Access properties from one view model in another - wpf

My WPF application follows the MVVM pattern. There are three views:
LoginView and ProjectsView are user controls imported by the MainWindow. Both views have their view model assigned. LoginViewModel defines a property ProjectList which is set by calling a webservice. Now LoginViewModel needs access to the ProjectList property and others.
I am aware that one solution might be a redesign so that there is only one view and one view model. I would do that as a backup solution but I would favor not to do so.
How should this be done? Should I use some kind of EventAggregator like in Prism? Or are there other ways to do this?

So if i understood clearly, ProjectList property should be accessed from both 'LoginViewModel' and 'ProjectsViewModel'. I'd try to implement it in the 'MainViewModel' so child viewmodels can access it in a natural way.
An IEventAggregator is like a box in which you can add events, or find and subscribe to one, so i would say it's not what you need.
Anyway, you could register your custom interface (box type) in the UnitySingleton.Container, which would expose ProjectList for it to be accessible everywhere. This approach makes a lot of sense when modules, which are separate assemblies, need to communicate whith each other.
If this is overkill or not in your case is something you should decide, i'd personally go with the 'put it in the mainviewmodel' option.
-- Sample -- (not tested)
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
public MainViewModel()
LoginVM = new LoginViewModel(this);
ProjectsVM = new ProjectsViewModel(this);
public LoginViewModel LoginVM { get; private set; }
public ProjectsViewModel ProjectsVM { get; private set; }
public object ProjectList { get; private set; }
private void RetrieveProjectList()
ProjectList = ....
It's pretty simple as you see, LoginVM and ProjectsVM will hold a reference to the MainViewModel that created them, therefore giving them access to ProjectList.

How should this be done? Should I use some kind of EventAggregator
like in Prism? Or are there other ways to do this?
Here are a few ideas:
You can create a view-model class that both view-models
inherit from. This base class will contain the shared properties.
Create a static class that contains the shared properties.
Using dependency injection, create a class that contains the
properties, register it as a singleton in your container and inject
it into your view-model's ctors.
Also, I believe that the EventAggregator is best suited for communicating between modules/assemblies. In your example, it seems like everything is in the same assembly.


Communication between winforms in mvp pattern

I'm dealing with a big problem for developing my app. It's a Winforms base application on C# implementing the Model-View-Presenter pattern, but I am new to this method. I've searched everywhere and haven't found an answer to my issue.
I need to know how I can use this pattern to allow communication between winforms, and how the presenter must show them without coupling the presenter to the form. I've seen a way using Factory pattern, but don't understand how to implement it.
Any help or point in the right direction would be appreciated.
The Presenter is responsible for coordination between the View and Model (if following the Passive View implementation).
This could look like:
A View instantiating the Presenter and injecting itself into the Presenter:
IPresenter presenter;
public View() { presenter = new Presenter(this) }
A Presenter instantiating one or more views and injecting itself into the view(s):
IView1 view1;
public Presenter() { view1 = new View1(this) }
IView1 view1;
IView2 view2;
public Presenter() { view1 = new View1(this); view2 = new View2(this); }
In your case, a Presenter coordinating multiple views might look something like this (pseudo):
public class Presenter : IPresenter
IView1 view1;
IView2 view2;
public Presenter()
view1 = new View1(this);
view2 = new View2(this);
private WireViewEvents()
view1.OnButtonClick += HandleButtonClickFromView1;
public void HandleButtonClickFromView1()
In this example, an event raised by View1 is handled by the Presenter, data is set in View2, and View2 is shown.
Keep in mind that no matter what your implementation is, the goals of MVP are:
Separation of concerns (UI seperate from domain logic).
Increasing testability.
Keep that this is just a basic example of how a Presenter might coordinate multiple views. If you want to abstract your View creation from the presenter you might move the creation into another container that the Presenter calls in to to create Views and subscribe to their events.
In MVP ,winforms should not communicate with each other.
Form A knows its Presenter A,
Form B knows its presenter B
Usually , you will modify model with form A through Prensenter A. Presenter B will listen to model changes,and will refresh Form B accordingly
If you need more coordination, you may consider using an Application Controller
I am just showing a dummy code in which 2 views are trying to communicate to each other through Presenter using interfaces. It is a simple example and let mw know if something is breaking. I have not tested this code to be honest.
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
internal class View1 : IView1
public View1()
new Presenter(this);
public string Username { get; set; }
public event EventHandler ShowDetails;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
internal class View2 : IView2
public View2()
new Presenter(this);
public string Position { get; set; }
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public class Presenter
private readonly IView1 _view1;
private readonly IView2 _view2;
public Presenter(IView1 view1)
_view1 = view1;
_view1.ShowDetails += ShowDetails;
private void ShowDetails(object sender, EventArgs e)
_view2.Position = _view1.Username == "My Name" ? "Arhchitect" : "Project Manager";
public Presenter(IView2 view2)
_view2 = view2;
public interface IView1
string Username { get; set; }
event EventHandler ShowDetails;
public interface IView2
string Position { get; set; }
But after this example some notes. To start with your application try to decide first weather you want to go with 1 View interface or 2. There may be chances and even ease if you can use a single interface.
I think the points made earlier about the model raising events to make a presenter aware of changes is correct. I do have a couple comments I hope will be useful.
First, the View implementation might not be a single form. Sometimes, it makes sense for part of the model to be maintained by a separate (probably modal) form that really acts like a complex control in the View. In that case, the interaction between the forms would be direct. The Presenter should not care how the View implementation is done.
Second, when it looks like forms need to interact that are not clearly part of the same view (a lookup form, for example) I would recommand using the Application Controller pattern. In this case, when Form A needs to perform a function (like, "Find Product" or "Edit Details") it will call a method on it's own Presenter to do that. The Presenter then calls a separate method on the Application Controller (which all Presenters reference, it's a singleton) and the Application Controller opens the requried form which has its own Presenter. In WinForms, this could all be done with a modal form, in which case the results are sent back through the call chain. Alternatively, some event raising between the Application Controller and Presenters would be needed - i.e. the Presenter raises events on the Application Controller about what it has done and other Presenters substribing to that event are thus notified.
More on the Application Controller pattern in MVP can be found on my blog post Using the MVP Pattern

Using WPF design data with the MVVM pattern

I'm using the MVVM pattern in our WPF application to allow for comprehensive unit testing. The MVVM pattern itself is working great, however I'm struggling to adapt the pattern in a way that means I can use the design-time data support of WPF.
As I'm using Prism the ViewModel instances are generally injected into the constructor of the view, like so
public MyView(MyViewModel viewModel)
DataContext = viewModel;
Dependencies for the ViewModel are then injected into the constructor, like so
public class MyViewModel
public MyViewModel(IFoo foo, IBar bar)
// ...
// Gets and sets the model represented in the view
public MyModel { get; set; }
// Read-only properties that the view data binds to
public ICollectionView Rows { get; }
public string Title { get; }
// Read-write properties are databound to the UI and are used to control logic
public string Filter { get; set; }
This is generally working really well except when it comes to design data - I wanted to avoid compiling design-data specific classes into my released assembly and so I opted to use the {d:DesignData} approach instead of the {d:DesignInstance} approach, however in order for this to work correctly my ViewModel now needs to have a parameterless constructor. In addition, I also often need to change additional properties either to have setters or to be modifiable collections in order to be able to set these properties in XAML.
public class MyViewModel
public MyViewModel()
public MyViewModel(IFoo foo, IBar bar)
// ...
// Gets and sets the model represented in the view
public MyModel { get; set; }
// My read-only properties are no longer read-only
public ObservableCollection<Something> Rows { get; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Filter { get; set; }
This is worrying me:
I have a parameterless constructor that is never intended to be called and isn't unit tested
There are setters for properties that only the ViewModel itself should be calling
My ViewModel is now a jumbled mixture of properties that should be modified by the view, and those that shouldn't - this makes it tricky to tell at a glance which piece of code is responsible for maintaining any given property
Setting certain properties at design time (e.g. to see styling on the Filter text) can actually end up invoking ViewModel logic! (so my ViewModel also needs to be tollerant of otherwise mandatory dependencies being missing at design time)
Is there a better way to get design-time data in a WPF MVVM application in a way that doesn't compromise my ViewModel in this way?
Alternatively should I be building my ViewModel differently so that it has more simple properties with the logic separated out somewhere else.
First, I would recommend you to have a look at this video where Brian Lagunas provides several best practices about MVVM. Brian is - at least - involved in the development of Prism, as his name appears in the nuget packages information. Didn't check further.
On my side I only use bits of Prism, and my Model and ViewModel always offer blank constructors (like what Brian shows), the data context is assigned in the view's XAML, and I set the properties values like :
<MyViewModel />
public void BringSomethingNew()
var myView = new View();
(myView.DataContext as ViewModel).Model = myModel;
Another benefit with this approach is that the ViewModel is created once, with the same path at design and run time, so you create less objects and save GC efforts. I find this elegant.
With regards to the setters, the design data will still work if you make them private, like:
public string MyProp { get; private set; }
Ok, customize it to manage NotifyPropertyChange at your convenience, but you've got the idea.
Now, I don't have yet a solution to manage ObesrvableCollections (I face the same problem, although putting multiple values in XAML sometimes work... ???), and yes, I agree that you have to manage the case when the properties are not set, like setting default values in the constructor.
I hope this helps.
I too have worked with NUnit testing with WPF and MVVM implementation. However, my version is reversed from yours. You are creating the view first, then creating the model to control it.
In my version, I create the MVVM model FIRST and can unit test it till the cows come home and not worry about any visual design... if the model is broken, so too will the visual implementation.
in my MVVM model, I have a method to "GetTheViewWindow". So, when I derive from my MVVM baseline, each view model has its own view its responsible for. So via a virtual method, each instance will do its own new view window when being applied for production.
public class MyMVVMBase
private MyViewBaseline currentView;
public MyMVVMBase()
{ // no parameters required }
public virtual void GetTheViewWindow()
{ throw new exception( "You need to define the window to get"; ) }
public class MyXYZInstanceModel : MyMVVMBase
public override void GetTheViewWindow()
currentView = new YourActualViewWindow();
Hope this helps as an alternative to what you are running into.

Passing Model Between Silverlight Views

Since the basic navigation mechanism in Silverlight only allows passing arguments in a querystring, when we want to pass complex data (e.g models) between our views, we use the IEventAggregator's pub\sub mechanism.
But the question is - is there a better way to pass complex information between views?
What are the cons of using the IEventAggregator for this?
This is why I switched to a ViewModel first approach. Views really aren't configurable nor should they really be passing ViewModels around. It made a lot more sense to me for a ViewModel to load another ViewModel like:
Show.Screen<OrderDetailsViewModel>(vm => vm.OrderId = orderId);
This is from the Build your own mvvm framework talk and is also similar to how Caliburn Micro works.
I can't tell you why IEventAggregator is bad, maybe it's not so intuitive? When you look at your app - you want to see what's going on and doing events with some data doesn't seem to be good. Event is event. You can share some data via Region's context in PRISM.
I'm solving same kind of issues using MEF. So, you can define something like
public class MyModelService
// Code here whatever shared data you want
public class MyViewModel
// Import this shared ModelService
public MyModelService ModelService
So, if you had some data in ModelService - by default MEF will compose it just once (effectively making it shared) and every time you import it inside ViewModel this instance will be there. Then you can use Events originated from ModelService to tell components when data updated, etc.
I'm currently using a Session idea, like in ASP.NET. I've defined a static object named SilverlightSession and add a Values property of type Dictionary. Then I just add to the values dictionary or update it and cast it
public static class SilverlightSession
public static Dictionary<string, object> Values { get; private set; }
in the app.xaml.cs startup:
SilverlightSession.Values = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Then you can have your models in "session" until the application closes.

How to reuse entity framework datasource for multiple views WPF EF MVVM

Hi I am designing an application using WPF4, EF and MVVM. I want to be able to create reusable UserControls that I can use in multiple windows in the application, and have them draw data from the same source.
Lets say I have a GraphView component and a TableView component that can appear on the same page or in different places in the application, and I want them to both reflect the same collection of filtered EF entities. MVVM common practice seems to require that each view has its own viewmodel. But should I be be using a joint viewmodel and bind both to it, so if you change the data or filter, both would update simultaneously? If not how should I handle this?
Thanks for any advice!
One approach could be to have two ViewModels, one for each of your Views/UserControls, and then nest them into some top or higher level ViewModel. If, for example, both Views reside in a MainWindow View, it could look like this:
public class MainWindowViewModel
public MainWindowViewModel(IRepository repository)
SharedUserControlData sharedData = new SharedUserControlData()
MyCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyEntity>(
// instantiate other shared data properties
UserControl1ViewModel = new UserControl1ViewModel(sharedData);
UserControl2ViewModel = new UserControl2ViewModel(sharedData);
public UserControl1ViewModel UserControl1ViewModel { get; private set; }
public UserControl2ViewModel UserControl2ViewModel { get; private set; }
// more stuff...
You have a SharedUserControlData class which contains properties both views can bind to:
public class SharedUserControlData : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ObservableCollection<MyEntity> MyCollection { get; set; }
// other properties
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
And the ViewModels of the UserControls get those data injected:
public class UserControl1ViewModel
public UserControl1ViewModel(SharedUserControlData data)
SharedUserControlData = data;
public SharedUserControlData SharedUserControlData { get; private set; }
// more stuff
// and the same for UserControl2ViewModel
Your UserControl Views are bound to the ViewModels by a DataTemplate:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:UserControl1ViewModel}" >
<v:UserControl1View />
// and the same for UserControl2ViewModel
And some controls inside of the UserControls are bound then to SharedUserControlData.MyCollection and other properties of the UserControlViewModels. The DataContext of the MainWindow is the MainWindowViewModel:
IRepository repository = new MyRepository(); // or use Dependency Injection
MainWindow window = new MainWindow();
MainWindowViewModel viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel(repository);
window.DataContext = viewModel;
In the XAML of your MainWindow we bind the UserControls to the nested ViewModels of the MainWindow's DataContext (which is the MainWindowViewModel):
<v:UserControl1View DataContext="{Binding UserControl1ViewModel}" />
<v:UserControl2View DataContext="{Binding UserControl2ViewModel}" />
This way both UserControls would have different ViewModels but both share the same SharedData instance which comes from the higher level ViewModel containing both UserControl's ViewModels. The Repository then has access to the EF data context. (Having repositories here is only an example, you could also inject instances of Service classes or something.)
Your EF classes, near as I've been able to tell after only four days using EF, reside at the project level. My first instinct would be to implement a singleton containing references to the entities you want to hold common across your viewmodels. That will create a class dependency on your singleton, of course.
This actually sounds like a design problem addressed by Unity, MEF, or something else that will do dependency injection. You'd have your EF classes in a module of one of those frameworks and use their protocols to coordinate between EF and your VM's. Then a change in your filter or your data in EF would also trigger a message your VM's could register to receive, in order to trigger UI changes or VM state changes or whatever.
I agree wholeheartedly with the one ViewModel per View approach. For shared data you can either pass references around (tedious and error prone), you can use DI (depending on your comfort level but doesn't play well with design time data), or you can create static properties in your App.xaml.cs which are then shared and accessible throughout the application. In the long run, DI will probably get the most support from other folks.
You might have a look at the BookLibrary sample application of the WPF Application Framework (WAF). It contains two different Views (BookListView [Master], BookView [Detail]) for the same data source which is provided by the Entity Framework.

Winforms databinding with interface inheritance

I need someone to confirm what I am seeing before I may a change to the domain of the application because of this issue. The issue is that when databinding against interfaces that inherit from one another, you can not see the properties on the base interfaces.
I am working on a WinForms application that uses databinding. This is in .net3.5 and no I can not use wpf.
Anyways, I have a setup something like this.
public interface IClassOne
string Prop1 { get; set; }
public interface IClassTwo : IClassOne
string Prop2 { get; set; }
public abstract class ClassOne : IClassOne
public string Prop1 { get; set; }
public class ClassTwo : ClassOne, IClassTwo
public string Prop2 { get; set; }
The base class would hold common properties and logic. The base interface would have those common properties on it so they would have to be implemented on each concrete implementation.
If I was databinding to my class structure above, I would be binding to IClassTwo. The problem is when I databind to IClassTwo, I can not see Prop1 in any of the designer operations for WinForms. Even if I get around that limitation and get a control to be bound to Prop1, it does not work.
However if I bind two ClassTwo, then databinding works.
I do not want to deal with the concrete classes because that would make using mocks and testing too hard. I also do not want to put everything on IClassTwo because I would have to repeat code when I make another concrete implementation.
What I need to know is if this truly doesn't work. If you know why, that would be a bonus.
Thank you
Here is a snippit of what is posted on MSDN as to why this doesn't work. The poster who wrote this goes by "franking".
No, it's not possible to bind to an interface! BindingSource offers some help to use a type as data source. Internally it will instantiate a BindingList<> instance using the type information. Also adding new items will work, but AddNew() will fail unless you subscribe the AddingNew event.
