WPF XAML ListBox bind to array - arrays

So i have a float array which i want to have as ItemSource in a ListBox.
Inside the ItemTemplate i have a progress bar, that should bind its Progress value to the given float value. Yet i can't ever see that the values are actually bound to the Progress property.
The xaml code (i don't know whether i'm wrong but i expected that there's a implicit cast from float to double):
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding CoreLoads, Mode=OneWay}" BorderThickness="0">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type sys:Double}">
<ctrl:MetroProgressBar Orientation="Vertical" Progress="{Binding}" ExtenedBorderWidth="0.2" Width="30" Height="50" VerticalAlignment="Center"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2" Background="White" Margin="5"/>
<TextBlock Margin="0,3,0,3" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Text="{Binding LastUpdateTime, StringFormat='{}{0:hh:mm:ss tt}', Mode=OneWay}"
DataContext="{Binding DataContext, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}"/>
and the property itself:
public double[] CoreLoads
get { return cpuManagement.ProcessorInfo.LoadPercentages; }
Note: The progress bar i'm using is a custom control and inherits from System.Windows.Controls.Control.
Problem seems to be that the values of the array are ok but when bound to a TextBlock the values are 0, so the progress of the progress bar is always 0. So, am i having a correct data template for a double array? Or should i change to another type of collection?

I guess you should create a property in a ViewModel(assuming you're using MVVM pattern) which will represent selected value of the ListBox:
private double selectedCoreLoad;
public Double SelectedCoreLoad
return selectedCoreLoad;
if (selectedCoreLoad != value)
selectedCoreLoad = value;
Then, you should bind selected value of the ListBox to this property:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding CoreLoads, Mode=OneWay}" SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedCoreLoad, Mode=TwoWay}" BorderThickness="0">
<ctrl:MetroProgressBar Orientation="Vertical" Progress="{Binding SelectedCoreLoad}" ExtenedBorderWidth="0.2" Width="30" Height="50" VerticalAlignment="Center"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2" Background="White" Margin="5"/>
Use ObservableCollection instead:
private ObservableCollection<Double> coreLoads;
public ObservableCollection<Double> CoreLoads
get { return coreLoads; }
coreLoads = value;

So found the answer: ListBox seems not to like arrays as ItemsSource. After changing the source to a double-list everything works.
public List<double> CoreLoads
get { return new List<double>(cpuManagement.ProcessorInfo.LoadPercentages); }


ListBox within WPF TextBox - Chips

I need to add ListBox within a TextBox i.e., CHIPS
Refer the Screen shot: (Expectation)
Just Consider the View Model:
public class Person
private ObservableCollection<string> _personList = new ObservableCollection<string>();
public ObservableCollection<string> PersonList
get { return _personList; }
_personList = value;
if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("PersonList"));
private string _personStr = String.Empty;
public string PersonStr
get { return _personStr; }
_personStr = value;
if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("PersonStr"));
public Person()
public ICommand BTextCommand
return new DelegateCommand(AppendString);
public void AppendString()
The working XAML Source Code:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding PersonList}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding }" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding PersonStr}" Width="160" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<Button Command="{Binding BTextCommand}" Content="Add" />
Kindly assist me how to add ListBox within a TextBox. I take care of Sytle. I'm expecting the core idea.
Don't try to embed additional controls within the TextBox, instead embed the ItemsControl and TextBox in a stack panel as shown below:
<Border BorderThickness="1">
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding PersonList}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/>
<TextBox MinWidth="100" BorderBrush="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" Text="{Binding PersonStr}" />
You will want to style the outer Border to look like a TextBox (pretty much just finding the correct BorderBrush) but, as requested, I've left the styling to you.
Please note, I've not actually tried this solution, just penned it as an approach that should work. Let me know if you have any problems with it.

WPF Textbox TwoWay binding in datatemplate not updating the source even on LostFocus

I have an ObservableCollection<string> Tags as part of a custom object. I bind it to a DataTemplate in order to show all tags to the user with the following code:
<StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="15,0,15,0" Orientation="Horizontal">
<Label Content="Tags:" FontSize="14" Foreground="{StaticResource HM2LightTextBrush}"/>
<ItemsControl Name="PanelPreviewNoteTags" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=lbNotesQuickView, Path=SelectedItem.Tags}" Margin="3,0" Visibility="Collapsed">
<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="#676B6E" Margin="3,0">
<Label Content="{Binding .,Mode=OneWay}" Foreground="{StaticResource HM2LightTextBrush}"/>
<ItemsControl Name="PanelEditNoteTags" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=lbNotesQuickView, Path=SelectedItem.Tags}" Margin="3,0" Visibility="Collapsed">
<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="#676B6E" Margin="3,0">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Text="{Binding ., Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource RibbonButton}" Click="ButtonRemoveTagClick" Tag="{Binding}">
<Image Height="16" Width="16" Source="/Poker Assistant;component/Resources/fileclose.png" />
Adding and removing items from the ObservableCollection works as expected.
In code I switch between edit and view mode by setting the Visibility of the corresponding PanelEditNoteTags and PanelPreviewNoteTags. This all good and working. But when I enter the edit mode and start typing new values for the tags in the TextBox the source doesn't get updated. I certainly know that the LostFocus event is raised when I press my Save button. I tried all UpdateSourceTrigger values, still the same.
Is it a problem related to two controls binding at the same time to the same value - the Label from PanelPreviewNoteTags and the TextBox from PanelEditNoteTags?
What am I missing here?
#Clemens Thank you for the quick and accurate response :) Following is the working solution for future reference.
The solution is not to use ObservableCollection<string> Tags because as pointed by Clemens the {Binding ., Mode=TwoWay} does not work back to the source.
So I created a custom Tag class:
public class Tag : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _content;
public string Content { get { return _content; } set { _content = value; OnMyPropertyChanged(() => Content); } }
public Tag(string content)
{ Content = content; }
public Tag()
: this("new tag")
{ }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
// Raise the event that a property has changed in order to update the visual elements bound to it
internal void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
//CONVERTS the passed parameter to its name in string
internal void OnMyPropertyChanged<T>(Expression<Func<T>> memberExpression)
MemberExpression expressionBody = (MemberExpression)memberExpression.Body;
public override string ToString()
return Content;
And use it as ObservableCollection<Tag> Tags. Then bind to it like so
<TextBox Text="{Binding Content, Mode=TwoWay}" Tag="{Binding}"/>
I actually populate from and save to postgres database in a string array column, so I need to convert to and from string[]. These are my conversions:
string[] array = note.Tags.Select(item => item.Content).ToArray();
note.Tags = new ObservableCollection<Tag>((array.Select(item => new Tag() { Content = item }).ToList()));

How to access ListItem from code behind when using DataTemplate - ListBox

I have listbox which binds data to DataTable and now I need to access specific List Item, let's say first 5th one, from source behind code:
<ListBox Grid.Column="1" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=_this, Path=AllMainCategoriesTable}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" BorderBrush="Transparent" Background="Transparent" x:Name="lbMainCategories">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<RadioButton Grid.Column="0" Content="{Binding Path=main_category_name}" VerticalAlignment="Center" GroupName="grpMainCategory" x:Name="rdbEnableDisable" />
<Label Grid.Column="1" Width="30" Background="Transparent" />
Here is my foreach loop to access each listitem but I am enable to cast liSelectedMainCategory to ListItem...What am I doing wrong????
foreach (ListItem liSelectedMainCategory in lbMainCategores.Items)
{ }
You are using the Items property which is a collection of containers. Elements in that collection would not cast the way you want. Consider using something like this fragment...
ICollectionView icv = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(listBox1.Items);
foreach (var v in icv)
var lbi = v as ListBoxItem;
if (lbi != null)
var s = lbi.Content; // what you are after is here...

ObservableCollection Images in Listbox to Content Control master detail WPf

I have an observablecollection of Images that get populated via the following code:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="0">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding BigImageView}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
SelectedIndex="0" SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentItem}" />
<ContentControl Name="Detail" Content="{Binding BigImageView, Mode=OneWay}"
Margin="9,0,0,0" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
However the Content Control is supposed to bind to the BigImageView via an ObservableCollection
BigImage = new ObservableCollection<Image>();
_listView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(BigImage);
_listView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(OnCurrentChanged);
public System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView BigImageView
return _listView;
_listView = value;
I want to return the image to the content control when I move the listbox. I have been racking my brain and trying everyhitn but it does not work. any help would be appreciated.
There is no need to bind the selecteditem, the collectionview should take care of that.
Try this:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding BigImageView}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />
<ContentControl Name="Detail" Content="{Binding BigImageView, Mode=OneWay}" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Image Source="{Binding}"/>
Create a viewmodel with a list and a selected item:
public class BigImageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string bigImage;
//string for path?
public ObservableCollection<string> BigImageView {get; set; } //Of course, make sure it has a value
public string SelectedBigImage
get { return bigImage; }
set { bigImage = values; NotifyPropertyChanged("SelectedBigImage"); }
Set this object on the DataContext of your control in the constructor:
DataContext = new BigImage(); //Make sure you initialize your list
Set the ListBox ItemsSource to your BigImage list, bind your SelectedItem to BigImageView
and use that in your content control:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding BigImageView}" SelectedItem={Binding SelectedBigImage} />
<ContentControl Name="Detail" Content="{Binding SelectedBigImage, Mode=OneWay}" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Image Source="{Binding}"/> <!-- Nice template for showing your string BigImage -->
Or screw that view model:
Set the list directly in the constructor (after the InitializeComponent() ):
myListBox.ItemsSource = ObservableCollection<string>(); //Make sure you initialize your list with whatever your object is..
Give the list a name:
And bind with an ElementName binding to your selected item:
<ContentControl Name="Detail" Content="{Binding ElementName=myListBox, Path=SelectedItem}" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Image Source="{Binding}"/> <!-- Nice template for showing your string BigImage -->

How to display items horizontally in a listbox control?

I am developing window phone 7 application. I am new to the window phone 7 application. I have the following listbox control in my application
<ListBox Margin="0,355,70,205" Name="WeekSummaryListBox" DataContext="{Binding}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Amount}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Currency}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible">
<ItemsPresenter />
In the above listbox control items are displayed vertically. I want to display the items in a listbox control horizonatlly. So I am using the following code.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
but when I put the two textblock inside stackpanel it gives error. For this I am using the following code
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Amount}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Currency}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
I am trying for the following code. In the following code I am getting error
<ListBox Margin="0,355,70,205" Name="WeekSummaryListBox" DataContext="{Binding}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Amount}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Currency}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible">
<ItemsPresenter />
I am getting the error "Cannot explicitly modify children collection of Panel used as ItemsPanel for ItemsControl.ItemsControl geneartes child elements for Panel"
I am using the following function to display the data in the ListBox:
public void WeekSumValue(int TransactionType_ID)
UserInterfaceManager UserInterfaceManagerObj = new UserInterfaceManager();
List<UserInterfaceManager.TotalSummary> WeekSummary = new List<UserInterfaceManager.TotalSummary>();
ObservableCollection<AmountCurrency> WeekIncomeSumCollection = new ObservableCollection<AmountCurrency>();
WeekSummary = UserInterfaceManagerObj.LoadWeekSum(SelectedButtonName, TransactionType_ID, selectedDate);
foreach (UserInterfaceManager.TotalSummary vWeekSummary in WeekSummary)
WeekIncomeSumCollection.Add(new AmountCurrency(vWeekSummary.Amount, vWeekSummary.Currency));
if (WeekIncomeSumCollection.Count != 0 && SummaryCombobox.SelectedIndex == 0)
WeekSummaryListBox.ItemsSource = WeekIncomeSumCollection;
else if (WeekIncomeSumCollection.Count != 0 && SummaryCombobox.SelectedIndex == 2)
MonthSummaryListBox.ItemsSource = WeekIncomeSumCollection;
ObservableCollection<TextBlock> NoRecordsCollection = new ObservableCollection<TextBlock>();
TextBlock NoRecordsTextBlock = new TextBlock();
NoRecordsTextBlock.Text = "No record found";
NoRecordsTextBlock.FontSize = 25;
NoRecordsTextBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
if (SummaryCombobox.SelectedIndex == 0)
WeekSummaryListBox.ItemsSource = NoRecordsCollection;
if (SummaryCombobox.SelectedIndex == 2)
MonthSummaryListBox.ItemsSource = NoRecordsCollection;
In the above function data is coming dynamically. There can be two, three or more records also there can be no record. I am binding this dynamic data to the textblocks which are inside the listbox
I am using the following class used in the above code
public class AmountCurrency
public int Amount { get; set; }
public String Currency { get; set; }
public AmountCurrency(int Amount, String Currency)
this.Amount = Amount;
this.Currency = Currency;
How should I put the above two textbock inside the listbox which will display the items horizonatlly ? Can you please provide me any code or link through which I can resolve the above issue ? If I am doing anything wrong then please guide me.
It looks to me like you've got the two text blocks inside the wrong part of the template.
These two text blocks should be in the ListBox.ItemTemplate, not in the ListBox.ItemsPanelTemplate:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"></StackPanel>
<StackPanel Margin="0,0,0,17" Width="300" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Amount}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="150" Text="{Binding Currency}" Foreground="Orange"></TextBlock>
If you want to understand how this control works, then start from a working "basic" control which shows items and then look at adding the ItemsPanelTemplate to that working sample.
Replace DataContext="{Binding}" with ItemsSource="{Binding}" that works for me.
