ADF TreeTable: Calling a method on click of expand button of master row - oracle-adf

I need to call a method whenever expand button of master row in treetable, is clicked. How can i achieve it? I put image link in nodestamp , but method bind in its action listner is not getting fired.

You might try selectionlistener or rowdisclosurelistener instead. Check docs here.


Backbone Event for VIEW doesn't trigger if we click on a link which has the HREF which is already there in the URL

I have a view where i have 3 links(routers which have methods triggering a View bound event).
Normally based on the link i click i reduce from the main collection a subset and render it in another VIEW.
But suppose i have clicked on a link say '....#/remaining' and then i click again on the same link, the event bound is not triggered.
But when i click on any other link and click back on the desired link, everything works!
Is this a Backbone feature/defect, if so what are the alternatives to work around this?
Thanks in Advance.
I think this is because you're doing the reduce in the Router. When you're already on #remaining, your route handler won't execute because there's no route change at all.
Instead of that, you could use a View UI event on the link to manipulate the collection, so it will always be called no matter if you're already on that route or not.
You could also use events as a communication method between your app's components: your data, your views, and so on.
Hope it helps, I didn't put any code because you didn't either. :)

Set button action in controller

I have a navigation view with one button in the toolbar. Based on the view pushed, the button's label and functionality should chang. I've managed to do this by creating many buttons and activating them as needed (hide/show)
Instead of doing that approach I'd like to have just one button and in the controller change the text and action. Something along these lines:
this.getButton().setHtml("new text");
this.getButton().action = "newaction";
setHtml works, but setting the action doesn't. Examining the button in the console, I see the action changes but when I click it, it responds to the previous action.
Any suggestions on how to approach this?
You should use setText instead of setHtml that, err... Doesn't seem to exist! And setHandler to change the handler function.
Alternatively, since you say that you're working in a controller, you can attach a function to the click event of the button and, inside this listener function, decide what action to execute in the current context.

Adding another row programmatically

How can we add another row when we click the Add new RFQ details button?
.. to be more precise: What Shay means is that you drag and drop the CreateInsert operation from the data control panel for the ViewObject that populates the table in your screen shot. This creates a method binding and automatically references it from the command button action listener property
You invoke the createInsert operation of the VO into which you want to add a row.

Ext.button click() method

ExtJS 4.1.
Is there something like; method on Ext.button class?
Is it possible to programmically "click" a button with one method?
Or if you have an MVC structure you can fire the click event of the button, and if you're listening to the event in your controller and have an associated function it will get called.
button.fireEvent('click', button);
The last answer on this forum might give you more insight on how you can do that
here they are-
1)Create the event code in a function and call the function from both sides: btn.on("clic", ...) and from the code you want to simulate the click.
from -
ExtJS 4.2.1
works for me.
In case of buttons using handler, you can directly call the function of button.
Considering button is an Ext JS component, you can use:
or if you want to reach a function of event 'click':;
That would also work to call different button events.
Since I needed it for many buttons, it was easier to implement an override on the button class, which adds a click function:
click:function() {
After this override has been added to the code base, the following works like a charm:
Unlike fireEvent or fireHandler, this will work with all kinds of buttons - no matter whether they have a click event or a handler, or whether they are toggle buttons where the clicked button has to be marked as pressed also.
If you need to execute the "handler" of the button, just run this (tested with ExtJS 4.2)
If you want to do this in your test scripts, take a look at my Ext.ux.Test library. If you need it for something other, I would suggest reconsidering your approach.
None of the other answers worked for me, but i found something simplier i think :
var button=Ext.get('the_id_div');;

ExtJS 3 Checkbox Click Listener

Right now I have change listener but it requires the checkbox to lose focus to register. I looked around online and was unable to find out if such listener (or better substitute) exists.
Is there anyway at all to create a click listener?
Have you tried check?!/api/Ext.form.Checkbox-event-check
