you would need to rewrite your UI and networking code. Adapt to a smaller subset of Java functionality etc.
You could keep most of the business logic intact though. I would suggest starting with a GUI builder application and some of the How Do I? tutorials just to get the UI right then the rest should be easy.

Running White UI from Java

Is there any way I can invoke White UI Automation tool from Java?
I already have a Java framework with me and now I need to handle some Silverlight application (which is legacy code and the developer has not made it scriptable). I don't want to maintain a separate workspace/technology for this. Is there any way I can call White UI or the underlying Windows UI Automation from within my Java code?
Perhaps IKVM would work? I haven't used it before, but it looks like it allows you to run Java code that can directly access .NET assemblies.
So, sounds like it might be a way to use both White and your Java test framework at the same time.
There's an interesting tutorial here (see the section Developing a .NET application in Java):
And the main IKVM website is at
