Could we add our menu items in Gitkit Starter kit "Sign In cum User Info " ( #navbar )? - google-app-engine

Could we add our menu items in Starter kit Gitkit NavBar ?
There are two list items in the drop down : Manage Account and Sign Out.
Is it possible to add a third option with a URL link ( say like Update Profile ) ?
The html for the #navbar gets loaded through Javascript code of Gitkit.
I use GAE Python.
Possible solutions which I could think of are :
After my webpage loads completely, I could add my own <li> items to the list of dropdown menu provided by #navbar.
Write a custom "Sign In cum User Info " ( #navbar ) widget.
Is there a better and simpler approach ?
It would be great if we could provide our custom menu items along with their URL links as options to below JS code which loads #navbar :
<script type=text/javascript>
'#navbar', // accepts any CSS selector
widgetUrl: "",
signOutUrl: "/",
// Example of possible solution ( my suggestion ):
custom_menu_item__1__name : "item_1", // My Custom Menu Item 1
custom_menu_item__1__link : "http://site/link_url_1",
custom_menu_item__n__name : "item_1", // My Custom Menu Item n
custom_menu_item__n__link : "http://site/link_url_1",
Temporary Fix = I have added the needed menu options using jquery temporarily. Code snippet provided below to help anyone with similar needs till official solution arrives :
On page load,
custom_menu_add_job_id = setInterval(function(){
}, 5000);
function add_custom_menu(){
if ($("#navbar").find(".gitkit-user-card-menu").length){
$(".gitkit-user-card-menu").append($("<li class='gitkit-user-card-menuitem' id='smh_user_profile' tabindex='0'> <img src='/images/person_32x32.png' class='user_profile_menu_icon' > Profile </li>")
window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/user/";
If you want, you could check it live at ShowMyHall.

Customized menu items are now supported in Google Identity Toolkit javascript widget. Examples:
'#navbar', // accepts any CSS selector
widgetUrl: "...",
dropDownMenu: [
'label': 'Check Configuration',
'url': '/config'
'label': 'Sign out',
'handler': function() {google.identitytoolkit.signOut();}
'label': 'Manage Account',
'handler': function() {google.identitytoolkit.manageAccount();}

Until this feature arrives, I also implemented a similar temporary fix that you outlined at the end of your question. I got around using a timer as follows (note that my gitkit is using the div login):
$(window).load(function() {
$("#login").hover(function() {
function add_custom_menu_items(){
if ($("#login").find(".gitkit-user-card-menu").length == 1){
if ($("#my_data_link").length == 0) {
$(".gitkit-user-card-menu li:eq(0)").after($('<li class="gitkit-user-card-menuitem" id="my_data_link" tabindex="0">My data</li>'));
Basically when you hover over the div it adds the menu item, but only if it hasn't already been added.

The navbar drop down menu does not support images but if you really need that, here's a hacky way to do it in jquery:
var config = {...}; // your config which includes the custom drop down menu.
// Render button on load. (now supported)
window.onload = function() {
'#navbar', // accepts any CSS selector
// This will modify the html content of the first option in drop down menu.
// Make menu dom changes.
jQuery('#navbar li:first-child').html('<img src="img.png">My Label');


Migrating jQuery selector to angularjs for third party vendor client help functionality

I'm trying to migrate old jQuery code to angularjs.
The issue that I'm having is that I'm not sure on the best approach.
Bascially, depending on the selector a different type of 'event' needs to be pushed into a array called gt.
The purpose of the jQuery code is to provide detailed info of clients having issues while filling in a form. the gt array is picked up by third party software that helps the clients by asking if they want to chat.
Example of how the array is populated:
$('a').live('click', { element: this }, function (element) {
_clickedElement = this;
var linkUrl = element.currentTarget.hostname + element.currentTarget.pathname;
var querystring =
var shortLocationUrl = window.location.href.replace(querystring, "").replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "");
if (element.currentTarget.hostname.length > 0 && != "_blank" && linkUrl != shortLocationUrl) { //click on a link that opens in the current window and points to a page external to this part
_gt.push(['event', { eventName: 'Leave_Page_' +, name:, pageName: chat.pageName, locale: _locale, isClient: chat.isClient }]);
_pushLeavePageEvent = false;
else if ( == backButtonId) { //click "previous"
_gt.push(['event', { eventName: 'Go_Back_' +, name:, pageName: chat.pageName, locale: _locale, isClient: chat.isClient }]);
_pushLeavePageEvent = false;
return true;
So for all the a tags inside my page (or form) the above code needs to be executed.
What would be a good approach to have similar behaviour in Angularjs?
I was thinking of a directive but I'm not sure whether to make this a directive at the level of my form or make a directive that I then use throughout my page?
P.S.: similar behaviour is needed (pushing an event into the gt array) for all the input, textarea and select fields on the page as well as the errors on the page caused by the clients and when a client hovers over a tooltip.

Using mmenu plugin -- how to remove for desktop?

I am trying out the mmenu plugin ( and am super excited about it. I have it working for my responsive site... The only problem is that, when I go from a width with the mmenu working to a desktop view (like say 768px to 1024px or bigger), I need the mmenu to go away, remove itself, etc.
Because the mmenu plugin pulls my nav list out of its original spot in the HTML, I need it to get put back again and show itself... Not seeing anything about this in the docs. If I missed it or you have ideas, let me know!
Rather than clone the menu I think a better option would be to initiate the jQuery function when the screen is below a certain size.
$(window).resize(function() {
if ($(window).width() < 768) {
$(function() {
$(' nav#menu').mmenu();
else {
do some thing else
I have solved this by cloning the menu when the browser size is reduced (using Harvey: and only activating it with mmenu at this point. When I resize back up, I delete the cloned mobile version of the menu, and then show the desktop menu again. One problem I faced was that if you resize back up to desktop with the mobile menu expanded, it didn't automatically close. I fixed this by adding a trigger event to close it before removing the mobile version.
<ul id="menu">
<li class="menu-item">
$( document ).ready(function() {
/* Add and remove the mobile version of the menu */
var toggleMenu = {
elem: $("#menu"),
mobile: function(){
//clone the existing top menu and append it to the mobile menu
var menu = this.elem.clone(true).addClass("mobile-added").appendTo("#mobile-menu");
//activate mmenu
position: "right",
zposition: "back",
//hide desktop top menu
desktop: function(){
//close the menu
//remove cloned menu
//reshow desktop menu;
Harvey.attach('screen and (max-width:1024px)', {
setup: function(){ // called when the query becomes valid for the first time
on: function(){ // called each time the query is activated;
off: function(){ // called each time the query is deactivated
Harvey.attach('screen and (min-width:1025px)', {
setup: function(){ // called when the query becomes valid for the first time
on: function(){ // called each time the query is activated
off: function(){// called each time the query is deactivated
You have to clone the menu and making a media query.
Here you can find the explanation.
Post that in your CSS
#media screen and (min-width:1000px) {
#menu {
Hi may be setting the options will help you.
The options page is here
and a working example is here and here

Jquery - Accordion - active state

I've searched for the answer on this forum, but haven't been able to find it.
Here is my question:
I want disable the possibility to open the first and the second pane of my accordion, and allow it to open only when if want. It's like to make some panes disabled and some enabled.
I've searched with this code :
$( "#accordion" ).bind( "accordionchangestart", function(event, ui) {
var active = $(this).accordion( "option", "active" );
if(active == 0)||(active == 1)){
It works only for the second pane ( == 1) because when the state is closed, it's considered as false, and false == 0 for jquery.
I've tried searching if the selected pane is the first with the ui-state-active class, but this is too late, when the class appears, the pane is opened, and that's what i want to prevent.
Any idea ?
If you are using jQuery UI's Accordion than what you should do is use the changestart event to check which one is clicked and do whatever you want to do.
Use this to check the current state:
$( "#accordion" ).accordion({changestart: function(event, ui) {
Yo can also change the current option like this:
$("#accordion").accordion("activate", 3);
You can find events documentation here:
And here is the activate method documentation:
If I want to take action only when expanding:
var active = $(this.container).accordion('option', 'active');
if (!active && $.type(active) === 'boolean') {
//No action
//Loading some data inside accordion content

TinyMCE plug-ins not firing in Composite C1

I've created a new plug in as I could not find one that actually "works", hoping that if I do it from scratch it might fire.
The plug-in simply wraps selected text with a mailto: link.
I've added the plug-in to the includes file, as per the following response on a previous question: however, it's not working.
I've gone into the localization directory, identified the Composite.Web.VisualEditor.en-us.xml as the file that handles the localization, added my entry under :
<string key="ToolBar.ToolTipMailTo" value="Mail To" />
But when I hover of the "blank" block where the menu item should appear, it returns (?). This is the first part where I picked up on something wierd. When you actually click on where the item should appear, nothing happens. So, I can't assume that the click event has got to do with an image, I re-wrote the command to return an alert, when clicked:
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.MailTo', {
init : function(ed, url) {
ed.addButton('mailto', {
title : 'mailto.mailto_desc',
cmd : 'mceMailTo',
image : url + '/images/mailto.gif'
ed.addCommand('mceMailTo', function() {
var selectedText = ed.selection.getContent({format : 'text'});
var MailToLink = "alert(" + selectedText + ");";
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, MailToLink);
I've added the "mailTo" element to visualeditor.js:
plugins : "...,paste,lists,mailto",
And ensured that the "mailto" plug-in is situated under the plug-ins directory for tiny_mce. I've gone as far as to clear my cache several times, but nothing? Can it be this difficult to add new plug-ins to tiny-mce in Composite?
1) Composite C1 does not support internal tiny_mce buttons
Do you add button to editor?
In file Composite\content\misc\editors\visualeditor\includes\ add
<ui:toolbarbutton cmd="mceMailTo" tooltip="Mail to" image="${icon:paste}" isdisabled="false" />
2) Do you write valid plugin code?
(function () {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.MailTo', {
init: function (ed, url) {
ed.addCommand('mceMailTo', function () {
var selectedText = ed.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' });
var MailToLink = "alert(" + selectedText + ");";
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, MailToLink);
tinymce.PluginManager.add('mailto', tinymce.plugins.MailTo); })();

Add class to DIV if checkbox is checked onload

I need help with a script to add an "active" class to a div when a hidden checkbox is checked. This all happening within a somewhat complex form that can be saved and later edited. Here's the process:
I have a series of hidden checkboxes that are checked when a visible DIV is clicked. Thanks to a few people, especially Dimitar Christoff from previous posts here, I have a few simple scripts that handle everything:
A person clicks on a div:
<div class="thumb left prodata" data-id="7"> yadda yadda </div>
An active class is added to the div:
$$('.thumb').addEvent('click', function(){
The corresponding checkbox is checked:
click: function(e) {
if ("tag") != 'input') {
var checkbox ="field_select_p" + this.get("data-id"));
checkbox.set("checked", !checkbox.get("checked"));
Now, I need a fourth ( and final ) function to complete the project (using mootools or just plain javascript, no jQuery). When the form is loaded after being saved, I need a way to add the active class back to the corresponding div. Basically reverse the process. I AM trying to figure it out myself, and would love to post an idea but anything I've tried is, well, bad. I thought I'd at least get this question posted while I work on it. Thanks in advance!
load: function(){
if (checkbox.checked){
Okay, in case anyone is interested, here is the final solution. What this does is: Create a click event for a DIV class to toggle an active class onclick, and also correlates each DIV to a checkbox using a data-id="X" that = the checkbox ID. Finally, if the form is reloaded ( in this case the form can be saved and edited later ) the final piece of javascript then sees what checkboxes are checked on page load and triggers the active class for the DIV.
To see it all in action, check it out here: ( script is currently working on the third tab, CHOOSE STYLE ). You won't be able to save/edit it unless you're a member however, but it works:) You can unhide the checkboxes using firebug and toggle the checkboxes yourself to see.
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
// apply the psuedo event to some elements
$$('.thumb').addEvent('click', function() {
$$('.cbox').addEvent('click', function() {
var checkboxes= $$('.cbox');
for(i=1; i<=checkboxes.length; i++){
$('c_'+checkboxes[i-1].id).set("class", "thumb tactive");
$('c_'+checkboxes[i-1].id).set("class", "thumb");
// Add the active class to the corresponding div when a checkbox is checked onLoad... basic idea:
var checkboxes= $$('.cbox');
for(i=1; i<=checkboxes.length; i++){
$('c_field_tmp_'+i).set("class", "thumb tactive");
click: function(e) {
if ("tag") != 'input') {
var checkbox ="field_tmp_" + this.get("data-id"));
checkbox.set("checked", !checkbox.get("checked"));
