Why is Google Analytics providing data when the tracking code is not yet even in place? - analytics

I think some other website is using the Google Analytics ID of one of our websites. I recently set up a new Analytics property for a new site but have not yet put the tracking codes in place. Then when I checked our Analytics earlier today, the new property is already reporting visits. How come?
Probably someone hacked our Google Analytics ID. But then we haven't even placed the codes on site so I'm not sure if this is the case. Am I missing something (probably due to a filter set up)?
And if some other website is indeed using our Google Analytics ID, is there a way for me to trace these sites?
I just configured our Analytics to monitor visits that only involve our hostname so hopefully this will solve the issue onwards. But still, are there other possible reasons?


Android Google analytics Campaign tracking not in Report

I really cant make this work tried hours. Android google analytics seems not a well discussed subject in stackoverflow yet. similar post(also no solution):
Google Analytic campaign tracking not showing up in report
i did everything exactly like described here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/campaigns
also i get the message in adb Terminal: Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Campaign found: utm_source=testSource&utm_medium=testMedium&utm_term=testTerm&utm_content=testContent&utm_campaign=testCampaign
But when i look into google analytics (http://www.google.com/intl/de/analytics/)
there is just no data arriving from my First installation of the APP.
please help, since this seems to be not covered at all nowhere...
guess solved it, the google documentation is very bad.
what made my day is GoogleAnalytics.getInstance(this).reportActivityStart(this); in the onStart(); class in the activity. which sends the whole campaign to the analytics report. it's not mentioned in the google manual.
excellent tutorial(still rare for google analytics):

How do I get a Google Admin to Fix my Project Console?

Short of paying $150/month so I can actually submit a ticket, what can I do to get Google's attention? I've seen other people get help for what appears to be the exact same issue.
I uploaded a new (small) app to Google App Engine (GAE), and the Applications Settings page shows an error under Cloud Integration ("An error occurred when creating the project. Please retry").
I've retried over a period of days, but it tries for a while, then reports another failure. I've asked questions of StackOverflow, and in the GAE issues forum, to no response.
Try to get hold of the people from Google Developer relations here, in the relevant Google+ communities or on Google groups.
If it can bring you any comfort: paying the $150 does not help you much - we have the subscription.
If you have a second Google Apps domain, replicate the issue by switching domains and recreating the project from scratch. Then if the error occurs again, post that it occurs in 2 or more cloud.google.com accounts with separate domains. This should help show this is not a one off error and requires investigation.
If it does not occur in the second domain, save your data, delete your project and recreate with a different project name and number.

Google Analytics is not showing all tracking of order

I am running a website and registered for Google Analytics. Got code embedded into my site.
My site in On Drupal and using Ubercart for Online shopping. There is only one payment mode BY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD.
The issue is that Analytics in not tracking my all orders that have been made, some of them is missing.
I have checked that the code has no issues in it, not problem of Sync as well because i have waited a long and orders that are missing are of the date say for example 5-9-2013 and i do have orders tracked of date 6-9-2013.
Anyone have any idea how to resolve it?
User can opt out of the Google Analytics Tracking, they may have not javascript, they may cancel page load before the tag has fired, they may sit an office where the company firewall filters out calls to the google server etc. Javascript-based tracking is never especially accurate (Google themselves warns that Analytics show Trends, not exact numbers).
So I don't think there's a way to resolve differences between GA and backend systems.

Web analytics + KRL =?

What would happen if you used KRL to inject web analytics into various sites using a proxy end point? Is it possible to track multi-site usage with a Kynetx implementation?
This depends on the analytics package you are using. Google Analytics uses a tracking code, rather then domain only, for tracking. They even have a way do your tracking in a way that does not interfere with the site if they also use Google Analytics. Their docs on tracking events on multiple domains might be relevant.
It really comes down to how the tracking engine works. Give it a try, and remember to check and see if sites using the same engine are tracking as well (consult FireBug or Chrome Dev tools to look for the appropriate requests), to be a good neighbor.

How to track if browser is Silverlight enabled

I'm trying to get some stats on how many of the visitors to our website have Silverlight enabled browsers.
We currently use Google Analytics for the rest of our stats so ideally we'd like to just add 'Silverlight enabled' tracking in with the rest of our Google Analytics stats. But if it has to get written out to a DB etc then so be it.
Nikhil has some javascript to Silverlight tracking to Google Analytics. I have tried this code but Google Analytics doesn't pick it up.
Does anyone have any other ideas/techniques?
In case you missed it, there's a link to a more detailed article as well in the comments: http://blogs.msdn.com/jeffwilcox/archive/2007/10/01/using-google-analytics-with-rich-managed-web-applications-in-silverlight.aspx
Edit: As David pointed out, this article covers the reverse scenario more (how to write your silverlight app so that it plays well with Analytics).
I think you answered it yourself. The page you are linking to does just that: detect which version of Silverlight the user has (not if s/he installs it). From the page:
After a little poking around, I found that Google Analytics has support for reporting a user-defined field.
Basically this detects the presence of Silverlight, and if its available, it records the version as the value of the user-defined field. Now your analytics reports will have one of three values: "(not set)", "Silverlight/1.0" or "Silverlight/2.0".
The Using Google Analytics with rich (managed) web applications in Silverlight article is very interesing but is more focused on how to get your Silverlight app to send messages to Google Analytics.
Yeah, I thought that too but I have tried running my page with Nikhil's javascript and Google Analytics didn't pick it up. But I could have screwed something up somewhere.
I'm just interested to know if anyone else has managed to do this (track Silverlight-ness) successfully.
I've written a lightweight Silverlight library that helps make it easy to integrate Google Analytics in your silverlight app. You can grab download the code or binaries here.
I think the code posted on Nikhil's blog is out of date if you are using ga.js and not urchin.js.
The use of the global function __utmSetVar() is replaced by the tracker method _setCustomVar()
