Top level Active directory path? - active-directory

I need to iterate programatically through all items in a specific OU in an active directory tree (C#). For that I have a configuration that specifies which OU to iterate. This works ok.
However my client now wants to iterate through all items in the AD tree. How could I specify a path which contains all OUs in the AD tree so that my application will iterate through all of them?

You can specify only domain components. E.g.: LDAP://DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM
Read more: Distinguished Names


Integration of Users from Active Directory into rancher

Our users are located in Active Directory with an LDAP path something like this:
Using the OU=User,OU=UnitedKingdom,DC=aaa,DC=bbb,DC=ccc as the user search base we can set up the Authentication ( And I have been able to get things working for UK people only….
However: There are multiple countries in which potential users of the cluster can come from E.G Germany, India etc… We have a lot of users organised in this way and so I wanted to get a unified view of them in the running rancher UI.
from the docs, User Search Base says
The Distinguished Name of the node in your directory tree from which
to start searching for user objects. All users must be descendants of
this base DN. For example: “ou=people,dc=acme,dc=com”.
So I cannot use either multiple search bases (AFAICS)
or wildcards to specify the users.
Q1) Is there a way to have multiple search bases or use wildcards, or is there a way round this that we can use?
As an alternative
Q2) could use NIS to authenticate. Is there a way to set up NIS as the source of users and groups?
If you change the Search Base to the root of your domain, it should find all users in your domain, rather than only users in one OU:

Why can I see an AD container from ADExplorer and not from other browsers?

Ok, so I need a really Active Directory expert for this one.
I am encoutering a problem where I view different things from different LDAP Browsers.
I want to view the deleted objects container.
When I access Active Directory through ADExplorer I can see this container. When I access the same Active Directory, with the same user from JXplorer I cannot see the deleted objects container.
Also from Softera LDAP Browser happens the same as JXPlorer
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
Do you have maybe any other LDAP Browser you can reccomend?
The ability to enumerate the deleted objects container in Active Directory will depend on the software in use (as you found out). To be able to view the deleted objects container (and any deleted objects in general), the software needs to use the LDAP control called LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID. From the MSDN page:
The LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID control is used with an extended LDAP
search function to specify that the search results include any deleted
objects that match the search filter.
Unless the software lets you use a custom LDAP control when connecting to AD (or has builtin support for viewing deleted objects in AD), then it wont be able to see them at all.

Nested groups in active directory and permissions?

Here are some groups and permissions that apply to a user named ALI.
These are simple groups created in Active directory. Will ALI receive Full Control or Read Only permissions??

LDAP Active Directory path

I am trying to add a user to Active Directory through an MPS Web Service. I've been trying a long time to find the correct LDAP-url to use to tell it to add the new user to the Users group. I've tried things like:
It seems the "farthest" I've gotten is an error that says I have given it an invalid Customer.
I really don't have a lot of experience with LDAP (pretty much none at all), so even just a good LDAP and Active Directory tutorial would be extremely useful (even that is eluding me right now). Thanks!
I've since lookup up the actual distinguished name in ADSI Edit, which was LDAP://XXXX.YYY/CN=Users,DC=XXXX,DC=YYY, but still have no luck.
You have error in your LDAP string.
Let's have examle:
user with account name User1 in organization unit Office1 where is domain.
LDAP Path is:
Note that there is no slash in path itself
CN = Common Name
OU = Organizational Unit
DC = Domain Component
You can start with:
LDAP Query Basics
Creating a list of Users and their e-mail addresses in Exchange 2000
How Can I Get a List of All the Users Whose Passwords Never Expire?
if your domain is xxxx.yyyy.zzzz and you are search for all users; your path is:
means every dot in domain replace with dc=
More directly, the default Users container (not a group) in a default Active Directory install would be CN=Users,dc=domain,dc=com
You are not clear if you are having trouble adding a user to a group, or if you are having trouble creating a user in a specific location.

Active Directory query troubleshooting

My customer uses the below query to pull the data from Active Directory into my application.
CN=WebCalAdmin,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=hasm,DC=com
and getting the below error.
Error: Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
I need to replicate the same issue in my lab environment. I have created OU's in my test active directory. But I am not sure how to create CN=WebcalAdmin in my test active directory.
Is CN and OU are same? What is the difference between CN and OU?
What are the steps to create CN=WebCalAdmin in my Active Directory?
Thanks in Advance,
CN stands for common name and is used to identify users, groups and computers in your LDAP string.
OU stands for organizational unit and is used to identify OU's that acts as containers inside which other objects can live - e.g. the divisions, departments, etc. of your organization used to create a hierarchy and a structure.
So these two are totally different - OU's are used to build up a tree of nested containers for objects like users, groups, computers.
OU is created through AD Users and Computers tool - by clicking on New->Organization Unit and a CN node is created by doing New->User or New->Computer as needed.
If you are using softerra LDAP Admin tool then you need to do New Entry on the node and select the user/computer or your own custom schema class to proceed. You can also do this using ldif import command : ldifde.
CN is the leaf entry and can only have another CN under it. So you can have a CN under OU but not other way round.
