Options markup data not shown in analysis tab in drupal - drupal-7

Drupal 7.35
Webform 7.x-4.8
Webform which contains options markup field analysis tab didn't show the data for options markup field.
Steps to reproduce issue:
1: Create field for options markup "Vote" set options to "key_1 | Red key_2 | Blue key_3 | Green" and select multiple options.
2: Submit data for webform
3: Click on Results then select analysis tab
4: Click on "Add analysis components" and select the field which created then click on update analysis details
5: It shows blank data(Issue).


How to display all data from a paragraph field in views (Drupal 7)

I am currently a caretaker for a Drupal 7 website and I can't figure out how to group paragraph items in views. I have created a content type Products and one of the fields is called product variation which is field type paragraphs. I have created a paragraph bundle for that field.
Then I created a view to show the products on the front page. To display the paragraph fields I created a content relationship. When I open the relationship option and select delta to display one it only shows one and I can't get data from the others. If I select delta to display all it shows like in the image below (Current view displays like). The goal is shown on the same image. Could someone help me solve this:
My setup on the fields I want to display in the view are setup like this
`content-type: Products
product name - field type: Node module element
proudct image - field type: Image
product variation - field type: paragraph
paragraph bundle: product variations
color (Term reference)
Display: product name, product image,product variation
Relationship: Content: product variation (field_product_variation)
Hopefully, someone can help me solve this problem.

fetching record id passed through url in edit view suitecrm

i have created a custom button 'create note' in list view of leads. An extra column of create note appears as shown below in link(image).
through that 'create note' button i am sending the lead id as record in url as - http://localhost/cod/suitecrm/index.php?action=ajaxui#ajaxUILoc=index.php%3Fmodule%3DNotes%26action%3DEditView%26return_module%3DNotes%26return_action%3DDetailView%26record%3Da0deb972-35e7-d909-41be-5be96467233c.
after clicking on the create note button i want to fetch that record id and want to autofill the related field lead using that record lead id in create note.
i want the same functionality that appears after opening a lead below the history tab create note with autofill related lead name on list view of lead using that button 'create note' in list view
kindly help
links for images below:

How to display results tagged with just one term ID when there are multiple filters

I have a blog in Drupal 7 and used Views to display the fields. I have 2 sets of tags displayed on the sidebar:
I created the 2 groups of tags via Structure > Taxonomy > Vocabulary > Add Term
For the View, I created one View with two exposed filters (similar to what was done in this tutorial)
Path: '/blog/tag'
Filter Criteria:
1) 'Content: Shape (exposed)'
Exposed form in Block: 'Yes'
Filter identifier: 'shape_id'
2) 'Content: Color (exposed)'
Exposed form in Block: 'Yes'
Filter identifier: 'color_id'
Exposed form style: BEF
The exposed filters are set to the appropriate block region in Structure > Blocks.
If I click 'triangle', only blog posts tagged with 'triangle' should be displayed. Then if I click 'red', only posts tagged with 'red' should be displayed.
It looks like the correct blog posts are being displayed when I click on the terms. The URL gets appended with IDs from both vocabularies, but I can't seem to get the right combos to display.
Desired URL when 'triangle' is clicked: '/blog/tag/?shape_id=1&color_id=All'
Desired URL when 'red' is clicked: '/blog/tag/?shape_id=All&color_id=1'
So, essentially the results should display items tagged with just one term ID.
However, how it is currently working is that if I click 'triangle', and then 'red', both 'triangle' and 'red' have the 'selected' class (are both bolded) and the url is: '/blog/tag/?shape_id=1&color_id=1'
The only way I was able to get the desired URLs is if I have the '-Any-' option displayed. However, the use case I have is to NOT have '-Any-' listed in the list of tags.
Is this even possible without '-Any-' listed in the list of terms? I have never used multiple exposed filters before, so any guidance would be great as I've researched this for almost a week now. I read in another post that contextual filters would allow me to create separate path aliases that are clean urls, but I have not been successfully able to do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
I tried using the taxonomy term pages approach, but could not figure out how to get the fields displaying properly. The fields displayed were based on the teaser in my Blog content type. And using exposed filter option was not a solution since my use case was to only display results based on one tag. What worked for me:
1) Add new view to existing Blog View
2) FORMAT: 'Unformatted list'
SHOW: 'Fields'
3) FIELDS: [add fields that you need displayed]
4) FILTER CRITERIA: 'Content: Published (Yes)'; 'Content: Type (= Blog)'
6) CONTEXTUAL FILTERS: 'Content: Has Taxonomy Term ID'
WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS NOT IN THE URL: 'Display all results for the specified field'
WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS IN THE URL OR A DEFAULT IS PROVIDED: select 'Override title' and in the input field, enter: '[YOUR VOCABULARY NAME]/%1'
select 'Specify validation criteria'
Validator drop-down, select 'Taxonomy Term'
Vocabularies: select appropriate Vocabulary name
Filter value type drop-down: 'Term name converted to term ID'
select 'Transform dashes in URL to spaces in term name filter values'
Action to take if filter value does not validate: select appropriate one that works for your needs (in my case: 'Display contents of "No Results found"')
If you need to display the term name in the heading on the results page, in the same view > HEADER > Add 'Global: Unfiltered Text' > then in text area, add something like "VIEWING RESULTS FOR [YOUR VOCABULARY NAME] / %1"
Save the View. Since I had multiple filters, I cloned the above view and renamed everything. So, I ended up adding 3 additional views to my existing Blog View.
I had previously set URL aliases for Taxonomy Term Paths, so I removed these
Also, I had to go back to my Taxonomy Terms individually and delete the URL alias that was generated from the pattern
To have the list of tags displaying on the right with the desired URL structure of /blog/[YOUR VOCABULARY NAME]/[YOUR TERM NAME], I created a separate new view:
SHOW: 'Taxonomy Terms' of type '[YOUR VOCABULARY NAME]'
Create a Block
'Unformatted list' of 'Fields'
FIELDS: 'Taxonomy: Term Name' > click this and unselect 'Link this field to its taxonomy term page'. Then expand "Rewrite Results" section and select 'Output this field as a link' > in the Link path: 'blog/[YOUR VOCABULARY NAME]/[name]' (the [name] at the end of the url structure should appear as you see it with the square brackets) > select 'Replace spaces with dashes' > Transform the case to 'lower case' > click Apply
FILTER CRITERIA: 'Taxonomy vocabulary: Machine Name (= [YOUR VOCABULARY NAME])'
Save the View
Then in Structure > Blocks, place the block in the appropriate region
Hope this helps someone!

Drupal 7 basic page with a dynamic block with arguments

Can anyone guide me to a route to take as far as making a basic page in drupal 7 and then having that page load a block with images inside based on URL path.
So I have a content type that is for 1 type of pages and another content type for another type of page. Each content type has 30 pages. I don't want to create 30 pages for 1 page that will have the same content over and over but with a different logo.
I need to make the menu have an argument passed and then based on what is passed go get the correct image.
Sorry if this is confusing. Thanks for your help.
You should look into the views module - it allows you to easily create a view with dynamic parameters (contextual filters) that allow you to easily tackle things like this.
I used contextual filters on views and nodesymlinks along with panels that was already installed.
Modules Used:
Step 1: admin > Modules > Add Modules/Enable.
Enable Nodesymlinks
Enable Panels and panelizer
Step 2: admin > Structure > Views > Add View.
Make view, name it and check block not page (I used Fields).
Step 3: admin > Structure > Views > your view.
Add filtered Criteria - Content type = your type.
Content should be Published only.
Add contextual filter: title.
Configure contextual filter: Content: Title.
Provide default value. Select Raw Value from URL.
Path component select 2. You can add it where you want in the URL.
Use path alias and check it.
Under More you need to check this box: Transform spaces to dashes in URL.
Check it in Views and save.
Step 4: admin > Content > Add Page.
Add a basic page.
On the bottom of the page you will see: Provide a menu link. You want to check that box. Now you will be able to add all the menu links that you wish this page to show up on. Add links/Paths and titles. Make sure you use argument 2 in your link to be your content on the views block in step 3.
Step 5: admin > config > content > panelizer.
You want to go into this pages panelizer, could be basic or whatever your content type would be. Add your views block and save.
Step 6:
Test it. If it doesn't work then you need to check your titles in argument 2 in the URL. Worked for me. Saved me a ton of time.

In Drupal 7 views how to give external link (another website) to a title?

Iam new to drupal 7 views.
I have a content type contains title, description fields. I want the content title's to scroll at the top of the page, so that i created a view and it works fine.What is my question is, i want to link a content (eg: 1st content (title) in a scroll) to another website instead of content page, the remaining contents linked to the content page. Is it possible?.If it is possible how it can be done?..
Thanks in advance,
A.John Melchior.
Yes, it's possible.
One way to do it, would be to use the Link module to create a link field in your node.
Use the link field to input the external link value.
In views add the link field, before the title ( order is important ) and exclude it from display
Add the node title field in the views and in the rewrite field output option, use one the link field token as your path.
I'm not looking at the Views UI right now , but you should find at least a couple of ways to redirect content when the node title is clicked. You should have the Rewrite field output and the Output this field as a link.
You could make use of Display Suite coupled with the description above.
Create a link field for your nodes.
Create 2 view modes for your content type via Display Suite. View Mode 1 will show the link field as the first data element, View Mode 2 will show the title as the first element.
Configure your view to show output using Display Suite, configured to show the first record using View Mode 1, all others using View Mode 2.
