Using Neo4j and Lucene in a distributed system - solr

I am looking into Neo4j as a stripped-down document store. A key aspect of document storage is search, and I know Neo4j includes full text search via legacy indices provided by Lucene.
I would be very interested in hearing the limitations of Neo4j search capabilities in a distributed environment. Does it provide a distributed index? In what ways is it inferior to Solr or ElasticSearch? How far can I take it before I must install Solr?
-- EDIT --
We are trying to integrate two distinct search efforts. The first is standard text content search. For instance, using the Enron emails, we want to search for every email that matches "bananas" or "going to the store" and get those document bodies in response. This is where people often turn to Solr.
The second case is more complicated, we have attached a great deal of meta-data to each document. We may have decided that "these" emails were the result of late-night drunk-dialing. Now I want to search for all emails that may have been the result of late-night drunk-dialing. For this kind of meta-data, we believe a graph database is in order.
In a perfect world, I can use one platform to perform both queries. I appreciate that Neo4j (nor OrientDB, Arango, etc) are designed as full text search databases, but I'm trying to understand the limitations thereof.
In terms of volume, we are dealing at a very large scale with batch-style nightly updates. The data is content heavy, with some documents running into hundreds of pages of text, but mostly on the order of a page or two.

I once worked on a health social network where we needed some sort of search and connection search functionalities we first went on neo4j we were very impressed by the cypher query language we could get and express any request however when you throw there billion of nodes you start to pay the price and we started considering another graph db, this time we've made a lot of research, tests and OrientDB was clearly the winner, OrientDB is highly scalable but the thing is that you have to code by yourself, your "search algorithm" if you want to do some advanced things (what is the common point between this two nodes) otherwise you have the SQL like query language (i don't know/remember if he has a name) but you can do some interesting stuff with it
So in conclusion i would definitely go on OrientDB

Neo4j can provide a "distributed index" in the sense that the high availability cluster can make your index available on more than one machine, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you're after. Related to this issue is a different answer I wrote about graph partitioning, and what it takes to distribute a really large number of nodes/relationships across multiple machines. (It's not terribly simple)
Solr and Lucene do two different things (although Solr is built on top of Lucene). I think solr and neo4j are not comparable because they're trying to do completely different things. This site isn't about software recommendations so I can't tell you what you should use other than to say you should read up on solr and neo4j, and figure out which set of functionality you want. As far as I know, this is an exclusive decision as I'm not aware of people integrating solr with neo4j.
Your question is very difficult to answer, I'd recommend expanding on what you are trying to do and what you have tried, you'll probably get better responses.


azure cognitive search migration to other product?

We have some products that heavily rely on azure cognitive search, it is a good product, but gradually we got quite a lot of problems with it, including:
You can't scale up or scale down without deleting the whole instance.
You can't use pipeline to create/update indexes unless you call it using web api. Modifying/delete field in an index is also not straightforward.
No data replication between search instances.
No cross index query even in the same instance.
No case insensitive search
Suggestions for above have been sitting in Microsoft's suggestion site for years and nothing was every done to address it. I really have no idea when or ever Microsoft will bother to provide better service.
As a result, I am starting to look around for alternative products (looking at elastic search at the moment). Is there any product that supports search syntax translation that make the migration easier (so we don't have to break so many things)?

How Do I Apply TF-IDF When I Only Have a Subset of the Total Documents?

Practical application:
I have several databases that need to be queried from a single search box. Some of them I have direct access to (they're SQL Server / MySQL), others I can only search via an API.
In an ideal world I would inject all of this data into Elasticsearch and use it to determine relevance. Unfortunately I don't have the resources locally to make that run efficiently. Elastic is taking over 400mb of RAM just while idling without adding any actual data or running queries. It looks like most people using Elasticsearch in production are running machines with 32GB - 64GB of RAM. My organization doesn't have access to anything near that powerful available for this project.
So my next idea is to query all the databases and connect to the API's when the user makes a search. Then I need to analyze the results, determine relevance, and return them to the user. I recognize that this is probably a terrible plan in terms of performance. I'm hoping to use memcached to make things more tolerable.
In my research for finding algorithms to determine relevance, I came across tf-idf. I'm looking to apply this to the results I get back from all the databases.
The actual question
My understanding of tf-idf is that after tokenizing every document in the corpus, you perform a term frequency analysis and then multiply it against the inverse document frequency for the words. The inverse document frequency is calculated by dividing the total document count by the the total number of documents with the term.
The problem with this is that if I'm pulling documents from an API, I don't know the true total number of documents in the corpus. I'm only ever pulling a subset, and based on the way those documents are being pulled they're naturally going to all of the terms in them. Can I still apply tf-idf to this by treating the pool of documents returned by these various sources as a single corpus? What's the best way to go about this?
Bonus question
If you have a suggestion for how to accomplish this without hacking together my own search solution or using Elasticsearch I'm all ears...
As you have noticed Elasticsearch is not built to run in memory constrained environments. If you want to use Elasticsearch, but can't set up a dedicated machine, you might consider using a hosted search solution (e.g. AWS Elasticsearch, Elastic Cloud, Algolia, etc.). Those solutions still cost though!
There are two great alternatives that require a bit more work (but not as much as writing your own search solution). Lucene is the actual Search Engine that Elasticsearch is written on top of. It does still load quite a bit of the underlying data structures into memory, so, depending on the size of the underlying data you want to index, it could still run out of memory. But, you should be able to fit quite a bit more data in a single Lucene index than in an entire Elasticsearch instance.
The other alternative, which I know slightly less about, is Sphinx. It is also a Search Engine. And it also allows you to specify how much memory to allocate for it to use. It stores the rest of the data on disk.

Recommended Setup for BigData Application

I am currently working on a long term project that will need to support:
Lots of fast Read/Write operations via RESTful Services
An Analytics Engine continually reading and making sense of data
It is vital that the performance of the Analytics Engine not be affected by the volume of Reads/Writes coming from the API calls.
Because of that, I'm thinking that I may have to use a "front-end" database and some sort of "back-end" data warehouse. I would also need to have something like Elastic Search or Solr indexing the data stored in the data warehouse.
The Questions:
Is this a Recommended Setup? What would the alternative be?
If so...
I'm considering either Hive or Pig for the data-warehousing, and Elastic Search or Solr as a Search Engine. Which combination is known to work better together?
And finally...
I'm seriously considering Cassandra as the "fron-end" database. What is the relation between Cassandra and Hadoop, and when/why should they be put to work together instead of having just Cassandra?
Please note, my intention is NOT to start a debate about which of these is better, but to understand how can they be put to work better more efficiently. If it makes any difference, the main code is being written in Scala and Java.
I truly appreciate your help. I'm basically learning as I go and all comments will be very helpful.
Thank you.
First let's talk about Cassandra
This is a NoSQL database with eventual consistency which basically means for you that different nodes into a Cassandra cluster may have different 'snapshots' of data in the case that there is an inter cluster communication/availability problem. The data eventually will be consistent however.
Since you consider it as a 'frontend' database what you need to understand is how you will model your data. Cassandra can take advantage of indexes however you still need to defined upfront your access pattern.
Normally there is no relation between Cassandra and Hadoop (except that both are written in Java) however the Datastax distribution (enterprise version) has Hadoop support directly from Cassandra.
As a general workflow you will read/write most current data (let's say - last 24 hours) from your 'small' database that enough performance (Cassandra has excellent support for it) and you would move anything older than X (older than 24 hours) to a 'long term storage' such as Hadoop where you can run all sort of Map Reduce etc.
In regards to the text search it really depends what you need - Elastic Search is sort of competition to Solr and reverse. You can see yourself how they compare here
As for your third question,
I think Cassandra is more like a database to save data.
Hadoop is responsible to provide a compution model to let you analyze your large data in
So it is very helpful to combine Cassandra with Hadoop.
Also have other ways you can consider, such as combine with mongo and hadoop,
for mongo has support mongo-connector between hadoop and it's data.
Also if you have some search requirements , you can also use solr, directly generated index from mongo.

Searching over documents stored in Hadoop - which tool to use?

I'm lost in: Hadoop, Hbase, Lucene, Carrot2, Cloudera, Tika, ZooKeeper, Solr, Katta, Cascading, POI...
When you read about the one you can be often sure that each of the others tools is going to be mentioned.
I don't expect you to explain every tool to me - sure not. If you could help me to narrow this set for my particular scenario it would be great. So far I'm not sure which of the above will fit and it looks like (as always) there are more then one way of doing what's to be done.
The scenario is: 500GB - ~20 TB of documents stored in Hadoop. Text documents in multiple formats: email, doc, pdf, odt. Metadata about those documents stored in SQL db (sender, recipients, date, department etc.) Main source of documents will be ExchangeServer (emails and attachments), but not only. Now to the search: User needs to be able to do complex full-text searches over those documents. Basicaly he'll be presented with some search-config panel (java desktop application, not webapp) - he'll set date range, document types, senders/recipients, keywords etc. - fire the search and get the resulting list of the documents (and for each document info why its included in search results i.e. which keywords are found in document).
Which tools I should take into consideration and which not? The point is to develop such solution with only minimal required "glue"-code. I'm proficient in SQLdbs but quite uncomfortable with Apache-and-related technologies.
Basic workflow looks like this: ExchangeServer/other source -> conversion from doc/pdf/... -> deduplication -> Hadopp + SQL (metadata) -> build/update an index <- search through the docs (and do it fast) -> present search results
Thank you!
Going with solr is a good option. I have used it for similar scenario you described above. You can use solr for real huge data as its a distributed index server.
But to get the meta data about all of these documents formats you should be using some other tool. Basically your workflow will be this.
1) Use hadoop cluster to store data.
2) Extract data in hadoop cluster using map/redcue
3) Do document identification( identify document type)
4) Extract meta data from these document.
5) Index metadata in solr server, store other ingestion information in database
6) Solr server is distributed index server, so for each ingestion you could create a new shard or index.
7) When search is required search on all the indexs.
8) Solr supports all the complex searches , so you don't have to make your own search engine.
9) It also does paging for you as well.
We've done exactly this for some of our clients by using Solr as a "secondary indexer" to HBase. Updates to HBase are sent to Solr, and you can query against it. Typically folks start with HBase, and then graft search on. Sounds like you know from the get go that search is what you want, so you can probably embed the secondary indexing in from your pipeline that feeds HBase.
You may find though that just using Solr does everything you need.
Another project to look at is Lily,, which has already done the work of integrating Solr with a distributed database.
Also, I do not see why you would not want to use a browser for this application. You are describing exactly what faceted search is. While you certainly could set up a desktop app that communicates with the server (parses JSON) and displays the results in a thick client GUI, all of this work is already done for you in the browser. And, Solr comes with a free faceted search system out of the box: just follow along the tutorial.
Going with Solr ( is a good solution, but be ready to have to deal with some non-obvious things. First is planning your indexes properly. Multiple terabytes of data will almost definitely need multiple shards on Solr for any level of reasonable performance and you'll be in charge of managing those yourself. It does provide distributed search (doing the queries off multiple shards), but that is only half the battle.
ElasticSearch ( is another popular alternative, but i don't have much experience with it regarding scale. It uses the same Lucene engine so i'd expect the search feature-set to be similar.
Another type of solution is something like SenseiDB - open sourced from LinkedIn - which gives the full-text search functionality (also Lucene-based) as well as proven scale for large amounts of data:
They've definitely done a lot of work on search over there and my casual use of it is pretty promising.
Assuming all your data is already in Hadoop, you could write some custom MR jobs that pull the data in a consistent schema-friendly format into SenseiDB. SenseiDB already provides a Hadoop MR indexer which you can look at.
The only caveat is it is a little more complex to setup, but will save you with the scaling issues many times over - especially around indexing performance and faceting functionality. It also provides clustering support if HA is important to you - which is still in Alpha for Solr (Solr 4.x is alpha atm).
Hope that helps and good luck!
I asked a friend who is more versed in ElasticSearch than me and it does have the advantage of clustering and rebalancing based on the # of machines and shards you have. This is a definite win over Solr - especially if you're dealing with TBs of data. The only downside is the current state of documentation on ElasticSearch leaves a lot to be desired.
As a side note, you can't say the documents are stored in Hadoop, they are stored in a distributed file system (most probably HDFS since you mentioned Hadoop).
Regarding searching/indexing: Lucene is the tool to use for your scenario. You can use it for both indexing and searching. It's a java library. There is also an associated project (called Solr) which allows you to access the indexing/searching system through WebServices. So you should also take a look at Solr as it allows the handling of different types of documents (Lucene puts the responsability of interpreting the document (PDF, Word, etc) on your shoulders but you, probably, can already do that)

How to best search against a DB with Lucene?

I am looking into mechanisms for better search capabilities against our database. It is currently a huge bottleneck (causing long-lasting queries that are hurting our database performance).
My boss wanted me to look into Solr, but on closer inspection, it seems we actually want some kind of DB integration mechanism with Lucene itself.
From the Lucene FAQ, they recommend Hibernate Search, Compass, and DBSight.
As a background of our current technology stack, we are using straight JSPs on Tomcat, no Hibernate, no other frameworks on top of it... just straight Java, JSP, and JDBC against a DB2 database.
Given that, it seems Hibernate Search might be a bit more difficult to integrate into our system, though it might be nice to have the option of using Hibernate after such an integration.
Does anyone have any experiences they can share with using one of these tools (or other similar Lucene based solutions) that might help in picking the right tool?
It needs to be a FOSS solution, and ideally will manage updating Lucene with changes from the database automagicly (though efficiently), without extra effort to notify the tool when changes have been made (otherwise, it seems rolling my own Lucene solution would be just as good). Also, we have multiple application servers with just 1 database (+failover), so it would be nice if it is easy to use the solution from all application servers seamlessly.
I am continuing to inspect the options now, but it would be really helpful to utilize other people's experiences.
When you say "search against a DB", what do you mean?
Relational databases and information retrieval systems use very different approaches for good reason. What kind of data are you searching? What kind of queries do you perform?
If I were going to implement an inverted index on top of a database, as Compass does, I would not use their approach, which is to implement Lucene's Directory abstraction with BLOBs. Rather, I'd implement Lucene's IndexReader abstraction.
Relational databases are quite capable of maintaining indexes. The value that Lucene brings in this context is its analysis capabilities, which are most useful for unstructured text records. A good approach would leverage the strengths of each tool.
As updates are made to the index, Lucene creates more segments (additional files or BLOBs), which degrade performance until a costly "optimize" procedure is used. Most databases will amortize this cost over each index update, giving you more stable performance.
I have had good experiences with Compass. It has really good integration with hibernate and can mirror data changes made through hibernate and jdbc directly to the Lucene indexes though its GPS devices
Maintaining the Lucene indexes on all your application servers may be an issue. If you have multiple App servers updating the db, then you may hit some issues with keeping the index in sync with all the changes. Compass may have an alternate mechanism for handling this now.
The Alfresco Project (CMS) also uses Lucene and have a mechanism for replicating Lucene index changes between servers that may be useful in handling these issues.
We started using Compass before Hibernate Search was really off the ground so I cannot offer any comparison with it.
LuSql allows you to load the contents of a JDBC-accessible database into Lucene, making it searchable. It is highly optimized and multi-threaded. I am the author of LuSql and will be coming out with a new version (re-architected with a new plugable architecture) in the next month.
For a pure performance boost with searching Lucene will certainly help out a lot. Only index what you care about/need and you should be good. You could use Hibernate or some other piece if you like but I don't think it is required.
Well, it seems DBSight doesn't meet the FOSS requirement, so unless it is an absolutely stellar solution, it is not an option for me right now...
