Bind Control to Two properties - wpf

Using MVVM pattern and WPF, I would like to bind my controls to two properties. Let's say I have a label that is bind to property on VM1 and I would like to bind it as well to the property on VM2 to send received value from VM1 to VM2.
I could use messenger and for multiple items Tuple Class, but I was wondering if there is another solution for that. Multibinding? but then I need ValueConverter.
Thank you for any suggestions.

Since The View-Model is an abstraction of the view that exposes public properties and commands, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a view to have two view-models the way you explained. It'll be more rational if there is a VM class as the view-model of your view that has two properties of type VM1 and VM2. Then the binding would be on VM.VM1.YourText and you can notify VM2 via events like this:
in VM1:
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ValueChanged;
string _yourText;
public string YourText
return _yourText;
_yourText= value;
if (ValueChanged != null)
ValueChanged(_yourText, new EventArgs());
In VM:
public VM1 Vm1 {get; set;}
public VM2 Vm2 {get; set;}
public VM()
Vm1 = new VM1();
Vm2 = new VM2();
Vm1.ValueChanged += Item_ValueChanged;
DataContext = this;
void Item_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
VM2.YourAnotherText = sender.ToString();

If 2 properties are connected, usually INotifyPropertyChanged can be utilized to notify about a change of 2 or more properties if on the same ViewModel.
What I understand is that you want also to notify a View attached to a ViewModel about a change of a property on another ViewModel. This is usually done by letting ViewModels exchange information.
If that's a one rare case, using message bus for that might be an overkill. Usually keeping a reference to each view model and changing properties from outside should be all right. To keep separation of concerns you can create an interface on one or both viewmodels and reference this interface instead of a concrete type.
Overall keeping a single binding between a control and property keeps it simple and easy to understand and you should worry about making sure that this property handles all changes to/from other VMs.


View knowledge about ViewModel

I need to connect methods in View (WPF window) to events in ViewModel. Is it violation of MVVM pattern to DirectCast Object DataContext in view to concrete VM type and connect its events? If yes, is there better way to do it?
First look at what the methods in the view do. If they manipulate the view, consider adding properties to the viewmodel that you change in the events in the viewmodel and bind the view to. This way, by binding the view to properties you eliminate the need for code in the view.
If the methods contain other logic consider moving that logic to the viewmodel.
In other cases casting a DataContext to a viewmodel or interface can be a valid option and is not a violation of the MVVM pattern.
When adding code to a view, do consider testing. Automated/unit testing a view is harder than testing a viewmodel.
It is not a violation of the MVVM pattern, but the more abstract the better, of course (not because of MVVM but as a general good practice).
If you're setting your DataContext on XAML, you may be able to keep it abstract by using Interactivity EventTrigger and CallMethodAction... Maybe. But if you're setting it on code-behind (via injection or whatever), you're left with either casting the DataContext to a known type, or using Reflection (I wouldn't >_>).
Generally, creating an interface for your ViewModel, so you keep a decent level of abstraction and only expose what the view needs to know instead of its whole implementation, is good enough for most scenarios.
public interface IMyViewModel
event EventHandler MyEvent;
public class MyViewModel : IMyViewModel
public event EventHandler MyEvent;
// More viewmodel related stuff
protected virtual void OnMyEvent(EventArgs e)
if (MyEvent != null)
MyEvent(this, e);
public class MyWindow : Window
public MyWindow(IMyViewModel viewModel)
this.DataContext = viewModel;
(this.DataContext as IViewModel).MyEvent += MyEventHandler;
private void MyEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Do view related stuff

Is DataBinding to a composite object's fields possible?

I have a WPF window with controls I wish to bind to my model. The model implements INotifyPropertyChanged to notify the view when the Properties change value. The Properties are primitives backed by fields, e.g:
private bool m_isRunning;
public bool IsRunning
get { return m_isRunning; }
private set
m_isRunning= value;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
This works fine for primtiive values. I also have a composite object with various primitive properties and a hash table. Or, I'd like to bind to an ObservableCollection's Count property. I would like to bind my View controls to properties within the composite object, but I do not think this is possible. Something like:
<Run Text="{Binding Path=CompositeObject.SomeInnerProperty, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
This doesn't seem possible, but is there some other way? I feel like my only option is to expose properties that map in to the inner property of the composite object, but this seems like a lot of repetiion, e.g.:
public bool SomeInnerProperty
get { return m_myComposite.SomeInnerProperty; }
private set
m_myComposite.SomeInnerProperty= value;
There's nothing wrong with binding to something like CompositeObject.SomeInnerProperty, however if CompositeObject does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged, then your UI won't get notified of the change and know that it needs to update when SomeInnerProperty changes.
Also, note that you can only bind to properties (with get and set methods), and not fields. So you can bind to public string SomeValue { get; set; } but you can't bind to public string SomeValue;
In regards dealing with repetitive code, I personally use some Visual Studio macros to write my public properties for me, so perhaps you could look into doing something like that if you don't want to implement INotifyPropertyChanged on your CompositeObject class. It should be noted that Macros were removed from Visual Studio 2012 though, so if you have a newer version you might need to use some other alternative like creating an add-in to run your macros
I had this same problem some time ago. Look at how I solved it:
MVVM INotifyPropertyChanged conflict with base class PropertyChange
Basically I created a Base class that implemented INotifyPropertyChanged and I made all my classes inherit from that base class and data binding worked fine.
You have two options:
If your model classes do not implement INPC, then create wrapper properties in your ViewModel like you suggested, or
Implement INPC in your model and just expose your main object in the ViewModel, you can bind as deep as you want as long as inner properties notify changes.

Access the view from viewmodel using MEFedMVVM concepts?

In MEFedMVVM viewmodels are instantiated using ViewModelLocator. MEFedMVVM is really powerful, since you can have an arbitrary constructor for your viewmodels:
public class MyViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
public MyViewModel(IMediator mediator, IContainerStatus containerStatus, IDispatcherService dispatcherService)
IMediator, IContainerStatus and IDispatcherService are service interfaces which are instantiated through MEF. Obviously, I can create my own services if needed.
The problem
When my view has loaded it needs to assign a member of one of its children's readonly property with data from the viewmodel. Ideally, I would bind this variable directly in XAML, but I cannot do that since the property is readonly and its member is not an attachable property. Currently, I have an ugly workaround:
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var viewModel = DataContext as MyViewModel;
this.child.SomeReadonlyProperty.Data = viewModel.MyData;
I want to get rid of this coupling of the view and the viewmodel. Both MEFedMVVM and Prism provide different patterns that might be helpful, but I have no idea which to use - and how. Is it ok to let services have access to both the view and the viewmodel?
Q: What pattern should I use to remove the coupling?
I think I would be inclined to create an interface which your view can implement that will describe the behavior you need to set the property:
interface IMyView
void SetReadOnlyProperty(object value);
You can then create your implementation of SetReadOnlyProperty in the view, export the view as type IMyView and finally, create an import on your viewmodel of type IMyView which will expose your method and allow you to perform calls from the viewmodel. I believe this doesn't go against the ethos of MVVM because the viewmodel isn't aware of the view, it just has an interface that will expose what you need.

MVVM for collections

I have recently started learning wpf and am trying to use mvvm.
My understanding is that in the mvvm neither the view or the model should know the other exists.
What I am trying to do is show a list of customers on the screen. But if I code the viewModel as shown below. which is similar to many examples I see on the net, then I end up with some code looking like this
class Customer
public String Name {get;set;}
public String Address {get;set;} }
class MainWindowViewModel
ObservableCollection<Customer> customers = new ObservableCollection<Customer>();
public ObservableCollection<Customer> Customer
get {return customers;}
public MainWindowViewModel()
//cust1 and cust2 are Customer objets
Now if I create an instance of my MainWindowViewModel and set it as the datacontext of my MainWindowView (my view) and i further bind the viewmodels Customers property to a listBox, then the view will need a reference to the assembly that contains my Models.
So my questions are.
1) Is adding a reference to Models assembly allowable in MVVM, since this would mean the view knows about the model.
2) would a better solution be to wrap each Customer object in a CustomerViewModel and have the MainWindowViewModel contain ObservableCollection of CustomerViewModel
instead of ObservableCollection of Customer. This would separate the models completely from the view.
I'm not sure why you think the project containing your views requires a reference to your model project? There is nothing in your view which references your models directly - your binding expressions in XAML are linked by name only, and to properties on your view model anyway, not your model.
Wrapping your model in a view model is a good option if your view requires additional data than your model provides, and it is undesirable to change your model. For example, you view may need to display the Age of a User type, but User only has a DateOfBirth property. Creating a UserViewModel with an Age property would be a good option if you didn't want to alter your model.
Answers to your questions:
What is bad about the View referring the Model? This is absolutely ok when it simplifies the code. Just the other way around (Model -> View) is bad practice.
You don't need to wrap each Customer object in a CustomerViewModel when you don't have special needs. I would suggest to follow a pragmatic way and keep the code simple.
You might be interested in the BookLibrary sample application of the WPF Application Framework (WAF) which shows the scenario you describe here.
We usually create a CustomerViewModel. That is enforced by our generic CollectionViewModelBase class. This unsures that every part the user interface uses is exspecially created to be displayed and we don't have any UI related code in the models which are often serializable POCOs.
The MVVM pattern is similar to any other MVx pattern (MVC, MVP, ...) in that it encourages separation of concerns (SoC), which in turn improve maintainability / testability of your code. Beyond the usual SoC, MVVM gives the following:
Unit testing of your view logic; this is because you move logic from your view into your view-model, making your view as dumb as possible.
Developer-designer workflow; because the view is 'dumb', it is easier to work with the XAML without the logic behind it.
Regarding visibility, i.e. what is visible to what, it is strictly as follows:
Model <= ViewModel <= View
In other words, the ViewModel can see the Model, but the Model cannot see the ViewModel. Likewise, the View can see the ViewModel, but not vice-versa.
Because the ViewModel has no reference to the View, it enables your code to be executed without any view components present, this enables (1) above.
The purpose of your ViewModel is to 'shape' your Model to make binding to the View easier. If your View is simple, then it is quite acceptable to do the following:
Model <= View
This still allows (1) unit testing, (2) developer-designer workflow.
It is also fine to use a hybrid approach, sometimes exposing your Model to your view, other times wrapping it in a ViewModel. For example:
Please don't create a bunch of boiler-plate ViewModel code, just because you think you have to!
You will definitively want to wrap your models in view only objects like below :
/// <summary>
/// Business model object : Should be in your separate business model only library
/// </summary>
public class BusinessModelObject
public string Prop1 { get; set; }
public int Prop2 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Base notifying object : Should be in your GUI library
/// </summary>
public abstract class NotifyingObject<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, e);
private static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs ModelPropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Model");
private T _model;
public T Model
get { return _model; }
_model = value;
/// <summary>
/// Model decorator : Should be in your GUI library
/// </summary>
public class BusinessModelObjectAdapter : NotifyingObject<BusinessModelObject>
public BusinessModelObjectAdapter(BusinessModelObject model)
this.Model = Model;
private static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs Prop1PropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Prop1");
private string _prop1;
public string Prop1
get { return Model.Prop1; }
Model.Prop1 = value;
private static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs Prop2PropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Prop2");
private int _prop2;
public int Prop2
get { return Model.Prop2; }
Model.Prop2 = value;
//and here you can add whatever property aimed a presenting your model without altering it at any time

How to reuse entity framework datasource for multiple views WPF EF MVVM

Hi I am designing an application using WPF4, EF and MVVM. I want to be able to create reusable UserControls that I can use in multiple windows in the application, and have them draw data from the same source.
Lets say I have a GraphView component and a TableView component that can appear on the same page or in different places in the application, and I want them to both reflect the same collection of filtered EF entities. MVVM common practice seems to require that each view has its own viewmodel. But should I be be using a joint viewmodel and bind both to it, so if you change the data or filter, both would update simultaneously? If not how should I handle this?
Thanks for any advice!
One approach could be to have two ViewModels, one for each of your Views/UserControls, and then nest them into some top or higher level ViewModel. If, for example, both Views reside in a MainWindow View, it could look like this:
public class MainWindowViewModel
public MainWindowViewModel(IRepository repository)
SharedUserControlData sharedData = new SharedUserControlData()
MyCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyEntity>(
// instantiate other shared data properties
UserControl1ViewModel = new UserControl1ViewModel(sharedData);
UserControl2ViewModel = new UserControl2ViewModel(sharedData);
public UserControl1ViewModel UserControl1ViewModel { get; private set; }
public UserControl2ViewModel UserControl2ViewModel { get; private set; }
// more stuff...
You have a SharedUserControlData class which contains properties both views can bind to:
public class SharedUserControlData : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ObservableCollection<MyEntity> MyCollection { get; set; }
// other properties
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
And the ViewModels of the UserControls get those data injected:
public class UserControl1ViewModel
public UserControl1ViewModel(SharedUserControlData data)
SharedUserControlData = data;
public SharedUserControlData SharedUserControlData { get; private set; }
// more stuff
// and the same for UserControl2ViewModel
Your UserControl Views are bound to the ViewModels by a DataTemplate:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:UserControl1ViewModel}" >
<v:UserControl1View />
// and the same for UserControl2ViewModel
And some controls inside of the UserControls are bound then to SharedUserControlData.MyCollection and other properties of the UserControlViewModels. The DataContext of the MainWindow is the MainWindowViewModel:
IRepository repository = new MyRepository(); // or use Dependency Injection
MainWindow window = new MainWindow();
MainWindowViewModel viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel(repository);
window.DataContext = viewModel;
In the XAML of your MainWindow we bind the UserControls to the nested ViewModels of the MainWindow's DataContext (which is the MainWindowViewModel):
<v:UserControl1View DataContext="{Binding UserControl1ViewModel}" />
<v:UserControl2View DataContext="{Binding UserControl2ViewModel}" />
This way both UserControls would have different ViewModels but both share the same SharedData instance which comes from the higher level ViewModel containing both UserControl's ViewModels. The Repository then has access to the EF data context. (Having repositories here is only an example, you could also inject instances of Service classes or something.)
Your EF classes, near as I've been able to tell after only four days using EF, reside at the project level. My first instinct would be to implement a singleton containing references to the entities you want to hold common across your viewmodels. That will create a class dependency on your singleton, of course.
This actually sounds like a design problem addressed by Unity, MEF, or something else that will do dependency injection. You'd have your EF classes in a module of one of those frameworks and use their protocols to coordinate between EF and your VM's. Then a change in your filter or your data in EF would also trigger a message your VM's could register to receive, in order to trigger UI changes or VM state changes or whatever.
I agree wholeheartedly with the one ViewModel per View approach. For shared data you can either pass references around (tedious and error prone), you can use DI (depending on your comfort level but doesn't play well with design time data), or you can create static properties in your App.xaml.cs which are then shared and accessible throughout the application. In the long run, DI will probably get the most support from other folks.
You might have a look at the BookLibrary sample application of the WPF Application Framework (WAF). It contains two different Views (BookListView [Master], BookView [Detail]) for the same data source which is provided by the Entity Framework.
