I'm trying to upload my Yeoman Angular app to a git repo so that other developers can work on it. How do I go about it? Meaning, which files/folders should be uploaded and which can be skipped? I don't want the other developers to run the yo angular command, because it creates a new app with the folder name altogether. I tried copy pasting my folder contents to a new folder, excluded the node and bower modules, then ran npm install and bower install on this new folder. But now it fails to find phantomjs plugin. Is there a proper standard way to do what I'm trying to achieve?
Just pushed it as is. There is a .gitignore file which handles everything. The unwanted folders are automatically ignored.
I'm newbie on react, I did 2 paged website for exercise, all is working well on my localhost.
But i'm confused about how upload project to my linux server.
What i did ?
I create react app via terminal with this command :
create-react-app react-demo-project
Terminal create my project and in project root i have node_modules directory.
so here is i have some questions:
1- React project will work normally on linux hosting?
2- I need to all my project upload to ftp? Because there is arround 20.000 file in node_modules directory.
With this command build your app :
npm run build
Build folder has created in your project directory, open index.html in your browser and check output...
If you saw a blank page (after build and opening index.html) , you must change the main js file path in the index.html :
default is : src="/static/js/main.ddfa624a.js"
change to : src="./static/js/main.ddfa624a.js"
I changed js path and this worked !
create-react-app has a command to bundle your app to a ready to deploy state.
npm run build
This command will bundle your app in /build folder. With the contents of this folder you can deploy your app in any hosting environment. You don't need to install your packages and libraries manually when you use this command. More information about using this command and deploying your app in different hosting environments can be found create-react-app README
npm run build creates a build directory with a production build of
your app. Set up your favorite HTTP server so that a visitor to your
site is served index.html, and requests to static paths like
/static/js/main.<hash>.js are served with the contents of the
/static/js/main.<hash>.js file.
1- React project will work normally on linux hosting?
Yes, it will work in all webservers, unless you have server side rendering (SSR)
2- I need to all my project upload to ftp? Because there is arround
20.000 file in node_modules directory.
Files in node_modules will NOT go to your web server. These are development dependency files used only during development.
Run npm run build
This will create a folder called build in project root. This will have all html, css , images and js files
Copy all files and folders in build folder to your site root.
If your site has to be hosted in a sub folder in root you need to do the below, otherwise you will see a blank page. This is because your static files (css, js etc) are not loaded correctly.
Open package.json
Add a new entry homepage: /your_subfolder/
It will look like this
Now do steps mentioned above and your site should work fine
Add this line to package.json:
"homepage": "./"
That should make it work without the need to adjust index.html after every build.
I am setting up am Angular.js project from scratch. And I would like to keep it on Github inside a repository.
I have a simple question but I couldn't find a comprehensive answer for it. After establishing the project basic scaffold, and installing some node modules with NPM, there are many libraries, node-modules and etc in project structure. Also there are files of the framework for example Sails framework. Since a developer can install them by running npm install, which files should I push into the repository? Which ones don't need to be pushed?
The problem is, Source tree shows all new files as not staged, and I am confused which one I should exclude, which I should commit.
From personal experience, 2 types of files can be ignored in git
3rd party libraries, which can be installed using npm/bower etc.
Generated files, like css generated from less, minified js files, etc.
which files should I push into the repository?
Any files related to your application that contain business logic, routing, or other files that you've added to the project that are required for your app to run.
Which ones don't need to be pushed?
You should add node_modules to your .gitignore file. In almost all scenarios it would be unnecessary to include installed packages because your package.json maintains a list of packages to install when calling npm install.
If you're not sure about where to start with a .gitignore file, this is the defacto Node.js .gitignore file that is generated by GitHub & many popular IDE's. Just add that file to your project folder and git will automatically detect it, you should include your .gitignore as part of your repository files.
Additionally, if you're using Bower for front-end package management, you should add your bower.json to your repository and add the bower_components directory to your .gitignore.
I have a question, I want to use angular 2 in maven project, and as you now the modules should download with ( npm install or ng new .. (cli) ).
The problem is if I generate the war file with all this modules, it will be very large because of the presence of all the nodejs modules.
In one of Github example they install this modules with ( npm install ) and finally goes to the home directory and run spring-boot:run
I want directly deploy my war file, so my question is : i should generate the war file with the all the modules and dependencies of nodejs or there is another solution ?
Three ways:
add all node_modules dependencies in to your version control, so source is always there, or copy necessary js libraries manually in specific source folder, like angular.min.js and so on (if your node.js is not available on your server, by security reason)
create execution goal inside pom.xml, something like
How to deploy a node.js app with maven?
use https://github.com/eirslett/frontend-maven-plugin and check existing examples, I am sure your case is straight forward
I have access to an Angular app in a Github repo. I'm added as a contributor. The developers are using Grunt and I want to work with one of the branches.
To build a dev. environment locally- can I do the following?
Create a project folder
Clone the github repo. to this folder
NPM install //from inside the project folder - will this read package.json and install Grunt and the other dependencies?
Run grunt build
Is this the standard way of setting-up local environments? I don't want to create a branch or push anything yet.. will get to that at a later point.
Any suggestions/ advice or tips ?
Hello i purchased a template this afternoon, previously what i used to do whenever i bought a template was to copy the js,image,font and css folders into my project and start using but this particular template i bought was very confusing for me.
I ended up having to install npm and use bower install to download the various packages, however this is my first time using bower install so i'm a bit confused as to what to do next. "bower install" created a new folder inside my template folder called "bower_components".
I would like to know what i need to do next to be able to use this template to develop my app, below is a screenshot of my theme's folder structure:
I am building my app using Laravel 5 on the backend and AngularJS on the front-end.