Bower Install With Front End Template - angularjs

Hello i purchased a template this afternoon, previously what i used to do whenever i bought a template was to copy the js,image,font and css folders into my project and start using but this particular template i bought was very confusing for me.
I ended up having to install npm and use bower install to download the various packages, however this is my first time using bower install so i'm a bit confused as to what to do next. "bower install" created a new folder inside my template folder called "bower_components".
I would like to know what i need to do next to be able to use this template to develop my app, below is a screenshot of my theme's folder structure:
I am building my app using Laravel 5 on the backend and AngularJS on the front-end.


Angular2 with maven project

I have a question, I want to use angular 2 in maven project, and as you now the modules should download with ( npm install or ng new .. (cli) ).
The problem is if I generate the war file with all this modules, it will be very large because of the presence of all the nodejs modules.
In one of Github example they install this modules with ( npm install ) and finally goes to the home directory and run spring-boot:run
I want directly deploy my war file, so my question is : i should generate the war file with the all the modules and dependencies of nodejs or there is another solution ?
Three ways:
add all node_modules dependencies in to your version control, so source is always there, or copy necessary js libraries manually in specific source folder, like angular.min.js and so on (if your node.js is not available on your server, by security reason)
create execution goal inside pom.xml, something like
How to deploy a node.js app with maven?
use and check existing examples, I am sure your case is straight forward

How can I use Angular 2 with NetBeans?

I have tried every tutorial I could find to try to make a HTML/JS project with Angular 2 working on NetBeans, but none have worked. Maybe is my npm that is bugged (search, for example, doesn't work).
The node_modules folder that is created with npm install is grey on NetBeans and have some errors in some files (I don't know if this is normal). Any .js I try to import from node_modules folder gives the error Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE / Uncaught ReferenceError: System is not defined.
Does anyone have any idea what could I be doing wrong? Or does anyone knows any tutorial that have the code to download so I can compare with what I'm doing and see what is the correct? Every tutorial I have found doesn't have any code to download, just some pieces of codes in the page for explanation.
Sory if this isn't a good question, but I have been trying to make this work since yesterday without success and I'm completely out of idea.
First I recommend to upgrade to the last version of NodeJS and NPM, to minimize the errors in your node_modules folder
Install the Everlaw's Typescript plugin from . If you are using Netbeans 8.1 I think you can install it directly from the Plugins installer. I'm using NetBeans 8.2 and there is no problems installing the plugin manually.
Then on NetBeans go to Tools -> Options -> HTML/JS -> Node.js and write the right Node and NPM Paths and Sources, I would recommend check-on the three check-boxes in that panel.
For a quick start try the QuickStart demo from the page, it is not necessary make any change in the package.json.
The first time I tried to debug an Angular 2 application I put the index.html file directly in the project folder in order to do not make any changes in the index.html script sources nor change the project files structure but you need to change some properties of the project:
In the project window right click the project and select properties.
In sources change the Site Root Folder using the Browse button and select the project folder (You can ignore the warning that appears).
In Run select Run As: Web Application.
I recommend select Browser: Chrome with NetBeans Connector
Using the Browse button go to the project folder and select index.html as your Start File.
Select Web Server: Embedded Lightweight.
And finally in Web Root write /Your_Project_Folder
run npm install from NetBeans
Click the run button and your web application must open in chrome, if you edit your html or typescript files and save them you could see the changes in the browser in real time without re-debuggind your application and can use the Browser DOM window to explore your elements created from Angular 2.
You still see some errors in your files because NetBeans is not fully compatible with the HTML Angularized syntax. But it runs flawlessly.
You can also run the start script directly from Netbeans to run your project using lite-Server.
Screenshot NetBeans - Angular 2
I would recommend you to install the angular cli: npm install -g angular-cli#webpack
Fore more infos regarding this tool, take a look here:
Then create a new Angular2 app with ng new <app-name>
This will create a complete and working Angular2 application in the current folder.
cd <app-name> and start the app with ng serve.
Check your new created app in your browser on localhost:4200.
If this works, you can try to get started with your NetBeans! :)

How to setup dev environment like videos

I want to setup a environment on my machine to learn AngularJS. I saw in the videos of where he keeps typing AngularJS code and when it refreshes through a server and displays the changes in realtime in the browser. How to do that? I see WebStrom logo in the videos but that's it.
You will need a server to setup your files. The videos you saw might have used browser-reload plugin which watches the files for changes and refreshes the page as soon as there's a change in any of the files.
You can use yeoman (and one of the generators) for project setup (for scaffolding basically). You will need to install NodeJS first which will install NPM (node package manager) with it. Then you can install YEOMAN and use the generator respectively. My recommendation would be generator-gulp-angular.
See the readme for the instructions, but basically you'll have to run these commands in command prompt after you've installed NodeJS properly.
npm install -g yo gulp bower
the above command installs yeoman,gulp and bower respectively
npm install -g generator-gulp-angular
the above command installs the gulp-angular yeoman generator
Then you can create a directory, say 'testDir' and navigate into it. I.e.
cd testDir
Then run
yo gulp-angular
You'll be asked to select desired technologies. Once you're done, you can run the following command to see it working (with live reload)
gulp serve
not sure what video you're talking about but it sounds like he/she has a gulp or grunt task that is watching for changes and then livereloading your browser. It could be either
gulp-livereload (
browsersync (

How do I move my Yeoman Angular app to a repository?

I'm trying to upload my Yeoman Angular app to a git repo so that other developers can work on it. How do I go about it? Meaning, which files/folders should be uploaded and which can be skipped? I don't want the other developers to run the yo angular command, because it creates a new app with the folder name altogether. I tried copy pasting my folder contents to a new folder, excluded the node and bower modules, then ran npm install and bower install on this new folder. But now it fails to find phantomjs plugin. Is there a proper standard way to do what I'm trying to achieve?
Just pushed it as is. There is a .gitignore file which handles everything. The unwanted folders are automatically ignored.

Adding packages like moment.js & account.js to meteor Project

How do I add these JS packages to a meteor project? Do I simply place the JS files in the public folder so the client and server can access them? Or is there some specific steps that I need to follow?
These kind of standalone libraries can be directly placed in the /lib directory under your project.
For use on both the client and the server, place them into project/lib folder.
Or if you want to use them only at client-side, place them as usual in project/client/lib
In short, It depends.
I would recommend you check out for a list of packages. If what you're looking for is there, install meteorite with npm install -g meteorite (
Once you have metorite installed you can install these community packages quite easily using mrt add packagename
Most packages are on
But if for some reason the JS package you want isn't on atmosphere, depending on the package, if its a UI package (e.g datepicker, etc) put it in the /client/lib folder to avoid meteor crashing (only accessible by client).
If its a type of module abstractor (e.g backbone - backbone is included in meteor already btw: add using meteor add backbone) you could put it in the /lib directory of your package, it will be referenced automatically by both the server and client.
You have to add the packages via console.
Type "meteor add accounts-password" for example.
See here
Perhaps you should watch some of these videos here
to get an idea how meteor packages are added.
