How to reuse entity framework datasource for multiple views WPF EF MVVM - wpf

Hi I am designing an application using WPF4, EF and MVVM. I want to be able to create reusable UserControls that I can use in multiple windows in the application, and have them draw data from the same source.
Lets say I have a GraphView component and a TableView component that can appear on the same page or in different places in the application, and I want them to both reflect the same collection of filtered EF entities. MVVM common practice seems to require that each view has its own viewmodel. But should I be be using a joint viewmodel and bind both to it, so if you change the data or filter, both would update simultaneously? If not how should I handle this?
Thanks for any advice!

One approach could be to have two ViewModels, one for each of your Views/UserControls, and then nest them into some top or higher level ViewModel. If, for example, both Views reside in a MainWindow View, it could look like this:
public class MainWindowViewModel
public MainWindowViewModel(IRepository repository)
SharedUserControlData sharedData = new SharedUserControlData()
MyCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyEntity>(
// instantiate other shared data properties
UserControl1ViewModel = new UserControl1ViewModel(sharedData);
UserControl2ViewModel = new UserControl2ViewModel(sharedData);
public UserControl1ViewModel UserControl1ViewModel { get; private set; }
public UserControl2ViewModel UserControl2ViewModel { get; private set; }
// more stuff...
You have a SharedUserControlData class which contains properties both views can bind to:
public class SharedUserControlData : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ObservableCollection<MyEntity> MyCollection { get; set; }
// other properties
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
And the ViewModels of the UserControls get those data injected:
public class UserControl1ViewModel
public UserControl1ViewModel(SharedUserControlData data)
SharedUserControlData = data;
public SharedUserControlData SharedUserControlData { get; private set; }
// more stuff
// and the same for UserControl2ViewModel
Your UserControl Views are bound to the ViewModels by a DataTemplate:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:UserControl1ViewModel}" >
<v:UserControl1View />
// and the same for UserControl2ViewModel
And some controls inside of the UserControls are bound then to SharedUserControlData.MyCollection and other properties of the UserControlViewModels. The DataContext of the MainWindow is the MainWindowViewModel:
IRepository repository = new MyRepository(); // or use Dependency Injection
MainWindow window = new MainWindow();
MainWindowViewModel viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel(repository);
window.DataContext = viewModel;
In the XAML of your MainWindow we bind the UserControls to the nested ViewModels of the MainWindow's DataContext (which is the MainWindowViewModel):
<v:UserControl1View DataContext="{Binding UserControl1ViewModel}" />
<v:UserControl2View DataContext="{Binding UserControl2ViewModel}" />
This way both UserControls would have different ViewModels but both share the same SharedData instance which comes from the higher level ViewModel containing both UserControl's ViewModels. The Repository then has access to the EF data context. (Having repositories here is only an example, you could also inject instances of Service classes or something.)

Your EF classes, near as I've been able to tell after only four days using EF, reside at the project level. My first instinct would be to implement a singleton containing references to the entities you want to hold common across your viewmodels. That will create a class dependency on your singleton, of course.
This actually sounds like a design problem addressed by Unity, MEF, or something else that will do dependency injection. You'd have your EF classes in a module of one of those frameworks and use their protocols to coordinate between EF and your VM's. Then a change in your filter or your data in EF would also trigger a message your VM's could register to receive, in order to trigger UI changes or VM state changes or whatever.

I agree wholeheartedly with the one ViewModel per View approach. For shared data you can either pass references around (tedious and error prone), you can use DI (depending on your comfort level but doesn't play well with design time data), or you can create static properties in your App.xaml.cs which are then shared and accessible throughout the application. In the long run, DI will probably get the most support from other folks.

You might have a look at the BookLibrary sample application of the WPF Application Framework (WAF). It contains two different Views (BookListView [Master], BookView [Detail]) for the same data source which is provided by the Entity Framework.


where should I save the VM data/instance in a MVVM design? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What are the pros and cons of View-first vs. ViewModel-first in the MVVM pattern [closed]
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm new to MVVM in a WPF project. As to my understanding, the View is the objects created by xaml files (window, grid, usercontrol). The Model is my data. The View-Model is some other object instance.
I have defined all the VM classes, but my questions is where is the best place to instantiate the VM instance? to be more specific, where should I declare the VM member variable and call the new() function?
Currently I defined a static member variable of the VM and declare it inside my usercontrol. The VM should be accessed by several Views and that's why I declared it as static.
It's kind of ugly, I think, from the Object Oriented design, because I'm using static or global variables.
So what's the common place to declare VM instances?
A good way to solve this problem is to create and share your viewmodels in a "Viewmodel-Locator" class like in the code templates of the MVVM-Light Framework. MVVM Light comes with a small IOC container that manages instantiation of your viewmodels and services. Here is some example code:
First register your services and viewmodels in a static way:
public class ViewModelLocator
static ViewModelLocator()
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
//Resgister your Services
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IDataService, SomeDataService>();
// Register your Viewmodels
Create a property for each of your registered Viewmodels to access them from outside the viewmodelLocator class:
public SomeViewModel SomeVM
return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<SomeViewModel>();
Next, create a globel resource for example in App.xaml to access your ViewmodelLocator class in XAML.
<vm:ViewModelLocator x:Key="Locator" d:IsDataSource="True" />
Bind your datacontext in your view like this:
DataContext="{Binding SomeVM, Source={StaticResource Locator}}"
Finally in your viewmodel class you can access your services and do whatever you need to do:
class SomeViewModel
private IDataService mDataService;
public SomeViewModel(IDataService _dataService)
mDataService = _dataService;
// Do the fancy stuff...
Hope this is helpful!
I personally use a 'KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID" approach. I have a Models folder called NameSpace Models and a ViewModel folder NameSpace ViewModels.
The Models folder holds straight data that replicates the data I get from my WCF service. This could also work for an EDM.
The ViewModels folder holds the actual data I need for a certain Window or Page i.e. I may need a list of Years and a particular Client so my ViewModel will call the YearList model in the 'Models' folder and the Client model from the 'Models' folder.
class ClientDetailsViewModel
public ClientModel ClientModel { get; set; }
public YearListModel YearList { get; set; }
public ClientDetailsViewModel(ClientModel _ClientModel)
ClientModel = _ClientModel;
YearGroupList = new YearGroupListModel();
I would then bind the ViewModel to the Window or Form and bind the data using for example:
{Binding ClientModel.ID}
{Binding YearGroupList.Years.ID}

How should I populate the ViewModel in WPF?

I'm new to WPF and I'm writing a simple test app to familiarize myself with it. My test app will detect all joysticks I have attached to my computer and display information about it. So far, I have this ViewModel:
public class JoystickViewModel
public ObservableCollection<Joystick> Joysticks { get; set; }
public JoystickViewModel()
private void GetAttachedJoysticks()
// populate Joysticks collection by using SlimDX
And this is my codebehind for my MainWindow.xaml:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
DataContext = new JoystickViewModel();
And my XAML for MainWindow:
<Window ...>
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Joysticks}"
I followed a tutorial that also populated the ViewModel in its constructor.
My question is, how should I populate the ViewModel? It seems sort of weird to me that I'm population the collection in the ViewModel constructor. Should this logic be in MainWindow's codebehind instead? Or somewhere else altogether? The end goal is to not only have this collection populated, but also updated periodically to reflect the current state (user plugged in new joystick, unplugged existing one, etc...).
The MainWindow code behind is definitively not the place where "business" logic should occur, as the View should be kept as simple as possible.
Keep your fetch/update logic inside of your viewmodel, this way you can test it easily and independently.
From a learning perspective, it's important to keep concerns separated :
the View is bound to the ViewModel, and has no intelligence
the ViewModel has knowledge on how to get the Model
the Model represents the data
In your case, the VM knowledge is at the moment a call inside it's constructor. Later you can change this to call some IJoystickDataService interface, and wire everything using a MVVM framework.
I would have your JoySticks observable collection property (and the code that populates it) in a Model class. The viewmodel simply exposes this same property to the view for binding. The vm should be as thin as possible - ideally just exposing properties that are in the model for binding and not doing any kind of 'business' logic (i.e. populating joystick info as in your case).

Access properties from one view model in another

My WPF application follows the MVVM pattern. There are three views:
LoginView and ProjectsView are user controls imported by the MainWindow. Both views have their view model assigned. LoginViewModel defines a property ProjectList which is set by calling a webservice. Now LoginViewModel needs access to the ProjectList property and others.
I am aware that one solution might be a redesign so that there is only one view and one view model. I would do that as a backup solution but I would favor not to do so.
How should this be done? Should I use some kind of EventAggregator like in Prism? Or are there other ways to do this?
So if i understood clearly, ProjectList property should be accessed from both 'LoginViewModel' and 'ProjectsViewModel'. I'd try to implement it in the 'MainViewModel' so child viewmodels can access it in a natural way.
An IEventAggregator is like a box in which you can add events, or find and subscribe to one, so i would say it's not what you need.
Anyway, you could register your custom interface (box type) in the UnitySingleton.Container, which would expose ProjectList for it to be accessible everywhere. This approach makes a lot of sense when modules, which are separate assemblies, need to communicate whith each other.
If this is overkill or not in your case is something you should decide, i'd personally go with the 'put it in the mainviewmodel' option.
-- Sample -- (not tested)
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
public MainViewModel()
LoginVM = new LoginViewModel(this);
ProjectsVM = new ProjectsViewModel(this);
public LoginViewModel LoginVM { get; private set; }
public ProjectsViewModel ProjectsVM { get; private set; }
public object ProjectList { get; private set; }
private void RetrieveProjectList()
ProjectList = ....
It's pretty simple as you see, LoginVM and ProjectsVM will hold a reference to the MainViewModel that created them, therefore giving them access to ProjectList.
How should this be done? Should I use some kind of EventAggregator
like in Prism? Or are there other ways to do this?
Here are a few ideas:
You can create a view-model class that both view-models
inherit from. This base class will contain the shared properties.
Create a static class that contains the shared properties.
Using dependency injection, create a class that contains the
properties, register it as a singleton in your container and inject
it into your view-model's ctors.
Also, I believe that the EventAggregator is best suited for communicating between modules/assemblies. In your example, it seems like everything is in the same assembly.

Prism MVVM - How to pass an IEventAggregator to my ViewModel

recently I started working with Prism in Silverlight. I want to use the EventAggregator to Subscribe and Publish events between two ViewModels. As I saw on some guides, the ViewModel's ctor should accept IEventAggregator as a parameter. I can't find out how to do this hence my View always wants to initialize the ViewModel with a parameterless ctor.
My ViewModel ctor:
MyViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
// get the event....
My View:
<UserControl ....>
<ViewModels:MyViewModel x:Key="MyViewModel"/>
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyViewModel}}">
I can instantiate the ViewModel in the ctor of the View, and then assign it to its DataContext, but then I must have an IEventAggregator in my View, which I also cannot get. but this is probably not the correct way to pass an IEventAggregator (or any other object! - IUnityContainer for example) to the ViewModel.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
You have to resolve your dependency via unity. Have a look at the prism MVVM examples and the ui composition. There the view does not create the view model, but it is exactly the other way round. The view model gets the view injected via constructor injection. The view model sets itself as view model for the view:
public interface IView
IViewModel ViewModel{get;set;}
public interface IViewModel { }
public View:UserControl, IView
public IViewModel ViewModel
get{return DataContext as IViewModel;}
set{DataContext = value;}
public ViewModel:IViewModel
public ViewModel(IView view, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
view.ViewModel = this;
//get the event...
Using this approach you have to register the view model and the view to unity. Afterwards you only have to resolve the view model, the view is injected by the container.
To get the view to the right place on the user interface you have to register the view to a region using the RegionManager. When this is all set up, creating a new view model instance results in adding the view into the registered region so that it shows up on the user interface.
Other than having the ViewModel hook itself into the data context of the view (which I don't like at all), there are two other options that I can think of in Silverlight.
Utilize the ServiceLocator pattern to allow your static resources to create themselves via the container. MVVMLight has a fairly good pattern for this.
Use a framework like Caliburn.Micro, which plugs in a nice set of conventions that will wire up many things based on naming conventions, including bindings and viewmodels.
Maybe you've solved it already but
this post explains how to use Unity in a MVVM environment.

WPF + MvvM + Prism

I am new in the Wpf & Mvvm world , but I have found a couple of examples and just found that there is some different way to instantiate the model. I would like to know the best/correct way to do it. both ways are using Unity
What I've foud:
var navigatorView = new MainView();
navigatorView.DataContext = m_Container.Resolve<INavigatorViewModel>();
What I did:
var navigatorView = m_Container.Resolve<MainView>;
and I changed the constructor to receive viewmodel so I can point the datacontext to it:
public MainView(NavigatorViewModel navigatorViewModel)
this.DataContext = navigatorViewModel;
Other examples I've found another way like:
...vm = new viewmodel
...m = new model
v.model = vm;
get/set DataContext
I like Igor's suggestion, but without the viewmodel having knowledge of the view. I prefer my dependencies to go one direction (View -> ViewModel -> Model).
What I do is ViewModel-First and just DataTemplate the viewmodel. So I do this:
MainViewModel mainViewModel = container.Resolve<MainViewModel>();
region.Add(mainViewModel, "MainView");
With the addition of the ViewModel -> View mapping done with a WPF datatemplate (I don't think this approach is possible with Silverlight, though)
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModels:MainViewModel}">
<views:MainView />
That's it! I love this approach. I like the way it feels like magic. It also has the following advantages:
Don't have to modify constructors to suit the mapping
Don't have to register type for IMyViewModel in the container... you can work with concrete types. I like to keep my registrations to application services like IViewRegistry or ILogger... those kinds of things
You can change the mapping using resources scoped to a particular view that a region is in (this is nice if you want to reuse your ViewModels but want them to look different in different areas of the application
What you got there makes sense and in both cases is a View-first approach to creating a viewmodel. I.e. the view creates the ViewModel. In the original example the viewmodel is created outside of the view (and is sometimes referred to as marriage pattern), but as far as I am concerned that's the same thing - creation of the view creates the ViewModel.
If this suits your needs stick with it. Another approach you might look into is ViewModel first where the viewmodel takes a dependency on the view like so:
//In the bare-bones(i.e. no WPF dependencies) common interface assembly
interfac IView {
void ApplyViewModel(object viewmodel);
interface IMainView : IView {
//this interface can actually be empty.
//It's only used to map to implementation.
//In the ViewModel assembly
class MainViewModel {
public MainViewModel(IMainView view) {
public partial class MainView : UserControl, IMainView {
void ApplyViewModel(object viewmodel){
DataContext = viewmodel;
Then you can inject this view like so:
IRegion region = regionManager.Regions["MainRegion"];
//This might look strange as we are resolving the class to itself, not an interface to the class
//This is OK, we want to take advantage of the DI container
//to resolve the viewmodel's dependencies for us,
//not just to resolve an interface to the class.
MainViewModel mainViewModel = container.Resolve<MainViewModel>();
region.Add(mainViewModel.View, "MainView");
