AngularJS execute some action in all application instances - angularjs

I have AngularJS app called myApp. It has several controllers which are used in different pages (website is based on Symfony so page reloads happens sometimes). I need to execute some lines of code in every controller. how do I do that without duplicating that code?

You can use angular.service
Angular services are substitutable objects that are wired together using dependency injection (DI). You can use services to organize and share code across your app.
click here for More details


Can I share Angular services across downgraded components used in my AngularJS application?

I am slowly converting an AngularJs Application to Angular. I am following the hybrid app approach in the documentation here:
If I have a universal service, like a logger, can I share a single instance of that service between two downgraded components that are being treated as individual directives by angularJS? Currently I declare it in the providers array of both components individually, because there is no overall parent component since each downgraded component is its own Directive loaded into angularJS as needed, but I'm pretty sure this means I will have two separate instances running in my application and would like to avoid that if possible.

AngularJS service injected in two different app modules, two apps

I have this app module
.module('history.components.genericAddress', ['history.filters']);
.service('constantsSrv', ConstantsServiceController)
.service('addressesService', AddressesServiceController)
and another one
.service('constantsSrv', ConstantsServiceController)
.service('addressesService', AddressesServiceController);
in two diff files and folders, because there are two diff applications.
I have two services that I use in both modules. I want to put in separate file both services and not anymore inside of each module body. Because each module depends on diff app I don't know how what to put in the top of the new file with both services.
One has module('history.components.genericAddress') and another .module('APP').
I ask this question because I want to make a ver 1.5 angular component and to put that component in many apps. Those 2 services are important for the component.
Please someone give me an idea how to do this because I don't know how to make this service file that will work in any app without changing anything.
So my question is only about how module('what to put here') and not how to make the code for services.
Try this.
.service('service1', function(){});
use in any module like.
1. angular
2. angular

Sprinkling Angular 2 components inside a non-angular page

Currently looking at upgrade paths from Angular 1 -> Angular 2 and one things we've done with our Angular 1 work is reuse some of our components on public facing non-app pages.
These pages are effectively static HTML (though they are rendered by Rails) and then some Angular 2 components are dropped into the page in places. This worked from with Angular 1, we simply bootstrapped the document element with a module that provided the directives and components we needed. There is no routing at all.
With Angular 2 it looks like it is all or nothing. You declare a single root component and everything is rendered through that. This would be a big shift for us and I'd like to avoid changing how we are doing things on these public facing pages.
Is it possible at all to just use Angular 2 components as needed in static HTML pages or will we need to move to a single root element SPA design?
In a nutshell, what I'm asking is if it is possible to have a mix of static content with dynamic angular components sprinkled within, or must all angular components live within a single root element on the page?
So this is simpler than I originally thought. In the Angular 2 docs it has some specific wording around bootstrapping multiple apps.
Bootstrapping Multiple Applications
When working within a browser window, there are many singleton
resources: cookies, title, location, and others. Angular services that
represent these resources must likewise be shared across all Angular
applications that occupy the same browser window. For this reason,
Angular creates exactly one global platform object which stores all
shared services, and each angular application injector has the
platform injector as its parent.
Each application has its own private injector as well. When there are
multiple applications on a page, Angular treats each application
injector's services as private to that application.
So it seems clear that this is intended to be possible and that multiple apps share service resources which is what I would hope for.
I've done some trivial tests with multiple bootstrapped components and it works fine. One thing I have not yet tried is bootstrapping an Angular 2 attribute directive for use outside of Angular 2 components. I suspect that won't work and that bootstrap only works with Components and not Directives.
In terms of guidance, I would suggest that Angular 2 is not really designed for sprinkling behaviour throughout a static page and probably should not be used that way. Rather, while you may have multiple sections of your paged defined by multiple apps, that components should make up nearly all of the document/interface.
we simply bootstrapped the document element with a module that provided the directives and components we needed. There is no routing at all
That's exactly how I'm currently using Angular2. See the example at -- some of my 'static' pages are generated by perl in the same way you are using ruby.
As an aside, being able to use your modules both ways is much easier if you embrace Universal Module Definitions

Strongloop AngularJS reflection services

I've a Java developer who's begun working in the Javascript enterprise domain. Specifically I've begun working with Strongloop/Loopback API and AngularJS in the client.
I'm creating entities with ease with Strongloop and am very impressed with how quickly I can generate an expanded model. When it comes to the client however things appear to slow down as I have to manually create the Angular Controllers, Services and the crud template views.
I've used reflection in Java considerably in the past and I found it to be very effective. I was hoping someone might be able to let me know if there's either a reflective way to initialise Controllers so that I could have one EntityController if you like that would export the CRUD methods. Alternatively if there's a tool that might be able to access the restful api and generate generic templates, controllers and services for the restful API?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I believe that you are looking for loopback angularjs SDK.
It will not generate views and controllers but you will have angularJS services generated that contains all the LoopBack models and methods you have defined. You have to register the AngularJS module lbServices as a dependency of your app.
Documentation covers this very well with step-by-step instructions how to setup client application.
After you setup loopback angular client, then it is easy to use models in your controllers. All you have to do is to add your model as a dependency in your controller.
If you want to avoid manual work of generating angular controllers, routes, views etc then you should consider using one of the angular application generators ( i.e. yeoman generator-angular ).
To make long story short:
use angular generator to generate angular application.
generate angular services using loopback angularjs SDK.
add loopback model as dependency to your controller or service
See also Angular SDK built-in models API

why / when to use multiple controller - Angularjs

I started working with AngularJs recently.
Looking to understand the reason for using multiple controller, I found different site explaning how to use multiple controller (AngularJS site). But what I'm actually looking for is a rationnal for using multiple controller.
So my question is : Why or when should we use multiple controller in a project? and the subquestion that is tied to this question: is it a good pratice to use multiple controller in an Angular project.
That's also an MVC question as angular extends this pattern. In Apple's View Controller Programming Guide for iOS, it says :
Every view is controlled by only one view controller.
So the idea in MVC pattern is to separate views. By having 1 Controller per View it makes it easier to achieve this. it simplifies the organization of controllers that serve one module. You do not suffer from code smells.
Also, it is important for routing issues in app.js for angular case. It clarifies structure for other developers that will have look at project. Using testacular in angularjs, unit testing is great, having multiple controllers makes unit testing easier.
Edit :
You would also most likely need more controllers for further functionalities. For example a Auth Controller where users can create new accounts. In addition to this you need a superadmin view where you can edit the resources with higher privileges. In such a case it is quite common to have separate controller. Scope and security issues has to change.
It is just a very good pratice to use 1 controller per 1 view. So for example you should have seperate controller for /home view, another one for /gallery, and another /contact.
It forces you as a developer to organise your code, so that you can take advantage of using services, filters etc.
Also it is easier to write unit tests because you can see what is covered and what is not.
