Using mmenu plugin -- how to remove for desktop? - mobile

I am trying out the mmenu plugin ( and am super excited about it. I have it working for my responsive site... The only problem is that, when I go from a width with the mmenu working to a desktop view (like say 768px to 1024px or bigger), I need the mmenu to go away, remove itself, etc.
Because the mmenu plugin pulls my nav list out of its original spot in the HTML, I need it to get put back again and show itself... Not seeing anything about this in the docs. If I missed it or you have ideas, let me know!

Rather than clone the menu I think a better option would be to initiate the jQuery function when the screen is below a certain size.
$(window).resize(function() {
if ($(window).width() < 768) {
$(function() {
$(' nav#menu').mmenu();
else {
do some thing else

I have solved this by cloning the menu when the browser size is reduced (using Harvey: and only activating it with mmenu at this point. When I resize back up, I delete the cloned mobile version of the menu, and then show the desktop menu again. One problem I faced was that if you resize back up to desktop with the mobile menu expanded, it didn't automatically close. I fixed this by adding a trigger event to close it before removing the mobile version.
<ul id="menu">
<li class="menu-item">
$( document ).ready(function() {
/* Add and remove the mobile version of the menu */
var toggleMenu = {
elem: $("#menu"),
mobile: function(){
//clone the existing top menu and append it to the mobile menu
var menu = this.elem.clone(true).addClass("mobile-added").appendTo("#mobile-menu");
//activate mmenu
position: "right",
zposition: "back",
//hide desktop top menu
desktop: function(){
//close the menu
//remove cloned menu
//reshow desktop menu;
Harvey.attach('screen and (max-width:1024px)', {
setup: function(){ // called when the query becomes valid for the first time
on: function(){ // called each time the query is activated;
off: function(){ // called each time the query is deactivated
Harvey.attach('screen and (min-width:1025px)', {
setup: function(){ // called when the query becomes valid for the first time
on: function(){ // called each time the query is activated
off: function(){// called each time the query is deactivated

You have to clone the menu and making a media query.
Here you can find the explanation.

Post that in your CSS
#media screen and (min-width:1000px) {
#menu {

Hi may be setting the options will help you.
The options page is here
and a working example is here and here


aframe glft click event

I am trying to catch click event for glft model in a scene. Scene code below.
<a-scene raycaster-autorefresh>
<a-asset-item id="store_homeModel" src="app/home/store_models/store_model.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="shampoo" src="app/home/product_models/Ayush Shampoo.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="soap" src="app/home/product_models/Ayush Soap.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="facewash" src="app/home/product_models/Citra Pearl face wash.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-gltf-model src="#store_homeModel"></a-gltf-model>
<a-gltf-model src="#shampoo" open-desc"></a-gltf-model>
and component code I have. But click event is not getting catch and i am not able to see console log...
AFRAME.registerComponent('raycaster-autorefresh', {
init: function () {
// This will be called after the entity has properly attached and loaded.
console.log('I am readyyyyy!');
AFRAME.registerComponent('open-desc', {
init: function() {
var data =;
var el = this.el;
el.addEventListener('click', function() {
Please remember that a-frame renders the whole view on a <canvas>, so you can't just use your mouse to click on any element inside the <a-scene>.
If you want a simple gaze based cursor, you need to attach a cursor to the camera:
If You want to use the mouse, use the cursor component in the <a-scene>:
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin:mouse">
If you want to use vive / oculus controllers, you should try laser-controls.
More details about properties and events regarding the cursor can be found in the docs.

On click opens a new tab I need to interact with, however I just stay on the same window

I am new to protractor and AngularJS just starting to get the hang of it. I have a login page that on click opens a new browser tab. The new browser tab is where I want to continue my test however I do not know how to do switch to the new browser tab.
I've tried the below code that was suggested here however it didn't do anything just stayed on the page.
element(by.css('span.icon.icon-add')).click();.then(function() {
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handles) {
newWindowHandle = handles[1]; // this is your new window
browser.switchTo().window(newWindowHandle).then(function() {
Any help would be fantastic! Thank you
changed code to look like this:
this.clicksAddUser = function() {
element.all(by.css('li:nth-of-type(4) > a')).click().then(function() {
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handles) {
newWindowHandle = handles[1]; // this is your new window
browser.switchTo().window(newWindowHandle).then(function() {
Because I was clicking a drop down menu in a separate this statement the drop down menu was closing before there was a chance to click on the login button. combined the code fixed the problem.

Could we add our menu items in Gitkit Starter kit "Sign In cum User Info " ( #navbar )?

Could we add our menu items in Starter kit Gitkit NavBar ?
There are two list items in the drop down : Manage Account and Sign Out.
Is it possible to add a third option with a URL link ( say like Update Profile ) ?
The html for the #navbar gets loaded through Javascript code of Gitkit.
I use GAE Python.
Possible solutions which I could think of are :
After my webpage loads completely, I could add my own <li> items to the list of dropdown menu provided by #navbar.
Write a custom "Sign In cum User Info " ( #navbar ) widget.
Is there a better and simpler approach ?
It would be great if we could provide our custom menu items along with their URL links as options to below JS code which loads #navbar :
<script type=text/javascript>
'#navbar', // accepts any CSS selector
widgetUrl: "",
signOutUrl: "/",
// Example of possible solution ( my suggestion ):
custom_menu_item__1__name : "item_1", // My Custom Menu Item 1
custom_menu_item__1__link : "http://site/link_url_1",
custom_menu_item__n__name : "item_1", // My Custom Menu Item n
custom_menu_item__n__link : "http://site/link_url_1",
Temporary Fix = I have added the needed menu options using jquery temporarily. Code snippet provided below to help anyone with similar needs till official solution arrives :
On page load,
custom_menu_add_job_id = setInterval(function(){
}, 5000);
function add_custom_menu(){
if ($("#navbar").find(".gitkit-user-card-menu").length){
$(".gitkit-user-card-menu").append($("<li class='gitkit-user-card-menuitem' id='smh_user_profile' tabindex='0'> <img src='/images/person_32x32.png' class='user_profile_menu_icon' > Profile </li>")
window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/user/";
If you want, you could check it live at ShowMyHall.
Customized menu items are now supported in Google Identity Toolkit javascript widget. Examples:
'#navbar', // accepts any CSS selector
widgetUrl: "...",
dropDownMenu: [
'label': 'Check Configuration',
'url': '/config'
'label': 'Sign out',
'handler': function() {google.identitytoolkit.signOut();}
'label': 'Manage Account',
'handler': function() {google.identitytoolkit.manageAccount();}
Until this feature arrives, I also implemented a similar temporary fix that you outlined at the end of your question. I got around using a timer as follows (note that my gitkit is using the div login):
$(window).load(function() {
$("#login").hover(function() {
function add_custom_menu_items(){
if ($("#login").find(".gitkit-user-card-menu").length == 1){
if ($("#my_data_link").length == 0) {
$(".gitkit-user-card-menu li:eq(0)").after($('<li class="gitkit-user-card-menuitem" id="my_data_link" tabindex="0">My data</li>'));
Basically when you hover over the div it adds the menu item, but only if it hasn't already been added.
The navbar drop down menu does not support images but if you really need that, here's a hacky way to do it in jquery:
var config = {...}; // your config which includes the custom drop down menu.
// Render button on load. (now supported)
window.onload = function() {
'#navbar', // accepts any CSS selector
// This will modify the html content of the first option in drop down menu.
// Make menu dom changes.
jQuery('#navbar li:first-child').html('<img src="img.png">My Label');

Twitter Bootstrap Popover/Tooltip Bug with Mobile?

I am working with Twitter Bootstrap and ran into something I could not fix when testing on iPad and iPhone. On mobile (at least those devices) you need to click to engage the tip or popover (as expected). The issue is that you can never close it once you do. I added a listener to close it if you click it again, but I find it hard to believe that the default behavior would not be to click to remove it. Is this a bug in Bootstrap popover and tooltip?? My code is below - it seems to work, but ONLY if you click the same item that created the tip or popover - not anywhere on the page (could not get that to work).
Code to fire:
$(function () {
//Remove the title bar (adjust the template)
offset: 10,
animate: false,
html: true,
placement: 'top',
template: '<div class="popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-inner"><div class="popover-content"><p></p></div></div></div>'
//<h3 class="popover-title"></h3>
//Need to have this click check since the tooltip will not close on mobile
}).click(function(e) {
jQuery(document).one("click", function() {
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="Example" rel="popover" data-content="This is the Data Content" data-original-title="This is the title (hidden in this example)">
Thanks in advance!
I tried dozens of solutions posted to stackoverflow and other various corners of the web, and the following is the only one that worked for me!
As noted here, you can a CSS-directive the element in order to make it touch-device-clickable. I can't tell you why that works or what's going on there, but that seems to be the case. So, I want to make the entire document aka body clickable on mobile devices, which will allow me to touch anywhere to dismiss the popover.
Popover JS
$(function () {
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ trigger: "hover"}})
1. Install Modernizr
I'm using rails, so I used the gem.
gem 'modernizr-rails'
2. Create a touch class with a css-directive
Add the following to your CSS:
.touch {
cursor: pointer
3. On touch devices only, add the touch class to the body
If you want other elements to be clickable, instead of the entire body, add the touch class to them.
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$( "body" ).addClass( "touch" );
That's it! Now, you can use your popover normally on desktop (even with hover-trigger) and it will be touch-dismissible on mobile.
I had the same problem with my IPad. But in browser it works fine. Solution for me was adding listeners for all possible element that i can hide tooltip:
$('*').bind('touchend', function(e){
if ($('rel') !== 'tooltip' && ($('').length > 0)){
} else {
Yes, it's small overhead to send event for all tooltips, but you can't define which element tooltip is showing.
Main concept is that make popover manually on mobile device
$(document).ready(function() {
if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
'trigger': 'manual'
Refer following code snippet to get it works:
$('body').on('click', function (e) {
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function () {
//the 'is' for buttons that trigger popups
//the 'has' for icons within a button that triggers a popup
if (!$(this).is( && $(this).has( === 0 && $('.popover').has( === 0) {
This is the easiest way of detecting clicks on the body and close all the tooltips on the page.
You can check the live example here
Solution on this jsfiddle,
test on iOS (iPad and iPhone), Android and Windows.
var toolOptions;
var toolOptions2;
var isOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
var isAndroid = /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
///////////////////////////////////////// if OS
if (isOS){
toolOptions = {
animation: false,
$('.customtooltip').css( 'cursor', 'pointer' );
$('body').on("touchstart", function(e){
$(".customtooltip").each(function () {
// hide any open tooltips when the anywhere else in the body is clicked
if (!$(this).is( && $(this).has( === 0 && $('.tooltip').has( === 0) {
}////end if
///////////////////////////////////////// if Android
} else if(isAndroid){
toolOptions = {
animation: false,
toolOptions2 = {
animation: false,
///////////////////////////////////////// if another system
} else {
toolOptions = {
animation: true,
}//end if system
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Sys: "+navigator.platform+" - isOS: "+isOS+" - isAndroid: "+isAndroid;
first tooltip
Second tooltip
third tooltip
<p id="demo"></p>
Bootstap-tooltip v3.3.7
Actual: tooltip on hover doesn't work with touch devices in our project
Solution: Subscribe to tooltip's show event and call mouseenter
$body = $('body');
$body.tooltip({selector: '.js-tooltip'});
// fix for touch device.
if (Modernizr.touch) { // to detect you can use
var hideTooltip = function(e) {
tooltipClicked = !!$('.tooltip').length;
if (tooltipClicked) { return; }
var emulateClickOnTooltip = function(e) {
tooltipsVisible = !!$('').length;
if (tooltipsVisible) { return; }
var onTooltipShow = function(e) {
tooltipClicked = !!$('.tooltip').length;
if (tooltipClicked) { return; }
$body.on('touchend', hideTooltip);
var onTooltipHide = function() {
$'touchend', hideTooltip);
.on('touchend', '.js-tooltip', emulateClickOnTooltip)
.on('', onTooltipShow)
.on('', onTooltipHide);

appcelerator titanium - edit button in tabgroup doesn't go away

Using Titanium mobile sdk 1.7.2, I created a tabgroup with 11 tabs. The problem is when I open any of the tabs inside the 'more' tab, if the child window has a right navbar button, some times the 'edit' button of the 'more' tab doesn't go away..
my code is:
var tabGroup=Titanium.UI.createTabGroup({top:20});
/** list of windows and tabs **/
var win9 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
barColor: navBarColor
var tab9 = Titanium.UI.createTab({
var btn=Titanium.UI.createButton({title:'Discover'});
btn.addEventListener('click',function (){
//do some stuff
the problem is, sometimes when I open the 'tab9' which opens 'win9' my button (btn) doesn't appear, the 'edit' button of the 'more' is shown instead.
N.B: the click event listener works just fine, It is the 'edit' title that persists. Any one knows how to solve this?
thank you,
You need to set allowUserCustomization:false in your Tabgroup.
var tabGroup=Titanium.UI.createTabGroup({top:20,allowUserCustomization:false});
try to set
win.rightNavButton = null;
win.rightNavButton = btn;
