Nested groups in active directory and permissions? - active-directory

Here are some groups and permissions that apply to a user named ALI.
These are simple groups created in Active directory. Will ALI receive Full Control or Read Only permissions??


Is there any solution to replicate multiple Active Directories to the one as a Proxy Active Directory?

We have multiple Active Directories in our company, such as :
Our development team want to authenticate (bind) and search users against one AD and not multiple ADs, so is there any solution to have a replica of all ADs into one AD (e.g:

memberOf attribute in Active Directory does not contain all user groups

I have made an application, where I want to bring all the user accounts and their memberships in the Active Directory Environment. I came to know that a user in Active Directory has memberOf attribute which stores the distinguishedName of the groups of which a user is a member.
However, when I checked out and found the memberOf isn't all the groups of which user is a member of. For example, it only contains few distinguishedName of the groups in other domain of same forest.
Am I missing something ? Is there some configuration which has to be done on Active Directory.
Please note, I am using Java JNDI for bringing the users form the active directory.

Rundeck ACL based on AD groups

I am going to use Rundeck in production.
While reading docs, I found that users management is based on local ACL files.
And AD authentication is available.
My question is: Is it possible to manage users access to Jobs and Nodes by AD groups?
Fox example:
AD groups: rundeck_restrat_svcName1, rundeck_restrat_svcName2, ect..
Thanks for any information.
Yes.. You can do that.
1, Create a jaas configuration file for AD, say jaas-AD.conf at /etc/rundeck folder like this
2, Modify the profile file's two lines.
export RDECK_JVM="
3,In AD create a new group, say rundeck_users and create an .aclpolicy file to set the ACL. There you have to use group as rundeck_users. You can create .aclpolicy file yml frame by rd-acl binary

UnboundID LDAP: memberOf filter not synchronising users

Apologies for the newbie question, fairly new to LDAP and UnboundID.
I currently have an UnboundID filter that synchronises users who belong to an Active Directory group.
--set include-base-dn:cn=Users,dc=testdomain,dc=net --add "include-filter:(memberOf=CN=Application Access,CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=net)
The behaviour I am seeing is that when I add a user to the group "Application Access", no Synchronisation occurs.
However if I edit the users AD profile whilst they are a memberOf "Application Access" then the user profile is synchronised.
Is is possible to synchronise users when they join a group?
Thanks in advance.
In Microsoft Active Directory the MemberOf value is the DN of an entry that the current entry is a member in a Group and is referred to as a Forward Reference.
A Pseudo Attribute Microsoft Active Directory
MemberOf is a Pseudo Attribute. This implies You can not monitor the MemberOf attribute for changes (Like with DirXML)
Within Microsoft Active Directory MemberOf is flagged as "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" (or System-Only)[1]; This means you can NOT update the attribute. In order to add a user to a group you have to write the user's dn to the member attribute on the group object.

Top level Active directory path?

I need to iterate programatically through all items in a specific OU in an active directory tree (C#). For that I have a configuration that specifies which OU to iterate. This works ok.
However my client now wants to iterate through all items in the AD tree. How could I specify a path which contains all OUs in the AD tree so that my application will iterate through all of them?
You can specify only domain components. E.g.: LDAP://DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM
Read more: Distinguished Names
