Angular - Re-add a bootstraped module to DOM - angularjs

I'm facing an interesting issue here.
I'm developing a Chrome Extension with a content script.
This extension is intended to add a little div to a page, this div using AngularJS. (I chose Angular because I want this div's data to be readily updated by change of var values).
I'm able to add the div once and bootstrap it. So the behavior of the div is fine.
But the main page (which I have no control over) often reloads everything using Ajax. (Then I'm totally unable - I think - to get events from certain elements being removed).
I was able to create ways to check if my elements are still on the page, and if not, they are added again. The appendChildPersistent method takes care of it. (It waits for a certain element to appear on the main page. Adds my element to it. Runs the callback when added. Keep checking if the element is still there, if not, repeat all over).
So all my ordinary elements work perfectly.
But this angular div cannot be bootstraped a second time.
I wait until a certain element appear on the main page
I add my own div myDiv from a plain text html using jquery append to the main page div
I load the angular application and bootstrap it using the callback function when the div is added:
var txt = '<div id="myDivId" ng-controller="myController">{{testing}}</div>';
appendChildPersistent('myDivId', MyDiv, '#theTargetMainPageDiv', function()
var app = angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myController', function($scope) {
$scope.testing = 'Welcome!';
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
So, the first time my div is added, it works. The angular vars and directives work (in this example, the div shows "Welcome!"). But the second time, I get an "already bootstrapped" error. (But if I do not try to bootstrap again, the div becomes just plain text, no angular behavior, showing "{{testing}}" instead of "Welcome!").
Is there a way to unboostrap, redo bootstrap or another method I could work to get around this?

Your application only focuses on the div you insert. You can make an Angular application run on a certain area of the page instead of covering the whole document. Simply pass the DOM element to the bootstrap function:
angular.bootstrap(myDiv, ['myApp']);
This way Angular only runs in your div and you are able to bootstrap the app every time you add a new div.


Extjs Panel rendering twice?

I am new to Extjs. I have configured my app with Extjs 6.6.0 . For every panel I am creating using Ext.create, it generates 2 div elements. The controller init is called twice and so also all other methods.
For exa. Ext.create('something.Mypanel') would called twice and generates 2 div elements in dom.It appends the second div next to the first one. Any clue on it ?
Do I have to change anything in app.json which is loading 2 files ?
I was able to resolve it. In Application.js , I added the router controller(in controllers property), which made the route to flow twice. I moved the route controller to app.js mainView. Now it's getting called once.

Angular ngInclude - Does it make multiple requests for content?

I am trying to work out how some code is working, it uses angular throughout the front end.
When the page first loads a div with ng-include should be in the dom but its src url is a call to a js function that returns undefined on page load.
<div id="test_div" ng-include="getUrl()"></div>
When I check the dom the entire element is not on the page. After a search button is pressed some other calls happen and the call to getUrl() will return a valid url from that point on, which returns html content from the server.
It is only then that the div appears in the dom and it now has a class added to it of class="ng-scope".
I dont understand how this is happening, does ng-include continue to request a resource until it is avilable?
I couldnt find this information in the documentation.

Material Design Lite rendering problems with Angular JS

I have some problems using Material Design Lite ( I followed the steps showed in the web in order to install it (actually I use bower), but I always have the same problem, when I change the ng-route in my web, some resources don't render properly, I need to reload the page to get it properly rendered, for example.
First I have this:
then when I reload, I get what I want:
What I cant understand is why other resources like google icons or buttons work correctly but the menu button on the nav bar and other resources like this one need to reaload the page in order to render properly.
I try to include the library using the hosted method and bower method.
Any idea what is going on?
i past in my code this function
angular.module('app', ['ngRoute']).
run(function($rootScope, xxxx, xxx){
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function(event, next) {
It worked perfect! Good luck..
Libraries like MDL work by waiting for the page to load using the DOMContentLoaded event, scanning the page for things like input elements and manipulating them with JavaScript so that they can inject the bits and pieces needed to work with their components. This works fine on static websites, but the DOMContentLoaded event only fires once, so when Angular performs a page transition, the DOM changes without MDL knowing about it.
Material Design Lite has a section in its FAQ about using MDL on dynamic websites:
Material Design Lite will automatically register and render all elements marked with MDL classes upon page load. However in the case where you are creating DOM elements dynamically you need to register new elements using the upgradeElement function. Here is how you can dynamically create the same raised button with ripples shown in the section above:
<div id="container"/>
var button = document.createElement('button');
var textNode = document.createTextNode('Click Me!');
button.className = 'mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect';
Of course, this probably isn't terribly easy to do in your case, since you'd have to manually find each new element and call upgradeElement on it.
Usually, instead of doing this sort of event-based DOM manipulation, Angular uses directives to initiate DOM changes. Consider using a library built to interoperate with Angular, instead, such as Angular Material.

AngularJS jquery.flot chart directive DOM collision

i'm working with angular js now for about ke 4 months and despite all the "first step failures" like not emphasising the async way anuglar thinks, I'm facing a problem I don't really understand. It's not that easy to describe.
I have a provider which registrates directives within the routeprovider's resolve function - during config phase. To compile programmatically preconfigured directives I create them on the specific controller call of each route. Acutally the directive I'm adressing here is a complex flotchart directive. It retrieves data from a rest api, transformes the retrieved data and prepares different kinds of option setups like proper stacked line charts or simple piecharts. Every single step takes its time, so I introduced promises to be sure that everthing is at it's right place before I finally call something like "$.plot".
So now I have the following situation: Imagine a singlepage app with two tabs. Each tab - like a first class menu item - refers to a new page with a new controller to process and new partials to render. For each page i have beside other directives one of these heavy flotchart directives to render. actually it takes about 5 seconds to render the chart. So we assume that we really start the app from beginning - like pressing F5. Now I enter the first page the first time and within the mentioned 5 seconds I switch tabs to enter the next page. I get to the next page, see different partials, layouts and stuff and a loading chart - but actually the directive of the first page is still bound to its link phase of that heavy flotchart directive (still preparing options for flot and calculating data to output graphically).
My problem is that this link phase actually really ends within a completely different template/route/controller context and gets stuck. It crashes with a console "replace" error from jquery.flot. I think this error means that flot tries to plot into a div which does not exist anymore. But that error occures just when I switch tabs during the link phase of the first page's heavy flot directive. It doesn't happen when the first page's chart is fully rendered and doesn't happen when the first page's directive hasn't entered its link phase (or am i missing something??). I tried placing some console.logs directly BEFORE hitting the jquery "$.plot" - remember only of the first page chart directive to dive into what's acutally happening. And the strange thing is when I manage to switch tabs within these magic 5 seconds, I still get the console log entries from the first page entry although I'm on a different page. And now guess what. That's strange - acutally two directive link phases are running side by side and one of them on a completely different view (or isn't it completely different, because its a singel page app?). Imagine I plot ("render") the chart in exactly the same div id - like $('#flot-chart'). so I have html parts containing id="flot-chart" on the first page AND on the second. when I now switch from the first to the second page (not finishing the first chart) I get the chart from the first page rendered in the #flot-chart div of the second page and like half a second later the actually correct chart rendered in that same div. So actually the link phase of the first page's chart directive ends in a completely different page in a way showing 2 charts consecutively. I know jquery.flot depends on DOM manipulation via jquery and that might be the problem (perhaps THAT'S the only real explanation for my problem), because jquery DOM manipulation is out from the angular way of life.
Or are there other explanations? I acutally solved the problem via $routeChangeStart listening and killing the $.plot process, but are there some hints, suggestions, explanations for that behaviour?
Plunker flot chart directive DOM collision
I have prepared a plunker which shows kind of a similar behaviour. i've delayed the creation of the directive and the directive's async data and option retrieval methods to somehow mock the behaviour of my app. this is non production code but describes simplified the way my problems occure. when you "fast click" the menu item one after the other many times, you can sometimes force angular to show 2 charts in one page. acutally one directive is linking and doing stuff in a different partial ? i know i'm missing something in my mind ... please give me a hint.
i used chrome for reproducing the error. stop the the plunker and press 'run'. directly after pressing 'run' click as fast as you can both links a couple of times.
Thanks a lot!

Angular e2e testing. How to click dom elements ? (buttons links)

This is being done using angular 1.1.X
If there is a dom element that doesnt have a unique class or id how is one supposed to find it in order to do an element().click(); ?
is this something one would just use the full version of jquery for or is there a way to do it with angulars jqueryLite ?
ie if one has a list of links , how would you select the first element of the list using angular?
You can use generic jquery selectors to find elements.. here's some code from my e2e tests. Note especially the :eq(3) selector for taking the 4th anchor tag.
it('The cancel button should close the form and revert the info', function() {
input("").enter("Tom Selleck")
element('#customerinfo input[value="Cancel"]').click();
// check pdfdata to make sure it got reflected
element('.navbar a:eq(3)').click();
expect(element('.navbar a:eq(2)').text()).not().toBe("Customer (Tom Selleck)");
