Validate the first part of a splitted string - sql-server

I need to validate in my query if the value of a string (the first part) is equal to a definited value, for instance:
And validate when the string is F11, i was searching something like split on vba, but i can't find it.
Im working with :
Case when ("splitted string") =F11 then X)

Use a Left() and Charindex() to grab the beginning of your strings.
Declare #str varchar(100)='F11-ASDA-FAFA'
Select #str,Case When left(#str,charindex('-',#str)-1)='F11' Then 1 Else 0 End


T-SQL 2008: Parse String

I have the following location as a string:
I want to return the CU1234_001 part only. The query which I need to use needs to be dynamic since this string will change and it could be longer or shorter (it will all the time end in "\".
I've tried to used something like this but this just eliminate the last "\" and returns the rest of the string:
1, (len('\\Windows\UnitB\CU1234_001\') - (Charindex('\',
You can use a combination of string functions to extract what you want:
CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(col), 2) - 2))
FROM yourTable

I want to compare alphanumeric strings in same column in SQL Server

I have a table with details of family members staying in a particular locality. Since these are government data, it has lot mistakes. Like in one column 'houseno', there a 2 values 'Ti 303' and '303' which are same house numbers.
In the end, I want Ti 303 to be updated with '303'. (As these are family members living in same house)
Similarly 'P-101' and 'P/101' are same houseno's and I want it to be converted to either 'P-101' or 'P/101'. I tried difference, substring etc but of now use to me. Please help!
You just need to strip out the characters to compare the content?
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FN_GetNumberPart (#strMixedString VARCHAR(200))
-- Get the next non numeric character position
SET #NumberPart = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #strMixedString)
-- While there are non numeric characters remaining
WHILE #NumberPart > 0
-- Remove the non numeric character from the string
SET #strMixedString = STUFF(#strMixedString, #NumberPart , 1, '' )
-- Get the next non numeric character position
SET #NumberPart = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #strMixedString)
-- Spit out the cleansed string
RETURN ISNULL(#strMixedString,0)
SELECT dbo.FN_GetNumberPart(HouseNo)
from TblAddresses
You should use the REPLACE command. For the two examples give you could hard code it as follows:
select REPLACE('Ti 303','Ti ','')
select REPLACE('P-101','P-','P/')
You would use REPLACE in your UPDATE command and not as a SELECT obviously.
If you have a list of strings to replace in a column with an update then you could put these into a table. Then use this in your REPLACE command for the string pattern to be replaced.

Finding a sub string from a string

I have a string like
"Pros: Cuts WellCons: Not Durable"
I want to get this sub string
Pros: Cuts Well
A sub string before Cons.
You can use PATINDEX to get the index of Cons. Then use LEFT to extract the required substring:
SELECT LEFT(#mystring, PATINDEX('%Cons%', #mystring) - 1)
If you're always going to use the word "Cons" as the delimiter, you can use this:
declare #string as varchar(100)
set #string = 'Pros: Cuts WellCons: Not Durable'
select substring(#string,0, patindex('%Cons%', #string))
Pat Index finds the first occurrence of the pattern "Cons" in your string.
Then you just use the substring function using that as the length of the substring.

Get element of character varying type by index or convert it to array

I have some sql function that returns character varying type. The output is something like this:
'TTFFFFNN'. I need to get this characters by index. How to convert character varying to array?
Use string_to_array() with NULL as delimiter (pg 9.1+):
SELECT string_to_array('TTFFFFNN'::text, NULL) AS arr;
Per documentation:
In string_to_array, if the delimiter parameter is NULL, each character
in the input string will become a separate element in the resulting array.
In older versions (pg 9.0-), the call with NULL returned NULL. (Fiddle.)
To get the 2nd position (example):
SELECT (string_to_array('TTFFFFNN'::text, NULL))[2] AS item2;
For single characters I would use substring() directly, like #a_horse commented:
SELECT substring('TTFFFFNN'::text, 2, 1) AS item2;
SQL Fiddle showing both.
For strings with actual delimiters, I suggest split_part():
Split comma separated column data into additional columns
Only use regexp_split_to_array() if you must. Regular expression processing is more expensive.
In addition to the solutions outlined by Erwin and a horse, you can use regexp_split_to_array() with an empty regexp instead:
select regexp_split_to_array('TTFFFFNN'::text, '');
With an index, that becomes:
select (regexp_split_to_array('TTFFFFNN'::text, ''))[2];

SSIS How to get part of a string by separator

I need an SSIS expression to get the left part of a string before the separator, and then put the new string in a new column. I checked in derived column, it seems no such expressions. Substring could only return string part with fixed length.
For example, with separator string - :
Art-Reading Should return Art
Art-Writing Should return Art
Science-chemistry Should return Science
I knew this could be done in MySQL with SUBSTRING_INDEX(), but I'm looking for an equivalent in SSIS, or at least in SQL Server
Better late than never, but I wanted to do this too and found this.
TOKEN(character_expression, delimiter_string, occurrence)
TOKEN("a little white dog"," ",2)
returns little the source is below
of course you can:
just configure your derived columns like this:
Here is the expression to make your life easier:
SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)
FYI, the second "1" means to get the first occurrence of the string "-"
expression to deal with string without "-"
FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) != 0 ? (SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)) : name
You can specify the length to copy in the SUBSTRING function and check for the location of the dash using CHARINDEX
SELECT SUBSTRING(#sString, 1, CHARINDEX('-',#sString) - 1)
For the SSIS expression it is pretty much the same code:
SUBSTRING(#[User::String], 1, FINDSTRING(#[User::String], "-", 1)-1)
if SUBSTRING length param returns -1 then it results in error,
"The length -1 is not valid for function "SUBSTRING". The length parameter cannot be negative. Change the length parameter to zero or a positive value."
