OSB - Proxy Service is SOAP, Business Service is REST, Security? - osb

Proxy Service is SOAP - is secured using an OWSM usernameToken, so the request soap message has a username and password.
(Middle step)
Business Service is REST - Expects a username and password to be base64 encoded string.
So what I need to find out is how to do the Middle step:
Extract the username and password values from the soap header in the request message.
Then pass them in the correct format to the business service as HTTP Header: Authorization Basic username:password (NOTE: the username:password must be base64 encoded and look something like this XNNHKbjjkHJ=)
If you need any more clarification just ask.

if you can extract the username and password from your proxy service, you can use a service Account to send username and password in a base 64 encoded format. A Service Account is a simple mechanism provided in OSB, which can help in securing both business Services and Proxy Services. the Good things is that the service accounts are re-usable.
Please let me know if you need any more information on this.
Oracle Documentation for Service Accounts: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E14571_01/admin.1111/e15867/service_accounts.htm#OSBAG977

Unfortunately there is no way to do this with configuration, but you have to add functionality in the message flow.


How do I authorize an user to my rest service - Camel CXF

I have a httpd front end server which will authenticate users using openidc and associate JWT to the incoming request if the authentication is successful. Post this the request will reach the desired REST service, which is defined using Apache Camel CXF.
Now I need to deny/permit this user to the requested service based on certain permissions. How do i do that ?
Typically the established user session would contain claims about the user provided by the OpenID Connect Provider. Those claims can be used in mod_auth_openidc specific Require directives e.g.:
Require claim email:joe#example.org
For more information see: https://github.com/zmartzone/mod_auth_openidc/wiki/Authorization

How to interact with back-end after successful auth with OAuth on front-end?

I want to build small application. There will be some users. I don't want to make my own user system. I want to integrate my application with oauth/oauth2.0.
There is no problem in integration of my front-end application and oauth 2.0. There are so many helpful articles, how to do this, even on stackoverflow.com. For example this post is very helpful.
But. What should I do after successful authorization on front-end? Of course, I can just have flag on client, which says "okay, mate, user is authenticated", but how I should interact with my backend now? I can not just make some requests. Back-end - some application, which provides API functions. EVERYONE can access this api.
So, I need some auth system anyway between my FE and BE. How this system should work?
ps I have some problems with English and may be I can not just correctly 'ask google' about it. Can you provide correct question, please :) or at least give some articles about my question.
I am looking for concept. I don't want to find some solution for my current problem. I don't think it is matters which FE and BE I use (anyway I will
provide information about it below)
FE and BE will use JSON for communication. FE will make requests, BE will send JSON responses. My application will have this structure (probably):
Frontend - probably AngularJS
Backend - probably Laravel (laravel will implement logic, also there is database in structure)
Maybe "service provider" like google.com, vk.com, twitter.com etc remembers state of user? And after successful auth on FE, I can just ask about user state from BE?
We have 3 main security concerns when creating an API.
Authentication: An identify provider like Google is only a partial solution. Because you don't want to prompt the user to login / confirm their identity for each API request, you must implement authentication for subsequent requests yourself. You must store, accessible to backend:
A user's ID. (taken from the identity provider, for example: email)
A user token. (A temporary token that you generate, and can verify from the API code)
Authorization: Your backend must implement rules based on the user ID (that's your own business).
Transport security: HTTPS and expiring cookies are secure and not replayable by others. (HTTPS is encrypting traffic, so defeats man-in-the-middle attacks, and expiring cookies defeats replay attacks later in time)
So your API / backend has a lookup table of emails to random strings. Now, you don't have to expose the user's ID. The token is meaningless and temporary.
Here's how the flow works, in this system:
User-Agent IdentityProvider (Google/Twitter) Front-End Back-End
your backend knows the user or not.
if backend recognizes cookie,
user is authenticated and can use your API
if the user is unknown:
"Do you Authorize this app?"
+----------auth token--------->|
|-------access_token ---------->|
1. verify access token
2. save new user info, or update existing user
3. generate expiring, random string as your own API token
|<-------------- set cookie: your API token --------------------|
NOW, the user can directly use your API:
|--------------- some API request, with cookie ---------------->|
|<-------------- some reply, depends on your logic, rules ------|
Based on discussion - adding that the backend can authenticate a user by verifying the access token with the identity provider:
For example, Google exposes this endpoint to check a token XYZ123:
I read through all the answers very carefully, and more than half the people who responded are missing the question completely. OP is asking for the INITIAL connection between FE & BE, after the OAuth token has been issued by the Service Provider.
How does your backend know that the OAuth token is valid? Well keep in mind that your BE can send a request to the Service Provider & confirm the validity of the OAuth token, which was first received by your FE. This OAuth key can be decrypted by the Service Provider only because only they have the secret key. Once they decrypt the key, they usually will respond with information such as username, email and such.
In summary:
Your FE receives OAuth token from Service Provider after user gives authorization. FE passes OAuth token to BE. BE sends OAuth token to Service Provider to validate the OAuth token. Service Provider responds to BE with username/email information. You can then use the username/email to create an account.
Then after your BE creates the account, your BE should generate its own implementation of an OAuth token. Then you send your FE this OAuth token, and on every request, your FE would send this token in the header to your BE. Since only your BE has the secret key to validate this token, your application will be very safe. You could even refresh your BE's OAuth token on every request, giving your FE a new key each time. In case someone steals the OAuth token from your FE, that token would be quickly invalidated, since your BE would have already created a new OAuth token for your FE.
There's more info on how your BE can validate the OAuth token. How to validate an OAuth 2.0 access token for a resource server?
let's use OAuth concept to begin,FE here is Client , BE here is Resource Server.
Since your client already authorized, Authorization server should grant
Access token to the client.
Client make request to the resource server with the Access token
Resource server validate the Access token, if valid, handle the request.
You may ask, what is the Access token, Access token was issued by authorization server, grant to client, and recognized by resource server.
Access token is a string indicate the authorization information(e.g. user info, permission scope, expires time...).
Access token may encrypted for security, and you should make sure resource server can decrypt it.
for more details, please read OAuth2.0 specification https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.
Well you don'y need User-System on your Front End side.
The front end is just a way to interact with your server and ask for token by valid user and password.
Your server supposed to manage users and the permissions.
User login scenario
User asking for token by entering his username and password.
The server-API accept the request because it's anonymous method (everyone can call this method without care if he's logged in or not.
The server check the DB (Or some storage) and compare the user details to the details he has.
In case that the details matches, the server will return token to the user.
From now, the user should set this token with any request so the server will recognize the user.
The token actually hold the user roles, timestamp, etc...
When the user request for data by API, it fetch the user token from the header, and check if the user is allowed to access that method.
That's how it works in generally.
I based on .NET in my answer. But the most of the BE libaries works like that.
As am doing a project for SSO and based on my understanding to your question, I can suggest that you create an end-point in your back-end to generate sessions, once the client -frontend- has successfully been authorized by the account owner, and got the user information from the provider, you post that information to the back-end endpoint, the back-end endpoint generates a session and stores that information, and send back the session ID -frequently named jSessionId- with a cookie back to the client -frontend- so the browser can save it for you and every request after that to the back-end considered an authenticated user.
to logout, simply create another endpoint in the back-end to accepts a session ID so the back-end can remove it.
I hope this be helpful for you.
You need to store the token in the state of your app and then pass it to the backend with each request. Passing to backend can be done in headers, cookies or as params - depends on how backend is implemented.
Follow the code to see a good example of all the pieces in action (not my code)
This example sets the Authorization: Bearer TOKEN header

Secure REST API without user authentification (no credentials)

I've been struggling for 2 days now on how to secure a REST API without user authentification.
What does it mean ?
In my AngularJS application I identify an user by sending a GET request to an existing service (companydomain/userinfo) which I must use. I'm not sure how this work since I am not the author of this piece of code but the point is that I get the information about the user in the response as JSON (active directory name, phone in the company...).
This is all I have to identify an user.
What I did
Now, I found a lot of resources talking about OAuth, unique token, etc. but nothing seems to match with my issue. I implemented a token system but it's plain useless since I can't be sure of the authenticity of the requester.
User open the application. Application ask the service about the information related to the user. companydomain/userinfo
Application request a token to the server (nodejs & express), based on the information returned. /api/token/get/{user_info}
Server generates an unique token and store it in memory with expiration date and owner. The server also check in the table "authorized users" if the user exists (based on the active directory name), if not a new entry is added to it.
Application send the token along each request to the API. /api/entry/delete/{entry_id}
I think you see what is wrong here, an attacker could easily make a corrupted request to the API to get a legit token. So my question is :
How can I manage to secure my API since users don't use credentials to authentify ?
I hope my question is clear enough and at this point I am not even sure I can get around this issue without adding a credentials system.
You might want to look at Passport. It is a platform that allows you to easily add authentication to your application. There are many authentication strategies available. I am using Passport in a Node.js application implementing my own hmac strategy.
To authenticate, the client request includes an API ID to identify who the caller is and also includes an signature of a specified part of the message that includes things like the HTTP method, the API ID, a date value and some other header values, like maybe content-type. What data to include in the string to sign is up to you in your implementation, but the client and server must create and sign the same strings for the authentication to work. The signature is created by doing an hmac hash of the string using a shared secret.
On the server side, you use the API ID to retrieve the shared secret (possibly from a database or the filesystem) and perform the same hash on the request. If the hmac values match then you've authenticated the request. To prevent playback attacks, the date is included in the signed part of the request and must be within a certain window of the server's current time. For example, you might reject the request if the timestamp is more than 30 seconds old.
To enable a new user of your API, you generate a new API ID and shared secret. You give both of those to your API user and you store them for look up in your database or filesystem. The user must sign the requests with the shared secret and include the ID in the request.
The Hawk strategy provides much of this functionality, but we decided to roll our own hmac strategy.
Because you say that the user info endpoint returns active directory name, I assume you're on the Windows platform.
If so, why not use Windows integrated authentication (Kerberos) to authenticate your users without asking them for credentials? This will only work within your active directory domain, but is completely transparent to your service.
You can still call the user info endpoint and verify that the info it returns is for the same user that is calling your REST service.
If you need to call services that do not support Windows integrated auth, you could generate a security token (sign it to guarantee integrity) and make the other services trust this token.

backbone securityissues

What are the possible security risks one may face while developing a backbone app.Can someone tell me the best practices to mitigate such risks.
as in the router any users can find out the services being called
The secret to securing a Backbone app, or any other client, is that you don't rely on client-side validation. Be sure to validate on the server.
For example, if you were building a banking app, you wouldn't use Backbone to transfer $100 between a user's accounts and then send back to the server the new account balances as model updates. You would instead send to the server the user's intent to transfer $100 and let the server send back the new balances. This way the server can safely determine the user's authorization to make such a transfer between accounts, determine if sufficient funds exist, etc..
Client-side validation is nice to help reduce round-trips and give immediate feedback to the user, but it shouldn't be thought of as a method for securing an app. E.g. Validate the format of an email address or the strength of a password on the client before sending it to the server (where it should be validated again server-side) is a good example of client-side validation.
As for web services, there are different ways to protect them. You can use HTTPS or token-based authentication just for example.
Another issue might be that you expose too much data. For example: don't return a full user record (to populate your models) but instead only return the data actually required for your application.
I've seen examples where (hashed) passwords were sent to the client.
Something to consider when you are securing a backbone app is the access to the app itself.
Build an authentication page where the user enter his login/password then if the authentication is verified, set a cokkie session ID.
For example if you have a main view rendered on http://mydomain.com/app, you have to secure the access to the "/app" by using a cookies validation.
Example if your back-end is nodejs :
app.get('/app', function(req, res, next){
what loggedIn will fo is basically check if you have a sessionID in your cookies. If yes it will allow you to access your app otherwise an "unauthorised access" message will be prompted to the user.
As mentioned earlier, client side validation is important but you have to re-enforce it by using server side validation.
HTTPS for the web services is also important.

URL fetch service - is https secure or not?

I'd like to use the URL fetch service for app engine (java). I'm just sending a POST to one of my own servers from a servlet.
AppEngine -> post-to: https://www.myotherserver.com/scripts/log.php
I'm reading the url fetch doc:
Secure Connections and HTTPS
An app can fetch a URL with the HTTPS method to connect to secure servers. Request and response data are transmitted over the network in encrypted form.
The proxy the URL Fetch service uses cannot authenticate the host it is contacting. Because there is no certificate trust chain, the proxy accepts all certificates, including self-signed certificates. The proxy server cannot detect "man in the middle" attacks between App Engine and the remote host when using HTTPS.
I don't understand - the first paragraph makesit sound like everything that goes from the servlet on app engine, to my php script is going to be secure if I use https. The second paragraph makes it sound like the opposite, that it won't actually be secure. Which is it?
There are two things HTTPS does for you. One is to encrypt your data so that as it travels over the internet, through various routers and switches, no one can peek at it. The second thing HTTPS does is authenticate that you are actually talking to a certain server. This is the part App Engine can't do. If you were trying to connect to www.myotherserver.com, it is possible that some bad guy named bob could intercept your connection, and pretend to be www.myotherserver.com. Everything you sent to bob would be encrypted on it's way to bob, but bob himself would be able to get the unencrypted data.
In your case, it sounds like you control both the sending server and the destination server, so you could encrypt your data with a shared secret to protect against this possibility.
The UrlFetch through https has been fixed allowing certificate server validation.
A value of True instructs the application to send a request to the
server only if the certificate is
valid and signed by a trusted CA, and
also includes a hostname that matches
the certificate. A value of False
instructs the application to perform
no certificate validation. A value of
None defaults to the underlying
implementation of URL Fetch. The
underlying implementation currently
defaults to False, but will default to
True in the near future.
