Angular e2e testing. How to click dom elements ? (buttons links) - angularjs

This is being done using angular 1.1.X
If there is a dom element that doesnt have a unique class or id how is one supposed to find it in order to do an element().click(); ?
is this something one would just use the full version of jquery for or is there a way to do it with angulars jqueryLite ?
ie if one has a list of links , how would you select the first element of the list using angular?

You can use generic jquery selectors to find elements.. here's some code from my e2e tests. Note especially the :eq(3) selector for taking the 4th anchor tag.
it('The cancel button should close the form and revert the info', function() {
input("").enter("Tom Selleck")
element('#customerinfo input[value="Cancel"]').click();
// check pdfdata to make sure it got reflected
element('.navbar a:eq(3)').click();
expect(element('.navbar a:eq(2)').text()).not().toBe("Customer (Tom Selleck)");


ChartistJS : Converting jQuery solution to AngularJS

I am using Chartist JS for my charts in my Angular JS app. The issue is I am seeing this here. There is a JS bin that highlights the issue. The author gives a solution for it. The solution is doing DOM manipulations in Jquery which is easy to do. However with AngularJS the way you manipulate the DOM is via Directives. I have created a plunker here which highlights the same issue in Angular JS but I am confused as to how to put the solution provided by author into my Angular code.
Here is the solution
$('[data-tab]').on('toggled', function (event, tab) {
tab.find('.ct-chart').each(function(i, e) {
Edit: As requested the JSFiddle is updated, so what I am trying to do is. I have three different tabs and three different graphs, whenever I click on them I should see the respective graph. To make the tab behavior possible I have written a basic code using scope and model. which facilitates the changing of tabs. The issue is that the chart is getting created for first or default tab but not for the second and third tab. There is a solution given by the author but I don't know how to implement that in AngualrJS
the jQuery solution that you post is basically finding all the chart references and then doing DOM manipulation and call the update() function.
The key is how to find the chart to update in Angular.
In this case, you can assign a variable when you create a chart. For example:
var chart4 = new Chartist.Bar('#chart4', data1);
var chart5 = new Chartist.Bar('#chart5', data2);
Now you have the reference of the chart. All you have to do is to call update() function to render the chart again.
if (value === "allDrivers") {
$ = "All";
Here is the working plunker
One thing I like to point out is: right now you need to double click the tab in order to see the chart is being rendered or you resize the browser window. I am still trying to find a way to fix this. But at least this approach gives you an idea how to convert the jQuery solution to Angular solution.
I was able to solve this using angular.element() method. So if you wish you use jquery in your angular code. You have to do this via angular.element method. But make sure to include jquery before angular in your index.html
If jQuery is available, angular.element is an alias for the jQuery
function. If jQuery is not available, angular.element delegates to
Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or jqLite.
I did not know this. From here it was learning for me. Following advice of #pieterjandesmedt from this post. I was able to do this. For other people who want to learn how this works. I have created a GitHub repo which gives a solution to this issue. The link for problem is given in the question. Hope that helps

django-autocomplete-light and angular: how can angular get the value selected

Using django-automcomplete-light V3 and angular on a non admin page.
Using the widget autocomplete.ModelSelect2
Where is the selected value stored? Using firebug, it's not in a new hidden html element and if i attempt to watch the original (now hidden) select element, it's value never changes if I change the selected value in the autocomplete widget.
How can angular watch/read this value?
As #visegan below points out you can use jquery syntax to get the value but for some reason you can't watch it.
i.e. this watch never gets triggered:
return $('#id_field').val();
function(newVal, oldVal){
console.log('current %r', newVal);
Well I have just tried with my project and it was pretty straight forward:
To be honest, I am also not sure where exactly does the value come from.
As for the change watcher: autocomplete light now uses select2 component, which is apparently a bit problematic with angular.
There are two approaches that works: first one is to add more jquery:
$('#id_field').change(function() {alert('changed')});
This I have tested. The other approach is to do it somehow natively. Look at Select2 event handling with Angular js

Material Design Lite rendering problems with Angular JS

I have some problems using Material Design Lite ( I followed the steps showed in the web in order to install it (actually I use bower), but I always have the same problem, when I change the ng-route in my web, some resources don't render properly, I need to reload the page to get it properly rendered, for example.
First I have this:
then when I reload, I get what I want:
What I cant understand is why other resources like google icons or buttons work correctly but the menu button on the nav bar and other resources like this one need to reaload the page in order to render properly.
I try to include the library using the hosted method and bower method.
Any idea what is going on?
i past in my code this function
angular.module('app', ['ngRoute']).
run(function($rootScope, xxxx, xxx){
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function(event, next) {
It worked perfect! Good luck..
Libraries like MDL work by waiting for the page to load using the DOMContentLoaded event, scanning the page for things like input elements and manipulating them with JavaScript so that they can inject the bits and pieces needed to work with their components. This works fine on static websites, but the DOMContentLoaded event only fires once, so when Angular performs a page transition, the DOM changes without MDL knowing about it.
Material Design Lite has a section in its FAQ about using MDL on dynamic websites:
Material Design Lite will automatically register and render all elements marked with MDL classes upon page load. However in the case where you are creating DOM elements dynamically you need to register new elements using the upgradeElement function. Here is how you can dynamically create the same raised button with ripples shown in the section above:
<div id="container"/>
var button = document.createElement('button');
var textNode = document.createTextNode('Click Me!');
button.className = 'mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect';
Of course, this probably isn't terribly easy to do in your case, since you'd have to manually find each new element and call upgradeElement on it.
Usually, instead of doing this sort of event-based DOM manipulation, Angular uses directives to initiate DOM changes. Consider using a library built to interoperate with Angular, instead, such as Angular Material.

Angular - Re-add a bootstraped module to DOM

I'm facing an interesting issue here.
I'm developing a Chrome Extension with a content script.
This extension is intended to add a little div to a page, this div using AngularJS. (I chose Angular because I want this div's data to be readily updated by change of var values).
I'm able to add the div once and bootstrap it. So the behavior of the div is fine.
But the main page (which I have no control over) often reloads everything using Ajax. (Then I'm totally unable - I think - to get events from certain elements being removed).
I was able to create ways to check if my elements are still on the page, and if not, they are added again. The appendChildPersistent method takes care of it. (It waits for a certain element to appear on the main page. Adds my element to it. Runs the callback when added. Keep checking if the element is still there, if not, repeat all over).
So all my ordinary elements work perfectly.
But this angular div cannot be bootstraped a second time.
I wait until a certain element appear on the main page
I add my own div myDiv from a plain text html using jquery append to the main page div
I load the angular application and bootstrap it using the callback function when the div is added:
var txt = '<div id="myDivId" ng-controller="myController">{{testing}}</div>';
appendChildPersistent('myDivId', MyDiv, '#theTargetMainPageDiv', function()
var app = angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myController', function($scope) {
$scope.testing = 'Welcome!';
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
So, the first time my div is added, it works. The angular vars and directives work (in this example, the div shows "Welcome!"). But the second time, I get an "already bootstrapped" error. (But if I do not try to bootstrap again, the div becomes just plain text, no angular behavior, showing "{{testing}}" instead of "Welcome!").
Is there a way to unboostrap, redo bootstrap or another method I could work to get around this?
Your application only focuses on the div you insert. You can make an Angular application run on a certain area of the page instead of covering the whole document. Simply pass the DOM element to the bootstrap function:
angular.bootstrap(myDiv, ['myApp']);
This way Angular only runs in your div and you are able to bootstrap the app every time you add a new div.

ng-repeat moves dom elements around, which breaks a ckeditor because it doesn't support having it's dom elements moved

I'm trying have an ng-repeat which contains divs that include a CKEDITOR instance. The list is sortable by a few different properties. However, when the list is resorted, the CKEDITORs break because they don't support being moved around in the DOM. The only solution I can think of is to destroy the CKEDITOR instance before sort, and recreate them after. Is there any events on ng-repeat that can accomplish this?
plunkr here:
Was able to get this fixed eventually. Pretty easy now that I think about, but took me 3 days to realize it. Instead of trying to listen for events on ng-repeat, catch the event that is causing the data to be modified. For me, it was jquery UI sortable (angular directive.) In the controller add $scope.$broadcast('unbind-ckeditor') before the change, and then $scope.$broadcast('rebind-ckeditor') after it. In your angularjs directive for ckeditor, call scope.$on('unbind-ckeditor', function() {instance.destroy /* instance is your ckeditor instance*/}); and then reload it in the rebind. Hope this helps someone.
Make sure the $on('unbind-ckeditor'... is only added to the scope once, or multiple sorts will throw exceptions.
The solution for me:
use divArea and not iframe, this will work with ng-repeat when the list changed.
using other textarea (hidden) and monitoring it as the ng-sortable+ckeditor broke the order of CKEditors.
in ng-sortable (who make the change in the list) I was added this code:
$rootScope.$broadcast('rebind-ckeditor'); console.log("rebind")
and in CKEDITOR directive:
scope.$on('rebind-ckeditor', function () {
if (jQuery(element).data("loaded")) {
jQuery(element).data("loaded", null);
element[0].value = $("textarea", element.parent())[1].value; // update manualy from the hidden textarea
onLoad(); //recreate CKE after textarea changed.
