How to get another user's details using RestFB? - restfb

Can anyone suggest me for the below mentioned query?
I am able to get the our own profile details using restFB API like post.
Is it possible to get another user's or friend's details using restFB? I have user's unique id.

Using the user id as "endpoint" you can get the user's public information. With graph api 2.4 you need the fields parameter.


Search tags on a specific user profile (Instagram)

As a part of my yearly career goals at work I decided I would try and tackle a simple database-tyoe webpage.
I was curious if there was a way for me to search tags on a specific user profile (Instagram)?
My idea is to code a single-page webpage that uses a search function to find tagged posts on a specific users Instagram account and display the results. Is this possible? Tips or resources would be helpful.
There is currently no Instagram API endpoint that will allow you to retrieve all hashtagged photos for a specific user. You will need to retrieve all the users posts using the user endpoint and then filter the results.

Does exposing a user's uid in the url pose a security threat for Firebase?

I've got a small review system built in AngularJS and Firebase and the only way to identify which review is made by which user is via the uid of the user. The idea is when you then click on the user's name, you should be taken to the profile of that user.
So I would then create a route looking like /profile/{{}} which could translate into /profile/facebook:123234243 for example.
My question is, does it pose a security threat showing the uid in the url like this? Can it be used for any malicious actions against a user's third party account etc?
I've tried looking through their website but I can't find anything on this subject.
EDIT: Note that I need a Firebase specific answer, not a generic one about database id:s.

Integrate SurveyMonkey in an existing community

I have a cakePHP community. User are able to signup and login. I like to create a survey using SurveyMonkey.
Therefor I create the survey and make it available to my members using the direct URL. In my member database I have to save the information "did completed the survey = yes/no".
Is there any way to identify the user filling in the survey and write this information into the database?
SurveyMonkey has an API , that let you collect info from your survey (completedf or not).
This is the only way i think, (if it s not include in your website).
I know that you can simply do this with Examinare Survey Tool. What you do first is that you use the API inside Examinare to add a recipient for all the users in the survey base.
Use the PHP Wrapper library in their developer site.
Loop it through and use the and use the example code.
If you let people register with same email more than 1 time then save the ContactID into your database on the recipient.
Then to not create an email invite you use this : markrecipientstosurvey
The surveyID is available inside the Examinare account.
When you done this script part then make it as a cronjob for instance inside the crontab -e
I would run it every 30 minutes or 1 per hour.
Next part you create a page for the survey redirect where you use the function: listsurveysbyuser
to get the survey version and url
(there is a special link for the mobile user that even works for the normal mobile phone NOT only smartphones)
Now you just redirect them to the survey. If you want them to return to your site after then you use the redirect_url parameter that is added to the url or use the redirect inside your account. Ask support about that if you need :) They are fast... Never had to wait more than a couple of minutes.
When the person return then just check if they are marked as complete with the same api call: listsurveysbyuser
Looks much but it is very easy to implement and if you have any problems then just ask the support at I have asked alot and never had them to say that it can not be done. Really nice!
I see that they just released a tutorial much better than my example:
One option:
Use unique Custom Variables in the URL that is visited by each member of the community
For example,$my_user_id
Note that you can create weblink or email collectors with the API (endpoints: create_flow or create_collector).
Then track the responses using the get_respondent_list or get_responses endpoints of the API.
Note: Please confirm with the Survey Monkey API team that the custom variables can be read via the API.
Another option:
Use the email collector (create_flow) API endpoint and send it to your members' email addresses.

Get user name and basic detail without using facebook graph api

I am working on a website, I have one problem ..
I have facebook users id in my database, now I want to get their names using their ids but without using graph api..
Is there any way to do so..
I assume you want to do this programaticaly... Short answer is - you can't.
If you want to do it manually you can simply navigate to this url:{USERS_ID}It will give you the users profile page where you can see their name IF their profile is publicly available.
Essentially you should request the users names and store them in your database when the users authenticate your application.

How to implement Facebook Post Type objects in GAE?

I a new programmer and trying to implement a facebook type "feed" in my application. Like Whenever a user do some changes in his profile his linked profiles will get to know that in the form of news feed.
But I am stuck on that as I thought whenever any user saves any data (like "News", "Blog", "Event" or any "Comment") just send the id of the respective classes to the linked profiles and they will see it. Since the id is not generated before the object is saved , the problem is how can I send them. I thought of following workarounds but each have some problem.
Whenever a user posts a news .... a Post object will be made and added to User's Post Collection.
But How do the other users will knew about it.....
1) Send them the id .... but when the id is not created how can you send them the id.
2) Send them the post message and when ever they will click them ... the latest post to them from the particular user will be shown.. but if more than 3 messages then which will be shown?? Shown by the post creation Date no post greater than that date is shownn....but he needs to be shown newer posts..
3) Save the post in all followers feed. the data will be much larger then
4) all the followers on login will check all the persons they are following and save their feed after the time stamp? How to implement this as the Post is saved in User's Profile so I would have to check all the following person and then just check the feed and show them on his feed box; I think I would have to use batch Processes. Processing will take much longer.
I am using objectify-appengine to do operations on GAE.
Any help is appreciated
Are you wanting to update the page with posts in real time like on Facebook and Twitter? To achieve this on Google App Engine you can use the Channel API, which works in conjunction with Javascript to listen for new data and update the DOM.
This talk at Google I/O 2009 by Brett Slatkin describes exactly the pattern you should use for this.
